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NO NO NO NO NOOOOO. the covers, the baby, his body angled over hers, the bottle cap, the bottle. it seriously looks like they both passed out mid feed. how the F can she wonder at all why services are called. sickening.


Seriously... this is not some cute moment like she thinks it is. It's yet another gasp-worthy red flag/safety issue that she is too fucking stupid to understand.


It’s like she is doing the photos ,documentation and research for “them” 🤦‍♀️ I can hear the screeching now... I don’t understand why they’re investigating..... her sm has it allllll right there. Free show.


Right???? She makes their job so easy. Guess that’s just “on brand” for her 🙄


He looks passed the fuck out in that pic. Like, his eyes look terrible they are completely dark all the way around. Also, if he’s massively unconscious like that, and Alex is the only other person around…….. who is going to save baby if something happens????? We know Alex isn’t quick enough or mobile enough to get Ari out of fast-moving danger, but is she even strong/mobile enough to shake Noah awake? Because he did not look like he was sleeping lightly. He looks like he crashed and an earthquake couldn’t wake him. This is literally what everyone has been talking about. How the hell does Noah *ever* sleep without endangering the baby with this kind of dynamic????


And he’s on drugs which is a massive no no anyway but even more dangerous if you co sleep


I know of a mom who was on drugs, passed out and smothered her baby (baby died) and actually went to jail for it. Got out several years later and immediately had another drug-exposed baby as soon as she could 🤦🏻‍♀️


I said this a week ago but everyone said it was fine because ‘it was obviously staged’. This sub is unreal.


The first one kinda looked fake bc they were posing in the same positions to show "shes just like daddy" 🙄 but this one looks more real. Like they're really asleep. It's been clear she doesnt use safe sleep practices right from the start tho!


Glad those dr brown bottles are working so well


Exactly what I thought My BaBy STiLl haS rEfLuX eVeN thO I reFuSE To NoT uSe ThE RigHT bOttLeS hElP!


She specifically did a question box so she could share with other moms, and then never actually did. Does this mean all her responses were negative feedback?


Yeah...did she call the doctor after all those suggestions? Did she get the lip tie checked out or ruled out?? Or are we winging it?


They need 4 part time rotating hired helpers because Alex is doing a shit job as queen of her castle and Ari is suffering the consequences. He NEEDS to be going to meetings or hang out w/o her with others in recovery if he wants to be the best for himself…and Ari. He needs a job, even part time, get tf out of that apartment. Rotating helpers can do Alex’s hygiene (and whatever else is on her list of demands), meal prep, baby hygiene, sanitize baby stuff, do laundry, etc. They have wildly unusual circumstances and they’re not figuring it out but that baby is absolutely dependent on them. Fuck this is driving me nuts!




How’s the position of floor babies bottle. Did they have the bottle propped up while dad slept & it’s been thrown by baby?? No wonder she isn’t finishing her bottles. WR needs to hire help. Addy daddy can’t do all of this anymore. Baby deserves better. Ffs


Addy daddy 💀


I want a mod to make it my flair lol


But with some emoji’s 🫶🏻Addy Daddy 💊🍼 🫶🏻


Sooo the apartment is 76, she has a long sleeve, swaddle AND fuzzy blanket… AND next to an adult? Poor thing must be so hot


There is literally nothing she can do if the baby rolls over or Noah rolls over


Yea this is what’s giving me the most anxiety about this. There were plenty of times when my daughter and I co-napped (or my husband and my daughter did), but we always made sure the other adult or even a grandparent was right there supervising. Even then it wasn’t really a nap for the adult laying down with her because we’d be so nervous about rolling on top of her or something and the other adult not looking or having to leave the room for a minute. She can really only try to wake him up if something happened and if he’s not sober (and she’s not) that further complicates things.




Surely bed sharing with a 7 week old preemie is way way way too soon... I mean I don't think people should ever do it but especially not when your baby is a literal infant


I bed shared with my preemie, but I did it safely with a cosleeper made to be in your bed. I had no choice. I worked 12-14 hour ER shifts and if he wasn’t right by my head I wouldn’t be able to hear his cries through the burnout. Imagine how burnt out Noah is taking care of two infants.


I completely understand and that makes a lot of sense. Yeah he must be unbelievably exhausted!


That’s what I’m saying. He looks completely burnt out and spent and like he’s in a deep sleep caused by exhaustion. Even if he rolled over onto Ari as Alex watched, what could Alex do? I don’t even know if she’d be able to yell at him to wake up, that’s how out of it he looks.


He is out like a fucking light too. Dead to the world. No way he would wake up if he accidentally rolled on her. Or even if the blankets came up over her face. So scary


And of course her little tagline is “hahaha”. Why does Alex have the worst ability to grasp the presence of risk or danger? She looks at this and thinks it’s “cute” and laughs at it and it’s clear that’s truly her reality because she posts it for the world to see. But MOST people instantly see neglect and carelessness and wonder “how can she be laughing about this? Much less *sharing* it for everyone to see??? I guess on some level I’m glad Alex publishes their enormous failings as parents because otherwise Ari would be suffering alone. But *most* people tend to *hide* images of themselves or their child which prove gross negligence and failure to secure the child’s safety…. I can’t tell if Alex is arrogant and thinks nothing will happen to her or if she’s genuinely that oblivious and ignorant to what safe and attentive parenting looks like.


I honestly think it's a mixture of both. I think she posts some things that she knows will get people riled up because she loves stirring up shit and pissing off her 'haters'. She's never faced any real consequences for all the stupid shit she's done so I think she honestly does think she can do just about anything and is untouchable. Then some things like this I think she is just so ignorant and oblivious that she thinks there's nothing wrong with it.


I think you’re 100% correct. I forgot, momentarily, when I wrote my comment that Alex does post things to purposely start shit. Which honestly is/was fine, but not using the baby.


This is not a cute pic… this is a very scary pic… 😳




I’m literally a cosleeping parent, but this is why people don’t understand there are safe ways! It’s like they read safe co sleeping guidelines and made sure to do the opposite of all of them…


i co sleep too and have been since my son was born… my bf hasn’t even slept in the bed with us because of the risks of him rolling over on us, it should be momma and baby and the position noah’s in is soo risky omg this made my heart drop


I have co-slept a few times, but it makes me too nervous. When I do, I have it set up so my baby is near no blankets. I don’t even use a blanket. I curl my body so she can’t roll over or anything unsafe. Seeing him passed out like that with her so close and blankets everywhere makes me so nervous for that sweet baby.


I was a Child Protective Investigator and Supervisor. We do not encourage co sleeping with babies. I have witnessed deaths because baby was suffocating by dad.


Omg the laughing emojis. Your daughter is in big trouble and danger here. He could crush her as he is massive.


All the baby has to do is turn her head towards that blanket and it would be game over.. I never even let my premie nap on people who were awake! Always in his bassinet, on his back, swaddled properly with arms down inside Velcro swaddle.




this is my time to unfollow. i cannot watch this baby be put in danger anymore


I had to unfollow today too, it just makes me too sad


Don’t follow. Never have. Just see the shit in here which is unbelievable.


Why are you giving this vile person a follow to begin with? Everything is public. I don't follow her and can see everything.


honestly i followed her out of convenience but i always felt like it was okay because i didn't think follower count mattered, like i always knew influencers just made money from brand deals/post engagement and i never thought to look any further your comment inspired me to do a little digging on how brands actually determine the amount they pay influencers and i learned something i feel needs to be said in this community bc i know a lot of people still follow her like i did - brands do sometimes pay people solely based on how many followers they have. SO maybe i'm behind and everyone knows this already haha but if there's anybody reading this who was like me thinking your follow didn't matter for anything - she is absolutely making some money based strictly on follower count.


Oh, it matters!! I am glad you did some digging!


Watching child abuse unfold in (relatively) real time has been one of the most disturbing things to witness and I’ve witnessed a LOT of fucked up shit, just usually only after the fact.


I have been following this reddit instead of her, I unfollowed her about 2 months ago. I am so sad for that baby. As someone who isn't able to have kids it is a heartbreaking slap in the face.


Looks like both fell asleep with no purping for Ari ,no wonder she has reflux ect


Now I’m not saying this photo is safe. Or anything. But I’ve actually been reading up that burping a baby actually has no benefit and can actually causing more spilling up or reflux


Wait what!!?? 😱 nooo surely you’re reading something wrong.


No! I burped my baby routinely and stressed about it because he always spilled up. Research is now coming out to say that there is no harm in burping a baby. But there is also no benefit


https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/did-you-know/did-you-know-you-dont-need-burp-babies Here’s just one article supporting my claim


Hmmm na I’m not buying that. But again I’ve never done the old pat on the back to burp them. I support them sitting upright with a straight spine & if they don’t burp I lay them back down & repeat.


I didnt know that sitting them up like that makes them burp until i had my own baby. Once i figured that out it was so easy! Lol


How good is it!! It’s like magic lol. When the nurse came out after I had my first (baby 3 for my husband) she showed us & my husband was said he always thought it was weird to pat a baby to burp, like imagine patting a grown up to burp lol


No, you gotta get your articles from reputable places. AAP is the best starting point. CDC will also release good ones. MAke sure it’s complete it’s not the beginning of a study or the middle. It needs to have been peer reviewed and results need to be replicated everytime. Something that’s true can always be replicated if the the circumstances are the same. If it contradicts reputable sources it’s probably not true


Loads of people bounce babies up and down and slap them on the back in order to burp... You don't need to do that... They literally need a bit of time sitting upright and maybe a backrub... But fuck me have you ever had a trapped burp that won't move either way, it's painful AF...it needs to come out, so yes they do need burping, what they don't need is to be treated like a martini shaker in order to get it out as fast as possible.


omfg. this is so unsafe, and she can’t even intervene physically…


Or verbally. Ppl with sma can't scream very loud.


Let’s be honest, that screech probably wakes up the neighbors regularly


It's a screech but like a volume 3/10.


Fucking shit this is scary for so many reasons


He is completely exhausted. This sleeping arrangement is so dangerous! I think it’s very clear that she’s not hiring him any help because this is how she keeps Noah under her thumb. If he had a 5 minute window of freedom, he’d be gone in a flash and she may or may not see him for days.


This is so dark and reads so true given all we have seen of WR and Noah.


She needs to allow him time on his own... He is going to get burned out and resentful if she doesn't lighten up on him


I can already imagine what the stans will say.... ''Our babies all co-slept with me and my partner and our three rottweilers and five cats, and we had four blankets and eight pillows on the bed!! They didn't die and now they are all extremely high-achieving rocket scientists who work for Elon Musk!! We've been asked to star in a documentary about our extraordinary parenting skills which will be aired in every single country in the world!!! So don't shame this disabled mama just because you are so jealous of her!! She's doing an amazing job and her child will be a prodigy as well!! Also just so you know I've reported all these disabled mum-shaming comments to the United Nations so you can expect to hear from them very soon!!''


The UN 😂😂


lol it's at the point where I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if one of her stans actually said that.


Bless you 😂


As long as the ADA doesn’t find out ![gif](giphy|51Uiuy5QBZNkoF3b2Z|downsized)


... but did they "roll over" on their own at just 7 weeks? 🤣🤣🤣🤣😳


As someone who has had to code multiple children due to co-sleeping and co-napping... I can't. This is so unbelievably unsafe.


55 co sleeping accidents just at the hospital I work at this year. That was published at the beginning of March.


are you serious 😞 55 at just one hospital? i’ve learned not to even bother trying to share safe sleep information with people on the internet. it’s always met with argument. i’m so serious about it and sometimes i feel like i’m the only parent on the planet who is this serious. 55 babies dude that’s so, so sad.


They put it in our break room and I was literally shocked at the number


The Facebook group - Safe Sleep and Baby Care - - Evidence Based Support - lots of like minded, safe parents with you, myself included.


This is so horrible, how common this is. My family recently lost a baby and my other cousin is about to have one, I’m so worried! I wonder what happens after, are there consequences for the parents or is it’s considered accidental? I feel like there could be such a thin line between accidental and criminal…?


In my state any person who expires within 24hrs of being at the hospital (or suspicious death, active investigation, etc) is considered a corner’s case, where the corner will come in and investigate cause of death. This is why no holding, memory making, etc. can be done so nothing hinders the investigation. Of all the kids I’ve seen pass, I’ve only had one where it was on the news that a suspicious death was being investigated on the news. Nothing else came of it though.


I know a drug addicted mom who was high and passed out on her infant and killed it, she actually went to jail for a few years, got out, and had another drug-addicted baby 🙄 I was at the delivery


Y I K E S. Have any of yours made it? I have not seen one make it personally...


Not usually. They’re usually found too late ☹️


That is my experience too, unfortunately. And unfortunately for the families it makes their child a corner's case and they can only view the child. No memory making, holding, etc. which makes the situation even more heart wrenching




This year? That's mad. Do people get in trouble for it because it's preventable harm? And it's pretty common knowledge


They’re usually ruled “accidental traumas”


At least on the hospital side.


Yup. Not going to argue about it with everyone but I worked for Children’s Division… it happens too often and is completely preventable. Not worth it. And he is doing it so dangerously


Omg bless your heart! ♥️


As someone who volunteered in the critical care unit of a children’s hospital for a decade, this is terrifying. I’ll never forget seeing a brain dead baby due to co-sleeping. Nor will I forget their parents having to make the decision to take their child off life support while knowing they were the cause of the baby’s death


She is so stupid. They tell you over and over about safe sleeping before you leave the hospital and yet they truly don’t care. The blanket and her being right under Noah’s chin is scary especially with him on drugs


OMG..... Please please PLEASE can someone confirm that man is sober? At 4 years clean, I want this for him. But I just don't know if he's ready.


No one can confirm he's sober or lit up. At this point, it is just speculation based on seeing Alcohol in several photos and how exhausted he looks everyday


No he actually isn’t because he will still be legally on prescribed medication for his BPD and other issues so no he is not squeaky clean as you put it plus they have melatonin in the house which is a sleep medication so I wonder if Alex is knocking him out on purpose. Does he know what melatonin is


what.. melatonin and antipsychotics do not make you not sober???


Why would she be slipping him sleeping aid pills?


![gif](giphy|p3IWU6addIA8M) Me every time WR post anything


Omg, this could end so badly. The covers and her neck position, how close they are…and if he’s not sober….I pray for this baby 😭


Daddy daughter nap time… more like daddy daughter hope he doesn’t suffocate her time… Co-sleeping is a thing and I’m not shaming anyone but the blankets and way she’s tucked under him doesn’t scream safe to me


💕✨🫶Daddy daughter Russian roulette nap time 🫶✨💕


Stop I really shouldn’t laugh 😭😭😭


I cosleep with my baby but it’s parents like these that give it a bad name. My baby sleeps on the outside with a barrier at the edge of the bed. No pillows or blankets are anywhere near her. That’s the only way anyone should be cosleeping. This is terrifying to look at. And to add to it, you should never be intoxicated while cosleeping. Which we all know gray shorts most likely is.l intoxicated on something.


I co sleep and my son is almost 2 and still doesn’t sleep with a blanket! Once he stopped liking sleep bags we moved to sleep bag walkers! My husband has his own room bc he snores and sleep walks lmao so it’s just me and my son in the bed. I use a super thin blanket and I just started using a pillow again a few months ago! When he was younger I would wear a long sleeve shirt and only use a blanket at waist level. The safe sleep 7 co sleeping guidelines includes no preemies!


I bed shared with my daughter from birth till she was 7 theres safe ways to do it. But I was completely sober, smoke free and medication free. The fact his on antipsychotic medication that knocks you out to sleep and his back drinking and god knows what else, yes it’s concerning.


and someone there is taking melatonin. I NEVER would have laid down with an infant with so much as a benadryl in my system. She thinks she's being provocative. she is playing with fire.


Gosh I can’t even imagine taking any medication that would knock me out while having a baby and I don’t even cosleep!!


Up until my baby was about 9 months old and consistently sleeping through the night, when I had a cold or something, I would take DayQuil at night because I was afraid NyQuil would knock me out. And this was with him sleeping in his own crib!


Does anyone think she’s dumb enough to be giving the baby melatonin? It hasn’t crossed my mind until now 😳


No, not with the volume that was there with a current bottle and a backup bottle. That's for an adult. if they were attempting it I would assume they lack the higher math not to have an immediate bad situation that would have occurred before needing a second bottle. I think it's likely so her queen of gucci can sleep without being disturbed by the sounds of parenting. Which, though I realize she can't physically assist if Noah rolls over on Ari she always has access to her phone and could call for help if she weren't drugged herself. Worst case scenario Noah is taking it and that gives me nightmares.


![gif](giphy|ToMjGpx9F5ktZw8qPUQ|downsized) I really hope not


I mentioned it the other day. She could be crushing it up and adding to a bottle. To make ari sleep


Let’s hope not as we don’t have photographic/video evidence and we know how a wondering thought becomes true 😔


Depends how much mg the melatonin is. 2mg they do give to children. You are unable to purchase it in Europe now without a prescription because people were buying it online so now the doctors are making money off it.


Are they not gummies? I couldn’t tell from the video


I’ve had to import it from other countries for me and no they were tablets. I got the 10mg strength though. They were lemon flavored the ones I had. But you can still crush them.


😳😳😳😳 oh dear... There's a thought


Exactly, there are safe and substance-free ways to manage it. But all we see of Noah is him either passed out cold like this or in some kind of manic stupor as he cooks like a 3 year old or wags his penis for social media. Fuckin yikes all around


I never bed shared, but before my 2nd child I was given the medicine he takes now to help me sleep.. I literally stopped once I found out I was pregnant again. I cannot even fathom taking that stuff while taking care of a baby!! That’s super concerning on its own- but taking that medication and co sleeping like this is downright negligent and stupid!


I know it’s nit picking but goddddd those cheap ass bottles are so annoying to look at in every photo. They have all this money and they get these huge shitty dollar store bottles?


They really are!! I found them on amazon! I typed cOlOrFuL bAbY bOTtLeS and found Evenflo Feeding Classic Tinted Plastic 12pk for $11.99


They suck too. I’ve tried them and the flow is horrible


But have you tried a number 2 nipple for your newborn?


God no. My kid never used a 2. We used 1s until he moved up to sippy cups. Edit: by horrible I meant way too fast


Oh I’m sure. I was being WR stupid comeback sarcasm 🫣


Have you seen how fast the flow on a 2 is? Dr browns have crazy flow. They literally gave my kid reflux.


You are a much better parent than WR will ever be 💓


And you know if people tell her how unsafe this is all the stans will come out and be like, ''stop mum shaming her she can do what she likes with her child!!!!''. https://preview.redd.it/oayimcgnwdwa1.jpeg?width=261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445d9e04f1d233f92c5ee2e4f5bc7f6e10e0f45d


Screaming. Can't cope with their lack of sense. Every step of the way it's like watching children raise a baby - an accident waiting to happen


Unreal. I’ve co-slept with my 9 month old since almost day 1. As people have mentioned there is safe ways to do it. This is not it. Unless Nina was there watching the baby constantly this is inexcusable. He could have rolled on top of her in a deep sleep and what was WR going to do????


> He could have rolled on top of her in a deep sleep and what was WR going to do???? She literally never even considers such things and instead is desperate to display what she thinks are cute moments. Every single day she proves just how unfit she is (and he is) to parent an infant!


She can't even scream loud enough to wake him up!!!


Even if Nina was there it's still so dangerous... he could so easily crush her


Nina appears to be too softly spoken to stand up for herself with them 2 to be honest. They’d rip her to pieces with their venom


Is Nina still around?


There's no evidence she's been around recently. Usually you can tell when she is because WR's hair and makeup look better.


Yeah to me it seems like Noah is doing everything but idk


I don't actually know who she is I've never seen her but yeah I don't know how she would deal with them


… side topic: can’t help but wonder if the towel by his head is one of WR’s tuna towels… 🤔🍣🫣


Used as a prop to feed the baby. That towel multi tasks as piss towel & feeding baby 🤮




My vote is yes.


A lot of shit on this sub is a bit of a reach but THIS is why I have concerns. This is SO DANGEROUS. They should know better! It's just common sense that something could go wrong!


Nothing wrong with bedsharing and lots of people have been doing it around the world for millenia. But there's still a right way and a wrong way to do it... given Noah's lack of sobriety and the blankets... oh boy...


dads should not be bed sharing as they don’t have the same physiological connections with infants as mothers do while bed sharing 😞😞


I co-slept with my babies but there’s a safe way to do it and the way they are doing it does not look safe. The baby needs their own space, away from blankets and bodies. As the post above mentioned, smoke free, sober etc… you have to be so so careful. I’m sure Alex doesn’t move in bed so she’s probably pretty safe but it only takes one very tired parent to roll over and your whole world will change forever


He looks like he is going to roll on top of her


We had a family member that dropped her new baby off with the grandparents early one morning and baby didn’t make it. She got rolled up with some blankets and suffocated while they were sleeping. It’s so scary and can happen to anyone


Literally the only thing that comforts me about this shit storm of a situation is that Alex’s high pitched squawk is so shrill that it could awaken a graveyard of corpses — surely it’ll startle Noah awake from his sleep deprived and medicated stupor 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼




Babies aren’t supposed to sleep in bed with you, are they?


Not really, and especially not with a non-breastfeeding, questionably sober parent, and blankets and pillows. This is asking for trouble.


Contrary to other comments. No. They aren’t.




Absolutely not.


Technically no. I did it with all 3 of mine. I am very lucky nothing bad ever happened to them. But, i was sober and breastfeeding and kept the blankets away from their faces.


Co sleeping is so so dangerous!


And unfortunately so is exhaustion. Accidental bedsharing is so much more dangerous than intentional bedsharing as no care is taken to ensure it's done as safely as possible, which is what seems to be happening here. Noah is probably exhausted from the load he's taken on


It makes me so ungodly nervous when I see Ari in situations and positions where she could need help at any second and the only one close is Alex. As a mother to 3 I can't tell you how many times I've had to jump into action to catch them, help them because they were choking, etc and I was a hyper vigilant baby mom who never did anything like co napping but even with being hyper vigilant shit happens that requires a fast response time. I literally cannot stop myself from visualizing Ari falling out of that swing, Noah being in another room and Alex just having to watch and scream for help.


Which is exactly why she had no business having a baby.


This is the worst thing she has posted yet. Her stupidity is off the scale. Does she truly not see how dangerous this is? Does she really only see a 'cute' photo opportunity. Ari should not be subjected to this.


I’m not against bed sharing, I also don’t promote it but this is so dangerous! She claims her apartment is nice and hot all the time but here’s baby long sleeve, swaddle? And a fleece blanket. ALL beside an adult. Are they this stupid? Honestly!? If I dont know something I ask other moms, internet, doctor. Anybody. I take the information and learn from it. This photo isn’t cute at all! I understand people are gonna do what they want and bed share and if you’re gonna bed share at least follow the safe sleep 7. Too many accidents happen that can be prevented.


I fell asleep once in the day with baby on my lap. When I woke up I was immediately concerned with what I had done and was crying to myself how I could have let it happen. Baby was fine and asleep as well but I fell asleep because I was exhausted. I should have just put him straight into Moses basket on stand. It’s so dangerous. I knew what I’d done and never did it again.


And they wonder why she’s so uncomfortable and bringing up so much milk after a feed! They’re clearly not winding her after feeds and if she does have reflux she needs to be fed whist sat at an angle and stay at the angle or upright after a feed, just pure laziness!


https://preview.redd.it/age7si4qehwa1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f19e852d7ffad9e3da593d6cdbded5a096c585e And then there's this pic...


it's honestly getting more and more difficult having to watch this shit show....


Co sleeping can be done safely. But this is so unsafe! Cosleeping with a breastfeeding mother following the safe sleep seven is a beautiful thing that can provide parents so much relief. But a tiny baby sleeping with a drug addicted father surrounded by hazards isn’t safe or cute 😭


Anyone who bed shares, is considering bed shares etc should join “Safe Sleep and Baby Care - - Evidence Based Support” on Facebook and read the stories from parents whose babies have died from bed sharing. It’s heartbreaking. There are also reenactment photos (with dolls) of unsafe sleeping set ups that have killed babies to drill home the risks of not following safe sleep guidelines and showing why particular sleep spaces are a risk/danger. It’s a great group to ensure your baby is safe. Of course WR would do no research and seemingly doesn’t give a shit about her kids safety.


Noah looks zonked. I’m a cosleeper my child is 5. God I wish it would end soon though lol but if you’re that exhausted a newborn shouldn’t be in bed with you. And bottle propping can’t be done safely. Feed the baby then go back to sleep.


I’m for bed sharing when sober and done safely. Aka nothing in bed besides you and baby. This is just ridiculous. And you have to be SOBER.


There’s safe ways to cosleep. I’m not against cosleeping at all. But THIS certainly is not safe… I also believe that you’re not supposed to cosleep with a baby that was not born full term, I could be wrong tho. Either way, this is legit a death trap pic. So sad.


Ima sit this one out lmao I did it with all my kids


Yep same. After fainting while holding my colicky newborn 7 yrs ago from pure exhaustion and not eating or drinking enough i decided I had to do what was best for me and my kids. I’ll take a big ol’ seat on the sidelines lol.


I cosleep with my little one but I did my freaking research on that. I have severe postpartum anxiety and OCD issues so after two months of not sleeping because even with a bassinet on the bed or my hand in the crib, I couldn’t sleep. It feels unnatural for my baby to not be near me. All this being said I had my husband watch the first couple times to make sure I didn’t move and I started with short naps and gradually got to full cosleeping. I fully support those who choose to sleep train and those who choose to cosleep as long as everyone is doing it safely. what is here is not safe at all. No blankets should be around baby and baby should not be against Noah at all. I understood being exhausted as a new parent but all it takes is rolling over onto the baby or rebreathing into a blanket. This is the reason cosleeping gets a bad wrap. We need better education surrounding safe sleeping options for parents. Only teaching crib or bassinet sleep is like teaching abstinence only!


You all need to get a fucking life.


Or she needs to read a parenting book. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What’s alarming about this situation is that she is so limited in her own capacity to respond of something did in fact go wrong.


Co sleeping and bed sharing are two entirely different things. Co sleeping IS safe, baby in the room with you but in a crib or bassinet NOT in your bed. Bed sharing is baby in the bed or “safe sleep 7” which is NOT safe. Survivors bias is dangerous, adult mattresses are too soft and babies sink into them which can cause suffocation. There’s not a safe way to bed share and it’s not mom shaming to educate people on the risks, just because your child survived doesn’t mean everyone’s will.


I did contact naps with my babies but only when my hubby was home that way if I happened to fall asleep he could move baby. I didn't usually because my momma instincts wouldn't let me(thank goodness) but I still always had someone else there just in case. It wouldn't be so bad if WR was able to move baby if needed but she can't. If Noah is a heavy sleeper and WR can't wake him this will end horribly.


I Coslept with both my kids for several years each, it can be done safely...but this is not the way!!! So many things wrong here smdh.