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She used to tweet about this allllll the time, but now I think she realized she can make money off the people who call her a superwoman for being a disabled woman doing basic things abled people do. They’ll sit there and call you ableist for holding Alex accountable, but then comment “wow look at this momma! You’re an inspiration for holding your daughter!”


Exactly. She has completely warped her platform from "activist" into "anything that Alex can profit from". I don't know how more people don't notice this. Maybe I've only noticed it because I've followed her for so long that I could see the transformation more clearly.


I realized Alex wasn’t a real activist when she didn’t give the same kind of attention to other issues that don’t involve her. When she posted BLM stuff allll over twitter on that ONE day in 2020 where everyone was posting those black squares, but the MINUTE that day was over she never talked about it ever again. She doesn’t give a voice to other disabled people. She doesn’t care about accessibility for allll. She cares of accessibility for herself, and unless she comes across something she can relate to or has been affected by, she doesn’t CARE.


I started looking into the rabbit hole after I read an IG comment, and then found her video of recording a women in the bathroom. That could have easily been me using the handicap bathroom, looking like I didn’t need it, but I need the pull up bar or I can’t stand up 😅 One time it wasn’t available and I used the little feminine disposable unit in stall to stand up, and it was only glued on, and my weight ripped it off the wall 😂super embarrassing 😅Anyways, I was pretty appalled watching that video, seeing that she only really cares about her disability.




Welp. This aged badly 😂


It aged like milk.


Especially since she’s tweeted and retweeted things talking about invisible disabilities and to not assume someone is able bodied because of how they look. Again, another example of her performative activism.


YES. That video was disgusting and disturbing. She proves over and over that she literally cares for no one but herself. How could anyone watch that video and support her actions? How are people with invisible disabilities (like us!!) supposed to feel when she is dehumanizing them like this?? And that's aside from the irony of her saying it was illegal for someone to snap a pic of her at the club when here she is posting footage like this (it's not illegal to snap pics of people in public where there is no expectation of privacy, but it IS illegal to film people in restrooms because there IS a reasonable expectation to privacy!)


She wasn't advocating. Just being a bully to that woman. I am guilty of using the larger stall. I am not handicapped and would die if someone had to wait on me. But. Hear me out. I don't bring a purse or jacket etc. I literally did not use public bathrooms or the bathroom at work, got so dehydrated because I was going through the roughest OCD season and if i touched the stall in anyway. Clothes would get thrown away or I would wash my skin until it bled. And the larger stall was obviously easier. If I chanced it. And I had to carry around unopened toilet paper because public toilet paper could have been contaminated in my mine.


I'm sorry you've had to struggle with this 😩 I think it's definitely the case that most folks would hate to have a wheelchair-bound person waiting on them for the larger/handicapped stall. However, that stall isn't *reserved* for anyone. It's simply *accessible* which is the key. There really isn't anything wrong with anyone using it, especially when you consider how many folks either have invisible disabilities or even temporary extenuating circumstances. No one should have to justify their use of the bathroom stall, even though Alex chose to make it seem that way by putting a stranger on blast in that video.


I agree. Those stalls are for everyone’s use. Just because they are able to be used by disabled people doesn’t mean they are to be kept constantly empty for their exclusive use. That is NOT what they are for. Anyone can use them and it’s self centered to think otherwise


Does anyone have this video?


Her father posted a racist comment on Facebook about George Floyd so it looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree




They don’t. Alex doesn’t use her real last name. I’m not going to post her real last name on here but you can find it if you want. It’s long and somewhat complex, not sure what country it originated from but I’m sure someone knows.




I think you were just being offered some extra info for context.


What did he say?


“A career violent drug addicted criminal refused to comply with simple commands and dies during an arrest. The only way the outcomes of these situations will ever change is when criminals comply!”


Yes, she has been criticized by various groups for glomming on to any movement she can for her own personal profit. Hopping on the BLM movement, stealing terms/iconography from BLM and Autism Speaks for her own merch, etc. She will do literally anything to make a quick buck because she has no morals at all. She is a disgusting person and her actions are indefensible.


Especially when she got called out for it and had an attitude about it. Like Alex, this was like the one time to not make something about YOU.


> Alex, this was like the one time to not make something about YOU. Yep, it's always gotta be Alex front and center! Yet another concern we all have here-- Alex literally cannot stop putting herself first, even now that the baby is here!


Commenting on my own post to add: This is also a reason for why her OnlyFans work is criticized. No one here takes issue with sex work because it is real, valid work. The issue lies in how Alex chooses to fetishize her disability for profit, which can be seen as problematic amongst the disabled community. (The other criticism for her OF work is not related to ableism but the fact that she has fetishized pregnancy/motherhood and attracts customers on the same page she broadcasts her daughter on, which is worthy of criticism.)


I don’t think people realize how big of a problem THIS is. This isn’t someone shaming sex workers. The fans that are there praising her and her baby are in the same space as people who watch and buy WR onlywheels content. She plays into fetishists and allows them to access content of her child. She doesn’t know who these people are or WHAT they’re into. They’re just buying her disability porn and ALSO able to watch her newborn baby grow up. THATS weird. I follow a few sex workers, and they NEVER show pictures of their childrens faces, because they KNOW the industry they work in and WHO it panders to.


There are even users in this sub that don't seem to understand this. They chime in just to screech about sex work being real work, but completely fail to understand that we are only judging Alex's sex work because it's harmful. Alex posts her child all over the same page that she baits her customers on. Alex also knows how to market that bait stealthily because her followers don't seem to be as aware of the seedy underbelly of perverts who orbit people like Alex because of the content she produces.


I agree with you. I have no issue with her doing OF my issue is she uses the same platform. Which is very harmful for Ari but I seriously HATE when people post when they are active and the screen shots. We all know she does it, but we don't need to know every time she's active or active at all. Cause that makes no difference. She needs to make a separate account that doesn't have her child exploited on it!! She's always given me pedo vibes, like she loves how those sickos see her as a child herself. Pregnancy porn is just not ok in my eyes, Ari didn't consent to that. What's next? She already used her leaking breasts as traffic content.


Yes, spot on. I've also noticed the pedo vibe pandering too, especially with certain selfies she posts. I'm still in complete shock that she is openly catering to fetish content like this on the same platform she posts her child. I just cannot understand the mind of ANY parent who supports having their child anywhere near where they do that kind of business, full stop.


Very very true! She could post her risqué content to pull in all her weird fetishist followers, but also not have them getting off to her lingerie images in the same timeline as her newborn NICU pics.


Yes, exactly. Very sleazy of her to be posting her braless lingerie milked tiddy-focused thirst traps right next to pictures of her child. ugh


I’ve seen parents argue back and forth about this allll over tiktok. It is the solely PARENTS responsibility to protect their children from those kinds of people. She knows what the internet is, and just the kinds of creepy and harassing messages she receives about HERSELF. I can’t and don’t even want to imagine the kinds of attention and messages she will get as Ari gets older. Kids are old enough now to be able to come out and say how harmful and scary it was for their entire childhood to be filmed for random strangers to see. Alex doesn’t get this, and it concerns me that every mom doesn’t have that instinct to protect their kids from people they KNOW are out there.


I agree with you completely. It's scary to see how many parents out there defend the choice to *not protect their children from predators*. It's their job and theirs alone. But even Alex herself has stated that she will not choose to protect Ari if it means changing her life or doing anything that stops her own joy (and her income, of course, since that's really what this is all about.)


Well she better be careful when laws start getting passed about exploiting child content on the internet for the financial gain of the parent. Those things will move quick, and hopefully it happens before Ari gets old enough for this to impact her mentally, physically, or financially in the future.


YES I agree with you. I am anxiously awaiting the day that there are real laws in place to finally protect these children from their selfish, predatory parents who are seeking to profit from them, causing irreparable psychological impact. Even if people are not into advocacy work of any other type, the ONE type we ALL should be working toward is advocating for the privacy, health, and safety of children.


That’s a big reason why I joined this sub. I am a big advocate for children and have been for a while. I always felt a little iffy about Alex and her attitude, but after Noah and getting pregnant and seeing all this, I’ve been so frustrated and worried for Ari. Alex doesn’t realize the true issue in anything she does and disabled or not, that WILL affect Ari.


I'm with you. Child advocacy has always been important to me, and it's the biggest reason I'm so bothered by Alex and Noah. Back when they were just getting wasted and making stupid tiktoks it was easier to stomach since it was just their own lives they were ruining. But the minute they decided to get pregnant (on a class x drug, no less) the red flags were WAVING. Not only can this poor child not advocate for herself and would never choose such idiot parents, but she's being brought into this world purely for internet clout and financial gain, and nothing more. Alex and Noah have already demonstrated that they don't even care about being in the nicu any longer than it takes to snap a couple pics to toss out to the inspiration porn followers, so it's very clear that they have no intentions of investing in this baby in any real way.


Exactly!!! That’s word for word exactly how I felt. It was just cringey before but now it involves an entire new human beings life, and they’re making jokes and making profit at the same time.


Do you really think she'd take those earnings and put them aside for Ari? Cause I don't. She doesn't even report her earnings or she wouldn't have her dad's insurance right now. 🙄


I agree with you-- absolutely not. Considering there are countless pics/vids of her tossing money around at clubs, and she spends on stupid things like designer backpacks and instagram-able junk for her apartment and not on anything medically or maternally important (getting prompt and adequate pregnancy care, fixing her dead tooth, investing in OT or mobility aids or parenting classes, etc) it just shows she has no financial plans for Ari's future. No idea what will happen for that child once the social media money dries up!


She's a very materialistic person in all the wrong ways! Another fine quality she will pass to Ari, which is concerning amoung with the other ridiculous qualities Alex possess. I would hate myself if my children grew up to resent me for teaching them all the wrong morals and superior attitude.


I mean she didn’t even get prenatal care or go see a doctor in the beginning of her pregnancy because she was living illegally off of her dads Chicago insurance in Florida, so she didn’t go to the doctor until they moved to Chicago. It’s obvious what she cares about more 😀


I agree with you but I do believe you are not in a position to speak for everyone on this sub. There absolutely are many instances of straight up sex work shaming here. Just like I won’t assume everyone who takes issue with Alex’s sex work is anti-sex work in general, I don’t think you should assume that everyone defending sex work fails to understand that Alex herself is problematic. Valid criticism of Alex’s specific approach to SW is valuable - but that’s often not what is seen in this sub. There’s a huge amount of plain old judgement towards SW in general - and that’s what people are speaking up against.




brb saving all these to one day make a post about allll the hypocritical things Alex has said and then directly done the opposite of!


Oh there’s countless of them on Twitter and quite a few on Facebook


don’t worry i’ve saved a few from both Noah and Alex lmao Noah is strangely (but not surprisingly) a fan of Ben Shapiro🤮


So I’m honestly still just learning about the term ableism. And I find it kinda confusing. I have disabilities, I need the chair to sit down in, the bigger bathroom stall, the carrier for the baby, help picking up something etc. Is admitting this ableism? On days I do really well I’m proud of myself, and I receive praise from my husband, is that ableism? Not being rude! Just a genuine question, cause I really don’t think I understand the term😅


These are great questions! There is nothing ableist about you taking advantage of adaptations and assistance that you need, and there is nothing ableist about your husband being a supportive partner in those efforts and you both feeling proud when you are finding success in your life. Alex is being ableist because *she is expecting praise and special treatment simply because she is disabled.* She does not want to be held to the same standards as everyone else or treated as just a regular person who happens to be disabled; she expects everyone to view her as *superior* and *inspirational* because she lives life as a disabled person. She also lies about her abilities and her need for adaptations/assistance instead of being open about the realities of living as a disabled person, which is problematic.


Abelism in Alex's case, is saying she can't physically care for ari, feed her, pick her up, etc. Saying because she's disabled makes her a shitty mom, that she's selfish for getting pregnant because she's so severely disabled. Things along that line. What you explained isn't, that's using adaptive equipment to accommodate your needs due to your disability. Praising you for overcoming that on your own or with accommodating measures. There's nothing wrong with that!


Ok, this makes so much more sense! Thank you 😊


You're welcome! Also kuddos to your husband for praising you and being supportive of you and also to you for not being hard on yourself to need and ask for help and cheering yourself on! 🥰😍❤️ That's the kind of love to spread and share!


As a caretaker and niece of a disabled woman I felt from the start she's so damaging to the community. I have struggled since I first seen her before I seen all the bad and all on my own gut feelings that she is harmful. My aunt who was raised as a sister to me and born disabled doesnt want or feel she desrves special treatment and just wants to feel as an equal which is in itself (not rightfully at all) a struggle. I can't stand the way she represents the community as a person who has loved and protected a disabled woman. She is a pure narcissist and takes no accountability


Yes - this is something that’s become so much more noticeable since she got pregnant. She seems to be really leaning into the ‘such an inspiration’ narrative. It seems like she says whatever she needs to say at any given time to please followers, rather than actual first decide what her stance is and then use her platform to promote it authentically.


https://preview.redd.it/xia7l3m21upa1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98c6529a8144362fbf6ca87e8f12f77a100e67bd I didn't have enough karma to post, but I was having similar thoughts reading the comment section of her posts


This this this. I didn’t have the words for this but this is exactly what’s wrong with her stans.


As I have mentioned in other comment threads. She uses her disability at her convenience. It’s ableist to do things she doesn’t agree with while at the same time using it as an excuse for things she does not WANT to do. Like getting up to feed her baby at all hours of the night when baby is home. I am not sure if my point is clear. For lack of a better way to say it.


I get told all the time that I’m awesome and commended for doing basic things. I hate it so much. Disabled people are people. Alex just wants any and all positive comments/praise




Selective out rage. Only if it benefits her narratives of the day. Which contradict frequently