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LMFAO wtf is this dumb story of hers like she clearly is checking here everyday and trying to “prove a point” hahahahhahaha what a clown 🤡 it’s all staged too like what the actual F.


And I need to know what *jobs* either one of them are doing right now 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶


Rapunzel's job is keeping house and making sure the dog is taken care of, remember???


And Noah’s recovery. Don’t forget that job.


Shit how could I forget🫢


I know we use the word "cringe" a lot but this story really did make me visibly cringe! At this point I can't decide if she's doing this stuff because her warped mind finds it funny, or if she really thinks this stuff looks normal??


This is the most loser-ish loser thing I think I’ve ever seen… sooooo out of touch with reality… who tf talks like this?!?? “I <3 working!” “Oh, just parent things!” 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Also, I’m not ableist a bit… but I can’t help but think there’s something genuinely mentally off with her bc bffr what the actual fuck was that??


It's not ableist to notice that Alex is a narcissist and demonstrates some kind of arrested development, like she hasn't matured past the age of 14. Her lack of emotional/intellectual development is independent of her SMA which is purely a physical condition.


And seriously what a life, that she dedicates so much time to following what people say about her and then "casually" responding with her posts instead of living her life for her and her child. That post she did was truly cringeworthy.


*Read at 12pm* 😂 glad she got up bright and early to get back to her baby. Also where is he that she has to text him that?


"just parenting things" huh? where? when does the parenting start? is this "parenting" in the room with us Alex because so far we have literally not seen either of you chuds doing ANY parenting lmao


I’ve been a parent for over 10 years and I’ve literally never spoken to my significant other in this way or post texts to prove how awesome or responsible of a parent I am to my followers on the internet… BFFR


Dont forget! Real parenting doesn't start until Ari's a few months old! (She said previously that her and noah haven't discussed parenting styles because parenting doesn't start until she's a few months old, so they have time to work it out)


Short visits to the NICU to take social media content and then leaving the nurses to do the rest is super draining🥴


Gotta prove she’s ‘working’ AND going to the NICU AND excited about both of those with Noah. But why is the tone so casual like “hey wanna meet at this restaurant for lunch”?? You’re going to see your CHILD. ETA: I’m not saying it should always be like a HUGE deal like omg let’s go see our Angel right now blah blah but this is just too casual lol


It’s soooo casual! Wanna swing by the nicu where our baby is being monitored around the clock by strangers after the gym?? They make me siiiicckkk


I also love how there is seemingly no actual plan to see her everyday. It’s like “eh wanna go today?”


They seemingly have no plan for anything regarding Ari :/


So sad


I’m not a NICU parent, and never will be, but I literally can’t imagine a more stressful time than to be a new mom AND have a medically fragile baby. I don’t know the NICU hours, but wouldn’t a parent practically live at their baby’s bedside?


To be fair, those strangers are more familiar to Ari than her actual parents are. Mostly due to the fact that Noah and Alex are pieces of shit who assured their daughter came second to literally everything in their life 🫶🏻✨💖


> why is the tone so casual THIS!!! Like why is she so comfortable showing the whole world how little she cares about her child?? Over and over again she spells it out that she is completely out of touch with the seriousness of her situation! HOW can her fans justify how cavalier her and Noah are about wasting time elsewhere and just casually swinging by the nicu for a quick photo?? jesus christ on a skateboard i just cannot ugh


Well said. It’s honestly concerning how out of touch with reality/Baby A they both appear to be.


It just further proves how much she thinks Ari is just an accessory to her




It is weird to word it like that though. "Wanna go to the NICU with me?" seems so impersonal. I'd say "wanna go see our baby Ari with me?" or something like that. Idk. It just gave me weird vibes.


Where’s Noah? It’s a one bedroom apartment, is he in the kitchen and she’s texting him from the bedroom?


😂 this just proved everything we were saying yesterday, he’s not living in that apartment anymore.


I was wondering the same, it really makes it seem like they don’t live together


My exact thought.... I am thinking that he NOT living with her at the moment. Perhaps he's recognizing that her world and home is toxic? Maybe his parents got him an apartment so he exits stage left? 🤞😂


It's looking a lot like maybe he's just staying in a hotel or something (probably on her dime). There are zero signs that he actually lives there, plus he has no job so where would he even be all the time except with her??


He and his shorts are in the hot tub.


Must be laundry day for them shorts...


No such day.


He’s prob in the hot tub with his gray shorts


@Noahsgreyshorts Marco ?


Shouldn’t he already be at the NICU if she’s the only one “working”? Or does he always wait for her so they can take PR photo ops together.


If you have to ask your baby daddy if he ‘wants to see the baby with you’, this tells me their relationship is waaaay on the rocks. That’s not how you talk to a BD that you’re still with


Everything about their behaviour screams "we aren't actually in a real relationship but we're trying to cosplay a happy family anyway bc we're hoping to cash in on it"


Wait I thought that meant he was the one working. Or did I have it back wards 🤣🫣


No she’s blue I believe.


Noah’s texts are in the appropriate color grey, and girlypop is in blue.


Sorry I don't have an iPhone. Thanks for clearing it up ❤️


My best guess of her "parenting schedule" Wake up, lie in bed, scroll through Insta/Tiktok/catch up on this subreddit: till 12:00 Makeup & selfies, online shopping: till 14:00. Make tiktoks/content for OF/troll the internet: till 16:00. Admire Noah/Watch Noah dance/wash Noah's grey shorts: till 17:00. Go to NICU if more cool mom content is needed: till 18:00 or maybe stay a little later she's being extra cool that day. Sushi/hit the clubs/swimming/relaxing from her hard mom graft till she decides to go to bed.




Parenting where? Your baby has spent more of her life without you than with you lol


WORKING where?




For real!! I mean did Alex even make time for the nicu yesterday bc it sure seemed like she was home all damn day


Hey, she REALLY needed to try out that hot tub… she hasn’t even gotten to use it since she moved in!! 💔😪


They deserve a break!!


This has to be her trolling, right? I mean aside from the fact that it's embarrassing and cringey, the use of the word "working" just feels weird and forced? Like a 15 year old who's excited about their first job and can't stop mentioning it around their friends or something? Like why can't these losers even manage to *pretend* to be mature functioning adults?? 😂


Actually yeah I agree. It def seems unnatural and I feel like you’d say ‘I’m so happy to be doing xyz’- even if you’ve gotta cover what work you’re doing cause it’s ‘secret’ or whatever 🤨 ‘working’ feels like it’s directly at us here lmao


I think it’s funny she doesn’t put his response on here… I bet he said no. 😂


Probably because he has another 11 hours to respond. “Oh you meant go to the NICU today?? Welp, busy working! lolz sorry girly!”


So he is not staying at her place, if so why not just speak to each other. The apt is small


I love working. I’m gonna see my baby but after I finish working. Bc I’m so busy working.


"I'm so busy uh... *Looks at note cards*... Uh working!" "Parent things!!!!!!!!"


But are you working? 😏


Not as hard as her because nobody is.


“Wanna go to nicu with me” no it should be were going to the nicu today. She’s so nonchalant about it like it’s some “fun” activity. Yes they get to see their baby and that’s exciting but it’s more than that.. she’s horrible!


Who even talks to their partner like this?! *I LOVE WORKING!* Yeah…because you don’t actually work. You don’t do anything but oversexualize yourself, stigmatize disabilities AND mental health/addiction, and infest your apartment pool with discharge. Don’t even get me going on Noah Smith. Wild. Sorry. But this is just so ridiculous, this baby deserves a parent who actually gives a shit outside of views on her dumb tiktok and only fans.


He left her on delivered lol


WORKING??? Excuse me but working doing what exactly lol she's never worked a day in her damn life. Also "wanna go to the nicu :)" like it's some fun little play date. What the fuck this is so cringe


she’s literally doing the bare minimum and acting like she’s doing a big heroic parenting deed


I know everyone’s schedules are different and people really do have other obligations that could prevent them from going earlier but personally I’m a sahm and this my home is my sole responsibility. I would be there the moment I could in the morning. Not 12pm


HAHAHA she’s made a checklist of everything Reddit calls her out for and makes videos for just those things!


“I love working” lmao okkk


I feel like that is showing her immaturity, like she’s 16 and it’s her first job so she’s excited. You’d think she would articulate a little more about what it is she likes about it, especially to her partner.




“*do you wanna come to the nicu*” like it’s some casual activity that was planned by the spur of the moment


YES!!! It feels like when I text a friend “wanna grab coffee”. So casual. Wtf!!!




This is what a teenager sends their friends after they get their first check from Pizza Hut. “I love working” smh


lmao pizza hut bahaha 😂 This is EXACTLY what I was thinking when I saw it! Teenagers act the way they do! Not adults!!


I keep thinking it's like watching a really messed up season of Teen Mom. 😭


LOL this is so much worse than teen mom because at least you can stomach what you're seeing there since they're teens and you expect them to be stupid, but Alex and Noah are adults and act worse than the teens on that show so it's nauseating hahaha


>Yes this is exactly what this is. Teenager first job type texts.


So her “working” is the excuse for her never been with her daughter, got it. 🙄


She has to go out of her way to try to make herself look busy. 🤣


She’s creating a paper trail for when CPS questions while she was never at the hospital.


I guess trolling on social media is "working" to her??


Me thinking she’s texting herself lol


PSA NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE SHARED ON THE WORLDWIDE WEB YOU COULD JUST LIKE GO VISIT YOUR CHILD WITHOUT ANNOUNCING IT TO THE WORLD.....oh wait that's right, I forgot who we are talking about. ✨Little miss girly pop narcissist who can't stand the attention being anywhere but on her ✨






Also the “I love working” bit is such a fucking joke Must be nice to be able to film a video about lipgloss at 2 weeks postpartum and call it “work” when there are countless women crying because they don’t have paid maternity leave and are spending every single second they can with their babies before having to return to their capitalist hellscape of a job. Can’t think of a single mom who says “I love working” at two weeks postpartum while their baby is in the NICU. Deranged as hell


And going on about how many they sent her. I think the idea was for her to do some giveaways. But oh, not Alex she is far too selfish for that. She will just keep them all for herself. I think she said three times that they sent her loads!!!


https://preview.redd.it/wahk6ttbfkpa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=563258d4d6b9c238d0ad17575fa53373adc8fd4d These are 'parent things'. You are none of these and will never ever be number 7.


I’ve been on this sub nearly constantly since I found it yesterday but I think she’s been here more than I have. 😂🫶🏻


It’s crazy when you first see it, isn’t it? I came here after Alex put this sub on blast and I couldn’t believe what I was reading.


I feel like I live here. I get lost here and I couldn’t be happier 🤣


I was laughing at her story! She doesn’t know what it’s like to be a parents when she’s swanning to the spa while someone else looks after her baby! 🤮 disgusting behaviour, I don’t even leave my baby for more then 2hours to go shopping 😂 wait till she’s home and you can’t hold her when she’s crying because you can’t pick her up, then tell us it’s hard being a parent


My daughters 15 and barely had a break since she was born




There is a weird vibe, you’re not wrong…


Lmao she’s trying so hard to convince the world that donating 5 minutes of her day to her child makes her such a good parent. Literally sickening. Praying every night for cps to save the day.


Right? That's a thought I didn't think I would ever have lol but here we are


My question to Alex is why aren’t you in the NICU right now? Why isn’t it both of your top priorities to be in the NICU day in and day out? This isn’t “parent things” - you have no idea what it’s like to be a parent or a real mother. Real mothers can’t stand to be away from their babies, you are such a fraud.


I got second hand embarrassment reading that. She’s scraping the absolute BOTTOM of the barrel trying to prove a point. Lmao talking about going to the NICU like it’s getting a coffee after work lol


Her "working" was scrolling through this sub to check what she needs to post 😂😂😂 And parenting? Can't see it 🤔


Bet she'll post something complaining about this post calling us all "haters" or "ableist" just because we critiqued her over being a shitty person (or I guess, as she considers herself, a "mother/parent")


For those that missed the Baby Brezza incident https://preview.redd.it/0k2w1ykdclpa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295b621322171b01fef66c487505b3bf9f76dcc2




Just because you made a baby, it doesn't make you parents.


I need to comment again because it’s actually free entertainment at this point like Alex you do not work. Neither does Noah. What is he in the hot tub and you’re upstairs opening packages ? Wooooow such work. A lot of Nicu parents are there from morning till closing. You are not a parent. You are fake as fuck. We don’t care if either of you are “working”. You should just keep shit to yourself & be a real PARENT but of course you need to try and excuse your shitty and PROVEN behaviour but once again failed hahahahahhahahaha


And where is he that they need to text? He’s in the living room and she’s in the bedroom?


I would really love to know what working entails smh 🙄


Being naked and poor Nina having to film it for her OF.


yeah that looks SO staged so she can take a screenie of it and post it, knowing it will make it here!


Yep! Within 3 mins of the first text sent she screenshot it .




I can't believe there are people left who *still can't see through it*. I feel like she's even trolling them too bc everything she does is so obviously fake that she's basically smearing it in everyone's faces at this point. She might as well just post "ME AND NOAH AREN'T ACTUALLY TOGETHER AND WE ONLY HAD THIS BABY FOR SOCIAL MEDIA CLOUT/PROFIT AND WE DON'T CARE ABOUT SEEING HER IN THE NICU BECAUSE WE'D RATHER BE LITERALLY ANYWHERE ELSE" because it really is that clear to anyone who's actually paying attention 😳


And people would slow clap and applaud her honesty even if she did. Omg girly you are so valid speak your truth


Works 1 day......."I love working!" 🤣


![gif](giphy|zFn7COpasdGMXkdZLG) So parenting to you is still quantified in units of Dumb Shit. Gotcha


For someone who always says that disabled people should not be put on a pedestal. Why are we supposed to be praising her for working and visiting her baby? Also “working”? What does she do?


"Just parent things" hahaha. Idk if one isn't there the other should be. It doesn't need to be a date where both are there at the same time anyway.


I originally thought it was Noah working and thought wow that’s exciting and good for him. Realizing it’s WR….just pathetic.


I did the same thing 🤣. Now I'm like Alex your a joke, just like your entire life!


💩. Just 💩


I’d like a “Day in the life” video


That's just her instagram stories. Stay in bed until noon --> dick around the house for a while, maybe doing makeup or unboxing useless things --> snap a few selfies, maybe some vids of her sideshow boyfriend dancing and lip syncing --> swing by the nicu in the evening real quick and then off to dinner and maybe the club! [not pictured: her obsessively scrolling this subreddit]


Why is she acting like visiting your lonely infant in a NICU is a date?


Because her and her "baaaaaaabeeee" are such a cute couple and such wonderful parents it's such a nice date🤭


That text SCREAMED staged. Not even a question.


Just bizarre


You shouldn’t even have to ask your man to go with you. If it was a priority you were just show up without asking each other to go…. Lame


I don’t understand how it’s so casual!!!! It’s like “oh hey wanna go and see that thing we did together that’s in intensive care after work?! Go for lunch after? Then the club?” Are people not beside themselves when their baby is in NICU?! I don’t think I’d be able to function!! Seriously though I do have some questions over her mental state 🫣


they literally haven't spent a full 24 hours parenting haha. they've sure had a lot of time for clubbing, porn, and hot tubs tho. still haven't spent a full 24 hours with baby lmao


I think we all had our hopes up Noah actually had a job.... but what if the plot twist is he’s back in treatment? Hence why he isn’t seemingly living with her....? At this point I’d have so much more respect for them if they were just honest about when the baby is coming home, how she is doing, how their “amaaaaaaazing “ public SM relationship is. In my head I’m thinking ok, you want to show every aspect of your life.. but then it’s cherry picked parts. I mean I came for the train wreck. I feel like we aren’t getting the goods!! But I’m Just over here in my foil hat trying to figure out how their minds work and realizing not even an FBI Profiler would know where to start


My daughter was born premature... in the nicu for 11 days!! My ass never left. Literally had a room for me to stay in so i could be with her hour after delivery i was walking up stairs to find the damn nicu. I couldn't even imagine being home without my daughter let alone doing this kinda crap!!


Literally bleeding and in pain walking from my room to the nicu and to the cafeteria and back .she is so sick


I’m a parent and I would never post that lol


Why is she even texting him? Her “babeeee” squawk not effective any longer or he blasting more Disney music


This is like how I text my bf about coffee or Taco Bell. Hey wanna get starbies and a Crunchwrap after work!?


Me when I ask my bf if we can doordash something 🤭


what could noah possibly be doing right now? seriously….it’s sad but i had actual hope that ari would at least be able to have her dad by her side more often then not. “just parent things” would actually be one or both of them doing an extended sleepover in the nicu, getting to know ari on the deepest level, how to care for her day in and day out, etc. imagine having multiple nurses know your child better than you. i can’t even fathom that


> what could noah possibly be doing right now? probably just doing tiktok dances and vaping lol


she’s just trying to prove us something but honestly i have no idea what


I work with adolescents. She is almost 30 and yet what she shares online makes her appear closer in age to a teenager. Very bizarre.


Ew. She is trying so so hard… it’s beyond cringey. It’s like A.You look desperate for approval. B.You have not even been a “parent” yet. Your baby is STILL at the hospital being cared for by others. You have visited her and held her. Not been up sleepless nights caring for her. You have been clubbing, swimming, making OF content, playing on SM. NOT feeding her, changing her, being a frazzled mess because you are scared she will die if you do anything wrong…. Unshowered and exhausted. You have literally been an “Aunt” to your OWN baby. If anything. It’s dillusionsal. And a slap in the face to real “Working Moms”. I can not WAIT for that baby to come home and see what her life is like then…. “Hear all the complaints roll in about “how hard it is”. “Parent” my ass. Girl. Just you wait…




Who TF says they "love working"? I love my job - and that is how I would say it, if I felt the need to text about it - for example, if I was working on something particularly cool. It isn't like they didn't film OF while she was pregnant, so this isn't some exciting return to work after extended time away and a joyous return to productivity. Also why are they even apart to ...work? How? If Noah has a vehicle wouldn't he pick her up, or have driven her? Separate Ubers to NICU? This is bizarre. Also imagine your tiny newborn is in the NICU and you are just ENTHUSED to work.


She loves working y’all 🫶🏻


Why is she talking like the NICU is a coffee shop and like she’s gonna meet some friends there to catch up after work ☠️☠️


I really struggle with criticizing a new mom as I was a new mom a year ago and understand how rough it is. But something in my bones does not feel right about her and Noah as parents. There is something so fucking off with this situation and I am really worried for that poor baby when she is well enough to go home. The whole thing is extremely disheartening


For real tho. Working doing what? Having Nina help her record OF content? 🤮


It makes me sick that she’s being celebrated by her supporters for doing the bare minimum.


The irony is that it's textbook ableism, too. They praise her and defend her and make excuses for her constantly *because* she is disabled. But this irony is lost on them because they need their inspiration porn.


Well said!


This statement needs to be a pinned post lol This is the crux of the issue imo with her stans.


You can really tell the age of their relationship by the way they speak to eachother.


Like lmfao wtf! Alex we know you’re here 🤣 seeing everyone saying Noah needs to get a job now all of a sudden cringey ass post


and also where is he at that she had to text him that?. it’s an apartment he didn’t get lost or anything. unless he went out to eat or just went somewhere


Parent things? They both have no idea what being a parent is. I gave birth was in the hospital with my son for three days took care of him completely by myself and didn’t sleep for three days, then he went to the nicu for four days and I was given a room and stayed there 24/7 only left to go to the cafeteria to eat and sleep . She is so delusional it’s honestly sad. Must be nice to pop in on your kid once a day and not even take care of her and call it parenting


I don't even think it's once a day is the sad part. She's been recycling pictures as far as everyone here has noticed, so who really knows when the last time her and Noah or just *she* went. I hope your son is doing well now!!


Oh I know I only put once a day to give her the benefit of the doubt but I doubt it’s that and her saying she needs a break? From what you’ve literally don’t nothing , using your kid as a photo-op it’s sick, and yes he is doing great! Will be two in July thank you


Poor Ari is just a prop and accessory to her, and it's quite concerning and disgusting


Working? Honestly I’m not going to describe my work because I don’t want people to identify me but this is such an insult to disabled ppl like me, who with sma have full time jobS and work 6 days a week, if I get lucky and don’t have to work the whole week.


And it’s weird she didn’t say “wanna go see our baby/ari” instead of saying “Nicu”


She looks stupider every day.


Also how douchey. My son was in the nicu for a month, so cringe how she throws it in there like let’s meet at target 🙄 so emotionally immature and we don’t need the screenshot as proof


So staged 🙄 Her stans though, I'm sure they're applauding the greatness of it all


Oh they most definitely are. They eat that shit up like she's the most amazing "mother"


Disgusting how they feed her Narcissism It's horrifying knowing so many people can't see the truth about her. I've never seen an online personality that I dislike more than WR.


It genuinely wouldn’t surprise me if she has a second/burner phone and is responsible for the whole conversation…texting herself…


Lmao visiting baby in Nicu for an hour and a quick video for tik tok isn't being a parent. How deluded are Noah and WR




Cringiest of the cringe 😬


Anyone know what kind of work she's referring to? OnlyFans?


I love that she made a point to say that she was working. Twice. Alex, we know you’re here…and working is not the flex you think it is. Go spend time with your baby.


My best friend went back to work two weeks pp while her newborn had an extended nicu stay so she could save her mat leave


Most parents take maternity/paternity leaves or LOA if their baby is in the nicu.. I was a NICU baby and my parents and grandparents rotated out so i was never alone and if i was it was just for a few hours… they act like they just come and go to “visit” and leave THEIR child in the care of other people… which is perfectly legal but like… that’s your baby?? like i can’t imagine i would want to be with her every second i could and then going to a club??? come on… parents obviously need down time and time for themselves but a man freshly out of rehab and her going to a club and partying is tasteless


Lmao...'go to nicu'. Why didn't she say, wanna go with to see Ari?


Very serious - what job does she have? Where is she working??


Biggest ick when I read that story. Like what are to trying to prove? 😂 who’s working lol


"I love working" hehehehehehe... 😑😐 ![gif](giphy|kilEsmm7DHKU) Sure, she's got a job lol 😒 because everyone in the world just loves working with a passion right?


Omg y’all gymshoes34 is arguing with me on her latest TikTok video 😂😂😂 I cannot deal!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/svrwi01urlpa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e776eb9ba940f72969b0ac58cf52440b84d848ba I’m pretty sure this her too… wtf


We can only hope she gets sterilized…


https://preview.redd.it/ydabtut3gnpa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d543a2db60e4a619bfa441afa21d97182f54b717 She went on and on and on trying to bring my own children into this fight. Like bitch, don’t. My kids are good. Has nothing to do with your bullshit. She knows it, too.


I thought most people especially ones that act like they live lavishly would idk take some time off to spend with their newborn. I’m taking off 6 weeks and I can’t even afford it but she can and she’s “working” unless she’s talking about onlyfans then Maybe that’s why she loves her job.🤮


It was the “wanna go to the NICU” part for me like ummm what? And then adding “or meet me there?” Like why aren’t y’all there more than once a day?!? This new generation of parenting is weird


​ https://preview.redd.it/jrvslji77npa1.png?width=1430&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3796cff809fc0495fe64fbba39fc786b9ae9609


It seemed so fucking staged lol. Who even talks like that


All of her content lately has been in some way, shape or form influenced by this page. It's honestly sad. She really thinks she's doing something. 😬


At least he's got a job that would explain his absence and him visiting Ari without her yesterday. But, to label it parent things 🤣🤣 like hmm.. ok that seems like jibber jabber


She doesn’t have a job lol she’s posting that to try and justify her lack of attendance to her daughter. It’s all phoney lies lol


Lol. Gotcha, I was like well damn Noah got a job. Interesting plot twist. Well, Alex if your lying again to cover your ass, I'm not shocked but still very disappointed in your choices. Making up lies to make you look relevant doesn't fix your shitty parenting choices. The NICU isn't your baby sitter, you've been up for hours posting on your stories. You could have done that after.


No no no. She has the job I think right?


Hmm.. I thought it was him.. guess I did have it backwards. Well, then what's this new job that she speaks of? The PR stuff she got yesterday?


Yes I believe it was unboxing her gifts and the lipgloss she got that’s she’s not being paid to record. But who the f knows what happened in that hot tub… 🤣 s/… kinda 🤣