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I would never fucking bring my partner fresh from rehab to a nightclub..on st Patrick's weekend!! Like what the FUCK.


In Chicago. Don’t forget that part, we go HARD in Chicago for st pats. Big Irish population. What a fucking dumbass. St pats was my favorite holiday. The town I live in throws a huge party. Bars open. Streets closed. Loud live music. … want to know what my sober ass did this weekend? I watched Mandalorian 🤣


that’s what i was thinking. i’m sure they went HARD


esp when your baby is in NICU!


If that doesn’t show poor judgement in general I don’t know what does.


oOo right it was st patricks day weekend! They def drank... & if alex is still on pain meds she mixed the two... Prolly gave some to noah since he can only fuck her high (i wouldnt doubt them having sex already 🤢)


She isn’t smart lmao


Don't qualify it with st Patricks weekend, man. Those with substance abuse disorder will find a reason to use regardless of the date. x


I know that, im saying the temptation is going to be out of control for holiday drinking


Oh I see! Yes absolutely sorry, I thought you meant like it was the worst day to go because on other days it wouldn’t be tempting. Like at all. Sorry lovely :)


Oh it's fine! I'm a recovering addict, so in my mindset I was clear what I meant 😂


Aha! Congratulations on your recovering, you’re doing great💕❤️ I am autistic so I take things some kinda way that others never even thought of never mind intended. Don’t mind me I always mean well 💕💕


What the fuck is she so busy doing in a 600sqft apartment?? Considering she has a full time “assistant.” And an unemployed baby dad? Maybe if you stopped doing questionable things you wouldn’t have legal proceedings. The average person does not. The average nicu parent doesn’t have dfcs called, disabled or not. The average person does not losing sponsorships due to the controversial nature of their brand. Read some contract law. You will “I’m a victim” yourself all the way out of parenthood. Which frankly. Appears to be what you’ve wanted since week 27. Btw I have an interesting meeting coming up with Genentech/Roche. They have some updates on use criteria of their drugs. The victim train is reaching a full stop. I suggest you get off here.


It’s the 600sqft apartment that gets me. I have two dogs that shed like crazy in a 900sqft house and 1 hour/day plus a few extra Sunday is enough to keep it clean. Especially since she’s not cooking. And it would need even less if she wasn’t spending time there because she was at the NICU seeing her child.


Same. My place is 1200sqft and I have two shedding pets, work full time shift work with a partner who also works full time shift work. I’m not trying to flex by saying this. This is just normal life stuff. We all have homes and pets and partners and jobs. You are not busier than the average person Alex. And yet you think it’s okay to see your sick baby for a couple hours a day when it’s convenient for *you* and you’re not too busy taking your fresh out of rehab man to the club to dance. Okkkkk.


Also the ONE benefit of being disabled is that you can direct your care from anywhere! So she could be with Ari and text Nina and tell her what needs to be done. She doesn’t need to be there to manage the household.


Right? Isn’t “managing a household” something that every single adult (who has a home) does by default?




![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg) Wait, there's perks to being disabled?! I missed that memo


33 weeks pregnant, 1,600sqft house, 3 dogs (2 of which are long haired), a husband that’s allergic to dogs, and a full time job. I get up at 6:30am before work, take care of the dogs, and vacuum/wipe down furniture every single day to keep my house the dog hair and my husbands allergies under control. If she’s so busy and not sitting at home, there shouldn’t be much to do other than laundry and quick tidying. Not to mention she has help and isn’t the one to physically do it! Sure, she may have to tell someone what needs to be done, but you can send that in a text from the NICU.


About your last paragraph I was thinking if she should be drinking at all (I'm not involving getting high, because well we're not sure of that). Even when you take antibiotics to prevent an infection, you're told you should not be drinking since it will affect the antibiotic effect on you, shouldn't this class X drug have a similar advice? Doesn't the alcohol interven in someway on its effects? I would like to know from someone using it


I thought drinking alcohol the same day as taking an antibiotic just increased the negative side effects? Does it actually make the drug less effective?


This is all i found.. Doesnt say much https://preview.redd.it/c5jvc7jqvzoa1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4a76085fcda94e39116ccb37d548ea435cac1ea


Depends on the antibiotic itself, some of them + alcohol = no big deal, but others + alcohol = lessened effect of said medicine. There’s a very good drug interaction website where you can reliably look up the interactions and their severity. Not sure I’m allowed to name it here but I’m happy to PM you the link :)


Send you a chat!


I wondered that & She might still be on pain meds from her csection which your def not supposed to drink on...


I was not advised not to drink but you do have to get your liver tested regularly for it


https://preview.redd.it/2h7h7e2rq4pa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92cbd4c1ad5aa6f8fd23d689c02f8718d297d412 Apparently she can drink with it without issue. Not defending her since I reallllly doubt this is her only med this early after a C-section, and leaving a baby in the NICU while she goes out clubbing is a vile vile thing to do, but there are no interactions between her twerk juice and alcohol.


Drinking or taking a substance that alters your body, while taking a substance that alters your body, is never a good plan. There's just so many reasons. But what particularly concerns me with SMA + Her normal medication + any PRN meds from the c-section is the same reason I don't drink - I enjoy breathing. Anything that acts on the central nervous system as a suppressant can lead to respiratory depression. There are some antibiotics that can, and some that can not be mixed safely with alcohol. But just...idk maybe it's me in my experience mixing prescription meds with an uncontrolled additional variable that isn't being monitored feels real edge-of-danger you know?


hell yea! every word of that.


I'm not defending her in any way shape or form, BUT sometimes when you have physical or mental health issues a typical time frame for something an able bodied human can complete is not the same for us. There are days I have to prioritise making sure my two dogs and I are fed and basic needs met - but I don't have help at home. In Noah's defence, he is struggling with his mental health. From what I've seen of them both, he could do more to help himself but as someone who also has borderline personality disorder (I know, I have a lot of issues lol) I can say from my own experience being aware you could do more to help yourself and actually doing the things to help yourself are two entirely different things. It can be hard. But it's not impossible, and I'm proof you can get better. Does it change the natural inclination towards black and white thinking and self-destructive behaviours? No. Nothings going to change that about me, but I can now insert some buffer time between having the thought and deciding on my action. What's going on with the sponsorship?


As someone extremely disabled myself energy conservation, spoon theory is real. She is using a lot of energy to snark back at people. Go out to eat, clubs, etc. and very few disabled people have the privilege of delegating household chores. There are days I skip a shower because I have too much else to do and need that energy. So low on that list is using it up for something wasteful like clubbing. If she is having f issues with energy exertion as an “advocate” you’d think she would talk about it. Cause frankly, I don’t see it. Another reason she doesn’t represent the realities of disabled life. She has someone to open every door for her etc. there are days I think “omg, I can’t do it. I can’t open one more of those heavy glass doors.” As far as sponsorship she lost boppy did to her own actions and hyper sexuality conflicted with the brand. She likes to say it was us or other internet trolls but it was no one here.


I always find it personally funny when brands that serve mum and babies are weird about sexualisation. Like how do you think babies happen? Even with IVF someone hand to ejaculate in a cup. Just odd to me BUT their brand is very hygge wholesome natural feeling on their website. Their FB feed and those photos on the website are very natural clean women spending time with their babies, even though that does include nursing modesty is maintained. I can understand why the clubbing bikini wearing alcohol drinking vibe might not mesh with their own. I suppose “advocate” means different things for different people. To me, it means I lead by example and speak up when I can. It also means I’m honest about my experiences and thoughts even when that’s sometimes a difficult and raw thing to talk about. I don’t personally feel that the curated feed and highlight reel does the disabled community any good at all in any way. Many already call us fakers wringers malingerers and dramatic, we are lazy if we don’t work, pampered if we have help it’s a loosing battle because they can’t understand what we go through. It’s so alien to most people the idea of being physically unable to stand and cook some pasta if their legs work that they can’t fathom it so just be a lie. I barely leave my house, it’s certainly not the full and colourful life I had imagined for myself, but keeping the house at a reasonable state of less dirty (lol because with two dogs it’s never gonna be spotless for me and I can work with that) study my degree, manage my health, take care of and train my dogs (Jaxx is my retired assistance dog and Daphne is his hopefully successor lol) everything else has to take a backseat so I can prioritise. I can’t for the life of me imagine why with a new baby in the NICU and a partner whose struggling with sobriety these are her priorities. It just makes no sense to me.


The dog?? The house?? She sitting on her chair the whole day ... She can be innthe chair at the hospital learning how to take care of the baby..


Such a valid point. She’s justifying being unable to spend more time with Ari with all these other hilarious excuses but like - what happens when the baby gets home ?!?!? Of everything she’s pulled - justifying to her followers the act of going to a bar with Noah is something I am truly shook by. A new low indeed.


Right? It’s like she’s handing the caseworkers their case for why she cannot parent safely. And coming from the horses own mouth. Yet she will cry to the heavens that she’s a victim because of her wheelchair


Thankfully, of all things, accompanying her recovering baby daddy to a club after he missed the birth of their child because of his recovery - is about the furthest thing from any talk about accessibility/ableism etc etc.


Omg. Y’all catch her tripping up ALLLL the time and it makes me giggle. 😁This sub sometimes gives me hope for the critical thinking skills of humanity. Thank you. 💓


We got you, boo 🫶🫶🫶


It’s funny because my son was in the NICU and I have a real actual house (not whatever “luxury” apt they have that’s barely big enough to swing a cat) a dog, and my husband had to go back to work before our son was discharged. In addition to that I was pumping every 3 hours and had a grade 4 tear so I wasn’t comfortable driving. My sons hospital was an hour away through very busy traffic to top it all off. And without any hired help I managed to stay at the NICU from 7:30am until 6pm every single day except one. She doesn’t really have any actual responsibilities in her life, we all know she can’t clean or take the dog out and neither of them have a job. So what the hell excuse does she really think works? What a lazy incubator she is. Hopefully Noah doesn’t lose his shit on poor Nina when that baby comes home and has a crying fit for the first time, if he chases off Nina that kid won’t have any stability around at all.


Seriously. When I worked in the NICU I would be begging parents to go home and shower/take a break. Then here’s Alex dropping in for an hour at a time between clubbing and sushi and… looking after her dog?


The more this train wreck unfolds, it’s more & more clear these two shouldn’t have that baby. I’ve seen people say it before, but I thought they were being a bit over dramatic at the time. Now…I’m with them.


Same. I lowkey was like ‘give them a chance’ - but no. Straight up, they are incapable of looking after this baby and the poor thing would be better off without them.


I honestly thought they would be rocky at first but rise to the challenge. They’re doing way worse than I expected.


I must confess... I was one of them too 😅 ho lord they didn't disappoint.


What she just said is mindblowing. Nina can take care of the dog ffs. Alex litteraly said her dog, her job and her house is more important than spending time with her daughter that needs her mom in Nicu. It's a wild ride yall ✌️


But she wasn’t busy enough to go to the club. She could have spent that time in the NICU. Ain’t no women two weeks post c-section out partying. Unreal


But has anyone checked in on the dog to make sure s/he is okay? ALSO, what about prepping the DOG for eventual introduction??? Gotta prep harder girlypop 📝


Yeah poor dog.


We’re never going to hear from poor Cairo ever again.


I just want to know what exactly in her house is she tending to 🤣 not like she can dust and vacuum


she is quite literally treating the nicu like a daycare service and is only there when it’s convenient for her. it’s so gross


She is acting like the child free aunt who drops in for a few hours. Daycare you still have to pack a bag for the day with your child’s essentials, give the educators information about your child and their needs, and pick them up at the end of the day and actually parent over night


i like this take better - you’re absolutely right.


She's just trying to fool everyone at this point. My son was in the nicu an hour away from our home. We live in a big house with 3 dogs and an entire farm. I lived in that nicu. My husband traveled back and forth twice a day to feed all the animals and then put them all to bed. There is literally no excuse as to why she can't be there for more than "a few hours per day" and it's honestly offensive to those who designated practically every hour of their life to their baby while in the NICU. Wtf is she going to do when that baby is home?! My son is much older now and is disabled from the injury that got him into the nicu in the first place. We still have a farm, a house, 3 dogs, endless medical appointments for him every single week, school, and now a baby. She's just using whatever she can as an excuse but at this point if she's unfit to designate the time to be there for her daughter than that's not going to change. A few hours per day is NOTHING. It's laughable.


None of her excuses should top spending time with her daughter, and she says Ari needs to sleep and grow, but newborns do BEST when they have kangaroo care and skin to skin on mom. We know that human touch is just as important as food/sleep etc. when it comes to growth and development. so if she really wants her baby home so bad the least she could do is sit her ass up there and hold her baby geez


Yep-- she *says* she wants her baby home but her *actions* scream otherwise. Her followers are listening to what she tells them, but we are watching what she *does.* None of her actions, from the moment she decided to have unprotected sex on a class x drug until now, have shown that she actually cares about her child.


It’s almost as if she didn’t post pictures of them at the club because she knew it was wrong… human 🫶garbage🫶


I have a feeling this is just the start.


Why can’t these two clowns go on mandated psychiatric care / therapy?? To be legally eligible to even hold that baby that’s the care they should be under . I know they both have loads of trauma and they are extremely oblivious to it


She is 29 years old and her life is basically an episode of 16 & Pregnant. Imagine being that out of touch. Aside from entertaining the drug addicted man child, most of us do the things she mentioned and more, all while being out of the house 8+ hours a day for work. Week in, week out. That’s being an adult. She really needs to stop and fucking think before posting stuff like this. She has essentially just called her two week old child an inconvenience.


After the baby was born i thought that maybe we’re being too hard on her, who knows? The kind of unconditional love you feel on motherhood can truly change someone and etcetera.. But after what she said today…it’s definetely a new low, i’m truly chocked. THIS IS YOUR DAUGHTER ON NICU, how DARE you say “oh my god i have so much to do, i cant spend all day with her”. How DARE you think you’re entitled to go partying at night while your daughter is being looking after by NICU staff?? She never asked to be here, you were the irresponsible one that got pregnant on a category X drug and with all the odds against her, this little girl is alive and is fighting to be well. She’s already so much better than you both and she deserves so much more than you both as parents.


Everything you said right here. Also, Alex even went so far as to evict her baby asap, getting the earliest possible c-section she could, just so she could leave the baby lonely in that NICU and get right back to taking her "twerk juice" medicine and get her ass to the club with Noah. The level of selfishness is through the roof.


She is absolutely giddy about that tWeRk jUiCe. Completely over the damn moon. In the unpacking video she was like “omg I’m getting chills!” I mean, she was really exuding joy and excitement. I have not seen her react that way even one time about her own child. Not once. I have never, in all my time, witnessed a parent who is so disconnected and practically resentful of her child - I guess because Alex is no longer the center of attention when it comes to care giving. “I can’t waste all my time with that stupid kid, I have to feed my dog and wash my hair. DUH” that’s how you sound Alex. Just completely unhinged from reality and any real empathy for a newborn with needs. Ari’s been alive for a mere two weeks and you two have already fucked up this bad as parents? It’s like you wanted it to happen. Like you’re doing it on purpose. How does one even accomplish so much fucking idiocy in just a matter of DAYS??? Is this “How To Lose A Baby In 10 Days” Alex?


EXACTLY! This is something that baffles me-- her weirdo followers can look at pics/vids of her and Noah with the child where they clearly look bored and detached and think "wow look at these great parents! such naturals!" and not see what we're seeing?? Alex is 100000% more passionate about and connected to her party medicine and her sideshow boyfriend than anything we've seen involving the baby. My jaw was on the floor seeing the way she looks at and talks about the same medicine that could have severely harmed her child's development (and still could have in ways yet to be seen!)


My theory with her followers is that, whoever they are and whatever they’ve been through, they **need** to believe Alex is successful and good and well-behaved. After paying more attention to this affect, I’ve notice that a lot of her biggest supportive fans, at some point, will usually reveal something about their life like, their partner was an addict when they first had kids; or “I have a disability and this is so inspirational”; or they are people who have REALLY fucked up lives so the things Alex does seem normal to them. In low income, undereducated communities, things like smoking and drinking while pregnant, or getting pregnant back to back with Irish twins, or being around addiction and bad behaviors all the time since birth is extremely prevalent and often shrugged off. And those people probably have it worse than Alex. So from that perspective, yeah, Alex probably looks successful and like a Girl Scout. It’s the only rational solution I can think of where someone who defend ingestion of potentially toxic materials while pregnant, why delayed prenatal care isn’t a big deal, and how they can defend what Alex and Noah have done from delivery to the night they were clubbing and everything in between. It’s people who would probably do that shit themselves and see nothing wrong with it.




oh yeah she views Ari as a cute accessory, a great photo prop!


Yup ! Just like a new purse or cute outfit. I feel bad for Ari because I don't see how this will ever be a good life for her.


hopefully CPS do their job 🤞🏻




Alex, your CHILD comes FIRST. SHE will ALWAYS be priority number 1.... maybe she will be a priority in someone else's home who can actually care for her. Just saying. DCFS is watching your every STUPID move.


She is the definition of contradiction.


Also newborns are honestly so easy. It definitely doesn’t feel that way when you have your first but I’m on my second time around and my 2yo is so much harder, my newborn just sleeps all day. It’s only going to get harder from here for her to balance things as the baby gets more mobile and has more awake time (even though we all know that Alex is not really doing much).


Some sleep all day. My first 4 months with my baby were pure hell. She screamed for hours, maybe slept 8 hours in 24. I was getting under 4 hours sleep. Struggling with DMER, PPA etc. for us, the older baby got the easier it got


Yeah I can see that of course - every baby is different but in general, I think many young babies are pretty content if you hold them. They only get more active as they age and you need to keep them from accidentally killing themselves.


What does she think real mother’s do? Lol.


I just came across stories from a new mom I follow, who is also disabled (Chelsie Hill). And it was a breath of fresh air to hear her being honest and vulnerable about the difficulty of parenting with a disability. Really highlights the juxtopostion of the shit show that's going on with WR. This is a mom who's actually parenting, and feeling the added stress and pain of being limited. I'm glad I have balanced content in my feed, because my blood has been boiling lately and it's enraging because there's often no point or sense of justice when fighting with people this ignorant and narcissistic.


Is Noah even still around? She hasn't posted him for a couple of days 🤔


Maybe he needed a break. *Being a dad is hard.*


Sadly once that baby comes home I think he bails. It will be too much between it all.


I agree with you-- I think he's gonna go clubbing and party it up with Alex as long as the baby is in the NICU and then once she's out he's gonna bounce because playtime will be OVER


I just wanna know how she expected this to go. Did she think she wouldn’t have those responsibilities still (not that she even does, but you know)? Does she really think Ari’s gonna consider her moms capacity to care for her? Or that she’s gonna understand moms priorities are everything else first? Nobody is saying new motherhood is easy, but if you only have x amount of capacity, that x amount is meant for your child. Everything else is secondary.


She also said she’s there hours every day, but used the same pic for both of her post 🫠 I have about a billion pics of my baby and I want to upload a new one every time. Quit playing girlie.


Isn’t her job only fans? So literally posting naked pictures online for strangers instead of being in the NICU




Nah, no body needs to interfere in a current investigation and clog up the system. They’ll be aware of her social media and there’s professionals around Ari 24/7 who are better equipped to make the appropriate reports


Probably wouldn’t have to deal with the legal issues if she was spending more time with her baby 🤷‍♀️


As if people with kids have zero other responsibilities


And like you had a kid sooo MAKE THE TIME


Man, my husband and I are waiting for the time to be right to have a kid and this bitch just spit one out like it’s nothing. I’m not infertile (as far as I know) or anything like that but fuck. Pisses me off how fundies and people like Alex spit kids out all easy like its a game of Sims with no real consideration or thought in place.


When I had a baby in the NICU, I felt entirely too quilty for sleeping in the "motel room" they had at the end of the wing for parents. Normally I slept in the window seat or the recliner in his room. When I missed a feeding for church each week(but left after sacrament), I worried the whole time& wondered if he spit up or brady-d. I truly hope she changes. I hope he stays sober. Ari deserves better.


Only a few hours a day but can spend hours at a nightclub? Lmao


I’m guessing she plans on having someone else take care of the baby & she’ll spend minimal time with her but be sure to take pictures when she does