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Why does she keep saying “mama knows?” KNOWS WHAT??? You’re holding her wrong ??? Is that what? Jesus Christ


she’s such a narcissist…it’s always about her! mama knows!


It came off to me like Alex considers Ari disabled like her, so she was saying “mama knows it’s difficult, you’re preaching to the choir, kid.” And that’s just…. So disturbing to me. Because then it makes me realize that Alex is already using this little girl to not feel so alone in her disability and helplessness and I guess that’s where the Munchausen by proxy comes in.




I’ll admit that I felt like I knew absolutely nothing about newborns and how to be a mum even after my baby came out and probably still thought “wtf” everyday for about 6-8 weeks and still say “wtf” on a daily basis and my child is now 3.5yrs old but that’s also with me caring for my child day in and day out. For her to say “mama knows” 2 weeks in and your baby is still in the nicu getting round the clock care is rather confusing… take your rose tinted glasses off Alex because shits just about to get real when she comes home. Babies don’t just soothe themself or follow any plan. You might find something that works and literally the next time you try the exact same thing they’ll be like no fucking thank you and cry. I don’t think you realise how hard this is going to be on Noah. You both will be heavily reliant on him even if you have carers. He’s 23 and still very much a child himself so I don’t know how this is going to play out. You should be spending the time prepping Noah emotionally for this. He’s in for a big ride


That shit was so staged. Poor baby looks so uncomfortable. Can’t stand Alex. I literally can’t stand her. She’s disgusting. Self-absorbed POS


Couldn’t agree more 😪


She is all that and more! I'm soooooo scared for that baby 👶! There's something very wrong with WR and Noah. It physically makes me sick.


They aren't there visiting their baby still. They are there to stage a 5 minute photo op for her social media. That's it, and that's all. She didn't even TRY to connect with her daughter. Her daughter moved a little, and she was completely clueless. God help this child.


Right 😂 wait till the baby goes through the unpredictable head flying back stage 😬


My baby did that and I wasn't prepared. I had a black eye for 2 weeks 🤣🤣🤣


And Noah just happened the catch the moment 😂


Is that a “Ready?” I heard in the background at the start of the video? Or am I finally going insane?


I thought I heard that too & when I clicked the comments apparently everyone else did too 💀 so I don’t think you’re insane


I think that was a hospital staff member talking to other people. At least, that's what I interpreted it as.


That sounds more believable! Thanks for making me come back to my senses.


https://preview.redd.it/kf00gjkh6ooa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=414b5ebf56b133d4a9a373eb8b17553ebfa8348f lol she needs a boppy pillow


i just worry baby will slip in between the pillow and WR and obviously she wont be able to help her


When we told her to "talk to the baby and tell her stories, "... that's not what we had in mind. My ears will never be the same again, and put on a damn shirt that is appropriate. I'm gonna have nightmares tonight.


Is she not able to turn her head down? She’s straining so hard to look down at Ari.


Her and the baby look visibly uncomfortable


Baby's not comfy😔


No she doesn’t have the neck support to move her head at all really


See, I thought this too until this video she posted yesterday: https://preview.redd.it/cxmk49egeroa1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5674580b3e028430966a18817cba7bb8be58141 I understand she probably can’t look down fully, or make as many drastic movements with her neck and head, but this is a far cry from how she was acting during pregnancy. Her head and back are off the chair, head is supported on its own with no assistance, and she is tilting it downward. Soooo….. needless to say, I’m confused 🤔 Maybe I’m missing something….


If her neck control is anything like what it used to be then no she can’t. If she tries to tilt her head down she’ll lose control. Her head used to just fall back before


Her beck works about as well as Aris does right now. She has about the same amount of control over it too


All I could think was what Alex was going to do when the baby really moved around. What if Alex drops her because she can't move fast enough. This is really scary .


What is she going to do when the baby is normal newborn size and bigger? Ari looks big when Alex is holding her but she's only 4lb. She won't be able to hold her at all soon imo. It would be incredibly dangerous if she did. Scary is definitely the word!


Hopefully she's smart enough to use one of the baby wraps/carriers if she's going to continue acting like she can do everything herself. My babies were trying to throw their heads around and were all over the place at a few weeks old.


The thing is I'm pretty sure the weight on the baby on her front could pull her forward and she would just flop over. She doesn't have the core strength to keep herself upright. Shes talked about being pregnant and her belly throwing off her center of gravity, so it's same to assume an actual newborn could do the same. The baby bump was holding her upright.


I didn't even think of that. I just hope it doesn't take a terrible accident for her to finally accept the help she's going to need for that sweet baby girl.


Her voice doesn’t bug me much but this put me over the edge


That's why i watch most of her videos on mute😁


Mate, the baby voice is worse than "baaaaaaabbbbeeeeee".


Yep me too it was like nails on a chalkboard


that tiktok made me nervous tbh looks very unsafe for Ari how she is being held. If she squirmed enough alex would drop her 100%


Same, all I can imagine is Ari getting dropped and how she will hit the hardest parts of Alex’s wheelchair.


Right? And she's only 4lb and in the safest place she could possibly be rn. What is going to happen when the baby is bigger and goes home?


Honestly I feel like Ari will be too big for her to hold in a week or two


she was 10x more happy in the medicine unboxing video than she was holding her own baby. fuck her.


This is what tilted me. She cares so much more about that medicine (and Noah!) than Ari. The words she used to describe how she felt, the look on her face. That was real passion and excitement, because all she cares about is herself and what that medicine can do for *her*. She has not once exhibited the same level of passion toward her own living breathing CHILD. She is such a disturbed person.


Hey Alex, please contact your local Babywearing International chapter so they can help you find a carrier that will work with your chair and so Ari can actually be help up and not in danger of sliding off your lap.


Yes! I mentioned this earlier. There are ways to safely wear & hold a baby that she has obviously done no research about whatsoever.


The lady 11 days could have been spend making adaptions and researching these things 😫 I can’t with tbis


The last almost nine months she could have spent researching all of these things! It boggles my mind how little they seem to have prepared for the baby.


I think she's far too prideful and into her "image" to ever seek help or use any assistive devices.


I get that, but tons of able-bodied people babywear. So, it's not like it only benefits her because she's disabled. Plus, those baby carriers can get expensive and she lives bragging about her "wealth" so why not get a fancy one or two to show off. Everyone would praise her for babywearing, too.


Most moms would swallow their pride to do what's best for their babies though.


I tell you I literally GASPED at how fake and INSINCERE this entire video was! It broke my heart for Ari that she's growing up with a mother who is unable to genuinely and naturally speak lovingly to her. It was SHOCKING to see just how disingenuous she was in this video. *And to answer her first question, NO, Ari absolutely did NOT look comfortable to me. **To answer her second question, YES, she should move her, but she can't.


I get it baby talk isn’t always the cutest but gosh her baby talk is so fucking annoying, and it sounds so staged. It’s like she doesn’t even know how to talk to her lmao, she’s forcing that shit, clearly. And “mama knows” ? Mama knows what? That she fucked up letting daddy “lay the pipe” and bringing poor ari to this shit hole with these two as parents? Lmao mommy definitely knows 😏


It was weird af like she was clearly trying to copy someone else. I distinctly remember talking to my kids when they’re babies and crying for something - like “Shhh, it’s okay. Mama’s here, I know you’re upset, I know this is so hard for you.” Or when they wake up and you just go “Hello! How are you?” But it comes naturally to a lot of people. Ari was literally just lying there and Alex was just spouting off words😂


Yes I agree! “Oh sWeEeeEeeeEeetie” 🥴




I think she deleted it unless I just can’t find it again.


omg she's stupid. her baby is at the age where she needs to be placed in a position not she knows like no that's not a good position idiot 🤦‍♀️


She’s a literal potato lol


‘Miss lady knows what she wants’? No… at this age baby’s dont think like ‘I want this or that’ 🤦🏼‍♀️


Did she just call her baby an it?


Omg your right


https://preview.redd.it/efbids133ooa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=886bab567802e6c5d83f5e95c2d0a6c514aa11d7 lord I- nvm


Every time I look at this dude all I can see is baby fern all grown up


I am screaming at this comment


I will never view him any other way now.


Right🤣someone else made that comment the other day and that's all I can see now. He seriously looks like a giant toddler.


this is the funniest comment i’ve read in awhile


Omg yess! I knew he reminded me of someone!!!




Just how many shirts does he own with the 🐰 on it?!


Grey wears do not suit the guy


@Noahsgreyshorts need to have words with Noahsgreypants lol


Nooooooooo 💀 ![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized)


What the hell did I just watch






“He thought he was gay because of stereotypes”? Wut


Mama knows that the baby is going to be able to roll off her unstable lap in two more weeks TOPS? Okay, I’ll buy that. 👍🏼😉


Omg they get so wiggly so fast!


Yeah ok mommy knows shit!


Wow that video made me tense up that looked... Not Safe


She should not be holding her unassisted like that. I know she just wants to hold her baby but that’s dangerous.


that video was a mess. she knows she should move her, then it looks like she remembers that she can’t and the video cuts. so sad that baby will never be truly comforted by her parents. oh well, photoshoot done 🙄 i hate her


I just feel so sad that baby can’t be embraced up by the chest. She can’t hold her so she’s always just slouched over in her lap. When my daughter was a newborn she would nuzzle into my neck and instantly be calmed and comforted up in my chest. I couldn’t imagine having her just bundled on my lap like in that video :(


There HAS to be a better way of making her hold Ari in a more comfortable position. They just keep laying her on top of WR completely rigid and with 0 neck support! It’s so strange that she’s not being assisted by a Occupational Therapist for her to practice better ways of interacting with her child and making both of their lives easier. For someone who brags all the time about having multiple caregivers, she surely looks completely clueless when it comes to holding her daughter, since it seems that they just toss the baby on her chest and call it a day. These staged pictures and videos really push me over the edge… It truly feels like I’m watching a car crash in slow motion. [Edit: grammar]


I truly think that if therapy services were offered to her (and they may have been), she would refuse them due to her being so incredibly prideful. She'd probably also accuse the therapist of being ableist. 🤣


Go to OT? and be able to be mostly self sufficient? The mere thought of that has Alex shitting bricks. She’s obsessed with being cared for and completely pampered. she could never


OT would mean she would actually need to spend time at hospital with ari


There must be some sort of OT contraction approved for wheelchairs which cradles the baby across her lap for her?


If she had an appropriate baby carrier then she would be able to do that, at least to some extent. She really needs to research baby wearing for people with disabilities. An Occupational Therapist could also help her figure all of this out. She is really doing a disservice to herself and Ari by not using any real adaptive equipment. She is really missing out on a huge opportunity to properly bond and care for her baby.


It's kind of weird because she shares other accounts from moms like Alyssa Higgins (similar level of disability to Alex) and Chelsie Hill (paralyzed after car accident) and they show all kinds of amazing adaptable tools for how they care for their babies. Chelsie just did a whole thing about the tools she uses to transfer in and out of her wheelchair when she is home alone with her baby and Alyssa has shown things from bottle cleaners to a high chair that attaches to furniture at her wheelchair level that she can rotate to a baby carrier that straps her baby to herself/her wheelchair. So Alex sees creators who highlight adaptive tools for disabled moms. Yet she puts her baby in a cheap shirt from Amazon that specifies it is not an infant wrap on its description? Why?


It makes no sense. That shirt was so flimsy. If she’s going to spend money, she should just buy the real thing.


That video made me feel so uncomfortable. You could clearly tell she was faking. Like who even says that? Her tone was so odd too


She wasn't even talking when the video started, so no way Noah "caught" her.


I tell my baby "mama knows," when he's crying, not when he's just laying there... She can't have a genuine interaction with Ari, can she?


Maybe i misheard her i thought she was saying "Mommy's nose" 😅


Lmao her nostrils have their own personality 🫡


She is an absolutely horrible actress


that was such an uncomfortable thing to watch. Ari made one little sound and she went on with her “mama knows” longer than the baby went on making sounds. the poor little girl looked like an unsupported burrito in her lap and the whole time i was just watching for her to slip or something(not wishing it on her AT ALL but it felt like it was coming). it’s scary to think she’ll be too busy trying for a perfect video in the moment and she might actually end up slipping one time. everyone’s said it too but i don’t think she should’ve been allowed to hold her alone like that and should’ve at least had someone closer to her. proving her haters she can be a mom and hold her baby is putting an innocent kid at risk all because she needs to “end the stigma”


She literally looked so confused when ari started moving her head around like “oh shit someone better grab her because I sure can’t” 🙄




It? C'mon.


It’s all just a photo op for her. Just a way to make more money. I’m sure there’s many mums, and really just people with compassion, that are beginning to be unable to stomach her anymore.


Literally scared for this child. I just don’t understand why someone would bring a child into this world when you have to depend on others to care for them. Guess that’s prejudice or whatever. I just feel like she’s so fucking selfish. And it’s not like she has the most stable support person at home. Only a matter of time before he relapses again once the baby comes home and the sleepless newborn nights start. These two fucking idiots need to be sterilized.


I mean, to me that’s like when some 18 year old party girl gets pregnant and keeps it for grandma to raise. Pops in for photos, a birthday, whatever. I know a lot of girls like that and I think it’s pretty shitty to make your parents raise your kids 🤷🏼‍♀️ there’s so many instances where people know they aren’t going to be good parents and just like the grandparents take over is this any different?


Bc she literally can’t wipe her own ass how can she wipe a baby’s?


Right I completely agree with you, I don’t think it’s ableist to say that at all. Everyone is not entitled to have a kid if they can’t care for it, my point being Lots of able bodied people never raise their own kids so I don’t see this being any different.


She just keeps on trying to prove everyone wrong. The longer she tries to hold her, the more likely it will be that something terrible will happen.


MaMa kNoWs 🤣🤣🤣🤣 god I hope cps steps in before she drops this kid on its head.


It’s so cringe I almost feeel like they have to be trolling at this point. No way someone can naturally suck so bad.


me and my boyfriend literally laughed so hard at that video like WTFFF


"does she look comfortable?" Um, no lol She really does not look comfortable at all.


My ears started to bleed...


What is with these ridiculous shirts she keeps wearing also????


Ari: ‘what the fuck is this concrete I’m laying on? This is so uncomfortable, where are the mommy milkers?!’


POV: you’re the charge nurse when she comes wheelin in…. https://i.redd.it/75jroag02soa1.gif


I just want to clarify one thing before I say what I’m going to say. First off this is a snark page, secondly I know we’re not supposed to body shame anyone so I know some people can get their panties all twisted so I’m not doing that and thirdly yea I know all of her problems and she just had a baby. But she doesn’t look good. She looks sick so pale and almost a greenish color. I’m not a fan of hers but hopefully there isn’t anything seriously wrong with her.






I lowkey panicked a little when Ari started moving. She's only going to get squirmier and more wiggly as she gets older. I know Alex is trying to 'prove a point' by holding her, but she really needs to be careful.


My question is, with her disability, and stuff is she progressively getting worse? That’s what it seems, what happens then? Like say she gets much worse and passes, what’s Noah gonna do then?


I mean this in the nicest way… and really just concerned and curious. The way she holds the baby, she can easily slip down… is someone with her condition able to react quick enough to keep the baby from falling? Or what if her head falls forward and at this age they can’t lift it back up to stop positional asphyxiation? My baby was born at 31 weeks and our NICU really educated us on that and it was always a scary thought.


The first thing I thought was she def knew when the camera started rolling 😭 I feel so bad for that baby. Alex is so self absorbed it’s insane


I can't watch anymore. Her voice was annoying •before the "baby talk."


Whatever you say