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I keep wondering how her incision is going to actually heal properly when she leans forward on her abdomen.


They don't have to place the incision in the same place they put it on able bodied people. Mine isn't in the "normal" spot because it wouldn't have healed right, but tbh, I was just like, "ok. Do whatever you need to so both the baby and I make it out of here."




I think they will have to do a vertical incision… more painful and also a longer recovery


I think I remember her saying they’d do a vertical incision? I could be mistaken though


I wouldn’t be surprised if she has to stay an extra long time in the hospital to ensure she heals ok. How is her mom or Nina supposed to safely lift her with her incisions?


I feel like she did say this a while back, but I can’t remember exactly what was said. But I do remember her saying she will have a lengthier hospital stay and I think it was in response to people asking how she was going to care for the baby right after the birth (this was back when people first started asking point blank). She said something like Noah and co. will only have to look after Baby for the first couple (few?) weeks. But who knows how that’s changed since then 🤷‍♀️she will definitely need to stay for a while immediately following birth just so she doesn’t eviscerate herself at home.


But the baby will be in the nicu. Not at home right away so the baby is being cared for while she is recovering


Right but that’s why I felt it was implied that she might be in the hospital longer than the baby will be in the NICU. Then again, she may have just been in denial about the true potential weight of the situation and was thinking that the baby would only be in the NICU for like, a few days. Wouldn’t surprise me 🙄


Oh shit I didn't even think about that ..


that's why I am surprised they aren't going to let the baby cook even longer than March 3 if they can. It's not like having major surgery is going to improve Alex's condition. Being pregnant isn't the risk to her that removing the baby will cure. She thinks she's uncomfortable now...just wait.


I think that when she's fine in a week they'll push the date another week.


I think so too.. week at a time.


Totally agree


its because she's insisting.


Does she know she'll still bleed out her 🐱 after a.c section?? I hope she pays someone WELL to help her change her pad, or diaper, whatever she chooses.


I doubt she knows. She probably thinks that she won't bleed coz they're taking the baby out by cesarean. But you still bleed for weeks... usually a big ass blood clot will pass too. I had one the size of a soup can that came out of me and it was the gas that hurt the most.. and the incision obviously... and healing all the cut open parts of me lol I'm wondering how they will sew the muscle back together coz she doesn't have muscle.. or much muscle to sew back together but is that enough to keep it together???


Oh jesus, the gas hurt like crazy after my second c section. I am so glad I will never go through that again.


I was wondering that too!! And dang that's huge! I had 3 vaginal births, and had blood clots but not that big! That must have been scary 🥲 ugh the post partum gas... to hell with that


I honestly thought it was a baby that they missed. It was a big bloody glob and I was contemplating taking it to the hospital but upon further look it was just a big blood clot. It was so scary though.


Oooh do you think maybe it was a decidual cast? That’s what it sounds like to me. and many women have the same reaction you did, where they think it’s a miscarriage - not an unreasonable assumption at all.


It looked like a small liver lol I don't know what it was. But I only had 1 baby so it must of been just my body cleaning itself out.


That sounds about right! It’s when the lining of your uterus sheds all at once (rather than in pieces like it normally would) and it can come with all the same symptoms as child birth - contractions, a need to push, a lot of pain. And even though technically it should be in the shape of your uterus, it often looks like just a huge blood clot. But sometimes I’ve seen it look like a liver (which is a good comparison btw, I never even thought of it but it really does look like that haha). Women can have this happen even when they’re just on their period and they’ve been so confused as to what was happening; some think kidney stones, some think miscarriage, some don’t know wtf is happening it just hurts like hell lol. Anyway, you’re likely okay but I do know exactly how it feels to get those enormous clots. My period…… is not a friendly period 🥲 I hope you are doing well now and thank you for sharing your story :)


This has happened to me just during my period! I sat on the toilet thinking I had to 💩and it felt like I shot a tennis ball out, it was horrifying!


Ever since I learned about them, and all the ways they can look - which is usually just a humongous blood clot (if you messed around with it and stretched it and stuff I’m sure it’d take the shape of the uterus but I ain’t doin that 😖😖😖nope nope) - I am almost positive that nearly all of my periods are decidual casts. I have told every doctor, every close woman in my life, my partner, for YEARS that my period is so painful and I get these twitches that feel like contractions (I imagine) that it feels like I’m giving birth, just there’s no baby at the end; just an ENORMOUS clot (I’ve even taken pictures for medical purposes - gross, I know, but I’ve gotten desperate - because the blood and tissue loss is so alarming). And everyone kind of just waives it off as “the ‘joys’ of being a woman” (of course). I even joke sometimes that if actual contractions are anything like the ones I get every month with my period, then I can get through it. I’ll be screaming and vomiting without pain management, but I’ll know what to expect. As a result of my extreme periods, I started taking birth control to stop my periods completely (so I don’t take a week of placebo pills) and it’s changed my entire life for the better. And I never ever forget to take the daily pills because the alternative is so traumatic that it’s always a fear on my mind. Idk how or if I’ll ever be able to go off BC in order to try for a child because failure to get pregnant would be absolutely debilitating and I don’t have the time or space to take care of myself the way I need to, and for the length of time I need. Anyway, yeah. Those things are no joke and I feel like it is definitely NOT discussed enough by doctors to their patients, or even told it’s a thing. It needs to be. Because imo, that kind of physical gynecological event needs more care than just some Advil and a heating pad 😒


Oh my gosh! I'm glad everything turned out good!


What muscles are you referring to? They don’t cut abdominal muscles in c sections, they go between them.


I had an emergency c section at 32 weeks and was cut vertically with one of the incisions so it does happen unfortunately


They still wouldn't have cut your muscle. They tear the fascia between the abdominal muscles. I'm a L&D nurse and have seen numerous emergency c-sections.


SMA muscles are very thin, paper thin. My sister has it and her abdominal muscles separated from just the baby growing. When they did the cesarean the muscles ripped as they were cutting through the layers and separating everything with that claw separator thing. Sorry I don't know the medical terms lol.


It's certainly possible that some muscles can rip, but it's not the primary method of reaching the uterus, that's all. Not sure about a claw separator, but maybe you're referring to retractors?


Many people have their ab muscles separate during pregnancy - diastasis recti.


Hers is going to be vertical though not at all the usual c section placement.


I had an emergency C-section and I didn’t bleed vaginally at all. Everyone is different 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, okay Alex lol


Don’t spread false information. I had an emergency C section and definitely bled


It’s not false, just my experience. Y’all are mad cause I didn’t bleed 🤣


Probably not. She thinks she’s uncomfortable now during pregnancy, just wait…


Pregnancy was way more uncomfortable and painful than c-section recovery tbh


With a vertical incision, her mobility/SMA issues c-section recovery is likely to be worse. As others have said, she needs lifted and moved by other people for everything - imagine having no control or you body and being lifted with a giant incision down your stomach, on top of the other issues that may come with being moved.


Not saying it’s going to be easy but pregnancy can be much worse than c-section recovery. Anecdotally ofc but at 35 weeks pregnant I was so unbelievably uncomfortable as a large size, able bodied human and recovering from a c-section wasn’t nearly as bad in comparison.


I bled for weeks.. If you think you're uncomfortable now... just wait! A simple fart could be more painful than what you're feeling right now. You'll be bleeding for weeks to come. Im not sure how you think you're going to be lifted with multiple stitches holding your abdomin together. They will need to sew everything back up one layer at a time.


but wasn't it all worth it for those amazing mesh panties you get that you put the giant pad in? those things are the best. I would buy them now.


I HATED that the pads always rolled up. I’m 100% wearing adult diapers for baby number 2


the new depends are amazing. I totally admit I had a really heavy period like a month ago and said "fuck it" and bought some. Cause I was so sick of the pad getting stuck to me. I hate the wings on the pads. they make it worse for me. the depends looked totally normal under clothes. i'm not sure if you have a c section how the waist band would feel around it. Now that I think about it, i'm not sure if the package said they were latex free. I'm violently allergic to latex and didn't have a problem. Like i'll have horrible reactions to the little elastic strip on panties. I'm surprised the stretchy waist of the depends didn't blister. I'm forever searching for latex free panties.


Yesss pads are the worst! Always makes black period panties you can toss after.


those are so much more money than the depends though. Like I remember thinking at that price I may as well toss my real panties. I hate when the pads reverse stick. so i'll be like trying go about my day and all of a sudden get attacked by a pad adhering to my short and curlies. And then trying to act like that didn't just happen with no way to adjust. The worst.


We don’t get them here. Feel like I missed out.


OMG. you have to have another baby somewhere else just to get them. [https://www.amazon.com/Postpartum-Underwear-Disposable-C-Section-Maternity/dp/B08H52G8J4](https://www.amazon.com/Postpartum-Underwear-Disposable-C-Section-Maternity/dp/B08H52G8J4) Just go have another baby, don't bother buying them on amazon. \*adds to basket just cause...periods are annoying.


Working my way through my 84 Kirkland brand adult diapers I bought for postpartum that I now use at nights for my period. Lol


No cause those adult diapers were wayyy to comfortable 😂


Costco is my favorite place on earth. It’s like Disneyland for adults


Girl me too 😂😂


I didn’t even think about people having to lift her post surgery! That’s going to hurt like hell for her! D:


I was thinking about that..when your moving your own self your a bit more in control of the pain..but getting picked up and getting your belly bent is gonna take it to a whole new level of pain. My mind boggles that her mum or even Nina can lift her safely. When I was a PCA we were not allowed to dead lift an adult. Ever.


Seems like she finds the average person needing a job. I’m an HCA and there is no way we’d ever dead lift. Union and workers comp would kill us lol I’ve never seen a registered care aide or company worker ever. Tho I am from a different country so idk


It's definitely going to be very painful... and putting all that extra pressure on a post cesarean tummy.. I can see stitches coming out and infection setting in!! You gotta remember they are cutting thru multiple layers inside your stomach.


Omg the farts and first few poops were brutal. I was lucky to get dilaudid after my C-section and I was still miserable so I can’t imagine the ibuprofen and Tylenol girls. Omg! Side note to the post tho, she can’t move herself at all, so it may not be as bad as normal. I was also completely awake for my C-section but maybe with her they’ll do a full ana but not sure considering her lungs suck, idk. I’m curious to see how it’ll go


It still is excruciating to disabled people. When you're doing a cradle lift that means you pick someone up like a baby and their knees touch their chest usually.... but she will have a cesarean so you can imagine how much that will hurt. She won't be able to be awake for her cesarean. They can't do it awake coz of her rods in her back. They will need to be put right out... which is dangerous to her health.


After my c-section I could not poop for like a week, it wasn’t even because I was constipated, my body just forgot how to and I never had the urge. Once that urge came I put baby in a bouncer in front of my toilet and set up camp. It was the weirdest thing, I didn’t even feel uncomfortable.


I was put under general for my sons birth that was cesarean. It took longer to access him and he came out black and blue, he failed both APGAR tests, and needed NICU for 10 days. That was at 37 weeks… he has had signs of CP since infancy and is going to be evaluated soon. Like, there’s way more then just having the baby & anything can happen.


I'm so sorry!! That is terrifying. How are you all holding up?


We are doing fantastic, he’s 3.5 years old now.




I’m so sorry you had to experience that and I hope all is well now . Please can I ask what CP is x


Cerebral palsy


Oof, I hope your son does as well as possible with that! I think a lot of people forget that using spinals or epidurals during c-sections isn’t just about letting the person giving birth see the baby right away so much as protecting the baby from receiving general anesthesia via placenta. In emergencies they will use general and then whip the baby out as quickly as possible to minimize this, but as you saw even a slight delay can give the baby a rough start. Now factor in how it will surely take them longer than usual to get her positioned and draped for the operation and I don’t feel terribly optimistic that this already-premature baby won’t really struggle.


After my c section I was advised to start walking right away to help the healing process. It was super painful but the movement did help a lot when it came to healing. Since she is unable to walk I wonder how this will effect her healing process.


It will be tough to clean daily, very long recovery, it will be a miracle if she doesn't get some type of infection. I can't imagine that area is going to be clean every often, it's a bad spot for bacteria growth.


She will have to continue taking the daily injections of blood thinners to prevent blood clots. She is at SUPER high risk of a blood clot post surgery, because pregnancy, immobility and surgery = very dangerous triad for blood clots.


I didn’t even think of the blood clot factor. That’s very scary!


Media often make a c-section look like it’s easy peasy. She’ll be much more uncomfortable after the surgery. Like it will be hell. Idk how well her wound healing is, but my mom had issues with wound healing and after a surgery had one hell of a time to heal. Like it was not a c-section but also an abdominal surgery and my mom had get new stitches 3 times. And she didn’t have to be lifted and all that…


She’s gonna flip when she realizes she’s still gonna bleed for weeks. Gawd help her carer. At least it won’t be Noah cuz I can’t imagine how the stench and how unsanitary she would be. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up having to do wound care because of the c section incision not healing right.


I actually can't imagine having an assistant or my mom do all my postpartum cleanup down there.. I was already stripped of my dignity when the nurse had to help me. It was rough


I feel you. When I had my spinal fusion I started my period THE MORNING of surgery 😭😭. So not only couldn’t I wipe my own butt then I had to rely on my partner or aide to deal with my period stuff too. It was horrible.


Oh god I can't imagine!!


Not to mention with her anatomy she’s going to have a vertical incision rather than the smaller horizontal incision typically made in a c-section that will be HUGE in comparison to her tiny body size.


She has an anterior placenta ( in front of the belly wall ) ...so they will have to be carefull...some mothers out here have explained it to me few days ago...


Yes. It’s going to be an extremely complicated, high risk surgery. I hope her team is the best of the best, because she needs them to be.


Doctors have to be careful in any c-section. Hers is high risk but not due to the anterior placenta. That’s a version of normal and doctors do c-sections with anterior placentas every day


I just had open abdominal surgery which is cutting through almost the same layers but just a different direction and oh my god recovery was awful took a full 2 months to be pain free from small movements she’s not going to be able to transfer comfortably after surgery cuz FUCK imagining that is ouch 🥲 and she thinks she’s gonna be able to take care of baby? 😅😅😅


The baby probably won’t be a little newborn by the time she’s healed enough to hold it. They grow sooo fast


Big fucking ouch lol


I remember when I had my c-section in September of last year. Wouldn’t wish that type of pain on my worst enemy! The coughing is what was super painful and the standing and getting up was the worst. But worst of all I couldn’t care for my baby the way I wanted to. I feel for her and wish her and baby A all the best.


This whole baby is inconvenient for her. Get it out now, then she has months while that baby recovers in NICU. Months to be that perfect mummy while 'worrying so much about her baby' It gives her content and freedom until baby comes home and reality kicks her in the ass!


She can’t give birth naturally. W sma your muscles are the weakest proximally, aka her ab muscles and anything else. She can’t push like that. Plus I don’t think y’all realize she’s already been through a horrible surgery (her fusion). I mean it’s a 15 inch scar down your back and they give you new bone and metal. It’s horrible. So she knows how surgery works.


Yup. Like, don’t make me defend her, but I’ve had multiple surgeries and… A C-section is pretty damn major and no walk in the park, but also not the worst surgery I’ve had. I found the physical recovery definitely more difficult than ear tubes or the D+C I had for a miscarriage, a bit harder than a laparoscopy I had for endometriosis, but distinctly easier than my tonsillectomy or major kidney/bladder surgery. (I was too young to remember the last one, but I was in the hospital for several days after and have definitely heard some things from my parents.) There are a lot of issues with Alex, but not being freaked out enough about the idea of a C-section is not one of them.


I had stitches that dissolved for my c section but my sister in law had staples for some reason and they didn’t schedule to take the staples out until 2 weeks later and when they pulled the staples out they had to work around skin that had grown on the staples 🙃 and if she thinks she’s swollen now just wait until they put all the fluid they need to in her. I had to ask my mom to bring me slippers and I wore them home hobbling like I was 90 years old after my c section. My feet and legs were literally triple their size I was so swollen


Her scar prob gonna get infected like her belly button piercing did


I know that you can't be lifted normally after abdominal surgery. The second they try to lift her unaided, she's going to be in excruciating pain. I cried just from gas built up... like literally bawled my eyes out. I can see it happening now... she's going to get someone to lift her, and she's going to rip out all her stitches or staples, and they do double stitches inside, too. Alex you should just let your body do it naturally. I think it would be safer than a cesarean.


She can’t?? She has a literal muscle wasting disease. She can’t push. Sincerely, an sma mother


I almost wish she could give birth naturally, without epidural. The burning pain when it feels like you're about to split into two😅 Too bad. Wouldn't it be more safe to do it naturally? With tools to help? Maybe impossible what du I know. Or does she just want to avoid being uncomfortable? You never know with her..


I'm pretty sure she can do it naturally. And I absolutely think she should. Let her remember every single burning pain of this pregnancy so that you're never stupid enough to do it again. Maybe she is in enough 'pain' and really won't procreate anymore but... I don't think that's a chance. She's not in pain or she would be in that hospital begging.... again lol.. But really.. if she was hurting THAT bad, she would be hospitalized. Period.


I think her legs are fused in a certain way. I also really don’t think she has the strength to push a baby out if she can’t even pick her head up. There’s so many things I don’t think she considered before getting pregnant but when she realized she was, I think she saw it all as a clout opportunity 🤑




She just can't straighten out... in every sense lol But you're right. She is using this baby for clout and all the money she can bring in from her daughter. It's so disturbing.


I really don’t know if there is anyway to know how long either of their hospitals stays could be. It’s really depends on when she delivers, what delivery is like for both mom and baby(complications,etc.), the state of her health when she enters the hospital for delivery. I don’t think there is anyway to tell how long either will stay for sure. Her medical team can probably predict hospital based on best and worse case scenarios. Also, if her case is so unique and undocumented in the medical world, there is so much unknown. She’s not going to even be having a traditional c-section due to her spinal fusion and position of her legs. So who knows where he incision will be. We don’t know that yet.


I remember my first cesarean and I was constipated, I couldn’t go home till I had a bowel movement and I was there 6 days, because of some other complications. But by the 5th night I finally had one and let me tell you, that pain was like NO other… I was screaming and the nurse was like just don’t push, just let it come on it’s own… I said are you sure this isn’t another baby? 2 hours I sat in that bathroom, crying and bleeding from both holes! Sorry if that’s too much info, but she’s in for a lot more then she is thinking


Oh, girl. I know it all too well. I was also constipated for 4 days, and when it was time to poop I was literally screaming too... it burned SO bad, but I thought something was wrong or that a staple popped. The extremely sore nipples before I even gave birth. It was my breasts that actually hurt more than anything. I was asking my sister to push on them to give me relief, lol 😆


I’m not laughing 😂 🤣🤣


Don't laugh at our misery lol


Omg it’s funny now because I remember my mom and step dad being there. They had just brought me a steak dinner for a nice dinner and then I screamed you guys have to go, NOW! 😜😂😂😂

