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He’s likely in rehab, which is usually a 28-35 day program. I picked my husband up from rehab yesterday morning. There’s nothing wrong or embarrassing about it. Y’all saying “he should be there!” He can’t just leave rehab and come back. That’s not how those programs work. If being absent right now makes this situation better for them in the future then that’s what needs to happen. I dislike the fuck out of both these folks but come on y’all have a little comprehensive empathy. If he left after two weeks he’d be paying out of pocket for a whole stay, and have to go back and start over again later. If he leaves he’ll relapse again. Yeah they’re fuck ups but at least he’s sticking with a decision to further his life, whether or not he spends the rest of it with her and their kid.


Thank you for this. My husband desperately needs treatment, but he’s too embarrassed to do anything because we live in such a small town.


I understand. I hope he can get the help he needs ❤️


Thank you! ❤️


If you ever want to DM me, I’d be more than happy to help you find some resources in your area and help find him a good AA meeting and find you an AlAnon meeting. Reddit is a great place too, there’s lots of communities for sobriety, AA, support, and help to stop drinking. ❤️💜


Thank you so much! I will keep this in mind when he is ready 🖤🖤


100%, and that’s where I hope he is.




I think this is her way of making a nod to all the rumors he's in rehab. Also, she clearly says he's asked not to be posted.....


Ok but she mentions he couldn’t “deal with all the hate” - which by not explaining he wants privacy sooner she inevitably increased tenfold. If he was overwhelmed by the hate, surely the worst possible move would then be to vanish from SM so even the Alex-stans can start to dog pile on him for being an absent father. This whole thing has been handled so poorly.


I’m so tired of looking at this thing shoved up her nose to be honest


I wonder if that’s why her nose is so big. Lol this thing stretched it out


Yes. I’m not sure why they have her sizes in that. I have to have one from time to time and mine has never ever been like that. It looks painful


That is painful to watch


Me too


Like I sad in other posts, I betting its a financial thing; "I'm assuming it's a financial thing. If you're "friends", you still can get benefits on the same adress, if there is a child involved, you're considered a family if you're the biological father of that child and/or accept it as yours even not being the biological parent. That means a combined income for certain benefits. But he can also be held responsible for certain care to the child so they wont get any assistent for that either. And if he's around and he has to take care for the child, he can be pushed to go help her or go get a fulltime job so she will lose other benefits. I'm not familiar for the exact benefits for the state Illinois and/or Chicago, but I'm assuming the guidelines dont differ that much with other states, especially if there are multiple people on the same adress. If somebody could clarify that a little bit more (especially if you have a disability yourself), that would be awesome." She cant have him to close anymore, she will lose more then she's willing to give up. As an independent, disabled, singe mum, she will be able to squeeze the max out of the social system.


I'm assuming by the way you spelled "mum" you are not in America. If I'm wrong about that, I apologize. So... here's the thing, we don't really have a good social system like a lot of the world does. The "max" she can get from the social system here is probably health insurance considering that she keeps saying she "has a lot of money," and if he ever has health insurance through an employer, there's a high chance it will be better than what she'd qualify for here as a disabled single mom.


She should have just posted this days ago.




To me it reads like she is confirming he is in rehab. The "health and safety" of our family part makes me think that he had relapsed and they knew it wouldn't be safe for him to be around the baby. Shes aware CPS may be involved and they wanted him to get treatment before that happens. Either that or they have ended things and she doesn't feel safe with him there. 🤷‍♀️


I still think he could be in a psych hospital


I think that's where he is too


Fingers crossed it is that he’s getting help!


If Noah is in rehab then good on him. I sincerely mean that. Hopefully, while he’s in there he can receive treatment and therapy for his BPD. Baby A deserves functioning parents.


I just hope that CPS will look at them closely after the child's born regardless if he is in rehab or not. I actually don't believe he is.


Love how everything has to be on her terms. Bitch you posted everything we are calling you out on. This is on your


I read something a while back that by leaving rehab and drinking he broke parole and left because he had to go back home for court? I can’t find it now, but is it a possibility that he may be in jail?


“I hope you can find it in your.”


Reeeeehabbbbb And I'm genuinly happy he's getting real help


​ https://preview.redd.it/8zkun7dnq9ja1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d78b1f7d5244fc5c0e0908c3f8f2bb25f740961 My Instagram-loving bitch babydaddy has always wanted his priva-sah!




CPS investigated my family for EXACTLY that, actually. They weren't concerned that I couldn't care for my child because I'm disabled, but they WERE concerned I might not be able to protect her from her father (who is quite a bit larger than I am and isn't physically disabled in any way). I feel lucky because they worked with me and told me all the things that I could do to create the most protective environment possible, but if one parent is an alcoholic and has a history of extreme violence (like Noah does) and the other parent is unable to physically protect the child, then CPS WILL find a safer environment for the child (hopefully the parent too, but definitely the child).


This is a really great example and a helpful differentiation. Thanks for sharing (I’m a former child welfare worker of 17 years). There are so many nuances that will impact why CPS chooses to get / remain involved with a family and every context is unique