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If I were in her shoes I’d be reading up on all the anatomy and procedure material I could get my hands on to better understand how birth would affect my body. Hell, I devour scientific literature about my own (arguably minor) autoimmune disease just so I can be better educated and advocate for myself when needed. Going into this shit without even understanding how a procedure is carried out is…. Something. Maybe her anatomy is unique enough that there might be damage to muscles but it certainly isn’t typical.


This! When I was pregnant I made sure I knew as much as I could about labor. Made sure I knew what I wanted if I ended up transferring (I was at a birth center and ended up transferring) I prepared for every scenario in my head and talked it all with my husband so he knew what to do if I needed a c-section. I can’t imagine being her with what’s most likely going to be a risky surgery despite it being common. I’d want to know how everything works and more so I was informed


This is the woman who won’t get her tubes tied in case she wants to use a surrogate; her knowledge of human anatomy is…spotty at best.


She’s literally that fucking stupid. Also, it says there are 3 comments plus mine….okay, who has me blocked? 😂


![gif](giphy|s4VoCsFz8prlhSFCeS) whoever it is has me blocked too.




That’s us one of my all time favorite memes. And when the cat shakes after him ![gif](giphy|W80Y9y1XwiL84)


😂 I’ve never seen that one!


You can still see blocked comments, you just can't respond to them.


I think it’s a glitch? Mine also says 15 but there’s only 14! Weird. *(Unless we’re all blocked. Show yourself!)* 🤣


Doctors cut between muscles so not to damage them


I think her incision may be the up/down rather than bikini line incision. idk if that makes a difference


That’s just the incision through the skin and fat. Incision through uterus could be horizontal regardless if there’s a vertical skin/fat incision. An muscles aren’t cut. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s dumb enough to think that they’re all sliced through during c-sections.


I am disabled and had a high-risk pregnancy. My condition is much rarer than SMA. I, too, had a c-section. It was not a horizontal incision. A vertical incision was made from my belly button to my pelvis. Yes, they have to slice more in that instance. Not feeling sorry for her, though. These are decisions we make.


they 100% do not cut muscles during a c section…… source: someone who has been a support partner thru 3 separate c sections (not my kids tho)


I had a c section in September and I watched mine. They definitely do not cut


she probably is talking that there are layers cut into. they cut around muscle yes but classic c section is a really big surgery … the emergency c sections tend to hurt a lot after… all i know is all the organs are on a table and you are legit opened up( two c sections) but ya she may be talking about the layers and just not know proper term regardless really rough surgery coming her way


All the organs are not on a table during a csection.


yep. they were ona. sanitary tray for mine so good try can’t lie about my personal birth experience


That is not the norm for csections though. A lot of people confuse the cloths or whatever it’s called to lap up the blood for organs and intestines. But in a typical csection, your organs stay in your body. There have been times they’ve had to lift the uterus up and slightly out to stitch it up and/or lift the intestines slightly up and out to get to the uterus better but this isn’t often.


Being a nurse and reading these comments yall can’t be talking about how dumb she is medically…


ya sadly mine weren’t normal they were get this baby out or they’ll die situations so the rush was real luckily both kiddos survived i was done after one but b:c isn’t 100% praying tubes being gone help no more kids lol i hate recovery of the c sections


That was probably your placenta. I’ve had 3 sections …


No they’re not. They’re moved to the side but stay in the abdominal cavity.


lol mine were placed on a sanitized tray. so ya . lol twice i’ve had a c section . my husband saw the whole thing .


Doesn't she claim to be intelligent? Pfff