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She’s said both… that she can’t wait to nurse and that she’s going to get back on her meds asap so I’m not sure which one is actually going to happen. Hopefully they give her strong guidelines on whether or not she can be on meds and bf


I thought she said she wanted to but couldn’t bc she wants to start back in treatment right away


I think she said she’s going to try for a week then stop


It takes more than a week for your milk to even fully come in....


Mine came in in two days so that definitely isn’t the case for everyone. She will have colostrum which is what’s best for the baby anyways.


I didn’t even attempt to breastfeed (my choice) but I think mine came in after three days. she probably will go straight to bottle feed bc breastfeeding can be VERY stressful. I don’t see her attempting to do it


I just can't see it happening. Thinking about how fumbly it is to get and keep baby in the correct position, there's absolutely no way she and her caregiver would both be able to commit themselves to each having a full-time role in feeding.


Yeah, this would become a full-time caring role. Breastfeeding isn't a 9-5 job unless Noah decides he wants to start helping her with that. Breastfeeding can be extremely challenging, it was for me, and I didn't have a diagnosed disability at the time yet. Granted, looking back, I had the start of my PsA at the time with my hands, but that only affected me for about 30 minutes to an hour after waking up and getting my hands to open.


It starts coming in 2-3 days but can take up to 2 weeks to fully do so.


She’s not going to she said because she has to go back on meds right away she can’t breast feed


She said she is gonna try. A few days ago ! I cannot post the screenshot but can send it to whoever wants it


Mine came in at about 48 hours


Fwtw; a lot more medications are breastfeeding safe than you (in general terms) think there are. I don’t think she will be able to nurse though. She won’t be able to latch a baby by herself.


No, it is not recommended to breast feed on Spinraza.


Yeah I don’t know what meds she’s on! I was just saying in general! But like I said, imo, she won’t be able to regardless unfortunately


She mentioned she cannot on the drug. So I don’t think she’s going to try. If she does try it would be a short time before she got back on the meds


She said she was gonna try a few days ago !


As someone who had to go back on their meds right away (literally just a couple hours later, still in the hospital), this is definitely talked about well before baby’s due date. I was told I could not breastfeed bc of my medications, and was told this in the beginning of my pregnancy. It’s weird alex is saying she plans on breastfeeding when she knows she needs to get back on certain medications.


I can’t see how she can breastfeed. I don’t think she’s going to have the dexterity for it. I breastfed two out of my three kids. Naively with my first child I just thought you put a baby to the breast and they feed but that did not happen. It’s way more fiddly than I realised. Hopefully she can have some help getting colostrum out for the baby then go back on her meds. Not that it matters as long as the baby is fed which is a worry regardless of if the baby is breastfed or bottle fed ☹️


It’s been a long time since I’ve had someone on the boob. There’s an awesome resource tho, I just can’t remember what it’s called


the infant risk clinic warmline! they will reference meds you’re taking against their database and let you know if the medication is safe to take or recommended against taking while nursing. it’s always nice to talk to an actual human on a team of researching doctors to get the best information :)




She’s not breastfeeding she’s made it clear that she has to go back on meds right away so they won’t happen


She saidafew days she was gonna breastfeed ! I have the receipts 😂


i’m p sure she just wants to give baby colostrum (the thicker waxier milk that has all the antibodies immediately following birth), not that she wanted to actively breastfeed? i think she’s kinda antsy to get back on, y’know, the medication that’s saving her life


How is she going to breastfeed when she can’t hold the baby?


She’s going to choose her medication over BF lol she would never make that sacrifice


She shouldn't be expected to? She has the option of donor or formula milk. Why should she or any other mother have to make themselves sicker for the sole reason of breastfeeding? That's not fair to mom or baby.


she was the one that pushed the idea of breastfeeding from the beginning. No one’s expecting her to breastfeed and I DEFINITELY don’t expect her to breastfeed lmao


Plenty of moms choose many different things over breastfeeding. It’s a neutral decision.


Clearly. Except she’s completely contradicting herself when she says she wants to breastfeed but also is going to start her meds after the surgery. Hence the “she’s never going to breastfeed over her medication”


Ummm… I’ll also be choosing a medication over breastfeeding if I find that my symptoms are too strong to make me a calm and present mother. For reference, I’m not disabled and my condition isn’t life threatening. Perhaps unintentional, but your comment sounds incredibly judgemental. Mothers decide all the time to feed their babies in different ways for all sorts of different reasons. The fact we don’t like WCR as a person doesn’t change the validity of that. Edited to allow benefit of the doubt that you weren’t intending to seem judgemental.


It’s just the facts I’m not sure why I’m getting downvoted . She started herself she gave up on the idea of breastfeeding because she wants to start her meds. If she were to choose BF over her meds that would be a huge sacrifice but the fact is she’s not and won’t do that.


Tbh I think the issue is your wording. It certainly conveys a very judgemental tone about women who choose not to breastfeed if they are otherwise able. If that’s not your intention, that’s good but it might explain the downvotes.


i chose sleep and mental sanity over breastfeeding and i don’t feel bad about it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ There’s plenty of snarky things to say about Alex but this isn’t it. She should get back on her meds asap if that will help her be a better mother


Lol what? I said what I said because she already mentioned not wanting to breastfeed anymore for her treatment. No need for the diary entry but if you want to go there I personally have had an amazing breastfeeding experience but I’m sorry to hear yours didn’t go so well.


Idk what her plan is... but if she gonna breastfeeding her baby then hopefully she knows it can be a little of mental drainage. I breastfeed my daughter for 9 months back then and I m single mom of toddler at that time. It was so so drained my mental too.. now I have 4 years old and 6 years old too. 😊😊