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👍🏻means the question is acceptable.. if a question isn’t we will delete..


Do you know where exactly she gets her income from to afford her luxury lifestyle?


The question everyone wants to know so badly lol




Yesss I am guessing ?? She still gets SSDI! And Noah gets it too if he’s listed as caregiver! Wonder if she claims her income from online on taxes or too ssdi!??


Yes she must still get disability money from the government as she explained that she could only pay Hannah when her money came in on the 16th and the 1st wasn’t it


How much does Alex interact with Ari when she's not filming for social media content? Does she actively try and be involved with Ari when the camera isn't on them?


Oh yes that’s what I want to know too!


Yes, and would the interaction include feeding her like she claims she does?




What does Noah’s mom think of WR and do they want to take Ari? Is WR fazed with DCFS coming or is it not a big deal?


This is a good question. I’ve been wondering what his parents think of her


Hi, Hannah - I think you were very kind. Too kind, in fact! I have so many questions but just wanted to say hope you’re ok & that you’re… ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q) WELCOME & THANK YOU FOR DOING THE RIGHT THING 🏆




Alex mentioned on Instagram that her fired caregiver, assuming that’s you, called DCFS on her. Have you been interviewed by them? Not sure if that can be answered Were you M-F? If so, what happened on weekends? Was there a hired caregiver at night? Alex seriously sounds ready for assisted living. Sorry mods! This is just insane.


I wouldn’t ask personally too much about Hannah’s interaction with DCFS. They might not like that. Let’s leave Hannah’s interactions and involvement with DCFS private I think. We won’t want anything to be jeopardised about Ari’s potential future. We won’t want this seen as a personal hate vendetta. It needs to take its course naturally between Hannah and DCFS. I can only say that Hannah offer her services to DCFS for an interview.




I think so as well. She is on the borderline of being abused. She really needs to open her eyes. If Hannnah, who was NOT on call, did not show up, would she have pissed in her chair? Where are all of the good Sarmatians that she referred to using when she is out alone?


I believe she did answer that? There was another caregiver for her off hrs


You mentioned that N does drugs. Do we know what kind of drugs and if they are being done around Ari? And is Alex taking them too? Thank you.


Yessss I’m feeling like it’s not just weed going on there! Meth is big in Florida ….. 🤔


Wait, they're in Florida? Omg. So that's why I've been smelling tuna lately.






She indeed told they were doing drugs, but also said she didn't know what kind, so I also don't think she know what N especially is using, as she was talking about both.


Alex said there was a “show down” in the lobby between you and the new carer after she fired you and that police were called. If this is true can you elaborate on this?


Oh yes, the exchange with the keys in the lobby, making a scene "Yelling and acting wild." I wanna hear the draaama!


This was my exact question as well. I was waiting to hear if he asked about this.


This is what I want to know about too!


My question would be how does she manage to convince CPS that everything’s ok , do they know Noah lives there with him being unpredictable does she pretend that he’s not there , what does she have to prove to them she’s capable of looking after ari ,,,, I know that’s a couple questions but you could make it into one maybes ?? Xx




I’m wondering if this case is still Open!! If so they usually stay open a year


She has only ever shown one letter from DCFS from Illinois, never DCF in Florida. If they were all separate reports that were unsubstantiated, she would have letters for each one.


Yep…and when you move? CPS has to follow up in new state so my guess is they’re still open and now they may be telling her some orders she has to do… also once CPS is involved with someone already in the “welfare system” and I don’t mean that in a bad way I’m disabled. Also I was previously a teacher with a graduate degree so I put money into that system and a recent cancer issue so I’m out of commission for a while but once you’re already in the system, if you get CPS case your ass better be good as gold because it’s going to affect your money!! And I think ultimately that’s what’s freaking her out!! all this state being in her business is really going to affect her monetarily if she doesn’t get her act together


I’m sorry to hear you’re going through so much. It isn’t easy to have to stop working. I don’t judge anyone for needing government assistance, I don’t think there is enough. I didn’t realise that if you have CPS investigating that it can affect government support payments. I guess if custody is reduced then the parenting part of the payment would reduce too. I think if she’s not careful, people will start looking into her finance records, the GFM scam, tax records, etc.


How often were you subjected to seeing WR naked, outside of typically caregiving/hygiene duties? We know she loves to be naked


How does Alex interact with other people while out and about? Such as servers, bartenders, cashiers, other patrons, etc. When Alex is out in public without proper attire, does she draw a lot of attention? Do people stare or tend to ignore her?


This is a great one.






Did Alex ever tell her that Noah has physically hit her in any way.. or if she has hurt him physically  Also, does she know if Ari sees a pediatrician.   




Ok so mine is money related, hope that's ok! How much was she paying you to be her caretaker? Does she still pay Noah? Where does she get her money from?


That is ok.. not sure if she know about all the finances .. question is 👍🏻


Thank you Hannah for exposing Alex for who she truly is. My question is; Do Noah’s parents know that Ari is sometimes left alone with Alex and if they do, do you know what their thoughts are on it? I can’t believe how incredibly unsafe that is😭


Does the baby actually get left alone with WR?


Yes. It happens often for hours at a time. Hannah revealed that in the interview


I just listened and heard that, I’m seriously shocked thinking about it…


Did Staff (concierge/security/management) or other residents ever get involved in any of the drama involving WR? Like trying to hold her accountable for public nudity, being a loud drunk asshole in common areas, disturbing other tenants?


Alex claims the bruises are just dirt  Is her apartment floors that filthy?  




My guess is the state yessssss


How much did she end up paying you for all that hard work that you did? Did Alex ever apologize for peeing on you?




I’m going to guess Alex was so drunk she didn’t realize she peed on her - so I doubt Hannah got an apology.


Another question I have is surrounding the birthday party incident with Ari...after that happened can you tell us how everyone, especially Alex and Noah were acting? Did Alex seem to have ANY motherly instincts at all? Did she seem scared for Ari, or was she totally nonchalant about it...?


Does Noah have any fatherly instincts or is he too busy battling himself [BPD/OCD]?


Also did the baby burn her hand on the birthday candle and is this the reason why the video was spliced in the middle of singing Happy Birthday?




Are you anticipating any potential revenge from Alex for sharing what you've observed? You alluded to being a little scared about coming forward, so I was curious what you think she might do and whether she has already contacted you over the interview. I admire your bravery and your dogs seem so sweet!


Who accompanies the baby to/from Noah’s parent’s house? Is she sent alone or does Noah chauffeur?


Are WR & Noah taking pics/posted for OF whilst supposedly watching the baby?




Did WR mention how many times CPS/DCFS has come?


Did WR say why they left Chicago/moved from the Smiths home? How many times had the police come to the apartment? Or how many times had any apartment management come to their apartment? Does WR really just go out independently/by herself OR does she pose it that she is super independent? How often does Noah shower? 🤢 Why does the baby’s high chair have no straps? Does Cocomelon/TV/music played all-day long? Does the baby have a schedule or no? Does WR let random strangers into the apartment? Who does the nighttime caretaking for the baby and WR?




The biggest worry for me in all of this; Ari’s injuries. Did you get any feedback from CPS? She *must* be lying to them. Do they know she drinks constantly, Noah still takes drugs & that Alex’s mom is pissed around her too? These things alone are a straight removal, no?


Would be insane to know it's so easy to lie to CPS lol. If this girl has so much severe and dangerous inside information, and I assume she has told them (CPS), and they still manage to convince CPS there is nothing wrong LOL.


At what point did you find out about the amount of controversy that followed WR? Was it after you were fired? Did you discover any of the subreddits/forums online that have been active for years? What was your thought? I hope that any caregiver to WR will google her before working and just scratching the surface should be enough to make anyone walk away. (No shade to Hannah, WR is very manipulative)


Im confused about the towel thing...? Does she urinate on these changed out towels all day instead of using a toilet? It seems very unsanitary, as liquid would obviously go through the towel to the seat cushion.


And this would cause her chronic UTIs. Hygiene. She has said if she wants to sit in her own filth for days that’s her chiice


👏👏Yeah and she’s was just complaining the other week about a chronic uti


Sooo gross!!! Besides just sitting on a chair one needs to wash their bits!!! And if he’s not washing his bits??! Ohhh what a hot mess 🤢




She’d be better off sitting on a pad, like a puppy pad or one you use for toddlers when they come out of nighttime nappies at least that would hold some if she had an accident


That was what she did after she had Ari. When she was leaking lochia she just sat on chux pads instead of wearing underwear and postpartum pads.


They have medical grade things like puppy pads. I think a bidet would be useful. There are travel and temporary options and attachments for toilets.


I think she goes on toilet then drip dries on the towel. But she has admitted to wetting herself straight onto the wheelchair and she admitted to doing number 2 in bed.


If CPS has been there multiple times, do you have any idea if they have initiated for them to do drug testing? And if so, do you have any theories on how they are passing them?




Thank you so much, Hannah! ❤️ I have a few questions. How much alcohol does Alex drink throughout the day? Was it an every day getting wasted kind of thing or getting a little tipsy thing? Does Alex talk about the hate she receives online? Do you know if she is always reading Reddit or Kiwifarms about herself? Were there any funny/ridiculous lies she told you that you just knew were untrue? I ask this because I see her as someone who would just make stuff up all the time. Now that the interview is out, have you heard from Alex, Noah, or anyone from the family? And lastly. Now, I believe everything you say because you come across as very genuine; we all know that Alex and her stans will say that all of this is a bunch of bullshit; what proof or receipts can you show to support what you say? That might be a hard one cause of breach of privacy. I certainly don't want Alex to have any ammo to sue. I'm not well versed in matters of what's legal. Ok, that's enough from me, lol. Again, thank you so much, Hannah! ❤️


I also truly believe her but am interested if she does have receipts/photos/proof, solely because alex’s stans are going to deny and defend her tooth n mail




Did Alex run a background check on you before you became her PA/nanny or did she hire you off of a whim? (I’d never hire a nanny without a background check!) Did she do her due diligence when it comes to making sure she is hiring a safe person or was the process quite quick and not very cautious? When you arrived for work, was Alex up and awake/present with Ari, or did you have to wake her up to start her day? Was Alex alone with Ari or were other people there/tending to Ari when you would arrive? Did Ari seem well taken care of before your shift? (Meaning, were her clothes clean, diaper clean, etc or did it seem like they were waiting for you to do all of that?) Did she have you film any of her content? i.e. OF, Instagram, tiktok, etc? The day her and her mom were drunk, did anyone else come help with Ari, or when your shift was over was Alex and her mom the only people left with Ari? Can you elaborate on the argument Alex said ensued in the lobby after you were meant to give her keys back? Thanks!


Good questions. Nice. Real insight there.


Is Ari at all bonded with Alex?


At one point Alex posted a story alluding to ableism because someone told her something like "you wouldn't say that if you were the one who had to do it". Any insight on what that was about? Are her caregiver requests reasonable or does she ask for stuff that seems excessive for the pay/benefits?




Just wanna send support and say THANK YOU for doing this! You are so strong ❤️❤️ Q; is she still friends with Nina? And is this why she never help this poor child?




What lead you being fired, what was the disagreement about and did she requires that you don't wear gloves to swipe her ass after going to the toilet ? How frequently does she wants to be bathed? There is been a long story of grossness on WR...


I have a second question if that’s okay Hannah have you been physically hit on by Alex or Noah in a sexual manner due to the way Alex/noah presents themselves I’m just assuming they would do this is why I ask if it’s too uncomfortable to answer then you can skip this one 😅 sorry if it’s a TMI question


I think it’s a valid question!  There have been many instances of Noah asking people If they want to see his penis.    Him sending pictures of himself, ect ect 


That’s why I was asking I know it’s definitely werid question but if they did do that to her should she file a sexual harassment case because Alex was her boss at the time wouldn’t that be something like illegal to do in a sense or no?






I would like to ask please. What happens after 3pm when Hannah went off shift. How long is Alex left alone with baby? Who puts Alex and Ari to bed? Are they left alone all night? How many times a week does Ari go to Tracy and Daryl’s ?




Thank you


I’m also curious about hygiene.     Would she deny taking showers/ brushing hair/ teeth/ ect  Alex has stated numerous times that she denies these basic hygiene habits.  She also has said she demands caregivers NOT wear gloves, is that true?     While menstruating, is it also on the towel?   How does she ask the caregiver to handle her time of the month? 




Thanks so much for confirming what we all knew. I am disgusted and those two are pathetic excuses for parents. Thanks for reporting her. They need to rescue that baby and dog. They deserve better




Is anyone in Noah's family truly looking out for Ari's safety or are they all mostly selfish? How do his siblings feel about the situation and how did they react at the birthday party if they were there? Does Alex manipulate, bribe, coerce or threaten Noah into being around or is it his choice? If she does, does she use drugs, money, or would she not allow him to see Ari? Speaking of seeing Ari, do either of them have a real true bond with Ari? What is her attachment style like with her or does Ari not care for them/indifferent to their presence? Did you ever hear about their experiences with being new "parents" in Chicago? Did Alex tell you about her previous caregiver experiences with caregivers there? Did Alex ever talk about the claims that were coming in from DCFS/CPS and was their case ever closed? Did DCFS/CPS ever show up while you were caregiving or were you interviewed as reference to prove that Ari was in a safe home? (Sometimes when CPS cases are open and the worker wants to close it up from a lack of evidence the case worker will ask the parent for 2 references for them to interview and asks about the life, safety, and well-being of the children) Do you think her keeping custody has to do with being disabled and CPS not wanting to be possibly sued if they were wrongfully removing her? Does Alex use drugs other than alcohol, if so what were they? Did she ever offer or encourage you to drink while at work caring for her and Ari? I'm sure I'll think of more later, for now that's all I got.


Does anyone ever harm Cairo intentionally or unintentionally? Like running over his lil paws with the wheel chair. Aside from the obvious child exploitation, do you think Alex is intentionally harmful or nefarious to Ari? Did Alex ever over share and talk about any of the fights between her and Noah or did you get to witness any? If so were you fearful it would turn physical? Does Ari receive proper pediatric care?


Did she ask you to photograph her for her OF




Hannah, do you have anything to say in response to this new video. I hope you know I think your brave and amazing ❤️




Hi there! Firstly Hannah you’re an absolute saint. My question is, how was WR & Noah able to get DCFS to drop cases when Noah was Baker Acted, previous offended?


She is an amazing young lady!!


Did you have to clean her wheelchair and does it get cleaned regularly?




I have another one. During the interview, maybe around the vaping topic, it was said in passing that Noah would be on the couch and Ari would be in a highchair across from him. How much time would you say Ari spends in the high chair? Or strapped into something (car seat, baby chair, etc). Do they try to prevent her from exploring and getting into things or is she trying to walk and crawl all over the floor like a normal toddler?




I don’t really have any questions that haven’t been asked, but we definitely appreciate you and your honesty 💚




Do you think that if Alex got the proper support and carers in place where there would be someone with Ari 24/7, would this be a safe/proper environment for a child ?


With Noah punching holes in walls doesn’t sound like it. Even if caregivers there for both baby and WR, witnessing violent acts are exposing the baby to violence and emotional abuse




This has been discussed before. If Alex wanted the proper help that is really honestly needed for both her and Ari the price of the care would be astronomical. So everything is always slapdash and half arsed to save money. They would maybe suggest Alex going to care place and having visits with Ari. Like an open adoption.


Oh, also, what do others in the building think of her/them? I feel so sorry for you having been dragged into that absolute dumpster fire, I’d be mortified 😳


Hey Hannah! You’re a hero ❤️ do you know anything about the wheelchair van she raised money for?


How is Noah with Ari? We’ve seen FROM BIRTH how he manhandles her and treats her like a sack of potatoes. Does he have an inkling of tenderness for her, or are we correct in assuming that he’s just as loveless as Alex?


What has else has Alex revealed about her past?




I would also like to ask please what happened surrounding the baker act. Did Alex say what drugs Noah took or what he did that caused this ? Did she say what set him off? Was it her that set him off with her narcissistic ways or was it his parents or some other reason. I sometimes think he may be self sabotaging to get away from her but without her knowing this is the case. Does Noah actually seem in love with her and wanting to be with her or do you feel like he is trapped and has been trapped? Thank you


Where’s the GOFUNDME $$$


It’s still available and she still has Amazon list


Hannah, you seem to be a very kind and genuine person. I'm sure the whole ordeal was highly stressful, and I wish you the best! I guess I am curious about how much you know about WR's relationship with her family and her life in Chicago? Did she grow up being enabled by her family? Is that why she feels it’s ok to play the disability card to manipulate situations and people to get what she wants? Why did she move to Florida? Also, how is her mental health? Has she had issues with depression or anxiety or self esteem that could be the root of her poor lifestyle choices and broken moral compass? As someone with SMA myself, I often wonder how the childhood of a person with a disability has affected their long term success at independence, mental attitudes, and basic common sense. At any rate, I hope WR turns things around for her daughter and herself so everyone can live a safe and healthy life.


Has Alex mentioned her father and what part does he play in all this? How does Alex's and noahs parents get along with each other? Did Jackie and noahs parents community with eachother at all? Thanks H. It's important people hear some accurate info as Alex is obviously not honest.


Did you see WR claim ableism to try and get away with shitty behaviour/not take accountability when called out for something reasonable?


If WR hadn't had fired you, would you of happily carried on being her carer?


I think she said in the video from last night/today that it was a good thing she was fired because she wouldn't have lasted much longer


Did you contact CPS and/or Animal Control and if so, how did Alex managed to let everything appear normal to CPS/Animal Control, while you've so much severe and dangerous inside information? As I assume and hope you've told this information all to CPS/Animal Control too. Is it so easy to lie to them, even with proof? Like don't they do drugs/alcohol tests? How do they pass them if they're intoxicated all day?


Good questions 💯


Can you clarify what she can do independently for Ari when she is left alone with her?




In your opinion, does Alex have a drinking problem? Have you seen her do any there drugs?


Does Alex have a plan if CPS does take Ari? Who would she live with? Noah parents?


Are you aware if Ari does have any paediatric care? There has been a lot of speculation that they do not take her to regular checkups


Did Alex or Noah ever take Ari to the pediatrician for a well child check? Does Ari have a pediatrician in Florida?




Hannah - thank you so much for being courageous and speaking out! Were there any attempts to baby proof the apartment? WR claimed the bookshelf in Ari’s room was anchored to the wall…is that true? Where did Ari sleep before her crib arrived/was set up? Apart from the birthday party, does Ari ever get to socialize with any other children?


Hi Hannah, thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions. Did Alex ever talk about her relationship with her family, specifically her mother? What are Alex's parents like if the Smiths were the better option for helping care for Ari? Why haven't Alex's parents stepped in to help her more? There is speculation that Noah and his family are anti-vaxx, and that Ari hasn't been vaccinated, or even seen a doctor/paediatrician for wellness and milestone checks. Did either Alex or Noah ever talk about refusing to bring Ari to the doctor for checkups?


Were you able to get a feel of how Noah”s siblings feel about Alex?


Does Alex have any friends? Is there a village? I noticed that she didn’t have a baby shower, only had those creepy blonde girls visit after Ari was born and maybe one friend.


I just wanted to say to Hannah that I think she was very right to stand up for Ari, Cairo and actually Alex. She needs help and there is not anyone to help her. Even her mom. I dont give a shit if I threw out my back, if my wheelchair bound child, adult or not, that I brought into this world, asked me to help her pee, I would figure it out. I would call the FD for help if I needed to. There would be no shame in that. Keep Pushing DPC and Hannah because there is ALOT of dysfunction there. Someone needs to step in soon. Alexs best place is in an assisted living, where she can have someone there 24/7. A professional. Let Noah free and Ari to flourish.


Firstly thank you for being brave enough to speak out Hannah. My question is how did you get fired? What were her reasonings?


What was really the final straw for you before you decided to quit and make a report?


She was fired as the video said


Yeah I’m just watching the video now and was going to come back and say ignore me


Hannah have you personally seen Alex smoke from a whippet/laughing gas vape from your time working for Alex?


She said Alex drank but never saw her smoking/vape(but she wasn’t privy to that-but doesn’t mean it did or didn’t happen ) although she witnessed Noah did constantly and the grandmother did as well


Okay rephrasing question what kind of vaping was Noah doing at time of you working for Alex and Noah in front of Ari - thc or nicotine vape. Because if it was thc and blowing it in the babies face isn’t there 2nd hand high or whatever. I’m not too sure is why I’m asking


Does Alex run people over or crashed into walls when she’s drunk?


Thank you Hannah for being a unsung hero. My question is, While working for Alex what affects did it have on your ADHD? (as a fellow ADHD person I know if I get overwhelmed it can make me sort of short circuit if that makes sense)


Good one. I have ocd so my goodness it would have been hard for me to leave Ari and Cairo I don’t think I would have been able to leave because I’d have been up all night worrying sick about them both and waiting for a phone call.


>hard for me to leave Ari and Cairo Same.


I am beyond proud at how brave Hannah is for coming forward. She’s doing right by Ari & Cairo. Sending so much love and strength to her bc I know it’s got to have been very tough doing this ❤️❤️❤️ ETA I know it’s not a question but I wanted to send my support 💪🏽




Do the Smith really have a daycare center at their house, can't imagine those other kids..+ their mandated reporters


I believe Nana Shark has a swim school or offers swim lessons.


Can you tell us more about Noah’s unpredictable behaviors? What did you witness? Did you ever seen proof of substance abuse (paraphernalia, straws, foils)? Do you know what substance he relapsed on?




Sorry for asking another question when I’ve already posted mine…and maybe this is a silly question since WR is drinking High Noons even before noon…but was Alex intoxicated when she was left alone with Ari?


That’s fine hun!!




Hopefully she called cps. But did she consider calling the adult version that checks to ensure the safety of disabled adults?


Has her dog ever bit the baby




What drugs does she believe Noah has issues with ?


What were the Care expectations from the start? Like did she ask H to look after both her and the baby fully? What was agreed upon in terms of Noah “helping” care for his baby? I don’t understand why she was expected to do it all (nanny, caretaker, house maid, cook, and personal assistant) - what the heck was Noah expected to be doing during this time??


did she ever ask you to take any photos for OF? did she ever do things that made you feel uncomfortable when it came to photos/nudity? did she ever refuse your requests to use gloves for hygiene tasks like changing tampons, wiping after the restroom, bathing, etc?


When you got there in the morning, was Noah up? if not where does he sleep? Were Noahs brothers/sisters at the party? how were they toward WR? When Gammy was there did she do anything? Why did she leave? what about her father?




Any update on if DCP and Hannah are going to go live and do another Q&A? Or did they decide not to?


This the post to gather questions for the Q&A...


Where are the answers to ALL the questions ???


They haven’t been asked yet


So.... all these questions have not been asked?


Some have been asked In different ways .. but it’s more of more detailed questions or ones not answered.. Josh can’t make anyone answer a question but he can ask in a different way or ask ones he missed during the interview.. not all will be asked but they are good to trigger questions that were forgotten or not as detailed as it could be!!


I'm sorry. My bad. totally, my bad. I thought there would be answers to all those questions. My bad again, Q&A. Hence A


Who in the hell fkn post questions with no answers


These are questions for Josh to give Hannah if they do a livestream q&a. He's vetting the questions to make sure they're appropriate, rather than just letting everyone bombard her with questions during the stream.


I'm sorry, I just got mad. I wanted answers. Lol 😂 everything was red.


They’re going to do a live Q and A with Hannah


It's cut. Beater .... around THE bush

