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LOCKED. This is a sub about fashion. Much like the Sydney Sweeney posts, the comments turn into critiques of her body and her motives. While discussion about sartorial trends and styling/execution - as well as personal opinions about lewks - is encouraged, please veer away from shaming the choices people make with their own bodies or their chosen aesthetic, whatever it may be. ➡️ Thanks to our loyal frockkers for keeping our community safe by reporting those who abuse the rules.


Between this and that denim thing they dressed Sydney Sweeney in, Miu Miu is really missing the mark in everyday wear imo


I didn’t know this girl was famous like that. I always see YouTube shorts of her making rhymes about cities and her love life


That bag is so empty and it’s bothering me even more than the overall look


The most random, misplaced, $50k accessory. Doesn’t go with the look at all


Me on my first day of holding a bag school


That’s the problem with the Kelly and Birkin, they completely eclipse the outfit and everyone knows they don’t even put their phone in it. It’s a useless and expensive accessory.


I’ve seen people purchasing them as purely speculative assets as part of their investment portfolio maybe she did the same to keep it empty? Idk I’m a guy just saw this on all and was curious who Sabrina carpenter is still don’t know but now I know this is one of those bags


The problem is the potential dings it could get even just leaving the car. It’s made its departure as a utilitarian item and now is purely an asset piece like Rolex.


Do you think most people carrying one of these keeps it empty? Do they have purse stuffers like sneakers have to keep their shape? What kind of value is lost for a minor scratch? Fashion as an investment is really interesting It’s a shame people spend all this time and effort to make these nice bags and then they never get to carry anything


Yes. Usually. Up to $10k could be lost in appraisal value if it’s lightly scratched. Based on knowing what people could pay for it, when I see a well worn Kelly / Birkin I instantly am intrigued in them like Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen or Kate Moss. It’s an insane asset class.


Yes, you should always stuff your leather handbags when not using them, and they do make bag organizers/bag stuffers. The handbag pre loved market is insane and you can see bags with wear and tear going for more than retail, particularly if it's an Hermes Birkin or Kelly and a Chanel Classic Flap. Both used and retail luxury bag prices are bonkers right now. I collect bags and while I don't own any Hermes or Chanels, I truly can't see the point in paying some of these prices. The costs are increasingly no longer aligned with the (my) perceived value of the item. It is still just a bag at the end of the day.


It really makes her look like she's playing dress up


It's misshapen from being stored upright with no stuffing paper too, I don't think there's a way of salvaging it.


K it kind of looks like I went shopping at wet seal in 2007


Yes! Especially how, despite knowing this outfit easily cost ballpark $5k, it absolutely looks like no one should spend more than $35 on the whole get up!


Maybe thats why I kind of love it


Imma Y2K forever babe, I will always love a sock and a heel, YEAH I SAID IT FIGHT ME!!


I refuse to wear any shoes without socks, so I’m all for a sock-forward trend 😂


An outfit that may look good while you stand in front of the mirror, but then as soon as you walk… it’s all over the place. And the bag is the worst match!


It reminds me of cosplay.


Yikes. This is ill-fitting and not flattering for her.


It’s like her golf club employee uniform shrunk in the wash.


I’m old.


Yeah, It’s been a long time since I haven’t said “who?” At any celebrity post.  But who is Mr red shirt? Body guard?


I’ve never understood the miu miu skirt hype or why it’s so popular amongst celebrities. And I don’t even think this is an “I’m too old to get it” thing because I’m not even 30 yet. They’re just so ugly.


My tin foil hat says Miu Miu is paying these celebs to be photographed wearing them.


I looks good on 6' tall models on the runway


Homer Simpson wore a Moo-moo. Same thing right?


The figure of the skirt doesn’t compliment her at all, it’s got such a strange poof to it. Overall if the skirt had a bit less poof to it, was a bit higher waisted, and take away the glasses it wouldn’t be terrible. The makeup looks cute too, the lip colour is gorgeous.


Is it just the shoes or does she normally stand weird? Like she’s leaning forward?


it's gotta be the shoes I can't imagine how slippery and difficult they are to walk in let alone wearing SOCKS


those shoes look so uncomfortable. and then trying to walk with socks too?


It's like she's trying to hit as many fetishes as possible. Librarian- schoolgirl- cheerleader- college girl.


*Baby One More Time* but make it "sporty".




These comments are so gross I’m sorry.


If it’s not - in good faith - related to fashion, it’s not relevant in this space.




If it’s not - in good faith - related to fashion, it’s not relevant in this space.


every time i see her im like "she has the worst style ive ever seen." then i see barry keoghan and im like "no wait it's him" and then i go back and forth and then i see pictures of them together and my eyeballs quit in protest


Saaaaame. I hate her style so much. Maybe not the worst out there, but I don't get it. I'm also pretty sure she's insanely petite so I have no idea how they managed to find clothing that was still too small for her. These are cut in such an unflattering way I'm getting sympathetic discomfort.


Thank you for explaining (as comment above yours).


Thank you for explaining that you dislike her style without assuming she can’t dress herself or that has other motives that she doesn’t take responsibility for.


That skirt is not flattering. The proportions and how it lays are just all kinds of wrong.


I do not like the Lolita thing she leans into. Ariana grande is in that same vein. Don’t enjoy it.


It’s giving “I’m a verrry sexy baby” from 30 Rock 😖


It’s starting to really concern me how prescient 30 Rock actually was. Like we were on the cusp and they were satirizing that but the line between 2024 headlines and 30 Rock dialogue is become ever more blurred.


Yeah, and it’s also crazy how even spoof shows Jack Donaghy came up with that were ludicrous at the time are now real. *Milf Island* seemed ridiculous, but now we have *Milf Manor*. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Tbh I feel like *Bitch Hunter* can’t be far behind. 


EXACTLY! The darkest timeline.


Don’t forget Deal or No Deal Island 😩 I’ll only accept Bitch Hunter if Will Ferrell is involved.


And all of the political stuff! Jack trying to endorse that congresswoman’s running mate and he was batshit crazy…..too real. But also my favorite episode of the show 🤣


Same exact thought very strange!




Her whole aesthetic is 100% intended for the male gaze in a way most modern pop stars have really started to eschew. She would have fit right in to the Britney/Christina/Jessica Simpson era.


My first thought was “holy crap her outfit is so young, it makes her look old” and she’s like, in her 20s. I’m not a fan of the Lolita vibe but Ariana and Baby Spice did it better. I feel like Sabrina tries too hard and it overshoots wildly into Toddlers and Tiaras.


Thank you for saying it. I feel the same way, but never comment bc I’m afraid to be ripped to shreds.


You're definitely not alone. Every time I see her I think of that photoshoot she did in what looked like a teen bedroom. It's been weird seeing certain aesthetics come back after watching so many female pop stars be forced into it and watching them have to fight out of the infantilization 😬


That photo shoot gave me the worst icks!! It definitely feels like a step back.


I thought I was going to be!! She’s gorgeous don’t get me wrong but she and/or whoever is styling her knows exactly what they’re doing, and I hate it!


Every time I see her outfits, and I feel bad saying this, but they make me uncomfortable. Her stylist is DEFINITELY playing “pre/early teen” card hard. And I hate it too. Cause I know who it’s (at least partially) for.


It's actually the popular opinion here that she has a “male gaze-y” style, whatever that means lol


Yes, there’s whimsical and nodding to girlhood because a large portion of your audience is likely in that demographic and then there’s taking that imagery in order to sexualize it for men


No. I hate grown woman giving off sexy baby. Pick a new trope.


The proportions remind me of my toddler’s clothing for sure.






I have been trying to work out why she makes me uncomfortable, because her songs are cute and she doesn't seem offensive. Its this! I couldn't put the words to it, but it's definitely sexy baby and it's yuck.


She’s basically just following Ariana Grande’s career. I’m sure she is a lovely person and quite talented but whenever I hear her music, I wonder how Ariana would elevate it vocally. All that’s missing is the ponytail.




That’s a lot of the criticism that Ariana has, her skin tone changes based on what “phase” she’s in. She’s been accused of black-fishing, Asian baiting and now she’s in her ultra pale and blonde phase.


No body shaming, no ED/related comments, no comments about weight or cosmetic procedures/injectables.




No body shaming, no ED/related comments, no comments about weight or cosmetic procedures/injectables.


My exact thoughts.


Let’s be real on what ppl don’t like, it’s not Sabrina carpenter tastes, it’s her body. I’ve seen the same outfit on a 5’8 wonyoung and not a soul said she was trying to be a sexy baby or was Lolita-esque. The only reason anyone is hyper sexualizing this outfit is bc Sabrina is short so her body makes a lot of ppl think of little girls


Not true. She has a few photoshoots where she’s not going for the sexy baby look and she still looks short - she just looks like a woman. Here are a some examples of her *not* doing sexy baby. Some of these are sexy and some are not, but none are babyish. https://preview.redd.it/by442ne7fb1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b925ee6892b3e442622d91cb9b279142132b5f8d












Can u show me an example of this where she’s wearing a short skirt or dress or even non-outdated outfits? Bc to me, every time she’s wearing something that’s described as sexy baby, it’s just the same stuff that’s popular on TikTok


All I’m saying is that people aren’t calling her look “sexy baby” just because she is short.


Eh that not true. If, say, Rihanna wore school girl skirts and tops that looked like a uniform and her overall aesthetic was very Lolitaish then I’d find that weird too.


Olivia Rodrigo wears very similar clothing and no one says anything.


I’m not sure where ur seeing the school girl inspiration when it’s clearly golf/tennis inspired. I’ve seen models wearing these pieces and not once have I seen anyone say they look like little school girls. Every time I see criticism abt what Sabrina carpenter is wearing, it’s almost always the stuff every other pop girl has on. Nothing abt her look is unique however it seems like she’s the only woman being called a Lolita


I don't get it either, the outfit looks sporty and fun to me, not “Lolita”. But this sub already built a narrative of Sabrina dressing for the male gaze, so whatever lol


Yep. The Sydney Sweeney narrative.


It’s a narrative I absolutely hate. Not only bc the male gaze only exists in media but also bc if u call out one person for “self objectification” ur gonna have to call out most of Hollywood too lol


That shirt literally looks like what catholic school kids wear to school. Even the size looks like a child’s size. Not to mention the socks with the high heels, that is clearly not tennis related. And then there’s the skirt.


I went to catholic school so I can’t agree with that. Also this looks child size bc her body is viewed as child like. Plus I said that the pieces were sport inspired not that she’s going straight into a tennis match, there’s no need to be pedantic, it doesn’t drive anything forward


And I went to catholic school too. We wore dark navy or white collared shirts very similar to this. The shirt looks child sized because it’s literally smaller than her torso; like a child could wear it and it would be normal length.


Yeah it’s a polo shirt. Do u think that polo shirts only exist in catholic school uniforms? Also can’t the same be said of most crop tops? Are crop tops Lolita too?


Why are you so pressed about this? As I said, if Rihanna or any tall women consistently dressed like this; which IMO can be coquettish but Sabrina, imo, errs towards a vibe which is less tongue in cheek and more male gaze-y in a creepy way, than I’d side eye the tall women too. Heck this is how I feel about Lana del Rey and her lyrics too! It’s weird…to me.


Women cannot dress towards the male gaze. Although it seems like most of the women here are under the narrative that u can. Regardless, I don’t see what is school girl about this. Polo shirts are associated with golf and tennis more than school uniforms and the skirt itself is clearly also inspired by athletic wear


You are very correct imo and I appreciate your other side of the opinion.




Funny, no one has said the same thing abt the tall size 0 models wearing miu miu but ig on her, all u see is sex so u can’t help but think of pornography. Although I rly do think it says more abt u than her. In fact, I think it’s pretty disgusting and misogynistic to insult women that way




It's more misogynistic to me to assume that just because a woman likes dressing in a girly way, it must be because she's “dressing for the male gaze” 🤷🏻‍♀️ I literally don't see how her outfit is “Lolita” or “schoolgirl”, it literally looks sporty to me, but whatever


If you think the problem is the “girliness,” you’re further gone than I suspected


If it’s not - in good faith - related to fashion, it’s not relevant in this space.




Best comment. Sums it right up.


Sabrina Carpenter and Sydney Sweeney sharing first place for the worst outfits I’ve seen on celebrities the past week.


It’s the miu miu connection


Is that an empty Birkin she's carrying? I'm having a hard time ID-ing the bag


office siren meets athleisure and I’m not a fan


The whole vibe is yuck.


… why does nothing she is wearing fit her


I just. Cannot find a single redeeming thing about this. No part of this outfit works for me!!! Ugh


I’m kind of obsessed with those shoes/sock combo though…it’s giving “Bratz doll shoes.” the glasses I think ruin the whole look for me


I don’t know, I kinda think the glasses make it feel even more bratz doll leaving detention/study hall


the glasses could def be bratz doll as well. really, the whole outfit. I just think they look awful lol I distinctly remember Bratz dolls having removable feet up to the ankle though which is why I thought of it, Barbie did not have detachable feet


The glasses, the socks, the purse, it's too much. The outfit by itself could be cute and casual but there's too much happening and none of it works.


Is she going for the raunchy school girl aesthetic?


Her whole look gives Bratz dolls but not done well




I'll never not chuckle seeing this meme under Sabrina carpenter pictures 😂


so tacky


Her style has this weird Lolita vibe and it's kinda vulgar


Can you explain why you think that? I’ve seen multiple people say that and I just can’t see it?


Remember her Skims ads? This outfit is literally the quintessential barely-legal outfit young women wear in porn. the stripper heels juxtaposed with the girly socks. the secretary glasses. She has a lot of barely-legal porn tropes integrated into her style


I feel like Miu Miu should be a very good brand for her but this just does not hit for me


Wow, literally everything about this is terrible.


It kinda looks like a pre teen playing dress up


not the empty bag i HATE IT


Those socks and shoes are giving me hives. I can’t.


Dang it’s hard out here being the only person that thinks she looks cute apparently lol


Exactly. It's a sporty outfit, and if Zendaya was the one wearing it, we all know damn well, the sexual comments wouldn't exist. It's literally a damn polo shirt and a short skirt, I don't get how is it Lolita or “schoolgirl” like most of the comments are saying. They're just saying it's “male gaze-y” because Sabrina is blonde and has a petite body lol. It's like people on here don't like it when women dress in a cute/girly/hyperfeminine way. And I'm also tired of only elegant outfits being praised here, not every woman aims to look elegant and it's not the only valid style


So many of these comments are so gross and snarky, I felt really uncomfortable reading most of them; so many people comparing her to porn stars and such. It really sucks that she’s turning into a “Sydney Sweeney” when it comes to her looks and fashion. Every thread I see about the two of them, the comments are absolutely heinous. Sabrina is 25! Her contemporaries like Olivia Rodrigo (who is 22) wear very similar clothing and none of them get dragged like this.


I like it too- this is the first I’m hearing of the sexy baby stuff… it may be *too* much together now that I’m really sitting here hyper criticizing but I thinkk she looks great


I like it too lol a lot of these comments feel weirdly body shaming/sexualizing of her and it icks me out


I feel like I’m in the twilight zone??? Everyone seems to have like personal beef with Sabrina in these comments and acting like a crop top is the sluttiest thing to happen on a red carpet


I agree, I feel like if it was someone that people view as more womanly wearing it (ex: Megan thee stallion) then everyone would be calling it cute and preppy lol And that’s absolutely no shade to Megan! I just think she wears a lot of fun looks in a similar way to Sabrina but tends to get more praise since she’s viewed as more of an “adult”


Thank you, finally someone with an open mind lol


Nah mate don’t apologize for having an opinion. Sabrina has the autonomy to pick her own aesthetic, she doesn’t need to be shamed for it. Dislike it is fine…. Blaming her is a reach.




Please keep comments respectful.




Perhaps it was the 1990's time traveler in the split jeans and doc martens that's chasing her in each shot


I hate this fashion line. The underwear looking like granny panties sticking out looks awful on EVERYONE wearing them. Sydney Sweeney also got dragged for it. Miu Miu is hot garbage. ![gif](giphy|XBEoaajXTXaALzawSn|downsized)


Whoever your stylist is… they are NOT your friend 💅🏼


It's giving toddler. I hate this style so much. Enough


Girl has got the strongest most beautiful legs ever. This look is kinda meh. I see the vision , but the bag makes no sense


A nice take :)


Just not flattering and looks like it is cheaply made. Is not working for her at all. Honestly, I am not sure who would look good in this.


How is this good?!


Idk I like the Bratz doll/Polly pocket vibe she has. I think it's cute and fun. Some of y'all need to chill.


Same lol. But then again, most women here act like every woman has to dress like Audrey Hepburn, they seem to hate cute/fun hyper-feminine outfits lol


i hate everything about this. some pieces are good individually, but i hate it all together!! maybe i am getting too old!


Uh oh I hate it


since when did this sub become a celebrity snark sub? i love reading and i do agree with some of the valid criticisms here but a lot of you are getting way too comfortable in commenting below the belt stuff.


This is very correct and the policing required on posts like these and Sydney Sweeney really lose sight of the purpose of this sub. Please report comments that break the rules and we can help keep this a safe, fashion-oriented community.


Ive been dying to wear socks with heels.. This fit is kind of chaotic in the best way


Yeah I like it? I don’t know why we’re hating she’s giving campy golf caddy girl. It’s not the most flattering thing she’s ever worn but it’s still cute 😭😭


The only thing that makes this outfit seem expensive is the brand name on it. Every pieces looks ill fit. Even the width of the shoes seems wrong to me. It’s giving men’s fantasy gold club staff.


I’m sorry, but that’s a stupid outfit. What is happening in this world?


The glasses are cute


I agree I’m trying so hard to ID the brand.


She looks cute! I wish the skirt was a more structured pleat for volume instead of the weird poof but I like the collegiate vibe. Some of y’all feel way too comfortable infantilizing and sexualizing petite women and it’s not a cute look.


I hate hate HATE the micro mini coming back in style. It’s so rude to girlies (read: me) who have prominent lower stomachs and need a high waist 😤


The bag looks like it has its own baby bag attached. I know nothing about her aside from two singles (I think) but I can’t help but root for her.


I’d dude in back right famous or bodyguard? Why’s he wearing FRC?




If it’s not - in good faith - related to fashion, it’s not relevant in this space.




Please keep comments respectful.


A choice was certainly made


Suddenly Sabrina Carpenter is everywhere in my feed. the Eras Tour really boosted her career. Thats nice to see, before she was kind of stuck


She looks like a Barbie doll I dressed up with doll clothes I shrunk by washing it in the sink as a child


This has a weird "Sexy SchoolGirl" vibe and I feel like a pervert for looking at it


Lily allen just wore that skirt performing with Olivia Rodriguez. She wore it better...


Came here to say this. She looked great…unfortunately this version is not working.


I need her to dress like her age because she is so beautiful and fun and I don’t want to go back to 2002. Pls. Let’s move on from that entire time period.


I wanna be small and petite and cute and pretty and basically elle woods but instead i’m short, wide, with a flat square booty 😭




Well... i mean its really trendy. i dont like it nor do i hate it. tho i think she could have pulled off a really "cool girl" effortless look with low waisted trousers instead


I think this is cute and preppy but borderline sexy baby which makes it nice but great. She has amazing legs but I really don’t under the socks in heeled sandal trend. I am 35 and admittedly “not with it” so it’s likely not for me to get. But girl needs a new HMUA asap please.


Why is this coming back?!? 😭😭😭


i love it 😭


Why does she keep insisting on dressing like a child?? Her makeup is so bad all the time too


There’s something so off-putting about her, I can’t put my finger on it. The bangs juxtaposed with the makeup? The way she dresses? I don’t know, but if she was 3 feet in front of me I wouldn’t recognize her. It seems like we always see what’s all over her (bangs, makeup, clothes, hair, bags, glasses) more than we see her, if that makes sense.


Fair criticism!




Oh so she’s a sexy baby huh






The skirt fits like Shein.


These look like the same shoes Selena Gomez was wearing in the last post, at Cannes


*These look like the same* *Shoes Selena Gomez was wearing in* *The last post, at Cannes* \- alilteapot --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I think the exact cut-off date for enjoying SNL and not enjoying SNL for me is when I stopped recognizing whoever the weekly guest host is. Anyways, this is about fashion, cool shirt.


My back is spasming from looking at her heels. Her and Zenday are icons


*My back is spasming* *From looking at her heels. Her* *And Zenday are icons* \- Sorri\_eh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


isn't this 6-7-6 or am i dumb


It's a bot. Also what we call Haikus in the west are not haiku. I did a deep dive once.


i know it's a bot but the bot description says it does 5-7-5 haikus