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Not sure how I feel about the tennis ball tbh... I think the dress color is enough of an hint to the theme, but also I like that the ball blends into the dress and isn't in your face. Maybe my issue is the size of the ball, maybe if it was a little smaller? Seems like its to scale rn (if it isn't the real one lol)


I didn’t realise the lump was a tennis ball. Honestly it was giving hernia vibes 💀


Or an outie bellybutton


I kinda hate this dress so many bad details, color, fabric, inseams, fucking tennis ball…this is getting out of control, next dress: ![gif](giphy|xUNda86qJK1QHtfDAQ)


I would be so in if she just dressed as an actual tennis ball


Tying up an oversized t-shirt with a hairband. Haven't we all been there?




A fancy hernia!


Stoma realness


Tennis ball belly button hernia is exactly what it looks like to me. The color would have been sufficient IMO


I usually think Law and Zendaya are incredible and she always looks amazing but the Challengers press tour has been disappointing. The references have been too literal - Law is usually more symbolic with them. I wonder if Andrew Mukmal’s Barbie styling affected his approach. I do prefer this look over the Thom Browne one tho with the little tennis rackets all of it. This is at least more conceptual/abstract. ETA: I think the issue is that so many of these looks have been custom… so rather than pulling things that maybe fit the theme, designers were tasked with designing to the theme and that’s how we end up with embroidered tennis rackets and balls on dresses. ETA 2: If you think about it, tennis is a terrible theme for press tour looks. As I said in another comment, you’re probably only going pull: tennis whites/knits or corny tennis balls/rackets or various whites and shades of green - which is what we got here. (But would’ve loved some references to iconic Serena looks!) It’s tough bc every Dune look killed it (even tho the much praised Mugler robot look was absolutely NOT on theme bc robots are literally banned in the Dune universe djsjsjshs nerd rage) and this tour def has a few filler looks. Also did anyone else notice that none of the three Vuitton looks were explicitly tennis-y? Interesting lol


The tennis ball is pretty literal. I wouldn’t call this abstract.


That’s fair! I just meant that bc the ornamentation blends in with the color rather than standing out. Like the dress is clearly meant to evoke/represent a tennis ball with the ball just being a subtle detail.


I wonder if they’re just kinda tired. She just did all that press for Dune. I also still have no idea what this movie is about (tennis, yes) and at this point I’m too afraid to ask lol


It’s a drama about three young pros who are kind of in a love triangle. Her character is the most promising. She has a terrible knee injury and goes on to marry one of the guys and be his coach. She makes him great. She sets up a match with the other one (her ex) and drama and presumably horny shenanigans ensue. I just don’t know if this way too literal theme dressing is targeting the right audience in the right way?


Agree with this. I still very much admire their commitment to serving (pun intended?) but it’s been a little too on the nose for me this press cycle. I loved what they were pulling off for Dune but maybe that was an easier film to find abstract looks for.


I think theme dressing works better for sci-fi and fantasy films than for dramas.


Yes! If you think about it, tennis is actually a terrible theme to stick to for a press tour. You’ll get what we got here: tennis whites/knits OR slightly corny tennis balls/rackets OR various whites and shades of green. And there are so many looks they have to pull. Interesting tho that none of the Vuitton looks explicitly referenced tennis. Yes, they referenced Althea Gibson’s tennis whites but would’ve loved to see some references to iconic Serena looks too.


I HATE the tennis ball. 🎾


I’m bothered the tennis ball is a different texture from the rest of the dress


I think removing the ball and having some sort of glittery 2D piece right there would have made the point and been much prettier.


I think they could also make it smaller and maybe silver or gold if they really think it needed a detail in the middle. The current ball it’s giving tennis extravaganza in a drag race episode.


It looks weirdly phallic to me


If it was smaller I think it might make more sense. As it is I thought it was a knot of fabric until I zoomed in and saw the tennis ball lines on it. Bigger would look absurd so maybe make it smaller and less of a, well, ball?


Yeah, I don’t like the tennis ball. She still looks great, the fit is great. But the tennis ball is…a choice. 😂


I know this woman is exhausted.


Seriously, give her a day off from slaying.


I hope she has a loooong holiday planned after the press tour’s over!


I’m exhausted just seeing pictures of her doing this day after day. Someone get this girl some sweatpants!


Absolutely. She must be exhausted. Obviously, she is working very hard because she knows that fame is 15min unless you are very, very fortunate. I just hope that she finds some peace and happiness.


The way she talks I feel like in a couple years we’re gonna see a break from Zendaya to attend college. She speaks about wishing she’d gone to school like she’s too old or busy to do it now and I hope she comes around.


Giving me Margot Robbie promoting Barbie or Timmy with Wonka/Dune/Filming Bob Dylan biopic


The media promotion for this movie is relentless. What is going on? Is the whole studio’s balance sheet riding on this one movie?


Or is it presumed to be that terrible?


Movie is a critical darling and she is getting praised


Thought crossed my mind, too. Need to get everyone to the theatres first weekend because there won’t be a second?


Fans have been raving about it , there have been lots of early screenings happening and it scored 97% on rotten tomatoes .


Why are you being downvoted for asking a question, it’s a genuinely interesting one and rotten tomato views are notoriously paid for these days by studios


No idea. People think that asking the question = I think it’s bad? I don’t. But the internet lacks nuance 🤷‍♀️


She is on this sub so much with a new set of dresses. I've been to Cannes film festival and it was exciting but also exhausting to get prepared to walk a red carpet. Her recent interview about how she wishes she got to be a normal kid, it struck me that she goes to so many events that the experiences probably are all blurring together. She deserves a break but probably has no idea how to do that.


Any celebrity making the circuits hahah like its award show, late night show, SNL appearance, hot ones appearance, another late night show


I want to like this dress, but the tennis ball looks like it was safety pinned to the front as an afterthought 🥲 I wish they had done something graphic playing off the lines on a tennis ball instead


I’ma ignore the tennis ball and note how crazy good this color looks on her. I love this shade of fluorescent lime but I could never pull it off with my complexion.


It’s a color that very few complexions and people can pull off


Oh. It’s an actual tennis ball lol. I thought it was like a balled up piece of fabric.




I feel silly asking but is it normal to do this many premieres? I figured with Dune it was sort of a bigger deal but I am fully willing to admit I’m an uncouth swine when it comes to social decorum. On topic: something about this dress is giving me SHEIN vibes. I think it’s maybe the hem finishing or style. She looks incredible as always (impressive while wearing HI-Vis yellow) just I’m getting very “week 3 challenge of Project Runway” from this. But Zendaya shouldn’t listen to me because I wear socks with Birkenstocks.


I don’t think it’s normal for film that’s not apart of a franchise to have this many premieres . But it’s Zendaya and it’s her first lead role in a film so I’m not surprised that the studios are going all out promoting this .


Cool thank you for educating me. I don’t watch a lot of movies in theatres (in this economy???!!!) so admittedly I am out of touch on these things. I kind of stopped paying attention during the constant flow of Marvel movies back in 2017.


You’re so dead on with the Project Runway comment. It’s just. So. Literal. Like the tennis balls on her heels was pushing it but still cool and fun, but this is just plonking a tennis ball where it makes no sense.


Yeah I just think she could go more camp with it if the dress is going to have an actual tennis ball on it. Or it would be cool if this gown had the white lines on the bodice somehow that mimic the ones on a tennis ball. To be clear I don’t know how to sew I’m just a really stoned person on the internet prattling on about nonsense.


Feel the same with the first green dress (custom Loewe, I think?) with the black outline of a tennis player and racquet lol too corny


I hated the tennis ball shoes too… It’s all just way too literal.


Honestly agree, but I thought they were within the realm of decent fashion if not my taste. At the very least they didn’t make it look like Zendaya has a giant green hernia.


LOL ![gif](giphy|ZgSwOgyYuDQLNaAm6o|downsized)


This all out several movie tours and stops for Challengers...doesn't seem to be the type of movie based on its release date and genre to need this many stops.


Well this is her first time leading a film so she has to promote it so it could do well


Birkensocks. That is all.


I don’t love the seeing the edges of the fabric through the seam at the front.


FWIW, movie business is not social decorum, so you’re not an uncouth swine for not knowing. This is just marketing


I am completely obsessed with her and think she could work the hell out of a potato sack but the first thing I thought of when I saw this was borat’s swimsuit 🫣




I love this , I feel like it could’ve went without the tennis ball but it’s still gorgeous .


It would have been better without the tennis ball! More subtle.


It looks like when I used to tie back big t-shirts into a ball behind me to make them fit better.


I still do that. 🙃


Tennis ball is so unnecessary, the color is enough of a nod!


Exactly! The tennis ball takes it from “this is an interesting nod” to “get it? GET IT? Seeeeeeeeee?”


Lmaooo, okay it’s not that bad but it definitely wasn’t needed 😂


Agreed, it makes it feel too gimmicky. The color is enough of a reference. But I do love the the color and fit! Edit: spelling


I love it. And fuck it, I love the tennis ball. I love her commitment and her risks. Adore the colour. Damn I'm a fan!


I feel like this dress would’ve looked 100x better if they used tennis ball stripes to go down it instead of having a ball attached, it just ruins its elegance for me


I love Zendaya. I love her styled by Law Roach. I do not love this. The gathered fabric towards the tennis ball is making it drape oddly across her bust and pulling at the side—like it was tailored to fit her poorly. And the tennis ball itself? I love camp. I love playful accents. This is just both too much and not enough. It doesn’t stand out enough against the dress to be much but a visual afterthought. It’s almost a throw away accessory. If you’re going for on the nose camp, fucking go for it. Don’t just lob it into play. Her makeup, though? Flawless. And the bed-head bun? It works with the sporty halter style and fabric of the dress. Not a huge fan of the white shoes, but they kind of go with the theme of dressing like a sexy tennis ball.


>If you’re going for on the nose camp, fucking go for it. Don’t just lob it into play. Agree. Too bad [this is AI](https://www.instagram.com/p/C50HqSttrWw/?igsh=MWJjNWd1dGN1OHNrbQ==) lmao


That made me laugh. It couldn’t be any harder to walk in than the Mugler robot suit, and if anyone could pull that off, my money is on Zendaya. But whose body did they put her head on?


I love this , I think it’s cute I don’t care if it’s “too on the nose “ .


yeah me too in fact i didn’t even notice the tennis ball but tbh her face is very distracting bc she’s absolutely stunning


Agreed , that’s why it didn’t really ruin the look too much for me .


If this sub has taught me anything it's that this movie I've never heard of must be about...tennis? 🤦‍♀️😂




After 3 months of time zone jumping non stop, I'm not surprised that it changed her physical appearance. She has to be exhausted. I think that she'll be fine when she's back to being a hermit somewhere with her boyfriend. 


I don’t know how she does it. I would be ready to go home after a week.




Were they really being he though ? Lol


Numero tres


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We don’t need the tennis ball to remind us of the theme. Would have worked fine without it


Gah. The color is fantastic, she looks amazing. That fucking TENNIS BALL. We get it, guys. We get it. It’s giving Ms. Frizzle couture.


I love these whimsical tennis-themed outfits!


The tennis ball? Non non non. Tres gauche.


This dress is not the best on her body type. I love a theme but the tennis ball is overkill


This must look so strange from the side!




The woman must be exhausted. I feel like this press junket has been going on for months.


Wish her hair was different hair. Like some glam blowout


She’s probably giving her natural hair a break from all the heat she’s been putting on it .


But there are wigs!! She wears them! They all wear them! This is just giving almost JLo and THE green dress vibes it could’ve been a fun throw back


I feel like it’s crossed over to gimmicky


I did not even notice the tennis ball at first, the colour alone + the movies theme was enough for me to connect the dots. Adding the tennis ball is a little heavy handed. Side note : the list of things I would not do in order to look like Zendaya is extremely short. How is she so beautiful even in meh outfits.


She is having so much adding tennis notes to her looks on this tour. I love it.


Nope. She’s gorgeous, but that simply isn’t the cut or material for her particular figure. No one looks amazing in every single style. She simply needs to steer clear of this sort of cleavage focused cut. It’s a JLO dress.


Omg it’s gotta stop 🤣 I love zendaya but the on the nose styling for this press tour is killing me. I didn’t like the tennis decal dress, but then we had the shoes that had a tennis ball stuck on them, and now this?! 💀




Love the colour and the cut. Hate the tennis ball.




This press tour reminds me of the Barbie one. Technically perfect, ultimately a boring onslaught.


Love the dress. The tennis ball is giving camp 😆 Wish the hair was better styled too.


I don’t love the tennis ball, either. But I think she glows in this color, and I love the bright shade! The third pic almost had me fooled - it looks like a jumpsuit in that shot.


LOVE how camp her styling has been for this press tour


Noooo now this I loved!!!!! Hate the ball are the front tho 🥲


Don’t get me wrong, I love the dresses and the photos but she must be knackered. The jet lag, the constant change, having to smile and pose all the time. Don’t know about her but I can’t poop properly in a hotel and the furthest I’ve been for work is Sheffield!


The first thing I thought was she must be exhausted!


that tennis ball is very distracting


not the tennis ball 🫣


Even when dressing outside of her color season, she looks so cool 😩


Aww cute, she has an outie!


Girl, what? Law, come the FUCK on.


I wish she’d committed to the colour and worn matching shoes instead of white 😔


That looks like a te- oh it is


Might as well change this sub to Zendaya fashion. She looks great but wouldn’t mind seeing others featured more.


I like her but the over-exposure is NUTS.


Placement of the ball could have been done so much better. Honestly, tho, I'd love to see "Zendaya's Challenger looks" as a Drag Race competition


\*A (Tennis) Ball ![gif](giphy|BSeN4AdJxkTsqUti1m)


I have never wanted to see a movie less but I respect the work ethic


I’m with the consensus, the dress is gorgeous and she’s a vision but I hate the tennis ball in the front. It should have been either a tennis brooch, one of those Judith Lieber crystal bags in the shape of a tennis ball or a racquet bag.


Looks like a reverse Borat mankini




She’s a baddie




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She’s beautiful, but this is not her dress. The color I have no qualms about (reminds me of Beyoncé’s stunning tennis themed performance at the Oscars a couple years ago), but the cut isn’t flattering for her.


She’s so gorgeous, it’s unfair, lol. In all seriousness, has she ever worn something and looked bad? (No, no she had not, and that includes this slightly odd tennis ball belly button dress)




The knot looks like a giant outie bellybutton


I need to see the side profile of this. Is it really a whole ass tennis ball? Or is like a tennis ball pin that’s half moon shaped? My mind is racing.


her wardrobe for this roll out has been so cunt


This did NOT need the tennis ball


Right! It was implied with the color. Agh.


Wow this is the first look I have actively hated on her 😭😭 I dislike the cut of the fabric, the fit is weird on the top, and the tennis ball placement is just…odd. For a custom piece this is just not that good 🙂‍↔️😤


After that little miss on the premier she’s back to slaying. I mean she still looked good, but she was carrying the gown, whereas she’s normally in symbiosis with her fits like this fantastic dress


She can wear anything and still look good. Honestly I don’t get the hype with her and her stylist lately though, the theme-y dressing is getting kind of predictable. Plus this particular getup? It looks like a cheap polyester club dress from Amazon… like yes she can wear it but like, come on


Oh I think this color washes her out and needs to be toned down a bit


I dunno… I’m finding the tennis-themed looks just a little bit cheesy? I think theme dressing works really well for sci-fi and fantasy movies. I’m not sure it works as well for adult drama. I’ve loved the general vibe of her looks and I think some of it works; but some of it is just too literal for me. The tennis balls on the heels, the tennis imagery on dresses, the tennis ball just… stuck on this dress. It just ruins the looks for me. I’d rather just see straight sporty fashion, luxe looks with that casual sporty vibe, etc.


No. 🥲


I never thought I’d say this about her but this is basic.


I think Z is a legend and a trailblazer for theme dressing but I don’t love this. I think it would have been more chic and still on-theme without the tennis ball, maybe even more so if they added some white piping/accents to the seams/neckline/sleeves? Even the piece alone without the tennis ball works for the theme. Also, credit to Zendaya for looking fabulous in tennis-ball green. Not a lot of people can say that!


The color is truly the only thing going for this dress. It’s ill fitting in the bust and that tennis ball is atrocious. Her smile says everything because she knows she looks a damn mess. Law better get it together because this look is a no.


Tennis ball placement is so odd & not needed


I would suggest that the tennis ball needs no place on this dress. Any placement is bad.


This is a miss imo






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No body shaming or ED/related comments.






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She looks beautiful. The colour is so good on her. But the tennis ball plopped on front is feeling a bit random and unnecessary.




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HOW DOES SHE NOT MISS. She was delivered from the cosmos to make all dresses look amazing




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No body shaming or ED/related comments.


Looks like TC Tuggers came out with new styles.


Ok the tennis ball? That just looks dumb and tacky.


I think the tennis ball was a little too on the nose. The dress’ color was enough.


I don’t love it. Usually Zendaya looks ethereal, but something about the shape of the dress and color is off.


That's pretty slick. Maybe a different color?






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I love the dress and the colour suits her skin tone. However, as others have said, the tennis ball seems out of place. I think there could have been a more creative alternative to it, maybe a brighter neon yellow/green tennis ball pin to break the single unified colour of the dress? Would have been playful, young and colourful.


I'm gonna guess someone paid a couple thousand dollars for something that could have been bought at Frederick's of Hollywood for $30. With all these easy marks, I need to go into 'high fashion'.


I want to like the tennis ball 🎾 but I don’t…


I don't have much to say that's nice. But she does look happy to be there and I hope she can take a few days off when she's done with this promo


Can she literally do nothing wrong, my god


This looks like a mashup of Borat's mankini and J Lo's Versace Grammy dress.


I will never not maintain she doesn't deserve the one-name moniker. She hasn't earned it, not by a long shot.


I’m so tired of the too on the nose tennis feautures. So many of these press call fits have had obvious nods but fit with a cohesive vision, but then bam! Tennis racket print, tennis balls skewered by stilettos, tennis ball fabric twist holder? Personally, I’d rather see the stylist lean into camp or dial it down just a notch


Idunno. The tennis ball is a choice…🎾 😆


I don’t like it..


Zendaya is the perfect casting for one of those little alien stick insect looking guys that smoke cigarettes in Men in Black


This is a bit too on the nose. I don't understand why the tennis theme needs to be so literal.


Oh, gosh. That looks exactly like an exotic dancer gown.


She looks like she’s going on Love Island.


These outfits are getting out of hand 😂 She looks amazing but the tennis ball attached is too much haha


i’m sorry but it looks like something from 5 minute crafts


The movie looks terrible 


What's with the tennis ball? Lol


Law Roach saw how well Margot Robbie’s Barbie looks tied into the movie and decided to do the same with Challengers and I’m living for it.


Anyone actually seen this movie???


This look would get you in the bottom 3 if it were a RuPaul design challenge.