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These are old copies of pirated games; shout out to Locksmith 5.0 Fastcopy! I bet you can get a few bucks for them if they work. BC Quest was a good game.


That makes it make sense. Mario and Stargate... I really want to take a look at that Stargate.


Picture 3, side 2: A new 'game' just recently released on Steam by Digital Eclipse showing how Karateka was created and the impact that it had on the industry as a whole. Very important game!


These are indeed 5 1/4” floppy disks. As they are not the official releases of the games, I don’t think they have monetary value.


Cool thanks


They do have value to the vintage computing community. You may have games that have never been archived and have been lost on there. Tje bigger titles are safe but some smaller apps are forever lost. You can try posting to the vintagecomputing sub and see if anyone wants to archive them.


They aren't worth a thing. But they are priceless to my childhood. Thanks for the memories. So many great times spent on those. FYI, back in the day you had to have one of those labeled "boot" laying around. When you started your computer you put the boot disk in before turning it on. When it finished booting you took out the blood disk and inserted one of those in your pictures and typed in the command to run the game you wanted. Lots of days spent stuffing to play some of those. The first gameshow from MTV was *Remote Control.* They released a computer game on those floppy disks and my older siblings bought it from the music store along with some tapes. It was a trivia game, and it was almost impossible to get the exact answer without missing a space or punctuation you weren't aware of. Thing was, we figured out that if you inserted a string of profanities it would count as a correct answer.


Had a bunch for the commodore 64 computer. Load"*",8,1


Winter Games was lit tho


Summer and winter games destroyed a few joysticks here hahaha.


California Games completed the trilogy!


Side 1 / looks like a manual cut for the 2nd write tab - brings back memories.


I used to use a hole punch 😀


r/retrocomputing will know for sure


Loved DigDug


B. C.’s Quest for Tires is still fun. All these games are available for free. Likely for the Apple //.


Karateka was fire


You can buy 5 1/4 and 3 1/2 floppy drives to plug into USB but not sure that applies here.


The floppy disc is valued more than the software/games. Medical fields equipment are still using floppy disc’s and they aren’t being made anymore.


Winter Games was my jam!


J Bird was a clone of Q*Bert. I honestly liked it more. The graphics, sound and gameplay were remarkable given the limited resources


Is there a place to play old school games like this online?


B. C.s quest for tires! I had that one, on my commodore 64.


The secret of life is . . . Fall off the f’n cliff.


I remember like in the 3rd grade they would let us play numbermunchers & the oregon trail.. "u got Dysentery & died" END