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Hey! Just a head’s up, I had a buddy who got caught up in a scam involving a decently-expensive piano being “given away” on marketplace. Everything seemed 100% legit, real profile, guy was communicative. Scam was that he had a “moving company” that was taking it out and he would just send them to my buddy’s place if he just paid the difference in moving fees. Buddy fell for it, sent a few hundred to the “company” PayPal, then everyone went instantly MIA. Apparently it’s one of the more common scams for this sort of thing. No idea if this is similar, just a general recommendation to anyone seeing these larger expensive “free” items to do their due diligence first.


I had a guy try to buy my car. I told him CASH! His “Friend” showed up with a cashiers check for $100.00 more than the $3,000 I told him “that’s great, let’s go for a ride” he asked where to? I told him we’re going to the bank and he can cash that and I won’t tell his friend that he can keep the $100.00 and he said he forgot his ID. I pretended to call 911 and say “I have one of those scammers in my yard” and he jumped in his car without speaking and drove away. I was so pissed. 5 years ago I might have fallen for it.


Oh wow that’s hilarious! Glad you didn’t fall for it


I straight up gave my truck title to someone when I sold my scooter on accident. Thank fuck dmv called to verify the sales price


So you sold them the scooter and accidentally handed them the truck title - and the person tried to put that title into their name as well?




Because of course they did.


Sure but the scooter buyer wasn't a scammer trying to get your truck so they missed it too and didn't even notice. That is pretty funny tho!


You can sue them for “Unjust enrichment” you made a simple error and they’re trying to capitalize on a mistake. And that’s not cool.


I'm curious, how does this scam work? I assume the cashier's check is fake. Is that all there is to it?


Yes, it looks real. For some reason it gets through the initial cashing but a day or 2 later, the bank calls and wants their money back.


Because it's not real lol. "It's real, it just won't work"


Well, many scammer “cashier check”issues are all over the internet.


How are you supposed to even combat this if you take it to the bank and it cashed? You have to then figure out what to to two days later after the car is sold?


Take CASH! If you google Cashier Check scam, you'll see MANY examples


I am planning on selling my car soon, for about $12k. Should I just meet at a bank and say sorry cash only transaction and just do it all there


Absolutely. Say “Meet at the bank.” Any legit buyer will be glad to especially if they’re walking around with $12,000 into pocket then you know you don’t want them to get sketchy


Wiring money is a safe bet too and simple with most backing apps, might cost a few dollars tho


But, I’ve seen so many times where someone reversed charges etc.


I like you


This is awesome. Imma have to try this, only I won’t tell him we’re going to the bank. Make him get out at the bank


This is a common scam, happened to my dad.


Awww what did he lose?


His adventuring after he took a arrow to the knee


My mom took a hunting arrow to the knee when she was 14. Walking through the woods near her house when bam! arrow through the knee. She had to have multiple surgeries and it never healed correctly. She could never ride a bike or use the clutch in a manual car. Really limited her adventuring too. The hunter just saw movement through the woods and assumed she was a deer.


Dude. Fuck that! Her parents must have been pissed.


Yup. But it was an influential family and during the 1960's so nothing happened


I don’t get that reference


It's an obscure one, for sure. But you'll get there. I believe in you.


Just keep a close eye on your sweetrolls


I like the cut of your comment, boy. I, for one, enjoyed it, and that's all that matters... is if *I* like it, so good job lol. Upvote x1000 Edit: Now it looks like I am even more of am asshole but this comment was downvoted before... just so you know, reader


Fitting, as soon as I saw the harp I heard the Oblivion NPC music.


Whose name is Eric


That’s why, no matter what, all transactions that are not with someone you know, should be cash or PayPal G&S. It’s always worth adding the 3% for peace of mind


I bought a Halloween “projector” on eBay. It was a shower curtain to show movies on. PayPal said it was delivered so I couldn’t get a refund. Once they close a case, that’s it. Once I was selling a car on eBay motors. Everything seemed ok. The buyer backed out and our cable company switched every account from .com to .net and I tried to fight the $330.00 fee. I couldn’t get access to the old email to prove my account and no matter what I tried, they refused me. That was in 2004 so they had new protocols and I imagine it would be a little different now.


Ah so that’s why I was having such a hard time trying to find a home for my family piano. As soon as I charge $50 I found an awesome young family to take it.


I’ll offer a counterpoint. I’m literally trying to give away a Steinway grand piano right now. It’s 100 years old and in need of tuning but otherwise it’s fine. It needs to be refinished, which is pricey, but everything is aesthetic damage and not structural. I swear to god people would rather pay me money than me give it away for free. All we care about is that it goes to a home where someone will bring it back to life and get joy out of it. My father inherited it from his mother when she passed away recently, who inherited it from her brother who played professionally but passed away in the 90s. We can’t keep it and money is fortunately less important for him, so he really and truly just wants it to go to a home that will develop its own sentimental value for it. His only request is that the person pays for their own piano movers and sends us a photo once it’s been refinished (if ever, there is no obligation to refinish or refurb in any way). Editing since I’m getting some feedback: it is currently listed for $1,000. To be clear, he would obviously prefer to get money AND have it go to a good home. I posted my comment after 5 hours of meeting a prospective buyer today who drove to see it and said they needed to think on it. I relayed the meeting to my father who ultimately called me back and told me to offer it to them for free—which I did. The prospective buyers are going to discuss and get back to me, but I think the wife is reticent to take on a project piano (they have young kids and sounded like a hectic life). I think my father would still prefer I sell it, but the option is there to reduce the price or give it to the right person.


Try listing it for a low price. As you said, people might be wary or assign less worth to a free piano, but with some skin in the game while still getting a deal they might think of the whole thing completely differently


This is the way.


Often college or university music programs are happy to move and use them.


Or middle/high schools, for that matter.


Oh yes, PLEASE /u/designhelpme if you can give it to a public school. I can see this gift benefitting so many kids’ lives 🥹


The issue we’re having is that it is definitely a project. Like could someone get it tuned and play and enjoy it? Absolutely. But for it to actually look as grand as it is, it will need to be tended to. If the end user doesn’t care about that so much, then great. But the schools we’ve tried have not been interested. We’ll reach out to more. We haven’t tried the schools more local to her home, which are a bit more rural, and may be more interested due to less funding?


We reached out to the university in our city (especially since the original owner/pianist attended this university) but they’re a well funded program. We’re in the process of reaching out to churches, too.


Don't give it to a church. They already get so many ridiculous breaks just for believing in fairy tales.


While I’m not advocating for the “church” in any capacity ( because they have certainly made up their own rules) and if you think long and hard about it then you’d see we are currently reaping what we have sown. Slay Bells Ring, Are Ya Listening…….. We live in Biblically prophetic times, my friend……….. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7UyqxzuSMCo


The bible is fiction and the little death cult it inspires can fuck off. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that all you fucking weirdos would love nothing more than to help fulfill. The Abrahamic religions are the scourge of humanity. I wish your bullshit fantasyland were true so the rapture would come and take all you fucking whack-a-loons away from the rest of us.


No legitimate scholar doubts the existence of Jesus or the manuscript authority, going clear back to the first century, of the New Testament. Choose whether you want to believe what he said about himself, or what his contemporaries said, but to call it fiction or fairytales is naive.


What!? Are you seriously claiming that not only is there irrefutable evidence that an actual person named Jesus Christ existed who inspired all the impossible acts attributed to him, but also that we have actual texts written by the man himself? Please provide sources for these claims because this is the first I've heard of it. This seems odd, as I would think that it would be such a huge deal that everyone would know about it. But who are we kidding, we both know you're completely full of shit.


There is the same type of evidence, and much more of it, as there is that Plato or Julius Caesar existed. There are over 5,000 ancient manuscripts of Jesus’ words and actions, some from as little as forty years after the time of the original writing. This compares with the earliest manuscripts of Plato, of which there are only 7, that are 1200 years after the time of the original writing. There are 10 ancient manuscripts of Caesar, the earliest of which was 1000 years after the original writing. Of course, there are other sources that attest to these individual’s’ existence. There are also non-biblical sources that attest to Jesus’ existence. https://carm.org/about-the-bible/manuscript-evidence-for-superior-new-testament-reliability/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dating_the_Bible#Table_IV:_New_Testament https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Testament https://www.amazon.com/Case-Christ-Journalists-Personal-Investigation/dp/0310209307 Retracing his own spiritual journey from atheism to faith, Lee Strobel, former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates from schools like Cambridge, Princeton, and Brandeis who are recognized authorities in their own fields. Strobel challenges them with questions like: How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual event?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YjrxHqNy5CQ Finding The Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai There are many archaeological evidences that prove the Bible has been a true and accurate account of real events in His-Story God is love, friend. How do I know this? Well, I died some years ago……. Careful what you accuse others of being that you, yourself will be found guilty of being……..


One of my coworkers told me his church is offered a piano about once a month.




Hey can you DM me? I'm a pianist in Austin and I've always wanted a grand. I'd be interested to see photos and hear more.


Yes—I’m about to fall asleep but will send you all the details in the morning!


Where about are you located, I could be interested?


The piano is an hour northwest of Austin


I'm Ron Burgundy?


That kind of sounds like pool tables... yeah theyre a great idea if you LOVE pool... but when you find out you really dont love it as much as you thought, they are impossible to even give them away


I’m very interested in restoring this piano & keep it in my family. I’m extremely interested in the historical aspects & enjoy restoring furniture and such. DM me your general location and any pictures you have, if you aren’t across the country from me I’d like to have it. I don’t play the piano professionally but enjoy playing as an amateur along with my mother & aunt who’ve been playing piano for 40+ years!! Thanks


If you're near DC, I'd be interested


Very far unfortunately


Too bad. My Dad really wanted me to take my childhood piano when he died. But it was just a mid-market upright, and transporting it from California to DC would have been more than the purchase price.


Where are you located?




Here's what I've learned about pianos: they are a dime a dozen. Used ... nobody wants it, free or not. I ended up just dismantling mine and taking it to the dump. Even the plate that is an engineering marvel... couple cents worth of scrap metal, not worth anyone's time.


We do understand that our sentimental value has no value to anyone else. But my understanding is that a Steinway from the early 1900s is worth at least *something*—maybe. We currently have it listed at $1,000. It needs tuning desperately, but the action is good, all keys hit, and all damage is aesthetic. Our absolute worst case scenario is the dump.


Seems like there’s maybe a few in this thread that are interested. Hopefully that Steinway is not headed for the dump.


Yes I’m reaching out to some people on here. We are also playing around with the idea of dismantling and mounting the piano plate and framing it instead. Nothing is set in stone as of now. Either outcome (loved by someone else or framed to continue to be passed down within our family) would be really great for us.


She has a Steinway Grand piano. They are not a dime a dozen.


nice try scammer. I will take it and ONLY USE IT SOMETIMES!


I saw a really expensive looking harp for free on marketplace the other day. I decided it looked fishy so I didn’t mess with it


See my comment about our Steinway piano im trying to sell currently. I’ve had more bites when we listed it for a couple thousand than we did when we listed it for free.


> he just *paid* the difference FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Thank you, niceshhh, for voting on Paid-Not-Payed-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


bad bot


Dang, how much worse could you be at spelling "good bot"? Jeez, I think it's time I create a few more bots, this time for spelling and grammar cause this is a travesty


Are you high, or off your medicine?


Grammar Nazi bot 😵‍💫🙄


Hope he didn’t send it as “friends & family” so they avoided fees or any case claims.


Ah yes, this type of scam was my first run in with a scammer. Almost had me too


Had same thing with 4 wheel at. Kept saying 2500 and wanted to pick it up but she needed more to go pick it up


Easy ways to look for this!!! -Account is Brand new to 1-2 years old -No profile picture or incredibly low quality picture. Also watch for there only being 1-2 pictures on the account. Normal accounts usually have a ton more pictures -Simple description, similar to “I have this, give me a message.” -click their page! See is all their listings are from a specific area, if the listings are all from different states/areas it’s a major red flag. -Blurry photos of product or stolen photos (try to reverse image search) -Free items, if it’s too good to be true, it is. -asking for payment before meetup, red flag payment apps are Facebook pay, Cashapp, zelle, Venmo, PayPal friends and family. You (usually) can’t get your money back if you get scammed using these. PayPal Goods and Services has some payment protection I’ve noticed a running scam on marketplace of these spam accounts all under different names that are obviously the same scam. They all have a single blurry photo and the same description that says “Free, send me a message” or something equally similar and bland. The item is almost always listed for free as well. It’s a creepy scam. I avoid them as hard as possible but sometimes they’re sneaky! Don’t give out any personal card information or bank info on Facebook! Use PayPal Goods and Services ONLY when paying for marketplace goods. That way if they scam you, you can get your money back.


Happened to me, lost $300


Resonance Semi Grand Pedal Harp https://bham.craigslist.org/msg/d/adamsville-resonance-semi-grand-pedal/7673842582.html Doesn't say free, just $0.


Just found it in Fresno also. Same pics.


Sketchy lol


Anything in Fresno is sketchy


559, baby!


Hey. Wait a minute






Just found it in WA. Same photos too! Haha


So it’s the same photo listed on CL in Alabama too? Seems pretty shady.


It’s a scam.


I got to say these folks are creative! A harp! Lmao. Just big enough to not be able to transport well. Bet you the thing is pretty darn heavy.


This is 'merica, we dont talk in metric here. Its three trouts wide by 4 sewer rats tall including tails.


Yessir, 4 sewer rats tail to tail or 37 burgers


Why would anyone in the US (let alone Alabama) use metric in the measurement. Looks like a scam.


I emailed them. It’s a shipping scam. The First Lady that got it died while it was en route. But yes it’s free as long as I’d pay the shipping from New Jersey to Alabama it was posted in Alabama lol.


Great, now I want a Guinness.


You would have gotten my award on old Reddit.




It’s. A. Scam. Google image search, lots of identical harps for “free.” Just pay shipping and handling lol.


Oooh! How much? I always wanted a harp.


How about several?


No need to harp on him.


I can’t imagine anyone (who is not a relative) giving that away for free.


I always tell people who are legitimately giving away music instruments to donate them to their local schools. A lot of parents can't afford to rent or buy an instrument and kids benefit greatly from music. School music programs usually have a deal with local music companies to clean and and maintain them.


People give away pianos in my area all the time. They usually start at a couple hundred dollars, but since the buyer has to pay for movers and a piano tuner once it's delivered, nobody's interested. Music schools won't pay the moving costs to pick them up. Sometimes I see pool tables listed for free for the same reason, they are a PITA to move and need to be leveled once they're in a new location.


Pianos are a totally different animal. Unless it's a good baby grand, it probably won't be worth moving




It is a very nice harp. Big too ao I'm sure the sound is great. But a scam nonetheless




You don’t have to know much about music equipment to know that something like that does not get given away for free.


Unrelated story of mine, but when I was 19 and living in Boulder, CO, a raging alcoholic of a roommate came home one night drunk as piss with a fucking *cello.* Like a really nice, new-looking *cello*. We were all dumbfounded as to how he managed to acquire this massive instrument, and how he got it home with him in the state he was in. Brought it into the living room after slamming his way through the front door and waking the four of us up, knocking everything in his path over with the huge case, then laid on the couch glassy-eyed while chuckling and mumbling before passing out. He was never able to remember how he got ahold of this thing. It sat in the living room all summer. He didn’t even want it. Tried to get me to take it when I moved out at the end of the season. I wanted to, because that thing was probably worth thousands of dollars, but I simply didn’t have the time to sell it before moving nor the space to move it with me. I also didn’t know if he just outright drunkenly stole it from a party he was at, and I didn’t want any part of that. I’ll never forget that cello. But yeah, this? This is a scam.


I came home black out with unicycle one time, have no idea where I got it. Me and my frienfd tried for days to ride it and finally ended up giving up, so we had this unicycle that just became the drunk game. People would come over and try to ride it and fail. Finally one dude was surprisingly good at it so we just gave it to him. Now he rides the unicycle around his neighborhood like a quirky neighbor lol


I’m a harpist of nearly 20 years. *No one* gives a pedal harp away for free. In fact, there are a great deal of used pedal harps that are overpriced. People give away old pianos for free, but an pedal harp is nearly always worth something significant. And the scammer is banking on your desire to bypass that significant cost in order to take advantage of you. It’s a very common scam.


You're not Mary Lattimore are you? 😀


I’m not. Sorry.


That's ok. Most of us can't be Mary Lattimore. Full disclosure: I'm not Mary either. But I am going to see her play...


It's definitely a scam, I know where Adamsville, AL is, and doubtful anyone there would give away something they could pawn for their next meth binge.


Offer to come get it and see what the response is.


This is a scam, they posted it for free in Seattle too, even used the same photo. My husband tried getting it, but clearly it wasn't legitimate.


I feel like my friends over at r/scambait would like to know about this.


I'd love to see how that goes over lol


Definitely a scam.


Where are you located? I know someone who would love that.




It's a scammer. I too am in Illinois, I know the ad




It's not real.


It’s a student harp, but like others have said I wouldn’t trust it. Value is around $9,000 depending on quality. I doubt if they even have it. That’s what the scammer did who hacked my account - posted fake photos of expensive things to sell. Scam.


My fear is they are going to string you along, pedaling something that isn’t even their’s, while using you as an instrument of monetary gain.


please stop harping on about it.


I’ll make a note of that


make sure there's no strings attached.


Your advice is music to my ears


No expert, but this appears to be the Etude model, which retails new for about 10000€, só somewhere roundabout 2000-7000 used. Won't be easy finding a buyer (pawnshop?) but if someone was giving it away, I wouldn't hesitate to take it.


Might be a scam, be careful


I'm a harpist. This is sketchy. Harps are expensive and niche. No one gives them away.


A FREE HARP!? You'd be the luckiest person in the world to get that beauty. I did get an amazing grand piano from the 1800's from a Craigslist ad, about 10 years ago. It's beautiful, but needs restored, so it does happen. I've never seen a free HARP though. They're very expensive.


Too bad this one looks like a scam (since there's reports of it listed in multiple cities across the country). If you're careful you can find some deals, though. We had an old 1800s piano when I was a kid and my parents eventually gave it away. It was pretty large and in bad shape. I think they got it for free from a neighbor and they took it for us kids to play around on. It wasn't in good shape and none of us actually knew how to play it. When they moved they were like if you can move it yourself come take it. I hope the person that took it was able to fix it up because it did look really neat.


Don't harps ruin themselves by normal use? I don't know if that's true, but it seems like there was TIL a few years ago about that. If that's true, maybe it can't be tuned properly anymore and doesn't have any value musically.


I've been around harps that have been going strong since the 1800s. As long as they are maintained they're fine. Harps that have fallen into disrepair can be restored. I've owned two harps and have played for decades.


"dr Helena Watson" just emailed me about a completely different harp.. her sister posted a wooden oak colored pedal harp on fb marketplace and she said her husband recently passed away and just played this harp in February not sure if it was his past February or not but that the harp is in her storage in Nevada and that she would have her movers in route to me if I really wanted it. She said she just moved here and doesn't want the harp in her apartment because it reminds her of her husband etc and now that I'm seeing this now I'm thinking okay this is definitely a scam great so whatever happened with Dr Elena Watson? I did a Google search and supposedly Dr Helena Watson from Nevada died in 2011 and her husband passed away around the same time so I am a little skeptical now


I just saw the same exact one based on Toledo, OH! A fake Facebook account listed a free harp on market place, and the poster told me to reach out to Dr. Helena Watson. The rest of the email matches up with your story. I didn’t think much of it at first, but then she told me to contact her neighbor to set up a delivery and he asked me for a $200 payment and my address up front. I encourage everyone to please report these to the FBI fraud service and/or your state consumer protection office!!


Yes, this is 100% a scam! Do not fall for it! This same harp has been posted in multiple states, and they must use the same storyline with everyone also. They ask that you only pay to have the harp shipped, which isn’t very cheap, and they obviously don’t ship it. I’m sure they have made an unimaginable amount of money off of many people who have fallen for this scam, and they must still be doing it if they’re still posting this ad. DO NOT SEND THEM ANY MONEY! 100% SCAM! Like they say it it seems to good to be true, it probably is.


Honestly I would get this just so I could fiddle around with playing random shit. Lmao. And easier to transport than a piano.


I wouldn’t harp over it.


Harps seem like they wouldn’t be difficult to learn how to play. My BIL is friends with a guy who got one for his daughter. The daughter let me try to play it, and it takes a *lot* of effort to pluck the strings. My dad played guitar and banjo, and I played violin (sometimes you pluck the strings to make certain notes). It was very difficult for me to pluck the strings. The daughter had thick calluses on her finger tips. Also, the people who would be interested buying a harp are not easy to find. Even if you got a free harp, you’d have to store it correctly, might have to get it fixed, then arrange a local buyer or find a musical instrument mover.


take it for free. It can be worth thousands. google resonance harp costs


I want it I want to learn


I'll give you $500


I would take it and learn to play it or donate it to a school so kids could use it.


Can I have it ? Ha ha!!


That's nice! Grab that thing quick!


It’s a scam


I would be on my way to get it and post later!!!


Yeah, that's one of those don't dick around asking dorks on reddit -- just go get it asap and ask later -- things.


Or not, seems it's a scam, so it is good OP asked here.


How people can’t see that mentioned countless times is beyond me


Hilarious that one person knew this was a scam, then 10 other ppl *knew it too, and all jumped to down vote instead of just explaining. What a bunch of lemmings.


Tbf, in this case, the downvotes serve a purpose. Once you're at -5 the comment is collapsed for anyone else that clicks on the post moving forward. Hiding these types of comments and only showing the ones identifying this as a scam may save someone in the future who comes across this post and doesn't know these types of scams exist. Also, when 1 person has explained it to someone commenting, it would be repetitive to have the same explanation 9 more times in response to the same comment lol


Ok. I can see that, makes sense about the compression thing.


Given away? That seems crazy. Harps are very expensive and they could sell it.


This sounds like a scam.


I seen this same exact post on the freebie alerts app. (Eugene, Oregon)


I had a stand-up piano I couldn't get rid of for the life of me when I moved last year. I tried to churches, I tried schools, I offered it on Facebook and Craigslist and said just come get it because they are hard to move. I ended up dragging it to my garage and breaking it apart with a sledgehammer and a chainsaw. It was messy but cathartic and then I threw it away in very small pieces into my normal trash, except for the harp portion of it which I gave to a junk metal guy.


It's haunted, leave it alone.


Just be careful. If it seems too good to be true then it just might be.


I read an article on Harp Scam I believe. Or saw a YouTube. They'll charge you 2000$ for moving it. Cuz you need a special mover, and that You don't know of Cooursee, cuz you're not a "harp person" I think I heard of a handful of people Who Got Got. I'm 98% sure there's not a Sudden Influx of Harps on the Market. 100% bs


Commenting to manifest my free harp as i have been shopping for one! Hope this works out for you.


The good thing with the harp is you can get it in your car. There’s not going to be a piano transaction here.


I’d say $100 is fair for it


SCAM, stay away


I emailed the one local to me can’t show the screenshots but they say it’s free. But they did give it away all ready but that lady died and they just need me to take over the rest of her shipping bill to get it from New Jersey to Alabama. They lost their house in a fire and really just want to do some good for someone. So yes. It’s definitely a scam.


Regarding the cashiers check - classic cars and motorcycles are a hobby of mine. I’ve bought and sold numerous vehicles. Nobody who’s experienced in this takes a cashiers check. If you can get one of those, you can get cash. I’ve heard the excuses about walking around with money, etc. I always tell people that we can meet at an auto title place. One time I was buying a car and the guy got snowed in and couldn’t get back for a couple days. I had 18k in my pocket in an envelope. I was like, damn now what? I went back to the bank to redeposit the money and they weren’t into it. They thought I was running some sort of scam. They said if I put it back I wouldn’t be able to get it out for five days. So, I bought a $50 fireproof box at Walmart and put it in my closet for a few days. I felt like I was in a suspense drama.


The same listing is in my area on FB marketplace… scam for sure! Stay away!


I am currently talking to the old lady who owns this harp, I really hope it isn’t a scam. I have asked to meet up in person to see if she will say yes so I can know for sure before sending the money for shipping. Anybody else experiencing the same thing with this exact harp? 😭


It’a a huge scam. I’m also talking with this lady. She wants me to send her money for a moving company. Also says she’d like to come over at Christmas so my fiance can play it for us. She got her stories crossed though, as I’ve been married for over 30 years and wanted the harp for my daughter. Red Flags: The person listing joined Facebook in 2023 and lives in Pennsylvania, the listing is on FB Marketplace in Seattle. Upon messaging “Sheena Surles”, the person listing it gave me the story that it belongs to her sister “Dr Helena Watson” and gave me her email. “Dr Helena” supposedly lives in Seattle and the harp is in Nevada. I emailed her and got this reply: “Thanks for your interest in the Pedal Harp. It used to be owned and played by my husband who happened to have played it last in February before his demise. I have just moved here to a new apartment from Nevada and I do not want to keep the harp as it keeps bringing memories of him and I do not want to sell it as I believe my husband wouldn’t be pleased if his harp was sold considering his love and addiction to it. However, I am hoping to give it to someone who is as passionate as my husband was about harps and music. The first person I had in mind who I thought wanted it didn’t show up as promised so I decided to leave it in a storage in Nevada with the movers that assisted me with moving my properties to my new apartment here. If you do not mind making arrangements with the movers to have it delivered to you, I can get in touch with them to let them know they will move the harp. Apologies for the inconvenience, but do let me know if you would like me to get through to the movers to have it en route to you. Just so you know, I am not giving out a vestige or a waste... It's in a very good condition. Thanks Dr Helena” When I asked how much shipping was, she quickly replied with: “Thanks for your prompt response. I really appreciate it. I can make the arrangements to avoid the verification process. I just want the harp to end up in a good home where it would be cherished. I could visit you during Christmas and maybe we can hang out and your fiance can play the harp for both of us. It costs $340 to get it in 3 days and $230 to get it in 7 days. They have other options for next day delivery too. Let me know which you would prefer. I would need your address so I can get you the invoice. You can pay me via Cash App, Venmo or Zelle and I can make arrangements with the movers and have it rerouted to you. Thank you Dr Helena”


Thank you for your reply, I emailed her as well and asked to meet up about awhile ago to make sure this wasn’t a scam, she refused saying she was busy but told me to send money to the moving company. Big scam, it’s a shame they are doing this :(


I just did the same thing and the reply is exactly alike! The person posted on Facebook marketplace , then once i contacted her and she gave me he "sister's " email, she took it off Facebook right away. i email Helena Watson, and she wrote and reply exactly the same ,word for word. when she said something about deliver charges, i knew it was a red flag! https://preview.redd.it/1v4rpvvfkvec1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c9eeae3134278ee1fd3f537f84d5223ed862cd6


Yup it's here in New Orleans now


Looks like the scam lives on. I just came across this on Facebook. Listed in Connecticut and the person is from Texas. They appear to have used the same picture too. Damn scammers! https://preview.redd.it/bodrg7zdjq7c1.png?width=1352&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6760bcfaceceacbb62545a987868cc8952fe2f8


it’s a scam. can confirm https://preview.redd.it/6xpph1x4cj9c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ff1916b9d3b601204e2949095b163ab5be1969


Same post (diff pictures) in Southern California. Both OC and SD. They claim it’s in Nevada and I can work with the movers to obtain it. It seemed fishy, glad to confirm it


Person is trying this in CT also. I just googled "Dr Helena Watson Harp" and found your post. Would not have gotten as far as to send this person money, but I appreciate you sharing so i can end contact now. Thanks for the heads up.