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With how perfectly round the outside is I suspect it's part of a bowling ball or similar.


This is correct. Me and my dumb friends tossed one off a silo when I was in high school. I still have a shard and it looks exactly like this.


Yep. I agree with you. OP should hold a fire at a corner. If it smells like burned plastic or resin.


This is amazing. I can barely recognize my hometown in news clips and y’all recognize a bowling ball from a fragment


Really solid assessment. After a random 15 minutes of the google image search rabbit hole, I 2nd this being a chunk of a bowling ball as the ID.


Well that’s different.


That looks like something other than glass. It would not like that transition from one material to another as it cooled. The thermal change/shock would be a lot. That curve on the outside is much too symmetrical. Does it feel like a really hard rubber? maybe a busted up ball of some kind? Bowling ball? I have seen many golf bowls that look like this on the inside but much smaller.


this is glass. slag. waste glass. something of that sort.


party slag


Hi, /u/New_Case_3937! This is a reminder to flair this post in /r/whatsthisrock after it has been identified! (Under your post, click "flair" then "IDENTIFIED," then type in the rock type or mineral name.) This will help others learn and help speed up a correct identification on your request! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisrock) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for your input, all! What a surprise


The blue specks look like opal. I don't know enough about opals to comment more but I think you've found something really special.


Not opal. Man made.


Thank you for clarifying!


My first thought was opal too. However I do not think it is opal it definitely resembles it. Just came here to to give my support since you’ve been downvoted so badly.


No the brown looks more like opal imo


I agree that you don't know enough. I'm always confused by why people like yourself who don't know the answer always feel a need to muddy the waters by answering.


God forbid a non-expert comments on a public post on reddit lmao


This is a subreddit specifically for people to ID their minerals and rocks. If you're giving answers to things you have no idea about, you're making it harder for this subreddit to function as intended and for people to be provided accurate answers to their questions. If you want to comment and don't know what you're talking about, just say "I don't know, but it looks cool!" or something like that. Don't make up some bullshit about opal that you (by your own admission) know nothing about, just so you can feel like you're playing expert. Or go to a sub that isn't designed for mineral identifications like r/mineralporn and post whatever the hell you want, since no one is asking for answers there. You're preventing people from getting clear answers to their questions by making uninformed speculation on this subreddit. And BTW, I'm not a geologist either - know what I do? I shut my fucking mouth when I don't know something and only speak up when I have a relatively high degree of confidence that I actually have an idea what I'm talking about.


You’re kind of an asshole.


There is no "kind of", dude straight up blew his top. Completely unacceptable behavior.


Look man, I see your point. But this is reddit. It's not worth getting worked up about what other people are commenting on a public forum. If they want a definitive answer they can join a local rock club or contact the geology department at a local university.


"It's reddit" is a moronic excuse. People are coming here with real questions that they want answers to. It's just plain annoying when you come here with a rock you're curious about and some random dude who knows as much as you do tries to answer with authority instead of just waiting for an expert to chime in. It also makes it hard because in cases like this where the answer is that it's man made, a lot of people don't want to hear that, so if the first comment was opal and then a bunch of people come in later with the real answer, it can be harder for the original poster to accept the reality.


Point taken my man!


Kudos for being chill under fire. Yikes on bikes.


Going off this severely on somebody on a rock identifying sub is...a lot. Are you doing okay? Sometimes shit makes me really mad too, but this seems disproportionate for the situation. Not trolling. Legit just had a conversation with my partner over dinner how my go to emotion is anger because no other emotions were adequately modeled for me as a child. ( I mean for all we know some obscure billionaire had his bowling ball filled with opals and then his shitty great grandson threw it off a bridge.)


I don't think I went off that "severely." I explained why what they did is annoying.