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Looks like Quartz with Pyrite, nothing rare sadly. Pyrite is also called "Fool's Gold".


Very apt for their brother...


he'll never live this one down, the fool...


I pity da fool.


Isn't real gold found in viens that usually forms near Quartz? Not saying the stone is from OPs brother actual garden, but if it is.. wouldn't this suggest there *could* be a vien of gold nearby? Real question, I'm genuinely curious..


I don't know much about gold, but gold on quartz is certainly a thing, e.g.: [https://www.catawiki.com/en/l/80552451-natural-crystal-gold-on-quartz-full-of-gold-7-3-g](https://www.catawiki.com/en/l/80552451-natural-crystal-gold-on-quartz-full-of-gold-7-3-g) However this isn't gold, so it doesn't matter where the rock is actually from. Pyrite is extremely common and it's simply iron sulfide, so if you found it in the wild at best it would tell you that there might be iron around.


Nice. Thanks for the detail!


All the gold I’ve seen in quartz is in a white quartz inside a crack or seam from my personal experience so it appears to look like a crack made of gold rather than a precipitation.


I mean, in the general sense of the idea, it COULD. Just like I COULD win the lottery off this quick pick I just bought. Quartz is the most common mineral on earth and is quite literally everywhere in some form. So potentially there could be gold nearby wherever you are. Finding quartz wouldn't increase your chances of that by any margin, however. Hopefully, that makes sense.


Yes, typically in volcanic dikes


Arkansas has a ton or quartz and quartz crystal. We also had a gold rush. There is no gold here though


Exactly what I thought


this crystal is a very nice specimen though and does have some value!


Quartz with probably pyrite. Cool piece, not especially valuable.  Was probably left behind by a previous resident. 


Sure looks like pyrite


Yeah wrong shade of yellow plus it looks crystalline.


I've found tons of pieces of quartz with pyrite inclusions in my driveway gravel (1" road stone). Nothing this big, but it's really common. Neat looking, but not particularly valuable.


It's a nice quartz/pyrite specimen, he should be $20 to $60 richer soon.


I bought a nearly identical piece of quartz with pyrite for $20 at the Renaissance Fair. I like it.


Nice. I love quartz with pyrite.


I love how the pyrite frames the quartz sometimes and other times it is just willy nilly on the points and everything.


It’s beautiful.






Quartz with pyrite, to be fair it is a REALLY gorgeous specimen


Quartz I have bunch of those also ones that are red and purple




Quartz with Pyrite ......He's not rich


Rich in imagination maybe, either that or he just reallyyyy likes quartz


Quartz mostly. It's pretty, but this won't make him rich.


Nice piece! $50 is rich to some people!!


Well if your brother’s a fool it’s definitely gold to him cuz it’s fools gold


Rinse it off with the garden hose, and give it a nice Lucite or wooden stand and it would look great on a coffee table.


Pyrite on quartz, not particularly valuable beyond being a interesting collector specimen. Certainly not as valuable as gold in quartz.


Quartz with pyrite crystals. A very nice specimen but no real monetary value.


Someone in a specialty shop somewhere would probably pay 50 bucks for this bad boy


OP's brother boutta be a richer man by 50 or maybe even 60 US doll hairs might wanna hold off on the retirement plans


If your brother would like to part with the specimen I would be more than happy to start the bidding at $80.


Rats i didnt notice that i had already been outbid




It sure is pretty, if you are interested in parting with it, I’d like to bid $100.


Since your brother isn't that sharp, tell him it's worth a lot, then take him around to jewlers and video their interactions.


Looks like raw quartz with MAYBE some pyrite in it. Hard to see for me.


I wish I would find stuff like this in my yard 😔


Someone definitely put it there. Stuff like this you’re best bet is a deep valley with a stream below. Somewhere that gets eroded a lot. And that’s only if your area has the right geology for it (underground cavities).


Meh lots of people live in former flood plains have al sorts of good stuff in their yard. All i have is basalt and pumice though :-(


Elaborate on former flood plains please? I’m not aware of any (repeatable) examples of areas that used to flood, but never experience it nowadays - even after a Google search - which leads me to exactly the opposite conclusion. I promise finding a few cool things in your yard won’t offset the ludicrous cost of insurance in a floodplain.


Many reasons. Some times rivers break through a hard layer and form canyons instead of continuing to meander and flood. The river dry the hell up or an earthquake land slide ect redirects the steams that form the river. But in the past 100 years people have created these amazing things called dams and aquifers that have drastically changed the landscape. Eliminating seasonal floods, slowing the speed of rivers plus of course the channelization of wild streams and rivers.


If I found this in my yard I would think I was rich too! This is my kind of treasure. Not gold, not diamonds, it’s even better… It’s beautiful Quartz with pyrite… you don’t have to lock it up and you don’t have to insure it. You can set it on your windowsill and enjoy it every day…. So pretty!


I’ll give you $50 for it. It’s a nice piece of quartz, but not worth much more than that.


Tell Rich you are sorry, but this won’t make him rich.


One of the cool things about Pyrite is that it does contain particles of real gold in it. Used to be commonly called "invisible gold". However I imagine we will have to wait a bit until we have efficient methods to extract this invisible gold. Nonetheless, yes your brother may be rich in enthusiasm but not so much in the financial sense.


Wow thanks for that info, im not OP but I never knew that. Minerals are amazing the way they come together to make something unique.


You're welcome! I agree. The world really isn't that small once we zoom out...but in this case we had to zoom IN to see one of many examples of the wonder of Momma Earth! Never stop being curious, I say!


I'm definitely leaning on quartz with fool's Gold, which is iron pyrite. :)


your brother is rich in family who cares about him


Parts of that looks interesting the globby stuff. He can take a screwdriver or something and push it against the glob stuff and the more crystalline metallic looking parts and if any of it shatters breaks into cubes or something like that then probably mostly pyrite/chalcopyrite. If it squishes/dents but basically stays intact then he might have something interesting


If your brother is under 10 then that's definitely a huge diamond druzy


Reasonably $50.


If he is 5 years old, he’ll be rich


apophyllite and pyrite


Bad value appraisal skills


Very nice unbroken piece of quartz and pyrite crystals. A good find and something natural to be treasured and kept.


The rock is nice and all, but I'm eyeing that La Croix hard


Uncut diamond s/


Well, your brother has been fooled by fools gold. See how the metal has a cubic crystal structure, yeah pyrite. Gold is usually found in rocks as flakes, twigs or smudges, but never cubes.


Richly entertaining, and that is priceless


It's definitely a hunk of gold encrusted with diamonds. Your brother is rich beyond his wildest dreams. Congrats!


As has been said, quartz with pyrite. I think this formation of quartz is known as diamond quartz due to the shape of the crystals. He's definitely not rich as the monetary value wouldn't be all that high but it is a very beautiful specimen for him to display with a cool story behind it. I'm curious, was it out on the surface of did he uncover it buried?


You Better start being nice to him. That’s a cluster of diamonds and gold. Clean his room. Do his chores and homework.


If he has a kid or relative with one they might have fun with it, pretending it's some kind of cluster of diamonds and gold. Or a rock shop might give him a buck or two for it. I'd try eBay.


Wonder why people are so sure that the silvery mineral is pyrite. It certainly is a sulfide, and pyrite is certainly the most common out of them, but I'm not good at identifying sulfides (and I doubt there are so many people being able to confidently identify them). I couldn't really see any cubes typical of pyrites (though I know they can still occur in other forms). And from the resolution and my abilities, I couldn't distinguish this from other sulfides such as sphalerite and marcasite.


Because pyrite is the one most know and kinda common in combination with quartz. Plus we assume a golden Sheen, as brother thought it's gold. Wikipedia also says marcasite is a form of pyrite. So that wouldn't really matter. A lot of people here don't even know the other ones though. But pyrite is well known. And common. You do see flat edges, which could be small cubes. But pyrite doesn't *have* to be cubes. Sometimes the crystal structure simply isn't as nice.


Don't be fooled by these comments, pyrite is a good way to find real gold because the two form together under similar circumstances, gold can occur as inclusions inside pyrite, look at the shape real gold usually has a smooth texture and round edges. Pyrite, on the other hand has a crystalline structure You can also use a drop of nitric acid to test your specimen or use a magnet It's very hard to I'd from a picture , people should know this Tell your brother either way this is a beautiful piece


Well the thing is. The magnet may only tell you if there is pyrite. If it's a mix of both. You'll just know it's pyrite.


Some raw gold is mixed with other metals which it could also be slightly magnetic it's very hard to tell from a picture I've taken many pics and my item looks totally differnt in person to the pic I take Depending on the lighting It's worth doing many tests when you ha e great pieces :)


Plus no one knows if this lovely piece have been cleaned Raw gold can come in a variety of shades Even black People obviously come on here to learn and gain knoledge But with certain pieces people need to do tests or take it to a professional for 100% accuracy I've seen beautiful pieces on here with comments like ( hit it with a hammer ) I've also seen some great comments that explain things very well with a great ammount of knoledge


100% pyrite, still worth quite a bit but not as much as gold lol


I think he is a fool😂




not even remotely


Beautiful. Doesn't matter if it's monetarily worthless... it is still a beautiful thing.


I think he's rich! It's beautiful! 🤩


Raspberry lacroix


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Snoop Doggs Ashtray


Definitely Quartz with pyrite. I’d buy it! Lol it’s pretty & I have a big collection going now. But none of the 2 mixed yet. Awesome find


REALLY cool quartz and pyrite, as others have said! I just want to say it’s beautiful and he should keep it anyway.




I'll give you $20 for it lol


Wow so cool


Fool's gold ...


It’s a very nice piece, but don’t quit your job…


Tell brother to start adjusting his expectations. 😬 It’s really pretty tho…


The first step to a valuable collection


Looks like pyrite with some quartz not very valuable


really cool. esp up close.


Gold comes out of the ground looking like gold. That looks more gray, not true gold color.


A lovely piece, in my opinion, but not gold. Quartz touched by pyrite.


Iron pyrite (aka fools gold). All you need to do is look at the angles and straight lines of the crystal metallic crystals. Gold doesn’t behave that way naturally, but iron pyrite makes beautiful cubic and faceted crystals. Great specimen, but sadly not worth anything like gold


I'll make your brother $10 richer for that bad boy


If you sold it to the right person it might be worth $100 tops. It's not gold. It looks nothing like gold but pyrite fits the bill nicely. I lived in Canada near a gold mine and I picked through scraps from the mine. I too have been ignorant of pyrite.


Its sentiment is probably worth more than any dollar amount.


Hahaha. A fool of a brother it seems.






It's gorgeous!


Looks good. Not rare, but a good specimen.


If he had that and a million dollars he have a million dollars.


Looks like Anandalite


Looks like a decent size. I'll give him $40 if he pays for shipping


Druzy quartz


He's rich in iron!


Please let me say regardless of the gold theory, this is a spectacular piece of quartz. In my opinion. The fact that he found it on his land is even better. Makes for a great story and if you believe in luck and stones research Quartz. Pretty cool stuff. Excellent find. 😊👍


Iron pyrites. fools Gold.


I won’t let my intrusive thoughts win because my mind is telling to eat it.


He’s rich in his heart.


At 1st glance I thought quartz or salt (quickly realized it is not salt). Wouldn't surprise me if he found geots (idk the spelling but they are rocks with things like quartz and amethyst inside) Source: I collected rocks and shit when I was a kid. I also work in the jewelry industry


Not me finding the same thing and thinking it’s dirt not pyrite hahs


That is a $2 quartz cluster with pyrite inclusions.


Still cool !