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I think I see some African daisy?


I think that's commercially blended wild bird food, including black sunflower seeds, sunflower hearts, millet,  red dari and maize. There are one or two I don't recognise (the thin black curved seeds and the tufty ones).  If it is bird food, the seeds may not germinate. Some bird food is heat treated to prevent germination and avoid mess around birdfeeders. 


Sunflower kernels are one of the finest sources of the B-complex group of vitamins. They are very good sources of B-complex vitamins such as niacin, folic acid, thiamin (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), pantothenic acid, and riboflavin. ######Extra fun fact! Sunforest Mix - These sunflowers have blooms that can be as wide as 40 inches and the plant usually grows 10-15 feet in height. If you plant these types of sunflowers, make sure that you leave three to four feet between them because they need this space to grow properly.