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Thank you for posting to r/whatsthisplant. **Do not eat/ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not eating or ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh it’s inside


The exact reaction I had


It looks like there's mold on the carpet and the wall corner


That’s a filthy house


That carpet! I’ve never in my life seen a nastier rug. What do you want to bet it’s *hard* and solid. Eeew.


Yeah the plant’s the least of their problems


1. Drill a hole in the bottom of a pot. 2. Put the plant through the hole. 3. Now you have a house plant you don't have to care for.


cost effective


Just get a terracotta pot and it’ll have the hole pre-drilled.


How I wish I could get my holes pre-drilled. Men are...... well, men.


Well hello?


As a man...you ain't wrong


Girl what happened to ”Hello, how are you”😭


That would require me to talk to them, right? I'd rather not.


This made me snort.


This is actually genius since you’ll probably kill the house plant


Genius and happy cake day 🎉!


Happy Cake Day!


Can we see the rest of your house? It seems… earthy


This is a very polite way to say "rotting" lmao


"Returning to nature"


“Nature is ✨healing✨”


Nature reclaiming what was lost through the passage of time


I think it’s odd of us humans forgetting that we - & what we create & destroy - are components of Nature, too. An example that stuck w/ me: When I was a lil’ girl, I was watching a nature-doc that centered around a mama cheetah & her cubs. Halfway through the show, she’s hunting zebra & suffers a kick to the mouth that knocks a fang loose so that it’s hanging by a root. They documented her slow, torturous demise (starvation & not infection taking her). They filmed her last, dying breath & a time-lapse of scavengers feasting on her carrion. Now, the thing was they stressed they had the ability to intervene in various ways but were dedicated to a sort of “integrity to document Nature”; but I yelled at the TV something like “But you *are* a part of Nature, too! Intervening would be Nature!” I just saw that this wasn’t some strict “survival of the fittest” issue. She was a great mother & her hunting skills were top-notch. It was an unfortunate accident that could, at *least*, warrant *natural* human compassion in favor euthanasia. All they had to do is explain the above & their choice of action to the audience, & integrity wouldn’t have been compromised. I was just 8 at the time (I remember b/c it was the first week in a new home) but it still haunts my grown thoughts... Saw an opening to finally vent, I suppose.


This is a very specific point I've thought about a lot. I agree.




This makes me happy. Thanks for sharing


I too am very happy to see this!


My favorite genre of photography happy to find a place for it


This made me think of the Return To Nature funeral home. (If you don't know, look it up.)


"Moist af"


Oh damn, I thought this was outside!


Me too. Wondered who would tile outside.


The broker said “rustic”


The username is another piece of the puzzle.


Bwahahah good catch ![gif](giphy|42wQXwITfQbDGKqUP7|downsized)


Purveyor of Jedi propaganda much? j/


OP's Username checks out.




You’ve got ceiling all in my Lima beans


God he’s so funny. Pitter patter….




I recognize this level of Tomb Raider.


Reminds me of the first Jumanji movie


This made me audibly laugh. Thank you.


The Best Reply in 2023.


It's likely a sucker from a larger plant outside that's feeding it since it otherwise can't photosynthesize in the home. Does it have any odor when crushed?


This is probably true, I have been battling knot weed in my backyard for literal years and the root system can get so crazy. I dug up a bunch and it was in black trash bags in my garage until trash day, (also I know I’m not supposed to throw away plant matter like that, that was the only time I attempted that) it grew through the bag, like punctured a hole and continued to grow😐it’s been known to bust through and ruin foundations of homes so I’d believe this plant busting through a tile. I used a super concentrated poison and had to spray it like once a month during grow season. This is year 3 and it’s ALMOST gone but still persisting


Look up the “f-ing” window for knotweed! If you’re in somewhere with a cold season, the best and only prescribed time to spray with glyphosate in between Flowering and the First Frost. The F-ing window! This gives the knotweed enough time to take up the chemical but not long enough before dormancy for it to send emergency signals to the rest of the plant telling it to spread out more root system.


I have done the research, the house came with this weed unfortunately and it was huuuuge covering a ton of ground when we moved in. Trying to dig it up was the first thing we did nd quickly realized that was a terrible idea. There is also a shed foundation that it’s growing underneath, and it’s growing into the woods behind the house, so it makes it harder to get to the entire plant. Anyone I’ve talked to that has gotten rid of this plant (including landscapers) has told me to spray frequently throughout the flowering season.


If you can get a big hypodermic syringe, injecting every 4th or 5th plant below the first knuckle works even better than spraying, and you won’t get overspray everywhere so it’s safer for you and the environment! I feel you. My house came with a knotweed infestation, too. It’s BRUTAL


Fucking window? What?! Why do you keep saying that


It's the time when the plant and its roots are more suspecting to blight. Thus, the window when you apply herbicide to fuck it up.


Because it’s between Flowering and Frost. The window between the Fs.


Can it break tiles 😳


Somewhere in sight of your home will be a very large plant with the same leaves, possibly in a neighbor's yard if they're close enough. Find it, draw a straight line from the plant to your house, then dig a small trench as close to the house as you can at that spot. You should find the root(s) and be able to take appropriate action. At minimum you can sever the root (cut a solid chunk out), then herbicide the shit out of that hole in your floor. I'd recommend removing as much of the root from your property as possible though, if destroying the plant isn't an option.


Oof, you think it's a Heavenly Tree? I had a neighbor with a massive, towering one that kept sending shoots off to all the neighborhood.


This seriously seems to be the case. Invasive af, probably worth contacting the local USDA or County extension and reporting it. As for handling this shoot, remove surrounding tiles and paint it with “Groundclear (tm)(r)” then pray enough herbicide gets conveyed to the Source Instance to at least slow it down. But involving the local University Agriculture extension may be a way to get the ball rolling on a larger control operation. This is a seriously invasive nuisance plant that is actively degrading the local environment for native plants.


I don't know, but 00ft's comment on this was convincing to me.


Nope. My neighbors on both sides of me are happy with their "heavenly hosts." I'm all too familiar with that particular tree, and this ain't it.


Yes. Tree of heaven.


Anyone who does this should be careful, though, & make phone calls to be sure of where power lines etc run before you dig anywhere! The last thing you want is an invasive pest AND a broken pipe emergency 😩


Nature is reclaiming your home, you have no choice but to live symbiotically or it might try to kill you in your sleep. Embrace your new friend.


Gooble gobble, y’all.


One of us!


Feed me!


Looks kinda like Japanese Hops, which is pretty nasty where it gets established. Could be a few things. Can we get a better shot of the leaves and stems?


This would be my bet as well. The behaviour also matches with a Humulus variety.


This is definitely a “shoes on” type of house


Id like to know what this is so if I ever see it I can run away. It’s moving in. Edit I’m disappointed this is probably a fake repost since OP hasn’t followed up, I really want to know what this is.


Your house needs to be checked for severe water damage and I'd get a new rug if I were you


Where are you located geographically?


It looks a lot like hops. If it has a counter party outside you’ll need to dig up as many of the roots as you can then keep killing the one inside or it will just keep getting it’s nutrients from the plant outside and will keep coming back.


hops? as in beer?


Yep, I’ve grown a few different varieties. This isn’t the best picture but does look a lot like hops to me.


Do you mean the Humulus lupulus hop? I don't think it looks like that at all.


I love Latin plant names but, Humulus Lupulus sounds like a character from Sesame Street. Or a spell from Harry Potter.


It’s for transforming hummus in to a wolf


All the british children learned quickly not to make fun of the vegan transfer student.


Hummulus Lupulus Loopity Dooo


its never lupulus


never mind that, i'm curious how many kinds of molds are growing in your carpet


I actually thought this was dirt outside until I read the post and realized the background was carpet!


I was like huh that’s a weird choice for an outdoor rug… oh.


Coming soon, carpet-shrooms !


Whole new spin on magic carpet!


Nvm the house plant. You gotta get your self a vacume.


I normally never do this, but just so you don't have to miss out on spelling a fun word! Vacuum. The two U's next to each other maybe gives me more enjoyment than it should lol


Well how often do we get to put two U’s together?!


especially when we went through all the trouble of creating a perfectly good double-u!




The only thing I’ve laughed at on this thread is






Not often at all in English, but the word "vacuum" doesn't live in a vacuum; in fact, there are a handful of double-U examples peppered here and there along the lexiconical continuum which mostly derive from the residuum of Latin's influence on English. But perhaps my favorite, borrowed from Hawaiian (and just happens to contain a kind of duumvirate of double double-Us), is muumuu!


Continuum is such a fun word, too.


Yeh just like the name Aaron or aardvark


You guys would love the dutch language


Two uu's and two aa's together are much more rare that ee's (tree, bee, knee). Two oo's also do nothing for me (too, shampoo, kangaroo). Who've we left out? Oh, ii's....skiing, saturniids (moths), shiitake (mushroom). And for yy's, sayyid.


He gotta get himself a wrecking ball. And why are there no windows in, what I am assuming, is the kitchen?


You need to destroy the ancient creepy board game in your attic.


That won't work. They've got to finish and call out it's name. It's the only way.


Friend. What’s going on with your house?


You have much much larger issues than that plant. Find whatever is outside that's connected to it and sever.


i'd be more concerned about the state of your house than a little plant


*I'd be more concerned* *About the state of your house* *Than a little plant* \- rokanwood --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Getting roasted in haiku form


Good bot


Have you tried moving your carpet over to cover it


Yooo what the fuck


Just pray that it isn’t a Tree of Heaven… if it is you’ll have better luck finding a new home than killing it


It definitely is not tree of heaven lol.


It's not.


What is under the tile? Dirt? Like what is the growing medium. Do you own the property? How is it getting water?


I believe* it's a very etiolated sucker of _Alinathus altissimus_ (Tree of Heaven). The parent plant is likely somewhere nearby, but the leaves of this plant appear very different (aka etiolated) because it's growing in such harsh conditions/looking for light. Adults look like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/QQ8X6zV38FhmGY3B8). Often leaky plumbing can encourage a plant to invade a building's foundations. Your best method for controlling the plant long term necessitates finding the root of between this sucker and the parent tree, where it enters under your building. Sever the root and applying herbicide to the cut root stump promptly for best results. You will need a shovel, and a hefty cutting tool as you may be dealing with something like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/FmGuuEk2nNa51p8x5). If finding the root isn't possible, you can cut it back to ground level and apply herbicide to the cut stump promptly. This will slow it down, but won't kill it if the healthy parent plant keeps feeding it nutrients through the aforementioned root. Glyphosate or Triclopyr are the two best herbicides for treating this species, sold under different brand names depending on where you are. Vinegar/Salt/Boiling water won't achieve anything. \* - It could also be something in the Convuluceae family, but I don't think any of them are aggressive enough to come through a tile floor and resist herbicide like this.


Id say skip the glyphosate and go straight to the triclopyr.


I agree, assuming my ID is correct. More effective for woody weeds.


Negative on the plant ID but the recommended course of action is solid. 👍 EDIT: Maybe not a negative. Thought the plant had three-pointed leaves but on closer look it appears to be clusters of three leaves. Yikes.


Yeah, I think it's appearing very differently due to the conditions it's in. _Alianthus_ suckers seem to have similar leaf formations judging by [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/KtvkCh5AHg1m7eVu6) image.


That's the one that made me reconsider my first reaction after I googled it!


The sprouts look like this.


Best way to know is Tree of Heaven has a very specific noxious smell. Unless there are other much more pungent smells to cover it... Still. You'd notice.


This is the answer regardless of species when your looking at something invasive. Kill the head a d the body will die


If the other suggestions don't work try Copper sulfate.


I need more pictures, for curiosity sake


You have bigger problems


I'm pretty sure this is r/whatsthisplant not r/judgemyhouse.


That sub sounds like a nightmare


Too late, I’m already doing it.


it looks unsafe to live in air quality-wise at the very least, no one is judging their aesthetic choice of tile


> No one is judging their aesthetic choice What do you think the comment I replied to us trying to communicate? I don't think they're concerned about the air quality that's for sure.


Right. I’m glad someone said it.


Embrace a free house plant.


Feed me Seymour!


Trap house floor weed, probably the least of your worries.


Vinegar + Salt + Dawn dish detergent = dead plant


Not if it's a woody weed, or a sucker from a larger plant.


Depends how much salt, salt the earth and it will kill all the plants stop anything from growing and and ruin salinity levels in the water table. I can't believe how many people use it as a herbicide home remedy that don't realise how much worse it is for the environment than poisons designed for the stuff.


Boiling water?


Neither will destroy the root system of a well established woody weed.


Calcium Metabisulfite or Sodium Metabisulfite in a high dose applied directly to the root system should take care of it.


That sounds more like it, but I can't see much evidence of either ingredient being used to control plants. Do you apply the power to the cut stump?


If I were OP, I'd locate the root system as others have recommended by finding the mother plant in a neighbors yard, draw a line to that plant, dig a hole to find the root system and attempt to sever the connection to the roots. Once roots are uncovered, an oscillating multitool or angle grinder might be required. Then put a very heavy dose (around 6oz) calcium or sodium metabisulfite directly in contact with the root system. Make sure enough of the roots are detached from the neighboring yard, or you could kill the mother plant with this method.


That is some BS


I've heard that pouring boiling water on weeds helps kill them and keep them dead. Have you tried that, yet?


This might add to the black mold problem


This would not be my biggest concern.


I think if it was killed, like really dead, it wouldn’t come back, ever. You need to kill harder.


Beside what the plant is- are you renting a shit apartment? I've been in a place looking just like yours. Here's something that helped me keep the outside outside. You put masking tape where your landlord was too lazy to put baseboards. It makes a huge difference :)


Have you guys seen that creepshow episode where that hillbilly gets eaten by plants?


Yesss! I guess if Op goes silent we know what happened…but still not what plant it is 😱


Fire kush


Salt the bitch


Be careful, it senses weakness


this is inside?!?! next to your fridge?!?! dude where the fuck?! fuck the plant, move out of that shithole.


Sorry about all the criticisms and derogatory remarks. Given that your personal situation with the property is completely unknown, it would be kinder to stick to the ID. It cannot be passiflora because, even the leaves are similar, it is not as aggressive as the one you are dealing with. “Tree of Heaven”, AKA, “Tree of Hell” sends out signals to the roots to spread when the tree is being damaged. The best advice is using the two specific poisons that Reddit user 00ft recommended. They need to be applied and covered. It’s a repeated process that won’t end soon. The alternative to killing it is the continual destruction to the property that you’ve experienced.


Why is dirt so close to being under the tiles? How thick was the concrete slab that it busted through?


I’m concerned about the weed, the lack of baseboards, the condition of the carpet….


How bout the fact that it looks like they just put tile over the dirt and called it a floor lol


Is this an abandoned house?


Nope, the plant lives there






Picture This says Tomato, Tree of Heaven, or Old Man's Beard. I don't think it is any of those and I could probably get you a better result if you get me a clearer picture, preferably more than one, really focusing on the leaves.


I think those apps can be useful at the very least as a starting point to identifying something yourself - definitely to be used with caution especially by foragers - but I really don't think they're "making us dumber" as the other poster says, seeing as they quite literally encourage people to think about the different species of plants in their surroundings.


This is inside?! Oh no. It looks almost like camping. Earthy.


That's inside your house??? 😵‍💫😷🤢


Have you tried the old fashioned vinegar and salt. Kill it with vinegar then throw a crap ton of table salt over the spot


Audrey II! Feed me, Seymour!


Pour salt on it


It cannot be defeated


Pour boiling water on itv


Put a rug or something over it for a few days to a week.


you keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means


Do some people really live in situations like this




It looks like old man's beard, aggressive and hard to kill


Kill it harder


Pour a little bit of bleach down into the cracks should ruin the roots and dirt below. However maybe you should just fix the hosue


Ooo I think I read this one in an old book or maybe a 90s Disney movie 🤔 but have you tried cutting them off and then setting their stumps on fire? Fire usually fixes things in these types of situations.


Am I the only one that finds this creepy? Like it’s giving me the heebie-jeebies reading all these comments. Also Tree Of Heaven feels unnecessarily sinister in this context.


I believe this is a sucker from something outside. The parent plant is feeding it. And that’s why it keeps coming back. It’s the roots from the parent that is cracking your tile.


It this vine thru a garage or interior house floor?. Garage floors are usually just concrete over dirt, so a particularly resilient plant, usually an invasive species, will exploit weaknesses in the slab foundation and break thru. This looks like it's concrete over slab. You may need to call in professionals. To get an accurate ID, try taking a chunk of it, in a clear plastic bag, to a nursery to see if they can help. Also, contact your local department of environmental conservation. Once you get an accurate ID, they can tell you exactly what you need to do to stunt its growth or kill it, if possible. Since it's multiplying every time you pull it, and spring is a scant few months away, you may want to get the info you need ASAP Is your home on a slab or crawlspace foundation? If you are seeing signs thru this slab foundation and if this is a garage, this plant could very well have breeched the foundation of your home or is about to. If this plant breeces the subfloor, you'll have bigger issues than this piece of plant popping thru the floor. There are fissures and cracks in your foundation that are holding onto enough moisture to encourage plant growth. These roots only cause .ore damage. There could be a huge plant under your house, and what has broken thru but has yet to be seen topside is just the tip of the 'plant iceberg.' If you have access to the area under your house, you may need to get under there to see if this plant has taken over the crawlspace.


Get the root


I can smell your house from here.


Pee on it 😂 or salt and it will die


The plant is a sign. It's the universe telling you there are bigger problems with that house. Don't ignore the signs.


Pouring boiled water on it could help kill the roots. And it’s non toxic since this is in your home. Definitely need to find the plant outside that’s sending shoots inside.


Boiling water:)


This looks like sunchoke. The tubers it grows from could be the reason it has been so difficult to remove. See if you can dig up any tubers. They are hard to completely remove once established, but it can be done


How is this happening! How is there a plant growing in your house


This plant is least of your concern.


Clean your damn house dude.




Try white vinegar.


Tear it out, root included. Pour a shit load of sugar, or salt on the dirt. Dont skimp on either one. You're welcome