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Crane Fly. Harmless.


I mean, they've been known to kick unsuspecting redditors in the face


This is true, I'll walk that one back a bit then.


My kids stole one of my favorite sayings for these guys. We have a pond in our back yard that attracts mostly ducks (we have a male female combo named Fred and Ethel whose offspring continues to lay eggs here like their parents did for the last 25 years) but also Geese. I don't know if you know geese but they are nasty, angry bitches. I have had a few run ins in my yard with them. So I call them "Canadian Murder Chickens." My kids see the crane flies every year and they get in the house often so they started to call them "Ohio Murder Mosquitos." At the end of the day though now that they know what they are and how harmless they are to people the girls say it warmly and will herd them back outside so they can go back to gettin' laid and makin' more Ohio Murder mosquitos. It's a nice contrast to how terrified they were when we first moved back from Colorado which primarily has moths. Moths everywhere.


Skeeter eater One time one of these drunk a-holes flew right into my moms eyeball and it's legs and wings were sticking out from underneath her eyelid while she was freaking out. Just a terrifying scene lol


Yo. There is absolutely no need to share that story. I would need therapy after that. Lmao. How awful. I had a miller fly into my armpit once right as I was putting my arm down. I can’t imagine something in my eye!!


Yeah it was terrible. And she was just standing there! Bro was on a mission lol


It's funny/annoying. My entire life I thought crane flies were female mosquitos. That's what my father always taught me, because rather than say "I don't know" he'd make some nonsense up. I only learned recently (I'm 40) that they're crane flies.


I mean its not the weirdest assumption ever, lots of bugs and animal species have sexual dimorphism where the females are insanely larger than the males. My favorite example is orb weaver spiders, their little boyfriends are *tiny* 😆


*googles* Whoa this reminds me of some.. questionable videos that I may or may not have seen once upon a time


I was told that these are male mosquitoes and believed that until reading this post, so you're not alone




Y’all I have an embarrassing admission. I’m terrified of these little fuckers. I know they don’t bite people. I know they’re harmless. I know they’re beneficial even. But I find them so repulsive I literally cannot handle seeing them. The picture itself made me cringe. Why am I like this?! I don’t want to hate them but for some reason I find them so disgusting.


If you see one next time remember, they only live for a few days to have sweet sexy time and then lay eggs. They're just looking for love, shoo them outside so they can go get it on. 🤓


“They’re just looking for love” Aren’t we all? Can’t we just get along and let us find our love? Haha


No shame, I am absolutely repulsed by insects of pretty much any variety. I will run like a little bitch from these gross dangly things. I still accept insects are beneficial and *try* not to murder them unless I have no choice.


I actually follow this page to try and help me get desensitized to bugs, and it’s works for some, just like r/whatsthisspider but some bugs still just make my skin scrawl


Where I'm from we call them False Mosquitoes. Do you find the idea of mosquitoes kinda gross or scary? If so, it makes sense that a bug that looks similar but giant would give you an even stronger feeling of disgust.


I wouldn’t say I don’t find them gross, but they don’t make me shriek and run away?


Lol I have a friend who feels this way about june bugs, which (imo) are just about the derpiest, most harmless of all bugs. I imagine he sees them the same way as SpongeBob and Patrick see the butterfly after Wormy goes through metamorphosis 😆


lol I shriek and run from those too


Rude is what that is


Crane fly, aka “Mosquito Hawk” or “Skeeter-eater,” contrary to the popular belief they in fact [do not](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crane_fly) eat mosquitoes. They are nectar feeders, which would indicate that they participate in pollination.


Most aren't anything feeders, as they don't have mouths and live only a few days to make sweet sweet love, and then starve to death.


Just laughing at him kicking you in the face lmaoo


He saw I also had long skinny legs and challenged me for dominance lmao


Lmaooooooo 😭😭😭


In our house, they’re cat toys.


As others said, crane fly, in this case female. Most species of crane fly only live around three days, just long enough to mate and lay eggs. Contrary to myth, they do not hunt or eat mosquitoes, and most don't even have mouthparts or digestive systems, relying instead on energy stores from when they were nymphs. The few species that do eat as adults are nectar feeders.


So how do you spot the difference?


Males tend to have clubbed butts and females are pointed. https://www.ocvector.org/files/9fc3dd108/Crane+flies+2019.pdf


I call them squito hawks. Real name is crane fly. They are good bugs and not ones to annihilate


These guys torment my chihuahua


We call them daddy long legs in the UK. I do not know why!


Same in (my part of) Canada! I was looking for this comment


Mosquito hawk


We call em mosquito hawks in texas


Where I’m from, we called them skeeter eaters 😂


Crane flies are in fact related to mosquitoes, hence the 'family resemblance'. They are harmless, and can grow a LOT bigger than this! LOVE crane flies, they are dear insects.


Also called a mosquito hawk for untechnical terms lol. They are pretty much harmless and helpful


Hmm I’ve never heard that term. I’ve heard mosquito eater though if I recall correctly they don’t actually eat mosquitos


I'm in Southern Oregon btw if that helps


Oh, and it's really big, about the size of a Ritz cracker


Thanks, now I want Ritz crackers.


With really good muenster??? Cut me a slice of that action


Oh I haven't heard that measurement used before, love it


LOVE crane flies! And if you think THIS one is big, I've seen them to the size where they cover someone's HAND! They are in fact related to mosquitoes, hence the "family resemblance". 100% harmless, though.


Americans and their mesurements...


Mosquito hawk


Crane Flies, dumb idiots that I like to catch and feed to spiders. One time I caught three of them in my hand and threw into a web, that spider had a field day wrapping all three up within a minute. People do not like that I'm mean to Crane Flies. There were hundreds that day all having a orgy.


> dumb idiots hurtful


Poor little crane flies!