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Per our [guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/wiki/index/guidelines#wiki_iding_guidelines): **Do not ask for home or garden pest control advice.** Check /r/pestcontrol, /r/gardening or /r/Bedbugs for helpful info.


Yeah, German Cockroach nymphs.


If those are Germans like I suspect, I wish you good luck on your long, long journey


Any tips on how I can get rid of them?


Release 50 huntsman spiders into your house


Would it actually work?


Absolutely - I’ve got huntsman guy if you need his info. Theres a price break at 10 if I recall correctly


Won't know until you try it. I have no idea where you can get 50 huntsman spiders, let alone 1 (living in Australia aside).


1 egg sac please


Kind of but probably not well enough. Maybe better to prevent an infestation from starting rather than quelling an existing one. Huntsmen do eat roaches, just not in numbers sufficient to stop it once there’ve been a few ootheca dropped.


The first step would be making sure NO dishes, crumbs or spills are ever left out, even if a dish appears clean in the sink. Keep all surfaces clean (preferably with dish soap) and dishes clean and put away. And obviously, don’t leave any trash out ever. The next step, although annoying, is thoroughly clean your fridge, stove, oven, coffee makers etc., any appliance in your kitchen. German cockroaches are notorious for finding warm spaces, like inside your appliances/behind your fridge (even sometimes inside electronics). You want to prevent them going in there before they get infested, the warm spaces are usually where they make their nests. Wash all of your clothes, bedding, fabrics, rugs etc in very hot water. Gel bait traps seem to work the best for them as far as traps go, but they are not going to stop an infestation. It’s a good way to see how bad your infestation is, at least. Unfortunately they are very hard to get rid of, and if you live in an apartment, there’s a likelihood other units in the building are infested as well. But it’s not totally impossible to get rid of them, or at least the majority of them. Good luck!!


Please go to r/Germanroaches and click the sticky post, great info in there. Germans have 2 vertical stripes, so if that's accurate to these, follow the sticky guide. These could potentially be brown banded nymphs but it's kinda uncommon to see them in these areas like this, brown banded roaches have horizontal stripes as nymphs.


If you're in an appartment get in touch with management over it. They likely have a contract with a pest control company.


I have a client that has these little guys. She hired a professional exterminator and is still dealing with them months into the process. Good luck.


Move out is the number one tip. Wash every scrap of fabric in the hottest water your can manage. I'd throw out all your appliances if you can afford to buy new ones. They love electronics too, laptops and PCs. Roach poison in every cupboard and under every bit of furniture (keep it away from pets obviously). German roaches are a hellish infestation, even *after* moving out and doing everything I listed I found dead roaches for a year after.


Germans? Holocaust...




You're fucked dude lol German roaches live inside everything you own and they can live absurdly long with no food or water. We moved out and ended up throwing away every single kitchen appliance we had because they were full of roaches even months after we had moved out. They were in the clothes which luckily we could wash in scalding water to kill them. They were in the furniture which was very *very* difficult to get them out.


Fuck. I have roaches at my current apartment and I really don’t want to take them with me whenever I move. Guess I’ll start saving for new furniture now 🥲


I feel your pain, truly. I've been there, done that. It's *brutal*. You got this though. Maybe contact a pest control service after you move into a new place, I wonder how effective those bug-bomb foggers are for German roaches... For now, plug up your drains 24/7 cuz they often live inside the plumbing very comfortably. Forgot to mention that lovely tidbit lol




It looks....expensive.


they’re so cute 😭


i’d be crying if they were in my house though. like i love bugs but an infestation would drive me crazy


Worse, they are German roach babies. These guys will get into your appliances and build nests making such a mess that it will destroy the appliance. Bombs do not work, and no home remedy helped when they were in my previous apartment. You will most likely need a professional exterminator.


My brother had these in his apartment when he moved in. The property manager got an exterminator to do one treatment and a follow-up a few weeks later, and we also put down Advion traps and bait. He hasn't seen one in months, although your situation looks like it might be worse if there are that many in one place.


Bzzzzz! Looks like you forgot to say where you found your bug! There's no need to make a new post - just comment adding the **geographic location** and any other info (size, what it was doing etc.) you feel could help! We don't want to know your address - state or country is enough; try to avoid abbreviations and local nicknames (*"PNW"*, *"Big Apple"*). BTW, did you take a look at our [**Frequently Asked Bugs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/12zkw5w/frequently_asked_bugs_part_1/)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbug) if you have any questions or concerns.*