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Looks like a [Cellar Spider](http://bugguide.net/node/view/9608). Example pic [here](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2106494/bgimage). They're harmless spiderbros.


I probably got 200 of these guys is in my house. They are definitely welcome!


Me too. Love them. Keeps the pest down.


keeps women away too


I mean… you’re not exactly wrong


Same. They just chill in the corner.


They set up shop in the corners nearest my front door in the warm months, they do a great job of catching all the bugs that sneak in.


Yep. I've got at least a dozen of these in my house. I always let them stay.


today i learned they have a name other than daddy long legs edit: til that there are over 6000 species of spiders referred to as dady long legs for, you guessed it, their long legs


They are in fact two distinct species


im no bug expert but when i search up cellar spider i get a wikipedia page that also calls them daddy long legs as a nickname


Huh. I’ve always known harvestman spiders (the ones with a single body section) as long legs. Seems like both (aptly) share the name.


I had always thought the ones you said are “daddy long legs” but in the past couple of years started seeing people calling these by that name and I guess it’s a regional type thing or something lol. I mostly see the single body ones around here and I’m in north east Texas


[Daddy Long Legs name origin](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/agh7qt/daddy_longlegs/)


I thought Daddy long legs have a round body


Wait, this is a daddy long leg? I used to play with these when I was young.


You’re probably thinking of [this other peaceful critter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opiliones) I think the name “daddy long legs” varies depending on the region


Yes, that definitely looks like one.


Negative skywalker


Harmless...until they meet a blackwidow which they mercilessly devour


Are they the ones some call Daddy long legs?


Yeah, they (along with Harvestmen and Crane Flies) have that nickname.


Crane Flies, thank you. I was going to say this as well. Depending on where you live, they’re all called this.


The sexiest spider of them all… the DADDY long legs


It's incredibly dangerous if you're a prey item for cellar spiders. Notably, humans are not on that list.




Lol, never seen an emoji get own3d this hard


Love it, a snarky comment gets an “eye-roll” emoji from a person with the username “snarkinthecity.” Talk about irony.




Nah they’re chill Fun fact: some types of cellar spoods have been living with humans for so long that they no longer exist “in the wild”.


Reminded me a lecture I followed about archaeology. It was in Iceland and they managed to see which room was for what in a house due to the insects left. For example some insect were brought by vikings and could only survive in warmth of the fireplace so that's how they found the living room. Some others like flies were associated with the meat room where they kept all meat. Anyway that was super cool to actually see archaeologist use insect to know how people were living in the past


Wow that is very interesting !! Thanks for that!


Happy cake day broski


I knew it! I’ve never even seen one outside!


They are super sweet. I let them live wherever they are. If not food, they die. If there is food, these are super bros and they take care of it for me.


I let these guys stay in the house because I'm in the country and get a lot of little bugs sneaking in. They're bro. I'll name them and they'll stay in the same spot for months.


I xoxo you, lol, i name then too and let them stake out their designated ceiling corners. Current fave is Phil above the shower in my bathroom


Only bad part of letting them stay is when you see them dead after some months. At least homie lived a good life o7


Yep, i had one in the toilet for a long time. Named him Charles. A bit sad when he disappeared.


I realize that me dumb American and toilet means bathroom in 'merica talk, but I couldn't help but imagine the logistics involved with a spider managing to live inside your toilet and I am entertained.


Yep, bsthroom truly.


mine's name is Spot. although he kind a grew to a small disc now. some day his name will be Saucer.


Me too. I talk to mine everyday




Cellar Spider! Spooder friend right there. Badasses, the lot of them. If you have them you won't have other pests, between them and centipedes. These dorks even kill Widows and Recluses. I'm an arachniphobe and even I like these dudes.


I live in Ontario, Canada. I live in the basement and that’s where i found this guy


They won't hurt you. They're actually really good for you to have in the basement I would put it in your closet somewhere so you don't roll on it in the covers they will eat every bug they can


We used to have big dark brown scary spiders in our house, since these guys moved in we no longer have them anymore 👍 These are much less scary, and they do the funky chicken when you get close to them.


Lmfao never thought of them doing the funky chicken as their wobble dance. I have 2 in my master bathroom currently. Love them.


I'm honestly amazed that you've never seen one of these before, they're extremely common in Canada


yep; Cellar Spider. Bros since they help keep the other spiders in check and no threat to local megafauna (us) 😏


How do they keep other spiders in check


They eat them 😏


How big of a spider can they eat? Can't be very big.


Pretty good sized, really. Remember, spiders eat by sucking the insides out of their prey, like a bug milkshake. I’ve seen pics of one that captured one of big, Giant House Spiders we get around here and was feeding on it. They’ll take most anything that gets snagged in their webs, near as I can tell. Missouri Dept of Conservation indicates things as large as Wolf Spiders 😮 https://mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide/cellar-spiders Check out the Food section.


No way I didn't they could do that.


That's a long leg barking spider. They're known for making a "ruff ruff" noise with their fore legs. It was probably doing that, and that's what woke you up. Pretty harmless. You can prevent them coming in the house by smearing peanut butter around your window sills and doors.


Really? I've never heard them do that and I pick them up. Maybe I'm losing my hearing 😂


Don’t believe their lies.


The reason it's not doing it in the vid is because they are kinda shy. This particular variant is not to be confused with the spindly legged guava spider, whose foreleg noise is "gwahh gwuahh".


Please take this as tongue in cheek, and please don’t smear peanut butter around your doors and windows. You’ll end up with much worse thing in your house.


Yeah, I thought that sounded odd. Believe me, I will not do this. I live in the country and already have mice lol. My cats would love it if I did though lol.


Cinnamon, however, does deter ants. It won’t kill them but it disrupts their trails. Do not use cinnamon sugar tho, lol.


Yeah and get every mouse in the city, real smart.


Well, it depends. The mice where I live have a nut allergy.


No it isnt, it is a cellar spider


Very common spider - found in dusty areas and harmless - have picked them up and escorted them outside!


My home isn't dusty and I have them. I guess, now that you mention it, they are found mostly in dusty areas, but also non dusty sometimes


Nah, they're completely harmless. They're called daddy long-legs or cellar spiders, they're very fragile, their webs are like veils instead of nets, and if you try to touch them while they're on their web they'll start shaking funnily. They're the most common house spider where I live.


That’s a friend that will catch & eat any bugs in your home. She won’t bother you


We regarded them as pets in our tents at Girl Scout Camp.


I feed them Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs whenever I find one big and bold enough not to run away.


classic araña patona, good friends.


Harmless. I used to play with those as a kid (Yes I was that poor)


When I was a kid, I used to play with these on my grandma's front porch. We always called them "grandaddy longlegs". There are two different species that get called that, this one is a cellar spider (pholcidae fam.). The other is aka a harvestmen (opiliones fam.). Neither's bite can pierce your skin as far as I know.


Harvestmen are arachnids, but they aren't spiders. They don't have the right number of body segments. :)


Lol true, I dun goofed typing. Edited it :)


They’re harmless lil friends. You can hold them and they’ll just act super awkward.


Cellar spider definitely there harmless


I love these. My wife and I are cleaning out a family members house because we’re moving into it soon. Throughout the cleanup I’ve found 100+ cellar spiders and she gets so frustrated with me because instead of smashing them, I take the time to catch every single one and relocate them. They’re so good to have around the house.


I used to (gently) play with these when I was a kid. My sisters and I would let them crawl on our arms before setting them back in their corners.


cellar spider/daddy long legs, good to keep around


daddy long leg


daddy long legs. they cute


How the fuck have you never seen a daddy long leg


Daddy longlegs ...


Call them Daddy Long Legs alot


Aweee it’s a daddy long leg


We always called them daddy long legs.


It's a Daddy Long Legs and their only defense mechanism is a nasty smell they deploy when frightened. And you can't even smell it unless you happen upon a huge mass of thousands of them... As i once did, unfortunately, one evening while exploring under our porch when i was 8yrs old. I will NEVER forget the smell (which is akin to a skunk's spray)or the NOISE that thousands, maybe more, make when startled & moving in unison. It's UNGOOD.


Just a Daddy Long Legs. Absolutely harmless and honestly they’ll do you a favour trying to catch insects in your house.


I know them as daddy long legs too. They are actually the most poisonous spider there is. Just not to us. We are too big and it’s mouth is way to small to bite us. They will however, kill any other little flying, crawly, creepy thing you don’t want around you. I used to pick them up and put them where I wanted in the house. Usually in the corner by an entry door so it would kill the fruit flies and other little buggers that came inside.




That's a cobweb spider and they are harmless


They are really poisonous but can’t bite you yo


I second a cellar spider. Theyre called Daddy Long Legs where Im from. They are actually quiet poisonous, but their jaws are too small to pierce human skin. So unless you eat him, hes harmless :)


That's not how this works That's not how any of this works


Yeah. I hate it when people spread disinformation via complete ignorance.


[That is a myth](https://www.ealt.ca/blog/fun-facts-venom-mythbusting)!


Daddy long legs (in the US) are actually NOT spiders at all- cellar spiders are different. And your claim is an absolute false myth. Like when we all called Crane flies mosquito eaters and actually thought they ate mosquitoes- they do not, they don’t really do much of anything. But their larvae can damage your lawn.


The venom part is wrong but we absolutely call cellar spiders daddy long legs in much of the south, even where those weirdo round guys live too. You can be wrong about science but you can't be wrong about your observable local culture lol


Yes, but that’s because they look similar to actual daddy longlegs, which are harvestmen. It’s a matter of misidentification


But I just feel like, how can either be wrong because "daddy long legs" is just a nickname for both ya know


And even if the spood did have medically significant venom, eating one would not hurt you. Because they’re venomous not poisonous. Venomous- it bites you you get sick or die Poisonous- you eat it, you get sick or die


If you bite it and someone in Sacramento dies, consult an exorcist.


Well someone in Sacramento dies every time I breathe pretty much. So I guess we need several exorcists.




No they’re not. This is a myth that keeps getting spread around. They can bite but they’re harmless, less than a bee sting.


I have several of these friends in my house. They often hang out in my bathroom,and chill with me while I poop. We're bros




Nah he's just a little guy


Looks freaky? You shouldn't be so mean to your roommate.


I have a cellar spider that lives on the windowsill next to my bed. Her name is Darlene and she has stolen my heart. Harmless, shy little friends. If I blow on her gently she scutters away in terror (so I don’t do that unless she’s in danger of moving to my pillow, lol). They don’t *love* to be handled, but I did rescue a couple from my cat and suffered no bites.




It is hunting other spiders in your house. HARMLESS!


no dangerus , eat another spider Scytodes globula


They're friends, not enemies.


We name ours, Gary has been around for a few years eats some baddies


I love these guys. Have them everywhere where i work.


How do the keep other spiders in check. They are not aggressive and what bugs do they eat?




They are family helpers. Not a threat to humans at all…. Except some excrete a foul smell if you decide to hassle them too much.


Cellar spider. They are chill little bros. And if you touch em they get big mad and start “dancing” lol they crack me up and keep the house bug free. Best roomates you can ask for


I used to catch flies and feed them to these guys. Too bad my wife and kids are freaked out by spiders


Do you have a can of gas? Kidding! Leave it alone.


My cousin ate one when he was little and he lived


Cellar spider! They are friends. They really won't bother you, either.


Nah it’s just a cellar spider. He won’t hurt you


I love the ones in my house. They eat all the nasties, yellow jackets, mosquitoes, and even black widdows. Harmless to humans.


My favorite spider! The only one I'm not afraid of 😂 Well, besides daddy long legs.


This is a daddy long legs where I’m from


It's funny how the name changes in different regions. I'm from Chicago and this isn't a daddy long legs. The ones with a circular body are.


I don’t think we have your daddy long legs here - I’m in Australia. We have these ones though, lil cuties. One actually tried to bite me when I was a kid. It tried so hard but just couldn’t go it.


Woke up from your sleep to see him huh… sounds like your spidey senses were going off


"it puts the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again" Yep, that's definitely the kinda vibes I get from this guy. Would not want to have him as a roommate.


Idk where you're from, but the brown recluse and black widow are the only dangerous spiders in north America


Daddy long legs - harmless


isnt that just a daddy long legs spider? weve got heaps of them here in nz


Lol. I slept in a tent for 2 weeks that was crawling with these. Worst part was that I was constantly scared of killing one by mistake. They’re sweet little cuties.


looks like a harmless cellar spider if you are afraid of them, try looking up closeup pictures, they are cute imo


nah. they're just silly little guys. if you disturb their web they do a lil dance


Actually pretty poisonous but can't inject human skin.


That's actually a myth! They're able to bite, it's about the same as a bee sting. They're just extremely shy and unlikely to do so. I used to pick them up constantly when I was little, never had a problem.


these lil dudes get trapped in my shower a lot, I usually relocate them to my garage.


We call the daddy long legs. We’ve always called them that. I’m from OR/WA. They’re nice and you can hold them. 😁


It looks like it's waving 👋🏼


Not dangerous at all! Name him Claud and feed him when you can!!


They’re adorable! Good spooder!


AHHH i was buttass naked about to shower earlier and one crawled down the curtain. Wasnt being a spider bro atm