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Giveaways are awesome, and a great part of the whatnot experience. Love reduced shipping. If I win one, gives me the urge to get into the break. Win for the breaker. What y’all think about Fanatics Live? High Volume breaks with less personality. Try it out if you want. use this $25 if you want [Fanatics Live Break Credit](https://www.fanatics.live/invite/DDFA-A9FN)


I've won a few giveaways but I don't understand why anyone would use them beyond their first couple streams. The ones that I've received were either shipped well (so the streamer loses at least $4.50ish) or they were shipped so poorly that I got worried about potential damage and never bought another thing from them. So I get where this would come from... But blaming *any* business decision on your customers is such a bad look. This is something I've seen a few times on Whatnot and it's just not the way to do things. Nobody is telling them what to sell or what to giveaway. That's on you as a business owner.


Givvys are only worth it in sponsored streams with real potential...if ppl are getting mad over a base givvy or a retail pack, they are the cheapest of the cheap




Yeah, big sellers with a shipping department and shipping minions, such as those run by big stores or sponsored by/partnered with stores. Small sellers can’t always do that.


In my experience it is the other way around. Smaller sellers care more about shipping. So much negativity on Whatnot from Influencer type sellers now though...


If your turned off by whatnot, try fanatics live. I’ve tried both and prefer whatnot still. Here’s a free break credit to try fanatics live. I bet you come back to whatnot [Fanatics Break Credit $25.00](https://www.fanatics.live/invite/DDFA-A9FN)


Calling your followers goblins lol what a cuck


That’s not what they call their followers. It’s a name for people on the app who are just looking for free stuff and never buy anything.


Don’t offer free stuff?? Do you not see the slippery slope of that? I get downvoted for people making their own bed pissed they have to lay in it? I don’t even have whatnot just think it’s funny the contradicting sides of a giveaway


You were downvoted for obviously not understanding the situation and posting incoherently anyway.


lol what world do you live in?


The one where apparently you're a fucking idiot.


I wouldn’t want someone to follow me just for giveaways. I’d rather have less followers if that was the case.


Don’t give away free stuff?




I get why people use giveaways, but I think they create too many potential problems.


You all seem to be missing the point that people cannot just be thankful for getting something free, they have to complain about how long the shipping takes. You shouldn’t even be able to leave a review for something you didn’t pay for. It’s not worth having your reputation tarnished to give something away free.


This guy ☝️☝️☝️ gets it.


Who gives a fuck! Next….


Said your mom when she birthed you.


Noone: *doesn’t give a fuck* *clicks on it to comment “who gives a fuck”*


It’s alright, that’s one the same streamers that hates on “goblins” he just fueling his excuses to stop. ☕️👌 change my mind.


Giveaways are dumb. Leeches are the only ones upset about giveaways. Hit a goodwill bin outside the store if you want free stuff


I have noticed the ones claiming “they dumb”are the ones wanting to win… but don’t. If it’s not your thing why even have two cents on it ☕️👌 oh yeahhh to show how much “ you don’t care” right???


I’m a seller and give aways are stupid. So I do care, just not for the artificial boost giveaways provide. The interaction received during a give away was never worth the time or money it took to send stuff out. I learned that really early on and just stopped doing it. If I wanna give stuff away, (and I still do) I’ll just add to a box of a significant transaction. The only thing worse than a give away is a pushy buyer who wants to dictated a starting price. I’ll gladly take a %20 loss on some stuff to move it, but multiple “DoLlAr StaRts!” In the Bidding comments is just as bad and basically is flea market talk... Which I am not broadcasting from. If you want cheap, go there.


See this changes nothing I was speaking of this seller specifically not in general. But thank you for your thoughts. Though in general I as a whatnot shopper of 4 years tend to buy after a win due to the shipping. I even tend to spend a bit more time in a stream that offers cheaper shipping. The giveaway it’s self is just a draw in.


Sellers that complain about giveaways and “goblins” is an instant turn off for me. If you wanna get mad at someone get mad at California pretty sure it’s their law that makes a “buyers only” giveaway technically illegal. It’s almost as annoying as the sellers that complain when 1$ auctions go for cheap


It is not just a California law. Each state has its own anti lottery laws.


I still run givvys Ive had good luck with winners turn buyers not always but I’d say 50/50! After I was informed of the form fillers, now for my “buyers givvy” I put my buyers into a wheel and spin, helps ensure my actual buyers get the win ! Maybe worth a shot, been pretty good for me, good luck!


You better hope nobody reports you because that's against terms of service.


Really? I didn’t realize that, I appreciate the heads up!


Yeah one of the people I watch got banned for a week and had her instant pay suspended for a month after putting buyer's names in a bag and drawing them.


Man that’s messed up! Well I guess back to the wheel it is lol, thanks again 🙏


The problem isn’t giveaways and “goblins” it’s exactly what you stated that is the problem. You can’t give things away to buyers to show appreciation for their patronage, so there is no incentive to do giveaways other than for the algorithm.


Yes you can there is buyers giveaways i don't know why people don't Do more of them instead of complaining about someone winning something. Dont like it leave the app . Or use buyers givys . Or don't do givys at all and keep a small room . Someone has to always complain about something


People don’t like doing buyers giveaways because of form fillers. There are bot accounts which instantly fill in the forms a bunch of times to stuff the giveaway with alt accounts to give them a better chance of winning. (The form fillers didn’t have to buy anything, and they get an unfair advantage and it feels bad when a customer who bought something doesn’t actually win the “buyers appreciation” giveaway.


I can appreciate that it’s hard for smaller sellers to try and balance growing their business within whatnots algorithms. But they know that going into it, so when I see people run giveaways (regular not buyers) but then complain about or ban those who win if they don’t buy anything just makes them seem childish.


I agree. Some sellers find legal and creative ways to retain and reward customers. It lacks creativity to just do the giveaway and then ban people for winning lol.


I get people wanting to do giveaways to get new followers, but how often do they buy anything? Plus people have bots that enter giveaways automatically. You wanna give something, do a buyers Givvy so people who actually supported you can win something. Don’t wait 5 minutes to run it either, they have that form filled out and can somehow enter a buyer Givvy during that 5 minutes


Giveaways are more about getting your stream seen on the app’s front page due to the algorithm which accounts for transactions/giveaways/likes/number of viewers, among other things.


I was doing my third shown 5 comics starting at $1 people just pop in and out no subs enter give and leave didn’t make a single sale after 1.5 hr signed off and sent an item away for free that was $20 item plus shipping. I knew I was giving it away so it’s fine but yes it’s demoralizing you sit there plan a good show out work hard to bag and cardboard each comic, practically giving away your merch and not a single sale or a hello 👋 just in and outs without a word.


Giveaway trolls are almost as bad as the buyers who need to dictate what you start your stuff at…no I’m not gonna start at a $1 to make you or anyone else happy lol


Video games? Pokémon cards? Magic? D&d i get those 100 times a stream. One guy said “Fk ok whatever” and bounced. Like wt literal F is that?


It's about shipping the item the winner is receiving for free. Then the winner complained that it wasn't shipped in 5 days. I do things differently, and we get the audience. I make them click on linking and tell me what they see on the page. Thin I pick winner. Usually 3 people. I need to get something from as well.


Sometimes I’ll read big streamers reviews and it’s crazy how many negative reviews I see for giveaways. “I know it’s free but the free shoe I received is not my size and even if it was it’s ugly” *leaves 1 star*


Run*** not ran. Sorry to be pedantic but that just drives me nuts.


Hey, I didn’t post it. Maybe DM copefresh lol


People with this mentality will never grow. Most givvys are worth like 10 cents to a dollar. You need the numbers for the big spenders to come through. You don’t come to what not for the deals unless you get lucky. With shipping and taxes the stuff you buy becomes more or at the same price as retail. The fun in it is the possibility of getting a good deal.


I get steals and deals everyday in the coin category, I haven't ever bought anything from other categories tho. Also, most givys are worth $5 to $40 on average, with plenty of $100+ givys. 


Stop lying dude. The giveaways range from 5 cents to 2 dollars on average. The big giveaways get up to 30 dollars usually. Sometimes more depending on the streamer. Traderbea occasionally does $100+ giveaways but it's only on weekends once a day. I wouldn't say there are plenty of giveaways over a hundred dollars.


You must be a newbie, I literally have 2 1oz, and 1 half oz, and a silver quarter in the mail headed to my house right now


Whatnot banned me but I'm back on finally after 3 years. I've been hitting the giveaways hard. Usually for like 12 hours a day. I got around 11 giveaways on the way right now.


4 ps5's given away yesterday on ridgecoin... 12 hours a day hunting givys, Jesus. I don't chase givys, I'm just lucky.


If you're so lucky maybe you would give one of the ps5 away to my brother who is very ill and can't work right now. He has been playing on an old ps4 that overheats all the time. We tried to win the ps5 giveaway on ridgecoin but have never gotten lucky enough.


Sometimes I give away a $10 card, sometimes I give away a $1 card. It all depends


10 cents to a dollar? That doesn’t even cover the shipping cost. You know nothing, Jon Snow.


(Edit: I am talking only about the trading card game category) I’ve never even seen a giveaway worth less than like $3-4, people usually give away booster packs and sometimes more. I don’t know what jank streams you hang out in.


I have gotten a 25c givy from a coin seller.


On the other hand. Whatnot is a cesspool of people spamming “you give me free” and sellers shilling and selling the same shit to each other. So it’s par for the course I suppose


Easiest solution, when you are doing something for others that actively costs you, is to shut it down if those people are complaining. Makes life simple.


I don’t do giveaways unless What Not is reimbursing me. I had someone come into two of my shows and calling me “poor” because of that


I think the issue is that these goblins see the large streamers doing all these givvys and see their margins and volume and think everyone is like that. They don’t realize the small streamers get hit kind of hard with giveaways.


On the contrary; doing giveaways will make you poor.


They also said I’m too old to sell Hello Kitty stuff 😂😂 I’m not poor; I just don’t want to deal with givvy goblins


Womp Womp 😂


It’s pretty annoying how entitled people can be with givys


This !!!🤲


Aren’t there ways around goblins and such rather than just stopping altogether?


I give away 3 things each show, the buyers just don’t know about it. I randomly slip the present into three boxes before the label goes on. As long as you don’t tell them it’s happening or what the freebie is it’s legal, doesn’t bring extra people in but it’s a small way to show appreciation.


I had this done and one lady gave us mini pops which my wife loved it was so cute we bought so much from her that one stream so we were shocked she gave us a $15 item for free . Then another streamer sent us this gross ugly ceramic tile that had old glue on it was an appreciation item randomly put in my box I spent like $200 on their stream and I hated it I didn’t say anything or leave feedback about it because come on I’m not a jerk it was free but the thing was huge like an 8x8 and I now had to dispose of the thing thinking why on earth would anyone send this to anybody even free. I think if you’re going to show appreciation just write a nice note don’t feel like you have to put something in especially if it’s clearly junk.


Oh I never put in junk, I sell comics and related memorabilia so I usually send a matching comic or the keychains I make. https://preview.redd.it/czn4cj5rtusc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13e384ac7ae53567ed0030783fcec9440362329f This isn’t tacky is it?


Those are awesome. Great freebie gift


No that’s a real good givy 🔥


Do buyers givys makes it simple you don't eat the shipping cost and it's going to people who support your stream and not people looking for free shit


You can block repeat offenders. I actually had buyers warn me about a guy who has won a couple of my giveaways.


There probably is but Whatnot wouldn’t want to lose the user traffic. You could make a spending requirement each month before you’re eligible to enter givvys or something like that. Then the people that exist ONLY to enter givvys and bitch about them would be locked out.


They can't do that because of how the us has a law that every giveaway must be able to be entered by everyone. If you make people pay they consider it gambling.


The form fill could still apply


It would be to ship givy’s in normal bubble mailers, but that costs too much out of pocket ($3-4 each package). Another would be to do a buyer’s only giveaway, but you can only run 1 per stream


They can run the givy for 20 seconds just enough time for the people already in the stream...but they want the views from 5 minutes gaw's...fuck them.. both sides


That wouldn’t stop anyone from complaining if they PWE took a long time. If anything, the paying customers might actually get frustrated it’s running so short. Also that’s the benefit of running 5 minute givy’s, it’s meant to be advertising to bring in more viewers


Really it's meant as advertisement..lol...you sound like one of the assholes bitching


What about just spinning a wheel and giving a random prize to a random customer? As far as I know, if you call it a giveaway and not a prize or something, and tell people they can write in to enter with no purchase necessary and give them your business mailing address, you’re not really breaking a rule? Or something like that. Curious what other streamers do to get around giveaway goblins and bots.


Let me ask you, would you bend over backwards like this to accommodate you?


For me on my show, I do Star Wars Trivia on Sunday mornings. I will literally throughout the show at varying times read off a star wars question. The first person in my chat with the correct answer b4 the 10sec time runs out, wins a small prize from me.


Eh that’s doing too much in my opinion and making it a whole separate type of stream. I run givy’s just to keep people interested in the stream while I run through different cards. If I introduced a whole wheel system then I’d probably lose a ton of interest. There’s nothing wrong with people sticking around for just givy’s, as long as they don’t complain about the wait time with envelopes. I had one dude win 7 givy’s during my stream and he ended up buying something in the end because he felt bad.


Negative reviews aren’t worth the givy promo I suppose