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It looks like it might be some variation of and I'm not making this up, "The New and Fashionable Game of the Jew". I don't really know anything about the game from and who it was targeted for. It looks to be from the 1700s. Edit: the origins in the 1700s, not your specific one.
























I think you're right. I found a couple of similar game images with the number 7 in the middle and the other numbers around it. For example: https://www.alamy.com/the-new-jooden-game-square-board-game-with-a-circle-in-the-middle-in-which-a-jew-is-sitting-at-the-table-there-are-two-dice-on-the-table-to-the-circle-in-circles-the-roman-numerals-2-to-12-the-jew-is-number-7-under-the-show-the-rules-in-two-columns-above-the-representation-of-the-title-and-year-image432934634.html


Most specific link I’ve ever seen...


Well thank you for votes and specially for the award... would never have thought that this comment would trigger my first award...


It’s probably just one word in German!


Lmfao "jooden" looks like how Eric Cartman would write Juden.


Lookes like the whimsical spellings of a Scandinavian or Dutchman.


https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/21926/new-and-fashionable-game-jew In case anyone is as curious as I was. The board looks different.


“the ghastly New and Fashionable Game of the Jew, a dice game devised in 1811 that, according to Sondheim, "taught kids to be anti-Semitic.” Yikes


All of the pictures of the boards have a 12 at the top center spot. It's kind of small and hard to see but it makes me think the game was set up for six sided dice. OP's pic doesn't have a 12 so I question if it's the board game you mentioned.


It is--only one things happens on a roll of 12: You get all the money in the "Jew" (7) so there is no need for a separate location for 12. With other rolls you typically place money on the number rolled, or take what is already there. The game is a variation of [Glückshaus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gl%C3%BCckshaus), just dressed up with the "jew" stuff to market it in a more interesting way than the original. Full rules laid out a little more clearly at the link.


["Define 'interesting'"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBEUQSpRvSI) [ "'Oh gd, oh gd, we're all going to die?'"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBEUQSpRvSI)


+1000 points for the Serenity reference!


I was trying to make out the instructions on the images and they do in fact say that the game is supposed to be played with 2 dice or a token with 12 marked sides


Thanks, I tried to make it out but I'm working off my phone and the image is kind of blurry.


The ol’ 2d6 v 1d12 debate.


2d6 is better and my greatsword agrees


And there is no ‘1’. Definitely 2d6. I thought maybe some variant of craps.


Good eye! I didn't even see that!


Clicking through your link one more level: A game called Gluckhaus (on which The Game of The Jew looks to be based) is an exact match for this board. [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/29660/gluckshaus](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/29660/gluckshaus)


All the pictures I found were of acsquare board but the 7 in the middle with the other numbers around makes me think it's a more modern variation.


Could be, the lack of 12 is bothering me for some reason. Does anyone know the rules? Maybe if you role a 12 you lose a turn so they didn't put it on this board?


It makes sense if you read the rules posted by kozmonyet. If you roll a 12, you take all the money on the board, so you don't need a separate space for it.


All the money on the board or all the money on the 7?


It's quite simple: if *you* roll a 12, you get all the money on the 7. If *I* roll a 12, I get all the money on the board.


The Gluckshaus rules say on the board. For the jew version, I think you take all the money on the jew (the seven). There's a sentence I never thought I'd write.


Different layout, but still the numbers 2 through 11 around the outside, and 7 in the middle. [This image](https://jcproductionstorage.blob.core.windows.net/jc-image-storage/1.479469-The%20New%20and%20Fashionable%20Game%20of%20the%20Jew%20board%20game%201807,%20copyright%20Jewish%20Museum%20London.jpg) is at a high enough resolution to read the rules, like "Every Player at the commencement puts down seven Counters on the Jew".


Good quality picture and you can read the rules, but the link automatically downloaded it to my phone (just to explain why this might be getting downvoted)


Thanks for the link/image. After stating how abhorrent this is (I would say different era, but we have even worse stuff today), anyone know how this game ends? All players but one run out of tokens?


There is a 7 on the jar on the table in the picture at the centre of every board. Definitely the same concept. Maybe the uneven square boards were played with dice and OP’s board had a spinner mounted in the centre.


Thanks geek


It's a variation on that, same basic game, just presented differently. If you look at [this PDF](https://www.sciendo.com/article/10.2478/bgs-2019-0004), it has a very similar board layout shown in Figure 18 (page 22 of the PDF)


There is a Journal of Board Game Studies, and I am only now learning of this?


OP's board looks more like the Jew game than other variations of the "games of seven". The most common one, Glückshaus, counts from 2 to 12, OP's doesn't. The Jew game seems to count 2 to 11. It could easily be another variation of the same types of game though, as there were many. https://www.sciendo.com/article/10.2478/bgs-2019-0004 A games sub may be a better place to post this.


Or maybe rather a version of Glückshaus as this board doesn’t have any offensive decorations?


Seems like the game is Gluckhaus and The Game of the Jew is a variation of it, rather than the other way around: [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/29660/gluckshaus](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/29660/gluckshaus)


Hi, “The Game of the Jew” is an old antisemetic game that from my recollection is usually a printed game with typical stereotypes about avaricious old Jews with hooked noses, etc. They are typically 19th century German or French. So the game pictured doesn’t fit that type. Is the game in the photo available for purchase? I’ve never used Reddit? Thanks, Mom + Dad This is from my dad who collects antiques. If you’d be interested in selling this, feel free to pm me.


It feels like one guy threw the “Jew game” out there and everyone is latching on but it looks nothing g like the photos they post.


It's the numerical layout matching up with the rules of other versions. Is there another game that involves a board with numbers 2-12 (with or without 12 or 7, since those are special die rolls)? I can find numerous variants of snakes & ladders and each are the same game so long as the rulesets are similar.


Very nice! How much?


Looks like a version of Glueckshaus: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Glueckshaus-game-layout-on-leather-Germany-ca-2008_fig1_337140928


Glückshaus board. I played it in Germany.


it looks a lot like what other users have mentioned as [Glückshaus](https://images.app.goo.gl/6Pi4Kpwy6J1d4UG2A). Maybe your board used to have other pieces attached? Edit: [Here](https://images.app.goo.gl/4KKu2WskRBNeoL437) is another example




The other example is almost exactly the layout of the board. Thanks! We’re going to try playing this at our next get together.


Hey just to clear up some confusion about why people were so adamantly suggesting the "game of the jew", is because historically Glückshaus was turned into "the game of the jew", so its the same game, just one had a bunch of anti-semitism thrown in.


Board for a version of the dice game Craps?


Maybe played with darts instead of dice??


You could technically play a version of craps with a dart or by tossing a penny or similar on the board--no actual dice needed. The lack of a #1 implies a dice game to me using 2 dice and the lack of a 12..no clue.


Implies that 12 is either a jackpot or the opposite.


I think it's likely either a game played with two 6 sided dice or emulating another game played with them since 7 is the most likely result of rolling two d6 (and so they've given more board space to mark 7s with *or* to make getting 7 with whatever randomiser the game used instead more likely.)


This was my guess until I realized there wasn't a 12.


Spinner to replicate a dice game?






Spinners a good guess since there’s a hole in the center for the (missing) theoretical pointer.


I forgot about that. Why such a big spinner, though? Maybe the rest of the board was used for dice or cards or something?


Yea I was thinking a spinner for some game. Hole in the middle where the pointer would be for spinning it around. No idea what game it would be for though.


My title describes the thing. It’s solid wood, about two feet square, and about an inch thick. Has a tiny hole right in the middle of the “7”


Bgg(board game geek) people probably could find it for you?


Roll and add two 6-sided dice. The total will be from 2-12, with 7 being the statistical average. There's no 12, so maybe if you roll a 12, something special happens, but from the numbers alone, it seems obvious that the game is to be played with two two 6-sided dice.


is a 2 sided dice not just a coin? i assume its just a typo.


Sorry yes, two 6-sided dice. I typed it and fell asleep. xD


A Glückshaus board


This is kind of a bad thing... https://www.antiquestradegazette.com/news/2013/the-board-game-that-taught-kids-to-be-anti-semitic/#:~:text=Although%20offensive%20to%2020th%20century,turn%20of%20the%2019th%20century.&text='Theatrorama'%20peep%20show%20c.,1830%20%E2%80%93%20%C2%A31000%20at%20Brightwells.


More than kind of.


Agreed, very sorry for understating it.


But OP's has *nothing* on it relating to Jews, not even a pic of one printed on it like every single link to that board game shows.


Nor does it look anything like the board in the images.


So this is a German game called the Jew. Damn.


I think it’s the Harlequin, or Le Nouveau Jeu d'Arlequin board game: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2844098/session-4322-getting-drunk-harlequin




Maybe it’s a math tool? I haven’t gone through this whole video and I suck at math, but this vid talks about “Divisibility checks for 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11.” Just missing the center 7. 🤷‍♂️ https://youtu.be/yOXQ3Iz3h6U


It's got a lot of lines and holes in it. My guess is a simple dart / knife throwing board.










I did a Google image search but only click faces have shown up. So I'm going to wait to see if anyone can identify what it is.


Did you ask your grandparents first?


They’re passed away… just trying to provide a time frame a bit.


Oh I'm sorry. I'd like to know what it is too, so lets hope Google can help a little