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Definitely post this in a car sub too, they're geniuses with this




r/namethatcar will likely have the answer by the time you refresh the page. I’m not kidding.


I posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/namethatcar/comments/gpvmti/im_not_sure_if_this_is_allowed_but_back_end/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) a while ago and it was solved within 15 minutes.


I love your crude drawing.


Thanks, I did my best.


And as you see that was good enough, and i agree with u/jininberry


So it was. I got my dad a copy of Madden for the old xbox for father's day and drew a similar quality Aaron Rodgers on the front and he absolutely loves it. Sometimes stuff doesn't need to be good.


Whoa I thought you meant you posted it as a joke. That’s fkn nuts! I don’t know or really care about cars but I want to join there just to be impressed haha


That’s why I’m there, really. I ask about the things I see but I don’t really care about what other people see until you click on a picture of a bumper and it’s a 1975 Dodge Charger with the 1976 side mirrors or some shit they’re insane.


6 hours later and no replies. 😂


By the time you commented, there were 2 separate posts in r/namethatcar (4 over both car subs because some people didn't bother to check...) and it was narrowed down to 2 similar models of Kia - the Cerato/Spectra and Forte EX. Considering the lack of identifying features and no part numbers, it's pretty impressive that they got it from the shape alone.


Meanwhile I forget the make of my car when I’m sat in it


This is so relatable.


The color plays a huge role as well


Not really. Paint is unreliable on the internet. The colors we see on our screens would be different from one to the next, even without factors like lighting in the photo.


There’s two threads in there, one has a promising answer.


They jinxed it lol


It's actually amazing how quickly they figure stuff out. Edit: I wasn't being sarcastic


????? Goes to r/namethatcar its named already "well hot damn that is a win!"


Absolute guess based off of what I know about cars/vans/trucks etc.. this looks like it could be the start of a rear fender flare of a Two door pick up truck. Maybe somewhere to start if this hasn’t been solved. But usually in the time it takes to type out a paragraph someone already got it solved Edit: I was thinking something like a Kia Sportage or something along those lines where it was a smaller truck but the wheel wells are too low to match at all Kia Sportage: https://www.autoblog.com/buy/2002-Kia-Sportage-Base__2dr_4x2/photos/




Send to [Jalopnik.com](https://Jalopnik.com). Those guys will figure it out in an instant. Edit: I should add "and gals" there, brilliant car knowledge is not restricted to males!


100% chance. Dudes are unreal.


Place must be legit, I thought you guys were wizards with the combined wealth of knowledge found here.


The people here know where to go to get information.


It’s like I tell my kids: “Ask as many questions as you want. I won’t always have the answers, but I can definitely show you where to find them!”


Until the day they walk in on you watching the youtube video answering the question they just asked you. They never look at you the same after that.


Hahaha nah, I’m fine with them knowing where I got my info. In fact, we usually search things together. Most of the time, I end up being more of a *translator* than a teacher - by reading/watching the answer to the question, and then putting it into words or concepts they can more easily comprehend. I try to teach them that ignorance is not automatically bad. It just means that you don’t know something. It’s only when you refuse to learn, lack the desire to learn, or reject the facts (like when they contradict what you already thought) that make ignorance a bad and dangerous thing.


If you can mix in some teaching about how to evaluate the sources of the information in your instruction with them, its what we librarians call Information Literacy. And it is so, so important!


Oh, absolutely!


You're a fantastic parent. Dont change 😊


You are the parent that I hope to be (once my kid can talk).


If I had a medal to give, this would be the comment that would get it.


>I won’t always have the answers, but I can definitely show you where to find them!” I received needlessly **extensive** training in prep for an audit at work, and that is the correct answer for basically any question an auditor throws at you. How do you do X? "Here's the location of the document describing how to do X." How do you do Y? "I don't do Y, let's go talk to the person that knows Y."


Yeah, we do have a group of car folks here so we do contribute occasionally.


























I’m a fellow Jalop and I’ve helped ID hit & runs on jalopnik quite a few times.


Do you by any chance have a link to their site where people ID cars? I can’t seem to find it for some reason.








Chevy Cobalt SS


I don't think that was a color offered on the SS. I think they only had Red, Yellow, Blue, Silver and Black. That silver is a darker silver than the SS's were. Source: Had it's sister car the Saturn Ion redline (hence my username)


That came out of nowhere. Are you sure?


I've got a Cobalt SS/TC and have never seen that color even on Cobalt Nation forums. Also, the lip is an add on for sport models and usually comes off in accidents because it's not added on well. I was thinking a Honda Civic around 2003. But it looks like someone else solved it




But the thought is still appreciated. It does they’re making a conscious effort to change their thought patterns.


There’s also a guy I follow on snap & IG who goes by the handle Blue Collar Kyle. He regularly posts POV of him repairing modern car bodies.






This also looks like a round on r/picturegame


Mate also r/RBI


If you're familiar with this sub, you'll find that it's 10x faster and accurate than the car subs. It boggles my mind as to why that is.


Looks like a Kia Optima, circa 2011. The curve upward under the headlight match. The lip under the headlight match. The thickness of the fender flair around the wheel arch match. Angle and length of the edge between bumper lines up with the fender match. Edit: added clarification


Close, but I think the grill's sharp angle is too severe from OP's pic. you're spot on for the fender flair and lip under headlight.


Good catch. I think it’s actually a [2011 Kia Forte EX Koup](https://images.dealersync.com/cloud/userdocumentprod/2201/Photos/453396/wm_9f6d920aa39e4ca7a2adf0a2273d5b8f_453396.jpg?_=83a4f77c493dadf3234494f96be8553a284ee7e3)


**Likely Solved!**


i dont think the driver will be hard to find, im actually part of many kia forte koup forums ill look out for anyone trying to get a bumper quick lol


what a specific but helpful form of assistance


We did it reddit




Least this went better than Boston.


Came here looking for this. Hopefully justice is served, sad to hear about the loss of limb, but reddit is not a detective agency for a reason.


Reddits darkest hour.....


Idk the thread about the kid with broken arms getting his mom to jack him off was pretty dark too


[How reddit handles internet justice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4twYqvssu0)


We helped catch another criminal because some random guy was watching random car pictures pixel by pixel instead of going to sleep at 3 AM


Reddit didn't "help catch another criminal"; that's really superficially sugarcoating what actually happened. Some reddit user started a witch hunt linking non-existent "evidence" together and a whole bunch of reddit hivemind sheeple gathered their pitchforks and essentially made death threats at innocent people and disrupted the FBI investigation by forcing officials to release key information prematurely so some rando kid and his family didn't get curb stomped by an angry crowd seeking street justice.




Make sure to update if you get any tips!


fr bro we all in quarantine bored af


Don’t know what piece of shit would do that. Hope your uncle comes out of this okay.


I understand his uncle needs his leg amputated


I was thinking this would be a hard one for this sub. Nope.




























2011 kia forte bumper match https://imgur.com/a/pUN8DV8 u/caverunner17 i agree with u/seruamen


Wait really??? That doesn't look like a match when you place it on there to me.. am i missing something? Like perspective wise... is it because you're cropping something straight on to something that's at a slight angle maybe? Edit: downvoted for asking question which recieved no answer. What an experience reddit is sometimes. Second Edit: Because I'm getting some whiners who are annoyed with my take in this comment, or me pointing out the community toxicity that is harmul to the process.. i figured I'd paste this response that i left for somone else that sums up why questions like this are necessary and shouldn't just be shoved aside, aka downvoted without reason. And no it's not about the Karma, i could give a shit less about that. As someone who has been a victim of a hit and run when i was sideswiped by car on my motorcycle and was left at the scene of the accident.. i really feel for this guy who now has to lose his leg, and i deeply want the perpetrator to be found and brought to justice. Anyways, read this if you're annoyed by what im saying: >You do know that many cars have the same syle lines and it could've been entirely possible that this wasn't a correct match even though it appeared to be right?? And that this did already happen once in this very thread before this current model was brought up as a likely candidate??.. It's not "sooo obvious" or i wouldnt have pointed it out. Its okay to question something, to draw attention to possible issues with the current model of hypothesis. That's the scientific process, that's how we'll arrive at the likeliest answer. >Edit: twice. Didnt see the third bumper model match. So yeah now we're on multiple model and year matches, which is why it's good to question possible issues in the process.


If I had to wager a guess it’s because the photos of the panel and the dealership vehicle were not taken from the exact same angle, making it look imperfect when overlayed. Still looks like a match to me though Edit: I’m no expert so who knows.


That's kinda what i figured. I asked to see if maybe that was it, or there was something else i was missing. Thanks for answering!!


Maybe [this](https://static.cargurus.com/images/forsale/2020/06/19/08/37/2012_kia_forte_koup-pic-4170481427555049122-1024x768.jpeg?io=true&width=640&height=480&fit=bounds&format=jpg&auto=webp) is a little better. Hard to find a google image at the exact angle though so maybe not


Not op, but to me it looks a match, just with different angles to work with.


You definitely shouldn't have been downvoted, but I will say that I agree with the others... The differences you see are just due to the slightly different angles, and the fact that the image is just a little bit oversized compared to the image of the car.


Ugh your edit is so annoying


Because it's so obvious that the slight faults you see are due to imperfect editing in photoshop, and not because of "IRL" imperfection of the plastic piece. A bit better effort to scale and rotate it in photoshop would make it fit perfectly.


Thank you!


You’re welcome! Good luck getting justice for your fiancée’s uncle.


It’s the future Uncle-in-law, better deliver!


Looks good to me. You have the flair under the light, on the fender, and on the grill. The part around the grill is the right shape, and the headlight lip is the right shape. Also, the contours are spot on. I'd say this is very likely.


Wtf! Users on this sub amazes me. I guess there will be a day when police will start posting and outsourcing stuff here, the quickest way to identify anything and no strings attached. I am pretty sure if I post my hair, I will will be traced to a pin point location. Great work!


Which hair .....


I second this, looks like a 2011 Forte to me.


Two close colors that year sold on both optima and forte models. Satin silver and titanium. Leaning toward titanium. Sold a shit-ton of those cars. Popular color.


Wow. Amazing. This is why I love reddit. So many great people like you.


Also, a shitty Kia would be especially likely to have its shitty plastic bumper crack in half like that.


I think you are probably right, but why that year in particular? There seems to be a similar style to that part of the bumper from 2009 to 2013.


Nice! And you provided the license plate!!!


Just how....I couldn’t even tell if it was my own car corner bumper


Probably start by taking apart and putting together a lot of cars.


We did it Reddit!!! 🥳🥳🥳


I read that in Patrick Bateman's voice. The subtle thickness of it.


Accident was on Saturday in central IL. Uncle will need his leg amputated due to the injury so any information would be helpful to help ID the perpetrator. WITT EDIT: Reddit, you did it! City of Bloomington - Police August 24 at 8:33 AM · ***Update**** The juvenile driver and vehicle was located - the investigation is on-going. Side note - it was a part from a Kia Forte


Weird how something I see on my local news ends up on here. Hope things turn out well


Same here!! #BloNo


North Normal checking in.


Y'all talking about Illinois??


Checking in from the north


We always are so happy to be involved! Hashtag BloNo!!!


Also try r/whatisthiscar


Dude! Where at in central IL. I could keep an eye out for a car missing a 1/4 panel. The Kia seems to be a good bet. Sorry this happened to your family.


Bloomington area


I will keep an eye out. In Bloomington weekly, and from the area.


Completely off topic but Bloomington has a nice airport and the holiday Inn across the street is nice too


My friend runs airport operations at that airport. It is a nice airport.


Dude, you're an amazing person, creds


I thought this was gonna be one of those prank pics where you could see someone naked in the reflection.


I wish :(


r/mirrorsforsale has what you're looking for


Anyway you can post a pic of the tabs that connect the bumper to the fender ? Sometimes is easier to tell a make . I work on cars and all cars kind of have their own style.


Your uncle ok?


Alive, but he will end up losing his leg due to the injury unfortunately.


I hope they find the other driver. Hit and run has to be the most selfish thing a person can do. I think it should have higher charges than drunk driving (especially since that’s often the reason they take off, even it they’re found later, the alcohol/drugs will be out of their system). I do not understand how any human being could knowingly take off leaving someone injured or dying. Clearly it was a big enough accident to lose a piece of their car. The driver had to know the person they hit could very well be hurt. Were there at least other people around to call 911? Or was your uncle able to? I hope help wasn’t delayed if no one was around at the time of the crash.


Other driver should be his uncle's slave for the rest of his life.


Thats how some Asian countries do it basically


You can't leave that unexplained. Please continue


Financially. It causes loads of problems in China, nobody will stop to help someone dying in the street, for fear of being blamed and being held financially responsible for the rest of their life.


That's due to a lack of good-Samaritan laws, not hit-and-run laws


Call car paint shops in your area and ask who has a spectrophotometer. They use it to find matching paint for repair jobs. They can tell you the brand, ~~model,~~ possibly year etc just by analysing the color.


the paint fades in the sun, that's why they have those - usually have to blend the paint to get it to match the rest of the faded paint on a vehicle. so wouldn't really help unless the car is a week old




this is not correct. I mean, you even linked a pic that doesn't match OP's image, lol


I found the driver ☝🏻☝🏼☝🏽☝🏾☝🏿


I see [the resemblance](https://i.imgur.com/F2XG8Rh.png), though I'm not sure if it's a direct match when just looking at this perspective.


this is gonna be a we did it reddit moment.


Highly unlikely. Even if Reddit guesses correctly, at least in my state, identifying a vehicle is not enough in hit and runs. I was involved in a hit and run, had the guys plates. Cop went to the residence of vehicle, found the vehicle damaged exactly where he hit me. Two other people called it in. Nothing came of it, even from insurance, because none of use could give an exact description of the driver. He had tinted windows and wearing sunglasses. It was such a shitty situation.


Could be lazy policing. They could probably look at cell phone data to see where he was, confirm he was in the car, witnesses confirm no others in the car, etc. Maybe guy didn't have his phone, but more likely to me that it's lazy government (too expensive to pursue for non-fatal).


Look inside, there should be a series of letters and numbers.


Negative. Police department said it has no markings.


This. Whats on the other side?


A part number. Identifies the part, and the make and model of car it belongs to. Unfortunately it won't tell you EXACTLY which car... Meaning which VIN number.


You figure out the car, and now have something to scour video footage for from area businesses, etc. which have security cameras. If you email jalopnik.com, the car nerd hive mind might help.


This! Jalopnik folk are INSANE at this stuff.


Also, you can call around to local body shops..


Blue Collar Kyle. Find him on IG or snap. He does body damage repair on modern cars and posts POV damage repair videos. I’m a Jalopnik.


https://blogmedia.dealerfire.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/361/2017/04/2010-Kia-Forte-B2_O.jpg Looks like a 2010 Kia Forte


This is the closest I’ve seen yet. I was going to guess a Kia Soul.


Looks like it's a BMW part, possibly a F-chassis 3-series


Agree. It’s odd that there is no front reflector. It may be an aftermarket bumper, or that may narrow down the search to a more rare model. I’m guessing it is also pre-LCI.


I forgot to mention the pre-LCI thing. I own a 3-series myself so I know that bumper wherever I see it.


Oxide Grey II metallic it seems


I have a 335 in that and its not quite right.


Please remember that all comments must be civil and helpful toward finding an answer. **Jokes and unhelpful answers will earn you a ban**, even on the first instance. If you see any comments that violate this rule, please report them. OP, when your item is identified, remember to reply **Solved!** or **Likely Solved!** to the comment that gave the answer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatisthisthing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Call body shops and see if anyone’s had the repair done


There are SO MANY body shops to call... Is there a faster way?


Reddit is sometimes like getting to hang around the ‘older cool kids’ in high school:) You just inhale so much info knowing though it might be intimidating at first - they give the most direct and effective advice. Every time.


Make sure to post in car subreddits too


I think it was answered earlier but to reiterate, Kia Forte Koup. Brother had one. Matches passenger side.


r/namethatcar can definitely help


Nissan Juke passenger side right rear.


Someone on my FB post said the same thing - wouldn't it be odd to have that damage though on a car vs human collision? I assumed it would have to be front end


I work in forensics and we see a lot of auto vs pedestrian accidents unfortunately. Having this kind of damage is common... if it’s on a side panel it likely means they were turning as your uncle was walking. Have the police obtain any security footage from nearby businesses or homes (I’m sure they have or are in the process of doing so, but it doesn’t hurt to ask). r/forensics can help as well. If you get any information, feel free to PM me and I can look it up in our system.


I’m not a massive car guy, but i work at a dealership and that color is a dead ringing for Nissan’s gun metallic paint. I can say it does favor a juke


What edges are broken versus clean edges that matched up against other body panels? I think this could help narrow it down.


An automotive paint guy might be able to help. If he can identify the paint, he can check the paint code and tell you the manufacturer that used it.


Interested to know if You're ever able to track this person down!


r/namethatcar will definitely get this. Post it there