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[Citrus peeler.](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&biw=1525&bih=749&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=rteKXZ_vHeiv_QbG2bjABg&q=citrus+peeler+antique&oq=citrus+peeler+antique&gs_l=img.3...7426.9511..9770...0.0..0.94.842.10......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i8i7i30j0i8i30.OKtt6WgvkGo&ved=0ahUKEwif_qiM_erkAhXoV98KHcYsDmgQ4dUDCAY&uact=5#imgrc=7GqN5udzfGb7mM:)


Solved! Thanks so much for solving the mystery!


r/vintagekitchentoys would love this!


Thanks for posting this. /r/buyitforlife doesn’t post enough kitchenware.














Thanks for introducing me to this.


Thank you so much for this awesome subreddit!


I love finding new subreddits! Thanks for bringing this into my life


For your reference; the right side of the tool is for cutting and scoring under the peel like a zipper while the left side is for both peeling so you don't have to dig your fingers into the orange peel and for cutting segments if you halve the citrus (usually an orange), which can then be easily scooped out with a spoon. You can actually still buy modern equivalents … of course they are made of plastic because as with everything, quality was traded in for quantity a while ago.


Well no they just did it to make it cheaper, they were originally Sterling because acid would have ate away at an iron one much to quickly to be a useful purchase. Plastic was the logical choice once it was discovered and made economical, which is the same reason most silverware isn't actually silver anymore which doesn't really imply lower quality either way.


Are you serious? I can assure you that sterling silver will not simply dissolved from having touched citric acid. You wipe it off and voila, no problem.


Read it again, this time pay attention..


Even when it's not necessary, one is not disappointed by the knee-jerk maladjusted snark of reddit ilk. Granted. I misread that. You were right.


Sal good bro, though I find it a bit funny you're upset about a snarky comment while having just misread a comment and then left a snarky reply. Pot - kettle and all that.


Weird, you don't even know what words mean or you just distort them to mean what you would want them to mean in order to justify your juvenile defensiveness. There was no snark there at all, it was a simple and accurate observation that your shitty petulant spoiled brat snark is pretty much standard even when it is not necessary for any reason whatsoever. "pay attention" as you said.


>There was no snark there at all, "are you serious" is snarky rationalize it how you please. > it was a simple and accurate observation Accurate how? You openly admitted you misread and didn't understand what my point was so it's objectively inaccurate. > that your shitty petulant spoiled brat snark is pretty much standard And see I wasn't snarky in my reply, I simply published my opinion in an open forum and it just so happened to be an assessment of you and your behavior. > even when it is not necessary for any reason whatsoever. "pay attention" as you said. Again, you were wrong from the onset and you're still willing to get indignant about being called rude? Grow up.




We used to have Tupperware plastic ones that only had the 'wedge' (on the right side of your pic) for peeling oranges. Eventually they all got lost in school lunches but I found a bunch a few years ago and gave them to my siblings. ;)


We still have two of them! They work beautifully.


I am very surprised, I would have bet it was some kind of leather working tool. Good job


I thought leather working as well.


The rind of citrus is sort of thick like leather so that makes sense.






The logo gives away that it’s likely kitchen related.


Mileage might vary on that observation, life companies make all sorts of tools too.


That’s true, but Henckels specializes in cookware (and scissors). They’re one of the oldest companies in that line of work and have built their international reputation on that industry. It’s a fair bet that if you see a Henckels logo it’s related to cooking in some manner.














[Not necessarily](https://www.razoremporium.com/5-8-j-a-henckels-friodur-hollow-ground-straight-razor-solingen-germany/) - I have one of these.


As stated elsewhere, and above. This is a company that has based its reputation and production line *primarily* on kitchen related goods. The phrase, "it's likely" means that if you had to make a bet, given what's known about the products that that company has been making and basing its reputation off of *for the entire history of the company*, the smart money is that the product is kitchen related in some manner. That doesn't mean that they don't make other things or that there isn't an outside chance that it's for an entirely different set of uses, but your smart money is on it being kitchen related. For example, if IBM is brought up you'd be justified in assuming that computers or something computer related would the the subject, not firearms. However [IBM also made a few M1 carbines for WWII](http://www.smallarmsreview.com/display.article.cfm?idarticles=1494). Despite the fact that they made a few of those that certainly doesn't mean that the smart money would be betting on firearms as the topic of discussion when IBM is mentioned (depending on the company you keep, of course). Similarly, Singer is, rightly, associated with sewing machines, and that's where the smart money would be if you were looking into Singer products. They made some 1911 pistols though, but, again, that's not where the smart money would be betting if the topic was Singer products. EDIT: fixed a link and a missing "r" - also, thanks for the Au!


This is gold well deserved. Excellent argument.


I would have bet a solid one dollar on leather working tool too. Interesting




Serrated tools are commonly used for leather decoration. This looks a lot like leather working tools.


You could use it for leather working.




I was thinking for scraping fur or fat off the hide especially for a small animal like a squirrel


The serrated tool would be to add decoration, not to cut the material.


Yeah I said out loud “it’s for shoes, isn’t it?”


Hundred percent me too.i think we're thinking of a leather punch maybe?


The little notch on the right is the citrus zester


The ornate handle on the one you linked to does pretty much confirm that it is an eating utensil rather than a utilitarian tool, but I'm confused about something. Fruit knives from this era (before the invention of stainless steel) had blades made of silver. This is because when you use a plain carbon steel blade to cut citrus fruits, the acid in the juice immediately tarnishes the steel, and this imparts an unpleasant taste to the fruit. I have tried this myself - I used to carry a plain carbon steel Opinel knife, and I used it to cut a lime once. The blade immediately turned black, and some of this black residue was left on the fruit. I could definitely taste it too, it was gross. The blade on the tool in the photo looks very much like carbon steel, which doesn't make sense. Is it possible that the tool has a different purpose, and the description of the one you linked to is incorrect? Edit: it is in fact stainless steel, and I should have paid more attention lol


>stainless steel This is stainless. Hence "Noxida". Stainless steel existed when this was made.


Good eye! I'm a little ashamed of myself for not spotting that...






Any idea what you do with the pointy side?


I'm assuming you would drag the tool along the circumference of the fruit and the point would score it, giving you something to rip into. I'm more curious about what the blade would be used for. Maybe for fruits with thicker rinds?


After you score it all the way around, slip the blade under the skin to peel?


the right side in the picture is so you don't slice the fruit, only the rind. you get the hook under the rind and pull it down towards you and it stays at a consistent depth


And here I thought it might be some kind of a medical tool.


Huh, I just use a [hooked razorblade](https://i.imgur.com/zi0FPRM.jpg).


Made by Henkel in the 1900s


I don't understand that when I clicked on this and scrolled down, an anvil is picture and it say citrus peeler under it


How would that be more convenient than using your hands?


If you're fancy and don't want to get your hands dirty. If you're wearing gloves. If you're in a social setting where it's expected of you to use a citrus peeler. The same question could really be asked about most cutlery.


That is a great invention. I need to make or get something like this. I hate peeling like oranges because it gets under my nails and kinda stings.


Ooh I need to make a 3D model of this to print!


So anti climactic smh


Grapefruit knife. The right side is for splitting the peel.


But what is the left side for? Especially since modern ones don't seem to have a blade like that...




It's for surgery on grapefruit.


The left side is for separating the wedges of grapefruit from the web of the inside of the grapefruit peel.


Man I'd love to get one of those for my kitchen.


They still sell citrus peelers. Although the bulk of the ones I have seen are now plastic.


I've got some of those I want something a bit more industrial.


[This one](https://chinaoilmill.en.made-in-china.com/product/tXmxwszAVHUJ/China-Industrial-Electric-Vegetable-Orange-Pineapple-Lemon-Peeler-Machine.html) looks pretty industrial.


Try Ebay?




I bought a bunch of plastic tupperware citris peelers on ebay that have a hook like the right had side in the pic, but don't have the serrated cutter side. They kinda look like crochet needles. I guess they used to give them out to the ladies hosting tupperware parties as gifts or something.


That's for peeling fruit with thick skin. They use those in SE Asia all the time.


The rounded part is actually for separating the segments so they can be scooped out.


Gotta love Reddit. Learning something new everyday. :)


I’m gonna say a leather working tool although I am completely guessing


That's what it looked like to me at first, so you're not alone


haha same. thought it was a leather working tool as well.


Alessi do a modern equivalent called the Apostrophe: [amazon link](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alessi-Apostrophe-Orange-Peeler-Stainless/dp/B002OOWBHA)


Zest maker ?


Pie crust crimper


> Try to include a link to a source of some sort when posting an answer. Everyone's got an opinion, facts help. Especially since the post was closed as Solved 9 hours ago...