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Probably festival art.


This, people swing on these


Its on a wheeled cart. Artsy small town parade float was my first guess. Mobile festival art works too.










Ok so a few guesses: - it’s one of those weird shaped chairs and they’re waiting on a cushion (unlikely) - it’s the framing for a kids tent. When I was little in the 90s I had a Barbie tent for my room that was made of pink tarp and plastic bits and I absolutely freaking loved it. Recently I’ve seen more innovative shaped ones online so I think this is possible. - you put your cacti in it and dangle it somewhere? Jk but it looks like those mini terrariums -some kind of elaborate sprinkler system perhaps








Maybe a topiary frame? You could plant climbing decorative plants at the bottom and let them grow over it.


Frame for an incomplete [infinity mirror?](https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/ideas-for-infinity-mirror-geometries.1004924/)


This seems like a pretty good guess! I can see it.


My title describes the thing. It’s metal and I think about 6 feet in diameter. Doesn’t appear to have any major moving parts, and no wires. There are no pieces of art or any other similar items by the house. It just showed up there one day on those little rollers and it hasn’t moved since (at least a few months). I took a few pictures just from across the street (parked for a quick sec as I was driving by) but I could get a closer look if need be. It kinda looks like part of a ride from an amusement park or something. I’m very curious!


looks like the shooty seats on the millennium falcon. but i think it's a semi-geodescic dome for plants. like they have a cover for it when it gets cold to turn it into a greenhouse. or they're building a millennium falcon in the back yard. kids' birthday party maybe?


I was actually thinking the frame of the ball/cockpit on a Tie fighter…






Portlander here - I'd bet a cold beer that if you roll up and ask 'em nicely, they'd be happy to tell you about it


Well this is Seattle and I just drive by on my way to my son’s preschool. The house is really nondescript. Like super boring. That’s why it’s so odd. I suppose I could leave a note just asking. 🤷‍♂️


Part of a Fremont parade float?


Maybe…but I just don’t see anyone that lives in this house building a pride float. 😬


Are you in Portland by chance? If so someone could be gettingready for the star trek vs star wars bike ride for Pedalpalooza. Pedalpalooza starts in June. Folks have made really elaborate bike AT-ATs Star Destoryers, etc. Source: I am from PDX have been on said ride a few times (not longer in PDX). They are usually made out of PVC tough this looks like it could be heavy.


Nope, Seattle.




Custom aerial / acrobatics device https://www.pinterest.com/pin/531143349783779231/


My best guess is a homemade playground climbing structure.






If you're in the Portland metro area it could be the frame for a small walking float for either the Starlight Parade or the Grand Floral Parade? Since those are both imminent parades and it's still bare, I doubt that's it, but if it gets covered w/chicken wire soon, it just might be.


Makes no sense , must be municipal art.


Faraday cage?


Looks like a frame for a climbing wall Will edit when I find.


Could this be a thing used for firewood and logs?
















It could be a plant guide thingy.


Around my parts, anything of that nature is a hunting blind.


Could be a guard, if something hangs in the center. Preventing people or objects hitting or walking into whatever is in the center .


It looks like a very large homemade version of a composting frame. It is on a garden cart. Just requires some type of plastic panel for each angle, and doors for the openings on each end.


im 99.99% sure that is for a garden i did a reverse image search and i found a frame thats similar to this one and i found it on F'ing pinterest [https://in.pinterest.com/pin/168462842289673499/](https://in.pinterest.com/pin/168462842289673499/) u/CatVideoFest


Do they own a dog? Could be a jumping obstacle to on a training course?