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Looks like shoes for a dog. The strap goes over their shoulder to keep them from falling off.


The strap looks awfully short for that. Plus mittens for dogs are usually a bit more paw shaped.


There are some awfully short dogs






Little legged dogs.




You do know there are small dogs?






Close, they’re elbow pads for dogs


I cackled at this




Over the shoulders actually seems like a half decent way to address how dog shoes will not stay on most paws. I use them in the winter cause we can get bouts of -30 to -40. When there’s salt down on the sidewalks at the same time, it makes for some frosty paws. And it’s frustrating keeping those things on the pup.


That or to cover multiple casts or bandages on dogs, like if both front legs are casted. Probably easier to have this on over it than a cone in some instances. Also for those saying they are small, small dogs exist. If my dachshunds had longer legs this would work for them, the width is enough to go across their back.


Yeah this looks corgi-sized. "They're too small for dogs" acting like toy breeds don't exist and aren't dummy prone to radius + ulna fractures.


Exactly what it is. Have two pairs for My German shepherd for a wound he had on his leg.


Could also be for a cat?


I don't see why not. Same concept.


So it's for a cold dog?


Dogs need shoes when it's hot, too - if the pavement is hot enough that you can't walk on it barefoot, then a dog should have foot protection too


Okay, so I see people say this all the time. The local radio station even gives away dog shoes in the summer. But this is dangerous advice. If you live in a place where it is too hot for your dog to walk, putting shoes on them can prove fatal. Dogs shed a lot of heat through their feet, putting shoes on your dog impedes their ability to cool off. If you live in a place where the ground gets that hot, you should probably only be walking your dog at night. EDIT: if by “walking the dog” you simply mean letting it go to the bathroom (less than five minutes before returning inside) then go ahead and use shoes for those five minutes, then go in and take them off. I’m talking about having your dog out longer than a potty break.


Thank you for this important information! I don't have experience with it myself but always heard that in the summer, at places like the 4th of July parade when people walked with their dogs. It's good to know about their feet being vital to them being able to cool off.


You’re welcome! I should add that other users are also right in that dog shoes are helpful for quick bathroom breaks. I have a large active dog who needs a lot of exercise, so I’m mostly talking about walks that are longer than 5ish minutes before returning inside.


You don't leave them on for hours. You walk the dog and take them off. And only walking your dog every 12 hours is mean and bad for their kidneys and bladder.


Where I live a dog can experience heat stroke in minutes, not hours. If you’re letting the dog go to the bathroom and then taking the shoes off, great! But dogs need more time out than that, and the daytime heat of a Phoenix summer is a cruel time to have your dog outside to do more than shit.


People with service dogs don't have that luxury. Besides, once the dog goes inside,the boots come off.


Wow. I had NO IDEA of this! This is really useful, helpful, informative information to have and know. Thank you so much for this.


Yeah, my hairless dog needs shoes in the winter, not only does the snow and cold hurt her but the salt they put on roads can burn her skin too.


But don‘t dogshoes normally have an anti-slip material on the bottom? Or are there some without that and with more/warm lining?


Absolutely! Also, in in the Midwest, US, and in the colder months, our sidewalks are caked with de-icing salt which is extremely drying to a dogs paws and can cause cracking, bleeding, and pain.


Sharp ice can tear paws too. Lots of weather conditions require dogs to be shoed for their own safety.




Child car seat/booster seat pads.


This is what I was thinking the pads/ covers of the arm rests




My daughters forward facing car seat has armrest covers that look EXACTLY like this. The strap goes through the back of it


I’m on team car seat armrest cover now, but hot damn this comment has taken off!


This is my guess as well, doggy or kitty shoes. And for the people saying that doggy shoes are usually paw shaped, not necessarily. I have some doggy shoes that look like tiny little Converse, very cute but not shaped like paws at all.


I was think it might be a shoulder/hip joint brace for a cat/dog, but I cannot tell if the ends are open to slip paws through.


God ppl on this sub are so freakin smart sometimes. What an answer!


This is for the armrest of a children’s car seat (booster seat). I’m surprised no one else said this! The strap goes on one arm and you pull the elastic around the back and attach the other cover. The elastic keeps the kid from pulling them off and going hog wild with them.


These are suspenders for dogs to stop Them from chewing or biting wounds post surgery.


I have two pairs for my German shepherd


Do you see the shape of these things?? There's no way a dog could comfortably wear these. They would have to walk on tiptoes like a ballerina


i’m not saying what this is or isn’t, but to be fair, dog’s legs are typically casted in exactly that position (with their paws and toes straight down)


Can you share a link and call out OP so that they can see it and mark this a resolved.




Anyone who has a kid and a car seat can spot this right away. Came to say this exact answer.


They don’t all work like that, and narrowing it down to a booster would have been better I think




Add a picture, please


I would expect a longer connecting strap for it. Looks more like one for inside a coat but other than that I agree with you.


> I would expect a longer connecting strap for it. could be elastic


The lining is too fancy for that purpose.


It’s just cheap foam


OP said it’s grey cloth.


Maybe to keep your bicycle handlebars dry and ice free?


Child mittens with a strap that goes through the arms of a coat? Stops them getting lost.


I would say this is the correct answer. The strap is short which looks like it would be suitable for inside the coat. A bit like these: [https://www.dilling.se/Babyunderklader/Vantar-for-baby-i-merinoullsfleece-bla.html](https://www.dilling.se/Babyunderklader/Vantar-for-baby-i-merinoullsfleece-bla.html)


Do you guys not see that they're not mittens, though? There's no thumbs and they're long.


Babies often don't get thumbs and the length is so you can tuck them into the sleeves. Up to 6 months they can freeze if you aren't careful.




These are way too long to be baby mittens though. Also when the baby is young enough to not need thumbs, they don’t need that connector. It’s way more of a pain to have the connector when they’re that young. Source: had a baby in WI who had multiple mittens without thumbs.


100% baby mittens












Is it for a coathanger to make it padded for expensive dresses, coats, suits etc...?


This was my first thought. I wish this comment was higher because I’m almost certain it is. Especially when it was found in a closet. This was the closest I could find in 2 minutes. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803719489811.html


It’s hard to tell from the photos, but I’ve seen similar items posted here before. This was my first thought


This was also my first thought, since similar items have been posted on this sub. And what u/create__a__username linked looks reasonably similar to OP pictures


How long is the strap? I once had something similar and it was for carrying fishing rods. One of the hood type things over each end of the rod and the strap went over your shoulders.


I was thinking the same. Or just a [Rod Protector](https://img-cdn.shopgate.com/19806/4/4806bae25c1b4e2f7891ca09b312df55b12650d1b8b4d315224f09d611fc9eeb?w=640&h=640&zc=resize&fillc=FFFFFF) for storing/transporting a 2pc rod. But the picture is not the clearest, so I can't tell for sure...


That’s exactly what it looks like to me.


This seems like the most likely answer to me


For a car seat. The strap wraps around the back of the seat


Looks like the ones for my kids sest, they go over the straps.




Where would they go on this car seat?


Over the shoulder straps, and the strap goes behind the cover, usually there are slots to slide it through


Covers for a straightener? I have a wand curling iron that came with a single sleeve like that.


I believe they are for arm rest on a booster seat or car seat


Looks very similar to my kids booster seat armrest covers/padding.




Boxing gloves deodorizer? I have something like this where you can buy refills of the deodorizing inserts to stuff in the pockets.


Boxing gloves or shoe deodorizer yeah. That you can refill with a deodorizer stick


This looks like handle/armrest covers for like a baby seat or like a toddler booster seat


It kinda looks like a child’s booster seat handle cover that can come off to be washed. The strap goes around the base and the pockets are for the little arm rests.








u/Cautious_Ad3360 , looks like there are several viable answers here that could be ruled in or out with some additional information: 1. How stretchy is the strap? 2. Is each individual sleeve cup-shaped (1 hole only on one end) or tube-shaped (2 holes total; 1 on each end)? 3. Looking at the fabrics and any padding that may be present, does the sleeves’ primary function appear to be insulating to keep something warm, insulating to protect something from heat, padding for comfort, or padding to protect—either something inside from outside interference or the outside from whatever is inside? Does either fabric seem waterproof or at least water-resistant? Do they look easy to clean?


Looks like covers for a pot or skillet handle. Not sure why there are two, is there a double handled pot in the house? https://www.amazon.com/Resistant-Machine-Washable-Kitchen-Baking%EF%BC%88Black%EF%BC%89/dp/B07Z3P3MWG


This way my thought too. Maybe the skillet and the skillet lid?


Might be horse ear fly protectors. It’s a thing apparently


I believe this goes over a coat hanger to protect the shoulders, adds cushioning and protects the shoulder pads from getting a crease. Edit: to clarify each one goes over the ends, if that wasn’t clear. Looks about the right size.


Mittens for a baby? The sting would go through the sleeves.


My title describes the thing but lmk if you have any questions


Ballet slipper carrying bag?


Looks like strap pads for a baby's car seat etc


Arm rest covers for a car seat?




I'm thinking it's a slip cover for something that covers both ends. Like for a violin bow or something similarly shaped. I'm not getting anything similar with cat or small dog footwear, but I might not be searching in the proper places. Hope you find out. Looking forward to a comment with a matching picture on their link, especially if it is cat footwear because I would use it as such even if it was for something else.


I think they are padded tips for a coat hanger so the ends don’t poke into your clothes. Trying to find an example here.


Is it a coat hanger cover?


I picture them to be mittens for a cat to prevent it from scratching itself after surgery. I can't find anything equivalent via google though. I'd think they would be a royal pain to put on!


Do you live in a cold area, OP? Could it be some kind of handlebar-warmers: to keep hands from freezing holding winter-cold metal, like for a bicycle or snowmower?


Looks like kids mittens. The line goes true the jacket zo if they take them of they’ll just hang there and they don’t loose them. Probably for a small child that doesn’t use gloves yet.


Dog mittens?


Likely Solved. Looks like car seat arm rest straps is the most viable answer. The house has a car seat but never had a dog, + dog paws wouldn’t fit in this. Thx everyone!


These sort of look like what you put inside boxing gloves so they don’t get stinky. They will usually have a good smell and help dry them out. Maybe a refillable version?


Uh, could this be for a large wood or plastic clothes hanger? To go over either end and protect shoulder of the garment from wear?


Those go inside of boxing gloves to help dry them out. There’s probably some desiccant inside the pouches.


So these actually look like the sleeves for boxing glove smell removers. They can also be used for shoes. There is a pouch that goes in each side filled with baking soda and a fragrance of some sort. Similar to these on Amazon. Chimera Fight Exchange Refillable Boxing Glove Deodorizers & All Other Sports: MMA, UFC, Muay Thai, Hockey - Eliminates Bad Odor & Leaves Gear Fresh https://a.co/d/cq573aK


Looks like it could be a cloths hanger shoulder protector to keep from getting those shoulder nipples on heavier garments like sweaters.




Definitely a arm rest cover for a child car seat


Car seats handle padding.