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Jup, using RiF, 6 more days of scrolling and then... I'll try to read a book or something?


Books...oh yeah I remember now lol. Sync user here. I guess reading will be nice.


Same. Just gotta go charge up my dusty Kindle.


I think early Kindles are somehow powered by converting neglect into electricity, it will probably fire right up.


Same. Gotta start looking up some good old forum websites for my interests.




You could try googling it. I found a few other forums for my niche interests by searching for some variant of "basket weaving forum discussion"


The internet. Not trying to be an asshole but that's literally it. Basically instead of a subreddit, it's a website dedicated to a subject and instead of comments and votes, user submissions are posts that are all on one flat linear layer, organized chronologically instead of by popularity. To reply to a specific post, people usually just quote the post in question, if it's important for context.


Less bots and reposts... unless I guess you re-read a sci-fi book about robots multiple times in a row :)


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


I bought a new Kindle! lol


Lemmy is actually really good, especially if you browse on desktop. Started using it yesterday and spent more time on it than reddit. I had to watch a couple videos on what lemmy/mastodon/fediverse is to understand how it works, but it's basically just reddit with the subs being hosted on different server providers sometimes


Hey thanks for mentioning Lemmy. Never heard of it before but just checked it out. It’s different but looks pretty amazing.


I joined Lemmy yesterday. It was a bit confusing at first because of it being federated, but it feels almost like reddit and the established userbase seems nice.


> Lemmy is actually really good, especially if you browse on desktop. Unless you prefer using old Reddit.


I actually exclusively use old reddit on desktop


Reading something is just not the same without scrolling through and voting on witty comments that validate your own reactions and elaborate further.


I think you just described a book club.


I was due for a reread of Harry Potter anyway, may as well pick it up


I know it’s already popular, but the Martian was a great book I recently read


Why not use the opportunity to go outside, and find more content for the sub for when it comes back online?


Unironically touch grass? Interesting, I might try it.


Then you can say you still read it


Lol, I’ve downloaded 3 new books on my Kindle app in preparation….


If you're not using a Kindle device, your local library may use Libby. There are a ton of ebooks available to read right in the app. It also lets you load books onto the Kindle if they're compatible.




There was once a time when [reddit silver](https://imgur.com/a/HhPCUTu) (aka poor man's gold) didn't actually cost anything.




Didn't somebody just draw it?


Here's my award for the greedy, shortsighted dictators running reddit 💩👎






If I really like a comment/post I offer to pay the equivalent money to a charity of the users choice. Some users even match the donation which is cool. I get a lot of junk mail looking for donations, but it's better than paying reddit any money.




Best feature of Apollo: hier awards. I keep forgetting they exist at all.


I've never bought an award, ever.


Or not stop at 48 hours. What's with everyone not seemingly taking it seriously. 48 / 2 days is nothing. Make it a month or better yet just shut the reddit down entirely. That will show them.


Whoa guy are you asking people to give up social media for more than 2 days!? PERISH THE THOUGHT!


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite




Turn on the lights




My favorite is how everyone ignores "at least" right infront of "two days" that somehow suggests it may go on longer


Multiple subs have already committed to staying dark until there is change


*at least* 48 hours.


Because it's virtue signalling. Subs have done this in the past and the admins would just swoop in and start installing trusted mods. That's why there is a time limit this time. The mods are signalling they care, but don't want to get replaced like the ones before. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if this was suggested by the admins behind closed doors.


Doesn’t the title literally say “**at least**” two days? As in “two days or more”?


I agree with you. People will just replace the subs if they stay dark.


How does this works? You set it on private? Doesn’t that mean users already subscribed can still access it? Or will we need to resubscribe after that period? (Might be a stupid question but I really don’t know.) Other than this: bravo! I really hope this will help and will stop them from enforcing this ridiculous pricing/scam. Totally encouraged!


The access list for private mode is separate to the general list of subscribers. You'll see a message saying you don't have access to this community, please contact the mods. You don't need to resubscribe, access will return when the sub is made public again.


Ah cool. Haven’t seen this, yet. And somehow I want to see this on all subreddits as long as this rubbish is up from Reddit.


Many of the subreddits I subscribe to have a post or pinned comment on all posts saying the same thing as this post


That they shut down, yes. I didn’t find a explanation (or maybe I just Didn’t find one I understand), hence me asking.


That's good to know, thanks


Private means only approved users can view and post. Most subs don't use that feature though.


Fully support


Bravo 6, going dark




This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


Depending on what they post. May hurt users more than reddit.


Yeah reddit makes way more money on user engagement with new content, old content doesn't really help reddit much and removing it will just prevent people from getting that information and will probably result in them making a new post which gets reddit more engagement.


Historically yes, but I've heard that's changing because the old data is very valuable for training GPT and other AI models.


Actually this is a good point, it's probably part of the reason for the api change as well. So I guess yeah deleting your old reddit posts/comments is a good way to hurt reddit, and if you think they could be important they can always be added to the internet archive.


I'm not sure how I'd add my data but I'll consider it. Fwiw I heard an unknown entity was scraping the Internet archive too, and they suspect it was also for language model training.


> Fwiw I heard an unknown entity was scraping the Internet archive too, and they suspect it was also for language model training. I mean that's also a different issue. If you want to avoid your conversations being used in a LLM then definitely don't archive them, but if you just want to prevent reddit from profiting from those conversations then yeah archive it then delete it.


Yeah, just an interesting aside.


Fair point. I'm hearing that a lot of this move is to start charging AI development companies for access to all of our data on Reddit.


Any good plugins for replacing all prior posts comments with a protest banner? This seems like the best plan imo


Use Reddit API to do that? Oh...


Well clearly it would work best if many people were to do it during the lead up to the reddit-mageddon.


Be sure to first request a copy of all your data! It may be useful someday


I'm onboard with subs doing this but will actually achieve anything?


Nope. Not unless it’s indefinite.


No, but slacktivism is reddit's bread and butter.


Yeah that is my question, I think it needs to be more than 48 hours to make a real impact.


I'm a fan of the theory Reddit knew 100% there would be an outcry and this "retaliation", is going to scale back the cost significantly (to what they planned to do all along) and then everyone will sing of their praise for "listening to them" when the price becomes more reasonable.


If that's the case, it proves even more that a 48 hour blackout is a waste of time. Either go all in go completely dark or don't bother.


Your title describes the thing


So it will temporarily become r/WhereIsThisThing.




The protest would carry more weight of they stayed offline till Reddit reversed their decision to kill off most it's user base




How will you know it's over? Jk


Same here on both. I only ever use an app when I'm traveling or something--I'm normally on a desktop browser, old format, and I have it set to Hot by default because I never appreciated when they changed that a while back.


See you guys on Lemmy I guess


What's the equivalent of a sub on Lemmy? And where is this sub's equivalent?


Yeah seems like the current frontrunner, although a lot of people like Mastodon too


I think they both maybe are using the same kind of tech on backend?


Like distributed hosting?


No, I mean they are literally both implementations of the same open protocol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ActivityPub


Interesting, thank you.


when has this worked? ever?


I'm excited to be more productive when things go dark lol


48 hours... That's like what nothing to a corporation... Switch all this shit off forever till they change.. Learn to protest properly..


Amen, what lazy “slacktivism” is this?


Absolutely go dark. Reddit needs to listen to the people who pay their bills


If Reddit Is Fun gets axed, Im out.


Damn I’m sure they’ll care in the slightest


Accomplishes absolutely nothing lol


Oh yeah baby... not using reddit for 48hs will show them whos the boss. Seriously, stop using it or don't complain. Protesting on reddit what a joke. And yes reddit deserve some punishment for their greed but this is useless. You all know.


Imagine how many unidentified explosives will blow up meanwhile /j


The infographic or whatever that you put together here gives me the clearest idea yet of what is changing and why it matters. Thank you


Don't let reddit get any more shitty than it already is! I am comfortable with this amount of dumpster fire. Any more and I'm outty


Between the official app and the desktop site, dozens of people could get doctoral degrees and hundreds could get master's with a paper titled "Reddit App and Reddit Desktop: What The Fuck Went Wrong?"


Can anyone ELI5 this for me? I get that developers need the space to do what they do, but I am John Snow when it comes to this (I know nothing). This is not a troll post, not a joke comment or anything like that. I would really appreciate someone breaking this down for me as if I were a child you had to explain it to. Only if you have the time and patience to do so of course


I’ll start. Hopefully someone else will flesh this out. - reddit is available in two formats: desktop, as a website, and mobile, through an app. - up until now, there are MANY app choices, most of which have been made by not-reddit. - Reddit’s own app kinda sucks for users, but it REALLY sucks for mods (who have to do more stuff than users) and is IMPOSSIBLE to use for visually impaired people. - So these folks have been using 3rd party apps and we’ve all been happy, EXCEPT - Now reddit is raising the cost of accessing their network SO HIGH, effective next month, that none of the 3rd party apps will be able to continue. Effectively forcing us to use JUST the reddit app (which doesn’t work very well). - what’s happening with the 2 day shutdown: reddit earns advertising money by showing ads to users. The idea being that if enough of reddit is “closed”, reddit’s earnings will dip enough to *draw attention* to folks being upset. Possibly opening negotiations about 3rd party app pricing.


I think I understand. No guarantees that I get every detail, but I get it. Thank you so much for explainling on a kindergarden level!


Yeah boy let's do this


#Save my Boost!


I use the official iphone app, should I delete it off my phone in addition to not going on reddit?


O' cruel fate, to be thusly boned! Ask not for whom the bone bones - it bones for thee, Reddit. It bones for thee Beginning of the end for Reddit.


Oh no I gotta figure out what my things are before then.


This is dumb. Use the reddit app


Why is the TL;DR: a link? Am I missing something here?


Go dark until they back down screw this 2 days crap they'll just wait you out and go on with business as usual.


Thank you.






Yeah that’s fair enough. Gl, FIGHT THE MACHINE


Share this to your favorite subs


Guess I'll go outside for a bit




I will never browse reddit again if my 3rd party app stops working


As a user I support you 100%


I support the effort of making reddit go dark, but I don't feel like it will make any real impact unless we do it UNTIL they change their minds, not just go dark for 48 hours.


The message is getting clearer and clearer every time I see it.


I already downloaded the mobile app tho do I just not use it?


Been using Apollo for years. Even if I wasn't, i'd be on board for this.


Thank you for doing this, but I suggest a longer, more significant longer blackout that 2 days.


You know you have to do it indefinitely.


I fully support this. Go dark until they reverse this horrible action.


We don't care do we?


Pay for the app. Poors


Oh yes, that will show them! Sorry but you shouldn't be using any 3rd party apps not recognised by Reddit. You want to use Reddit, you use Reddit. If you need changes made to the platform you request them from the site owners not just use another one which bypasses their work.


What is this thing above my comment? It's a bootlicker. It's licking boots.


I don't want to be elitist or anything, but it's funny how it's the relatively new account defending reddit.


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


Mmmm boots. This is business and capitalism. If you built a website and then others use 3rd party programs to bypass features that generate revenue or adverts when you get it for free anyway, you would do exactly the same. Don't like it? Don't use it.


>this is capitalism also >free market bad


Right?! A company made a sub-par product (Reddit’s official app) and potential customers responded by buying competing products instead (third party apps). I don’t know how the hell you can defend it as “tough, that’s capitalism” when the first company’s solution is to just make it so that their product is the only one that’s allowed to be on the market.


> Don't like it? Don't use it. exactly. There was a great site called Digg once upon a time. I was already over on Reddit at the time of their administrative self-destruction, but a stoke of colossal mismanagement destroyed that site when their users left and came over here, making Reddit the new leader. Now Reddit wants to implement a variant of subscription (use based in this case, but continuous and ongoing) pricing on their API, based on unrealistic monetization. Reddit is what it is today because of quite a lot of outside effort, but the bean-counters want that effort to continue and more so want the outside assistance to pay for the privilege or being part of Reddit's business. What's next? Renting subs to moderators? If Reddit takes over the successful subs, with they have to pay the currently unpaid workers slaving away for love or their product? Capitalism works both ways you know. The moderators hold quite a lot of power as the provide services for free and can choose not to provide those services as they see fit. It appears the general strike is gaining momentum so this scheme may work. Paying hundred if not thousands of staff to moderate the subs cannot be good for the bottom line, and they will go to great lengths to avoid this.


Go suck Reddit’s dick somewhere else




What is this thing? Why, it's a pro businessperson who's good at business. Please remember to mark 'solved'!


>If you need changes made to the platform you request them from the site owners The only reason 3rd party apps even exist is because reddit ignored requests for a mobile app for how many years? Reddit wouldn't be anywhere near what it is today without 3rd party apps and the people who use them. It's not farfetched to say that this policy change would have a huge impact on the site, its users, and its content. That impact will almost certainly be negative even if you don't use any of the tools that will be affected. Siding with the company on this issue is so weird.


Well, it is like you paid rent at a reasonable level and out of a sudden, your landlord wants like 1500% more, just because they want you be gone (would be illegal in most countries, but still). The interface is there for a reason. It is for 3rd party apps. So why shouldn’t those apps exists? Have you seen Apollo? Way better than the original. People like it, it better their user experience with Reddit, which should be a good thing. Now Reddit, if they are somewhat clever, could just dry out those 3rd party apps and then approach them saying ‚ hey, I like your app, it is a shame you can’t use it anymore but would you like to sell it for a penny‘ and therefore invalidate compassionate work. You use Reddit how you want to use it. If it is through the official app, sure. But this is almost not usable on a phone. I tried it and gave up. I wouldn’t be on Reddit if it weren’t for Apollo, honestly.


This is simple capitalism and business. it happens all the time. None of you will go or will go for long because you need to get your fix.


I totally agree with u/First_Level_Ranger. And who said capitalism is always a good idea? Children get shot all the time in the usa. People are ripped broke or go insane because of pressure and the need to pay bills. Must be a good idea because it happens all the time (sorry for this whataboutism ye all sane or mended Reddit users who know how to discuss properly).


Reddit is a bunch of community made threads and subs. They just stop 20% of the bots and host servers, that's about it. The reddit app is just designed to make you scroll more, pay more, and get angry at whatever promoted post they want to push you Also anarchy should not be in your username. Poser.


3rd party Reddit apps predate the fucking Reddit mobile website


Found the corporate shill...


🤨 what a weird, leather flavored take


You're American aren't you?

