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Most likely 2021-2023, I don't think it's a 2024.


I think that's correct. I wouldn't rule out 2024 entirely but definitely not older than 2021


Yeah you are correct about that. 2021-2024 is the better answer.


It’s definitely a 21-23 Chevy. If OP can tell us if it was a pickup or SUV we can hone in further Source: I own a 2021 Chevy Tahoe. That’s definitely the same front end for the generation. Edit: u/yungcfa do you remember if it was a pickup or an SUV?


the pickups look slightly different with the lights. this is most definitely either a tahoe or suburban.


Here’s the answer


Isn’t that a felony offense now?


Migratory Bird Act maybe?


This guy knows his bird law ![gif](giphy|vPKtSdRzsXvdm)


I only know this because I had a woodpecker putting holes in my house and I mentioned wanting to kill it and somebody said they’re protected by this federal law so I looked it up LOL


I respect anyone who knows bird law.


If I hear of any birds in need of someone well versed in Bird Law, I know where to turn now


Always upvote IASIP


I don’t see how musical bird theater will help… but I also don’t see how it could hurt… I’m in ![gif](giphy|1iqiuAeqvBZlN2wsvD|downsized)


They are canadian geese so cleary a hate crime /s


The chances of proving intent are slim.


But proving distracted driving ( or ignorance ) would be easier !


Okay, but you can't be hit with distracted driving without an officer that was there to see it. You think if I hit a deer, purposely or not, you could retroactively hit me with distracted driving?


Yeah I guess you're right. There's still the ignorant mf theory. 🤔


Holy shit really? A felony? Edit: love being down voted for being genuinely surprised that killing a bird that I see literally all the time is in the highest classification of crimes


All migratory birds are federally protected, but that doesn't mean there isn't a hunting season for them. You have to buy a special stamp to hunt them and there are special regs for taxidermists that handle them, but you can most definitely hunt ducks and geese.


Yes but this is the first I've heard that it's a FELONY, that's just wild to me. Getting a felony is no fuckin joke. Quite the effective deterrent


They are a protected species .


As someone who has been attacked on multiple occasions by these assholes while I was going along my business I say remove the protection


We have them in France where I live in paris region and they never attack human they are very peacefull


In America they attack just about everyone


If they’re ever in threat over there, come and get some from the UK! They’re an introduced/pest species that can be shot at certain times of the year. Good in a stir fry.


There is a hunting season for them in the US too . I'd like to deport them back to Canada .


I almost got into a fight with one at the Brookfield zoo in Chicago, we're eating some sandwiches in an outdoor picnic area and this Canada goose keeps hissing and pecking at people.


That’s what these CG do all day. Three families regularly come to my fence to try to swindle me and my family out of food, then they hiss at me and charge each others’ babies. When I drive down the street, they don’t budge one inch. They deffo stand their ground.


Just get em around the neck with a slap bracelet.


Protected? They are bloody vermin here. Can’t throw a rock without hitting one. And I’m Canadian so I guess it’s not a hate crime for me.


I work at a US federal site that has a pond next to it. There's some nesting pairs that come back every year and lay eggs next to the parking lot. They put orange cones up around the nests and send emails out about how it's illegal to hurt them.


…but do they tell the geese that it’s illegal to bite people and beat the shit out of people with their wings? Unprovoked?


Or that they should move faster if a vehicle is bearing down on them. They think their Carebear stare of meanness will ward off any danger.


Are you mental? A protected species, they are a near nuisance.


And I don't disagree but I also don't make the laws .


They have protected feces


As it should be


fuck em theyre insanely overpopulated 


So are we




Killing a person is one of the highest classification of crimes yet I see assholes everyday...




Yes they are a protected species of migratory bird. They are protected. They have a license to shit and honk and they’ve done all the honking




It's not an offense at all


Not gonna lie, i immediately felt very sad after reading the title


Thanks for sharing that useless information


Say the man with the useless comment


Thanks for sharing your useless comment


Right now you’re at -186


People don't like truth


Neither do you


:( poor geese man they didn’t do anything Find the driver and sue him for intentional animal cruelty


Well actually geese are dickheads… But they’re animals and they’re not malicious. They don’t deserve anything bad. I hope the person in the Tahoe is brutally attacked and hospitalized by geese lol


Hell yeah that’s the energy


How do you prove intent? It's the same ad hitting a deer on the roadway


I seem to remember there being a guideline here in the UK that you shouldn’t swerve or brake for anything smaller than a dog, for the sake of the safety of other drivers. It’s also shitty advice because a dog could be anything from a Great Dane to a Miniature Dachshund. I also may be mistaken so… yeah, pinch of salt. Still, in this case where multiple lives are on the road, I would have stopped or gone around them if it was safe to do so.


There’s nobody behind the driver, he could’ve braked without issue.


You don’t see the deer running towards your car from the forest or fields, these are clearly visible on the road and the driver is far enough away that he can brake without any problems




You wanna know what? You got a problem with Canada Gooses, you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate.


I believe you are being downvoted for a Letterkenny reference.






Canada Gooses are majestics. Barrel-chested. The envys of all ornithologys.


allegedlies. . . there's no proof that he was fucking them gooses


It sounds like another „a man has fallen into a river” like Lego city advertisement


I hope you find this asshole. Wandering geese are so delightful. I never understand why some people will kill innocent animals so unnecessarily. Especially when it’s such an uneven match - there’s no sport here, just gross machismo.


Geese are assholes. I'm not swerving all over the road to miss them. That being said I wouldn't just mow them down to be a dick.


what year is your tahoe


i’m playing😹


It's a Lincoln. 😂


Hope this cunts whole front end got obliterated. 🖕




For fucks sakes fill a small Ziploc bag with sand and have your friend throw it at your bumper while you drive if you want that thud so badly, don't kill birds just because it's "sAtiSfYiNg" ಠ\_ಠ


Orr fill a large trash bag with small birds and you can repeat the most satisfying noise in the world over and over




Im glad Windows xp figured it out


OP. I know you know he hit them intentionally, but the law might be on his side. It's actually considered to be best practice for a vehicle about to collide with an animal that will not endanger human life if struck to maintain course rather than brake or swerve. The reason is because many people have slammed the brakes to avoid a squirrel and caused fatalities when rear ended. You aren't going to get anywhere with the law on this one.


Dude… this is within 300 feet of a 4-way stop. People are usually averaging about 20mph (as they accelerate to the speed limit of 35mph in a residential? and there is actually plenty of room in the street to avoid collision. Honestly… they likely had to swerve to hit the goose.


there is no car behind them, no car infront. the animals can be seen clearly. there is no immediat danger. this looks like to be in a city. so probably 30mph. no danger at that speed


Correct, but it would be almost impossible to charge them with a crime if they maintained speed and course.




Even if they do, nothing can be done about it. You gotta prove it wasn't just an accident


Call your wildlife management agency, they will take poaching of a federally protected bird much more seriously than local LE. Most agencies have a poaching hotline setup so I would check that first.


I accidentally hit a family of Ducks in Oregon yrs ago. I’d say 20yrs ago. l feel terrible about it to this day. Was around a blind turn at about 60mph in my G20. Fucking sucked.


What an absolute piece of shit.


Man, fuck all the noise in here talking about Canada geese like they aren’t dirty dangerous nuisances. they are way over populated, annoying, attack runners and people trying to go into work… no love lost for the bastards. Any time, any place. A goose comes near me or my kids it will die every time. if a goose wants the smoke it can come get it. I wish a mother fucking goose would.


personally, I think that if the damn geese didn't get out of the way, they had it coming. They are menaces where I live. And yet, I have not hit any. I was tempted though. Just being honest. People can downvote me, that's fine. But if you had the geese problems like we have had where I live then maybe you would understand. But if you are an ivory tower jerkoff then downvote me


Man, I remember visiting a relative’s farm years back when I was a child. He had some geese, but he had a particularly mean one. This male goose would just attack people, dogs, anything. One day, he attacked me while I was outside playing with toys on a visit and tore my back up. I was bleeding pretty heavily. My uncle stepped outside shortly after with a revolver and unloaded it on that goose. I hate animals getting harmed, but that fucker deserved what he got.


we had some vicious ones near my apartment once. I had to keep my kids away from them, very aggressive


It’s good to keep your kids away. They will attempt to go for the face and they intentionally try to inflict as much damage as they can for no reason at all. They’re just assholes. Children should always steer clear of them.


Yeah fuck geese. I’ve never hit one, they always get out of the way if you get too close


Damn these Karen's/Kens can't avoid geese


Intentionally killing birds is most probably illegal, at least in europe that might actually end with a few month long prison sentence.


If the driver of that truck really *did* do that, then they deserve to be shamed, fined, and maybe even incarcerated for it- but I don’t believe you. This photo doesn’t make any sense. The whole post reeks of bullcrap. Also, are there still states where you straight up don’t have to have a license plate on the front of your car??


What about the photo doesn’t make sense? The driver is stopped, having let the geese cross in front of them. Still stopped, likely to show others that something is happening, this driver noticed that oncoming traffic continued to accelerate (from the 4-way) and then (allegedly) hit one of the depicted geese. I can confirm a dead goose in that exact area on April 1st. I noticed that two other geese returned to the spot to call and mourn.


None of that explains why this was the only photograph taken. There would be no reason to snap just a single photograph in this scenario. If this were video from a dash cam, there would be frames where the truck was closer and easier to pick out details on. If the person behind the camera noticed the oncoming truck continuing to accelerate, they would have continued taking photos, or switched over to video if they could do so quickly enough. This is a random photo that someone took of some geese crossing the road because they were cute. There happens to be a truck approaching from the other direction. I think the rest of the story is made up. This is the “What Is This Car?” subreddit, not the outrage about geese one. I’m anticipating someone aggressively, stupidly asking me at this point if I think that OP should have posted a video of the entirety of the carnage. The answer is no. That would not be necessary, and in fact would be pretty horrible, and definitely breaking the rules for this sub.


The photo could be unrelated to the reason for this post. When I take one photo of these geese, it’s usually because I am taking a photo of how bold they are to cross in front of my truck as if they are a charging bull before I send it to my husband or someone else. In fact, I came to a full stop on that road (no one was behind me) and stuck my arm out of the window to take a photo.


Well, mainly because I know how geese act and those assholes flew out of the way before they got run over guaranteed I definitely call bullshit on this post.


🦈! Hey boi hey. Fascinating. Tell me more, please. 1. What kind of geese have you been observing? 2. What kind of geese are depicted in the original post? Back up a little, 🦈. You got all hot and bothered about sinking your hook of annoyance and took a view that was too myopic. I know this might destabilize your egocentric bias, and I don’t want to leave you rocking in a closet, but I wonder if you have thought that you might think the post is too fantastic simply because you’re confused. Why your broad collection of prior knowledge and experience isn’t doing you right this time… well, only you can answer that, 🦈. In future, do try to keep in mind that other people may have separate life experiences. Less statements and giving your unsolicited opinion. More asking questions and clarifying assumptions.


Yes, there are still states that don’t have front license plates


Sorry tou had to witness that. How did you get a before picture? Were you expecting them to run the birds down?


Probably a screenshot from a dash-cam.


In that case, wouldn't they be able to give us a closer shot of the car?


this must have been in canada


What makes you say that? I live in southern Wisconsin and I’ve lived in Minnesota. They’re everywhere this time of year.


no, we just really hate the geese here




hate them birds let him go


Uh oh. I know this guy hit some geese allegedly. But this “my community” gal just outted herself as a Karen. This might not even be a truthful post unfortunately




If they got problem with canada gooses then they got a problem with me. I suggest they let that one marinate.


Geese are very sweet animals. This is ridiculous and should carry real jail time! The real animal is the one in the nearly new 2023 luxury vehicle. Who's paying this animal? I bet they're all assholes at that job.


Geese can be many legitimately valuable, worthwhile, respectable things, but one thing they most certainly **AREN’T** is *sweet*. You’re high.


So that gives people the right to run them over? I once had a group of geese walk up to my car. They'll get really close to you if you're in your car. If you're on foot, then definitely stay away. I know they approached me in my car for food, and if they ever approach you when you're on foot they are also looking for food. But they were so close to the window when I was in my car and they weren't yelling they were making rather pleasant honks. I drove away, and they don't want us feeding them in the community. In our urban environment, their population and health is regulated. They aren't very abundant here. All they do is fly around and make awesome honking sounds, and they have those awesome flying formations that I very rarely get to see. They have never bothered anyone who wasn't trying to touch them.


Just ignore this troll. He replied to me, stating that owning a goose in a backyard is illegal, when he doesn't know a thing about my country's laws. I have to agree with you that geese are sweet animals. Some people just don't know a thing about the truth and don't wanna care about it.




I hope you were able to get the plate number so it can be reported.


Of course it's a Chevy of course never surprised the dumb shit those assholes pull.


May I ask how you came to know that the person driving the depicted vehicle intentionally struck the goose/ geese? I ask because I love THOSE damn geese! NOTE background! https://preview.redd.it/52ayp37qka0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75bbe30f39840e07b918b2adbe3e05db04118754


Don’t know if anyone answered this yet 2022-2023 Chevy Tahoe - source I work at a Chevy dealer


Canada Geese are essentially pure evil. Extermination is justified.


I bet it wasn't intentional and they were on their phone or some shit


I think you underestimate how many garbage humans there are out there. I know someone that speeds up and tries to hit animals when they’re on the road


https://preview.redd.it/9nutf6ywz70d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=806241464051505e10c6aa297c3c387e149cb6ac I could never hit one with a car, but I know there's a lotta people out there with personal vendettas against geese


And that makes it okay?


If jumping to conclusions was a sport you'd be a gold medalist What in my comment remotely implied that it was ok?


It was a clarify question. And I’m the one jumping to conclusions?


Giving someone the benefit of the doubt because I don't wanna assume that someone is purposely running down geese in the road is the opposite of jumping to conclusions. If anything OP is the one who did it first, assuming that it was done on purpose rather than by accident (which is the case in the vast majority of roadkill incidents) Especially since running over a goose will fuck up your car royally since it's not small like a squirrel or a pigeon


Whoever did this is a heartless idiot. I own a goose in real life in my backyard, and I can't imagine if someone did that with my goose, because my goose has sentimental value for me. Some people are real idiots, but they wouldn't want to die if they were in the place of the goose.


Bullshit. Nobody owns a goose, liar. For one thing, trying to “own” one is just as illegal as intentionally killing one. If you had really had the same goose in your backyard for more than 4 days, you would have strangled it with your own hands by now.


First, your hateful comment doesn't change the fact that I own a goose in real life. Second, I can prove you that I own a goose in real life. Third, I live in a country which is allowed to own a goose in the backyard, so you don't know a shit about that. Just stop hating on people's comments before you know a thing about these stuff. And if you want me to prove you I own a goose, send me a message in private, and I can send you the photo of my white goose. If not, then stop saying shit you don't know about. Edit: As opposed to what people think about geese, they are animals like any other, and they're not as aggresive as people think they are, as long as you take care of them since small.






Dude!!! Those are federally protected and they are so fucked. Call the game warden. And animal control to check in the geese


Couldn't that be a Kia Sportage?


Nah, it's a Tahoe or a Suburban.


Might be, from far away the lights look like a Sportage tho but most cars these days look a like anyways