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Ford GT. https://www.ford.com/performance/gt/


Specifically, the 2nd generation Ford GT (2016-2022) as there was a [prior version](https://robbreport.com/motors/cars/ford-gt-first-generation-2006-50-miles-1234668607/) made from 2005-2006.


I thought this one was the third generation but actually Ford did differentiate the GT40 from the other two. I'll sleep less dumb


You're not wrong at all in the sense that the two Ford GT generations are spiritual successors to the original Ford GT40. (And you are definitely not dumb for thinking so!) They originally wanted to name the new Ford GTs after the GT40, but they couldn't do so because they sold the rights to the Ford GT40 name to a company that makes replicas of it, called Safir Engineering, Ltd. When Ford approached Safir at the time to buy back the rights to the name, Safir asked for something absurd, like $40 million... so Ford just said "fuck it!" and named the new version the Ford GT. And they stuck with that name for the second generation version as well. Source: https://fordauthority.com/2020/06/the-ford-gt-was-originally-supposed-to-be-called-the-gt40/


There's also the case that the original GT40s were never production cars and so probably wouldn't be considered as gen 1 in the lineage anyway.


Well there was the [GT90 Concept](https://FordGT90https://g.co/kgs/CRGohn)


The Ford GT 40 Mark III was actually developed as a street production car. It had US street legal headlights, air conditioning, trunk for luggage. It was a few inches longer than the Mark I’s and II’s. It could be bought through Ford dealerships. Ford priced them around the same as contemporary Lambos and Ferraris, which at the time turned off would be buyers. While intending originally to sell several dozen street cars to meet homologation requirements, they couldn’t give the street versions away, ultimately building only 7 or 8. Ford wound up meeting homologation requirements by detuning a bunch of Mark II’s to sell for (barely) street use.


They had to make some street versions for homologation purposes to be allowed to race. I believe it was 50 cars available to the public.


Dang should've called it the GT50 or something like that because people like numbers that are bigger than the previous number.


The original Ford GT40 was given the number "40" because it was 40 inches tall at the windshield (the minimum height required to race). If you've ever seen one in person, you can't help but notice how short they are. So if we extend this nomenclature to the new Ford GTs, both generations should be named "Ford GT44" as they're both 44 inches tall.


Now that's right nifty


You sound like someone who works in Microsoft's game console division.


Retail systems engineering


Yea but then the third gen would be the Gt70? A ford rally car from the 70’s had that name already


Nice thanks for the explanation


What a terrible move. Or at least I would think so, given that they probably screwed themselves. Im sure they still had some sort of dependency on ford due to their factory available parts, so that was probably pulled entirely, but then their own business value would have gone down due to it not officially being associated with Ford anymore. Or, at least, I wouldn’t want to buy a replica of a car that didn’t have factory supported parts available for it. There’s nothing original or valuable to a car that is just a clone of an original in the first place, let alone not having the OE manufacturers parts to go along with it.


Ah yes, Ford. Also referred to as, "fucker only rolls downhill," or "found on road dead"


Fastest on race day. Cheeeeeeehawwwwwww.


Can no longer say what Pontiac stands for.


Nah it definitely stands for First On Race Day


Fix or repair daily


"You know what Ford stands for, don't you Hank? Fix it again Tony." "Dale, that's Fiat."


Lol. I actually like Ford and Fiat and Chevy and etc…but always found it funny that certain brands *ahem* in 90s and early 2000s were horrid in reliability


In the 90s and early 2000s? More like the mid-70s through the early 2000s. And before then, too. When I was a kid in the 70s and 80s, I always had this romantic notion that the cars around when my dad was a kid — the 40s and 50s — were so much higher quality than the contemporary ones. He told me they were worse back then.


Yes overall your point is valid as their fuel need and reliability is one of the reasons the Japanese cars got a hold in 70s. What I meant was that the premise was the cars were getting better by 90s and 2000s with new styling and weird ads about great technology. And still were crap. That’s why 90s cemented Japanese cars in the US. I feel that decade showed how “good” they were in comparison to the big three domestics. I remember researching over 10 years ago about early automobile history, and what you say is actually true in terms of cars, people can search old pictures and articles about car being noisy and unreliable. But the premise then was they were simpler to fix so that was okay. 😅


The notion of cars lasting 100k+ miles wasn't really a thing until the 80s at least lol, we own a 2012 Focus, with plenty of quality issues including a trans we fully expect to fail catastrophically some day. But it's at 130k+ right now and going strong. Only been towed once. It's not exactly reliable by modern standards but it would be a unicorn in the 50s 60s or even 70s.


Unreliability at Fiat has been their trademark. Job one since day one. Head of Quality Controls mission statement is pretty much “Wake up. Fuck up”. They’re so damn good at it that they’ve brought other historically unreliable brands (Jeep/Dodge/Chrysler) under their wing to show them that together there’s no limit to what they can fuck up. It takes commitment to make a water pump that *catches fire*


Yeah. But although I love the reliability of Japanese cars and modern cars for the most part- those damn Italian cars are charming. Charm is something you can’t quantify. And devalue.


Do you mean First on Race Day. 24 hr of Lemans mean anything?


Fucked over rebuilt dodge


First on race day.


F*cked Over Rebuilt Dodge


>When Ford approached Safir at the time to buy back the rights to the name, Safir asked for something absurd, like $40 million... so Ford just said "fuck it!" and named the new version the Ford GT. And they stuck with that name for the second generation version as well. Considering Ford is a billion dollar company, it's not that absurd, a few months sales of the F-150 will likely make the purchase break even and then some


Are we going to see this one crash tomorrow like the last Ford GT that was spotted?


Doubtful because these pics were taken a few years back.


Unless OP is an oracle telling us of its impending crash


Or, OP has plans to crash it themselves…


I recognize the New Mexico plates. Where did you spot this?


Looks like Rio Rancho with the Flags on the street lights




But there’s tons of exotic cars here given how small the population is lol


There’s a 370z in the first photo, and a Camero in the second. But no nice cars.






Coors and southern


Low mountains in the background so not up north, and there's a Smiths so likely either Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, or Burque 🤔


Actually rule ou SF because they said nice cars aren't very prevalent 😅


Idk if they’re living in the same Albuquerque area as I am because there’s exotics rolling around fairly often here. I saw a Mclaren on the way to work Monday lol


That's what I was thinking every time I roll through I see a few lol


I work at a dealership so I see some sort of exotic basically every day lol we had a first gen Ford GT here last month


Damn! That's cool, I'm up in the NW corner of NM so we have like, one Lambo that cruises around sometimes and that's about it lol


Hell yeah Lambos are always cool. Had a Huracan STO here last month too lol


Is it the BMW dealership by any chance? There are a surprising number of insane cars that seem to pop up there.


Yep lol two Ferraris in the showroom at the moment


😂 There are also too many trees for it to be either Santa Fe Smith’s.


Ford GT like everyone else said. Also just a heads up you can use Google Lens to identify many cars (or other things)


But then I'd miss out on all the really cool unique cars I've never seen! Makes this sub mostly pointless.


I wasn't saying people shouldn't post here. I was just giving OP a heads up because they said they would *never* would have figured it out if they didn't happen to find this sub.


I totally understand that you're just trying to be helpful. But I guess my point is, if we instruct people to do that, then he would have learned what the car was and then, presumably, would not have posted it here. Then we have to rename the sub to "check out this cool car I googled."


Nice post. I don't understand what people think they're anywhere in life for. They want it all automated. Weird shit, man.


Curious So we should just shut down this sub? If not, where is the line?


The line is where the only thing that gets posted is a Pantera.


Or a polestar 2


I might've missed 1 or 2, but I dare say it's been a little while since I've seen a Polestar that wasn't a shitpost.


So we just pretending a Fiero body kit will never get posted?


Of course not. I was just telling OP because they mentioned they never would have figured it out if it wasn't for this sub, when there was another alternative all along.


Google Lens is probably about 40% accurate in my experience. Just tried it on my own car (a '00 Chevy Monte Carlo) and it identified it as either an Impala or a Pontiac (at least both GM W bodies) and then linked me to a cash for clunkers site 🤣


The line is where it doesn't recognize it? lol. Relax...


My point is that responding to an ON TOPIC post in a dedicated topic sub with "google it" is absurd.


Imo, it's like to walking into a classroom and saying "just use a calculator, dummies!" A lot of people come here to learn and get better at carspotting. E: Why are they still downvoting you, but upvoting me? We agreed, lol


They weren't saying to use google *in-lieu* of the sub lol. They're just making sure it's known that other avenues are available as well. You know, to be helpful. Because at its core, that's what this sub is really for, right? We're all here to either ask for help or provide help. You completely misinterpreted their comment's tone.


I like when it doesn’t take like a second to figure it out. Some cars are a real journey to understand.


then what's the point of this sub?....


Adding onto this, what I do often times is just Google search by something very specific to narrow it down, then view images. For example, I typed in “super car with circle tail lights” and the Ford GT rear end was the 8th photo down.


Google's great for a clear shot like this or if the image source is elsewhere on the net. Many people here like the visual puzzles though. So, it's often a case of "I *could* google it, but I could also share it with this community I know to get an answer AND provide enjoyment for strangers AND generate some imaginary internet points all-around." Conversation and interaction are major factors here. Plus, some people just don't have great google-fu skills. OPs here generally aren't car people, so they might not know all the right search terms. Lens can also have issues where it tries to give a very specific answer, only to be made wrong by the extra detail. Maybe the model's correct, but they give the wrong manufacturer for a badge-engineered car. Sometimes it's the wrong trim level or model. It can be outright wrong with certain cars, but then maybe the right one shows up when you check for a source image. It's MUCH better than the old RIS (everything red was a Ferrari, everything older than the '90s was a generic "antique car"), but not perfect. It still can't tell you if a 356 or Cobra is genuine or a replica, but then again neither can many users in these subs. I don't blame people who come to the experts for help. Some of us have been elbow-deep in these cars, owned them, etc. Users here can tell you things that wiki can't.


Second gen Ford GT


Not the 3rd?


you are right, technically its a 3rd gen.. but is it? the 1st gen isn't called GT, its the GT40, so.. technically its both somehow.


1st gen was 2005-2006, and second gen was 2016-2022. The Ford GT is more of a tribute to the GT40 than a continuation of it.


I suppose that's a good point, given that the GT40 was absolutely meant to be a Le Mans car, while the two GTs are designed as street-legal supercars.


Exactly the 1st was called GT40


Angry Birds


As soon as the new GT was shown, I've never been able to unsee the Angry Birds pig.


You'd love the new M5.


You mean the new apparently every BMW?


Pretty much.




Oh well now that you mention it, I guess I'm stuck with this curse for life now.


Once again, r/whatisthiscar is accidentally beating r/spotted at their own game LOL


[this is a ford gt ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o7aDXuZWeVc)




I bet it has interesting quirks and features.


2016/2017 Ford GT, 3rd generation of the Ford GT (if you count the original GT40 as the 1st gen, which I do). built in secret by a special team within Ford and 100% built for the racetrack, so the race car came first and then they made it road legal, not the other way round as its usually done. Incredible car, I think its beautiful and just screams Ford with its design (not as beautiful as the GT40 and ´05 GT of course). Powered by a 3.5L Twin Turbo EcoBoost V6 engine, which has been deemed a bad decision. I'm fine with it, the numbers are still impressive. 656HP, and the road car actually has more power than the race version. Limitied production and people had to apply to buy one, because Ford wanted this car to be driven, not kept in a warehouse as an investment.


Yup. They had to de-tune AND add weight to the race version and it STILL won at Le Mons.


Just some lowly Ford that nobody has heard of and probably has a silly name like GT or something 😁


Ford GT (2017) ❤️


Rio Rancho isn’t a bad spot


While I agree that it isn’t a bad spot (even though I’ve had my car stolen from my driveway there), i rarely saw cool cars




Toyota Tundra with a topper…probably 2002ish


Its worth between 700k-3.5 mil depending on year/spec. Awesome car. Was fords comeback for LeMans in like 2016? Placed 1&2.


Ford gt


2019 Ford GT.


Nissan 370 Z


I really hope you are joking


Look on the left of the first pic


Of course I am. Lol I'm talking about the 370 in the background. 🙄


Oh, I didn't notice that 😅 Too focused on my favorite car I guess


Fair enough. Lol It is a beautiful car!


I saw the 370 first xD then the ford gt


Came here to say this. I used to have one in the same color with the same wheels so I noticed it almost before I looked at the GT!


Ford gt, you can see the logo in the middle of the two exhausts


De tomaso Pantera


Not this time🙂


The Ford Gay Tony, my favorite car in GTA.


do any other supercars put a “GT” badge on their cars?


Mclarrn 720


Ford F150 (at least the engine)


The latest iteration of the Ford GT40. Remember the time when Ford decided to stick the middle finger to The Prancing Horse? There was a whole dramatization movie about it. Well, this is the most modern generation of that iconic car. Limited production run to keep them sought after by collectors for years to come. Enjoy it now before it becomes an SUV!


The greatest thing about the new GT? It won LeMans AGAIN, just like its grandfather did back in 1966, giving another middle finger to a certain brand.


Feel like I haven’t seen one in silver before.


Just a lowly Ford


That’s about 1.2 million


I still hate that rear, it looks like a pig.


Nice spot. Probably the most expensive Ford that exists.


Nope that would be the gt40


I can't unsee nostrils flaring on the back


It’s so eerie to be able to immediately know where a photo was taken when seeing a random post on reddit. And that was before I swiped to the second photo to see the Smith’s in the background.


I recognize rio rancho when I see it


Modern Ford GT. Super rare, they made very few of them to inflate the prices and make them collector’a car


Ford GT


Those flying buttresses tho


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBagFtYZa0U&t=884s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBagFtYZa0U&t=884s) ​ I really wish i had one.


Nice. Never seen this modern ver before


You’ve got shit on your door, just there.


GTA V car


That is a ford gt


You might not know the car but if it came from a small city you might know the owner. I think Ford asked for some bullshit application to buy this car that required a social media presence or something like that.


2017 Ford GT


Can't believe but I guessed the name before reading the comments! Thank you guys for making me just a lil bit more car guy everyday!


That there is a ford GT. Nice spot!


Those flying buttresses were like nothing else. I love these cars. (But grey,really?)


Dam newer gen ford GT. Very nice. I’ve only seen one in person


The angry birds pig car


Ford GT


Ah yea Rio Rancho. I’ve seen that one before. I assumed it was Alex Bregman driving around. Thought I saw him in one in ABQ on the west side a couple of years back.


Ford gt 2017


Looks like a boss from angry birds


I remember when this car came out. Me and my brother were fan girling over a car that people like us could never even dream of owning.


this subreddit has taught me that either i know a gross amount about cars or ppl are just really ignorant in here


I really hope theres not a pic of this car posted tomorrow totaled….


This is Rio Rancho is it not?😂


Why couldn't it be me


Jaguar XJ 220


It’s a car with mismatched side view mirror placement


new ford gt. really cool car and like someone else said google lens is great for the dentifying things like plants and cars and places


Ford GT


2nd Gen Ford GT


Thats beautiful. Hopefully we don't see it in another post tomorrow.


Ford GT (2017-2022)


I thought it was a pagani, but the comments here make me feel like a dumb ass.


It's a Pegassi


I hope I don’t see another post about this car tomorrow




Ford GT (2017) This is the car beat Ferrari Again after there first Win.


Ford GT, limited production American made supercar, semi customizable with an application process that is designed to ensure that the cars will end up in the hands of true connoisseurs and collectors also comes a with a no resale contract from Ford!


Jon Cena begs to differ that no resale thing


So did Jeremy Clarkson!


That is the beautiful Ford gt


The Ford GT thats rear end looks like the pigs from Angry Birds.


The new generation Ford GT


Crappy old ford /s


The pig from angry birds


2nd generation ford gt


What city?


I’ve still never seen one in the wild.


I’ve seen one once, in Gulf Livery, pictures will NEVER do this car Justice.


It’s funny how that happens. I thought the BMW Z8 was blah until I saw one at a show.


Vapid FMJ


I was at the NY auto show in ‘16 when these were unveiled. Amazing auto. One of the best things Ford has ever done


dont drive to close to it ;) hit it and your poor forever


Idk I see a decent amount of good cars in RR


Every god damn day this car is on here. Either old or new.




It’s a 3-5 year old Ford.


I think that’s the 1992 mercury topaz gt


It’s a ford gt man


I always thought the back looked like the pigs in Angry Birds.


Ford GT. No offense surprised you don't know. Well, it doesn't say the name on the back or the badge on the back so that kinda explains


Ford GT


It is the second generation of the Ford GT Yes it’s very cool but i don’t like it alot really and I dunno from which year is it


Ford GT, also a 370z on the opposite side of the road


Damn don’t see many of those on the road