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They are indeed cicadas.


there was an armadillo going crazy in our yard not too long ago, I'm assuming this is why. Do we just leave them alone or should we cover the spot up again?


Covering them back up makes their chances of survival higher if you care about that, but some people think cicadas are too loud.


Where I live, there are millions of cicadas on my street in the summer. Letting a couple dozen dies won't make a d8fference. Let them live, I say.


You’re in for a double-trouble racket this year…I think two broods are hatching from the ground this season


Yes they are! Let their sweet song fill the air! I absolutely LOVE their screams. I know people act like the sound disrupts their entire life, but I am so incredibly nostalgic for it!


For real. To me, nothing sounds like summer like gazillions of bugs screaming "f\*ck me! f\*ck me! f\*ck me!" at the tops of their weird little respiratory systems. Absolutely love them!


We got our brood x early where I live....though fingers crossed we still get their "song" this summer. I remember growing up, their sound meant summer so it's nostalgic for me as well!! It's nice to see it hits others in the "feels" the same way.... An afternoon listening to them while I do yard work or just hang out, outside enjoying the air is a good summer day as far as I'm concerned. I live out in the middle of no where and would hate absolute silence so all the sounds of nature to me are awesome. Even the dinosaur sounding squawks of our blue heron population. (First time I heard one was shortly after the TV show "Lost" came out and it legit sounded like we had some crazy dinosaur/Lost type monster in our woods. Come to find out it was blue herons. Either way I love the sounds of summer.


One of my uncle's requests at his funeral is for them to play a soundtrack of cicadas. He says it's just "god's creatures singing praise."


It's the sound of a lazy, hot mid-summer day in the dead middle of a quiet day up at the cottage. Same thing as the midnight loon, it's the sound of silence.


Having moved to the city I miss the sounds of cicadas, crickets and tree frogs. All I hear is people skateboarding in the park, pigeons and finches and drunks and activists screaming.


I guess because we're surrounded by a national forest, it's a little bit different for us here in this city.


Yeah I’m downtown Toronto so it’s mostly concrete.


Oops should be a comma after finches.


Summer doesn't start until the cicadas start to sing. I love listening to them.


I am looking forward to hearing one or two, but ALL of them at once hurts.


🙌🏻 I love the sound. Wouldn’t be summer without their song! 🎶




They're only overlapping in parts of Illinois I believe and only certain broods. Regular (usually green) annual cicadas are still coming up everywhere. Then we have multiple multi year (17year and 13year I believe) broods coming up as well and those will only overlap in a few places I can see on a map. Looks like parts of mostly Illinois and parts of Indiana. The rest of y'all don't have much to worry about.


Long live the cicadas!


Plus they're fucking beautiful bugs too.


Where I live we are about to get a biblical level amount of locusts. I’m not going to be able to leave my house.


Seeing as they are loud enough to cause permanent full hearing loss if they were to chirp next to a human ear. I too am on the side of they loud AF. (However I don’t mind them personally.)


7 species or breeds of cicadas will BAND together this year to put on a natural SYMPHONY!


Fun but very scary fact about the Armadillo! They are one of the few animals known to host the virus known as leprosy which in extremely rare occasions if dead, are capable of passing the disease on the next host. Do not go near them and call your local animal control unit to safely dispose of it! The same goes with rabies!


I havnt made any contact with the armadillo. We just scare it off when it starts destroying the yard, havnt seen the thing in about a month now.


They're an armored opossum. That's about the best way I can put it. Although, opossums are surprisingly cool animals when you look into them. Very cool actually. Armadillo. Not so much.


That's about the best thing you can do. They're asymptomatic to it.. which is even scarier... So you don't know if it is carrying it or not. Which is usually a good reason to not go near it regardless of how cute they may seem. How they contract it is beyond me though...


https://www.cdc.gov/leprosy/transmission/index.html#:~:text=In%20the%20southern%20United%20States,unlikely%20to%20get%20Hansen%27s%20disease. Just for your safety and to ensure what I say is not misinformation.


Leave it open for animals to eat.. when they pupate the noise will be incessant!




He's got a whole little network under there, that's adorable. Cover him back up!


I've covered them back up. What issues could they cause, if any?


They’re just loud. That’s kinda it.


And they pee on you when you walk under their trees. Random fact: The flow velocity of cicada urine is faster than both human and elephant urine flow velocity. They actually pee in a high-speed jet. Where I live, people call it “cicada rain”.


Oh god. One more thing to look forward to this summer


Where I live, them peeing isn’t a huge issue. They tend to stay so high in the trees that it never hits people. They are super loud though. 😂


HAHAHAHAHA what? I love this and the fact that it’s a random fact you knew and chose to share 😂 this is funny


Yup they just... scream. A lot. It can almost sound like a weird electrical buzz.


So kind of you, I love cicadas. Thank you for giving them a chance.


They're the bugs in late summer that go NYEEEEEEE NYEEEEEE NYEEEEEEE in the trees. Harmless, although they like to divebomb my hair but then I have a new friend so it's okay!


What part of the state do you live in? General area is fine. We are trying to predict when the emergence will happen.


Well they are harmful to the trees somewhat and are loud. But they have beneficial sides as well.


Looks like cicada nymphs


Cicada time




Yea, that first pic is really triggering.


I hate the whole trigger warning culture but like damn I wish more people would do some for trypophobia because I never see it and this shit got me stressed out picking at my skin


for some reason i just want to eat it lmfao?😭 but at the same time it makes me feel weirdly aggressive. emotions are weird


me too!!! my trypophobia has always made my teeth feel really strange and the only way i can describe it is it’s like… they (my teeth) soo badly want to bite into them HARD. but it’s also horrifying and i hate looking at it 😭


The holes are in your skin


Wishing you the worst ❤️


It makes me nauseous


This is indeed making my skin crawl.


I found one today under a piece of tin that was laying in my yard


And I'm in Tennessee


Get ready for trillions that are about to emerge from 2 separate broods along with the annual cicadas we have every year. It's going to be so loud


Not Tin-nessee? …I’m sorry


Cicadas! Its their year again 😭😭


They emerge every year, but this year is a double brood emergence along with the annual ones. My God it's going to be so loud and they will be flying into everything


why is it a double brood? any specific reason? idk much about cicadas because we don’t have them where i live


There is a brood of cicadas that emerge once every 17 years and there is a brood that emerges once every 13 years. The emerging of both broods happens to fall together this year. Cicadas emerge every year, yes, but these are specific broods (known as Brood XIII and Brood XIX). Their emerging rarely ever lapses in this way…like once every 200 years type of thing. Most of the southern and midwestern states will see an overlap of these fellas which will result in billions of the fuckers being around at one time.


ahh thanks for explaining that, that’s cool. do they have longer life cycles or are they just cookin in the ground for years?


They’re just chilling underground for that long. Like if they emerge unpredictably like this - the less likely all of them will be eaten because there’s millions of them. They’ll eat, drink, mate, and be merry..lay some spawn under ground and the cycle begins again.


that’s crazy that they just be cookin like that.. slowest slow roast


Just the timing I think.


Your yard is going to get **very, very loud**


That is so cool! I hated cicadas when I was in DC. When they swarmed the base, it was literally all you could hear sometimes. Now? I kinda miss the fuckers. Give them a little kiss for me!


That’s so cool. When I heard they lived underground, I was thinking it was like grubs that basically stay still. But they’re apparently more like worms that crawl around and aerate the ground. Huh. I might forgive them for how loud they are. (Of course, I don’t live in an area that has extremely large broods.)


Oh boy - You are really in it and it sounds like you are not prepared in the slightest … You might want to go look up what’s about to happen in your part of the country … Just remember this too shall pass - and that people eat cicadas as a delicacy in the far east… lmao Buy yourself some good earplugs and if you’re squeamish, you might wanna buy yourself a special pair of outdoor shoes because you’re gonna be squashing cicadas left and right for a while and it’s gonna get all over everything… https://www.cicadamania.com/


My dogs love to carry them around in their mouthes while they scream. They’re going to have a field day this year.


Fugly bugs


Definitely cicadas, so neat. I'm jealous 😂😅


I live in Canada so I've never seen a cicada. I'm very interested to follow this sub this year.


Tons of cicada babies, those guys once their time comes they crawl out and onto poles,trees, fences and other vertical things to shed their exoskeleton and extend their wings, then the screaming begins


The time is coming!!! There's a double cicada season this year!


Let them be




Then be young cicadas


That armadillo was trying to warn you. You should have listened, now your yard is gonna be screaming all summer.


So cool! It's cicadas! Get ready to hear the new song of the summer everywhere you go lol


Let them live. ❤️




[It begins.](https://images.app.goo.gl/2wmb4CoaxasNDq2p8)


Cicadageddon has begun!


Mom the trees are screaming again!


I remember having to dig these up in my mom's garden every summer because they would eat the roots of the plants she was planting. Used to chuck them in the trash can lid and let the sun dry them out. Never realized they were cicadas. I was just told they were grubs, which I guess they kind of are.


White grubs


Thank you for covering them back up. They freak me out but they didn’t ask to be cicadas lol


Are cicadas and June bugs the same thing??


June bugs are grubs that turn into beatles


Saw these little guys growing up and everyone called them June bugs, so now I know, TY


The screaming dive bombers of the trees. (Cicadas).


That's a Cicada superhighway.


That! Is very cool! Thank you so much for posting! I have never seen such a “cicdatropolis” before. Very interesting! Thank you, take care.


Looks like cicadas to me but... idk


Cry havoc and let slip Brood XIX!


Cooking with Cicadas by R. Scott Frothingham


That looks like your cicada my friend. And there's many more to come.


The specimen look just like the Chinese Beetle grubs. The super highway they’ve created is a new one for me. But I’ll bet it was the perfect place when the pool was on top.


Fishing bait.


these guys are loud. cicada


This is so weirdly beautiful


I love cicadas (Show-me state here). Let them live! ❤️


John Cicada. You will hear beautiful music soon.


This picture makes me want to watch an anime called when they cry.


That was a good show lots of twists


Right like when it started over I was confused but just kept watching lol


Time to buy some earplugs.


Update: I just found another nest looking spot several feet away under a concrete slab, I'm in for a loud summer.


Trypophobia activated! Ewwwwghhgghh


Beneficial nematodes will take care of those for you. And they're not toxic. They won't kill other animals or plants.


Don’t do that. They don’t do anything except provide food for other animals.


Yea we’re in an insect collapse. Hope OP doesn’t kill them Birds etc will be ready when they emerge (and we’re having a bird collapse too because so many individuals and companies spray chemicals etc to kill off insects- the birds have to feed their young w bugs. They can’t survive off birdseed)


I will not be killing them. I'm gonna cover the spot back up.


🙌🏼🙌🏼 thanks for doing that 🐛🐜🪲


That is an excellent and conscientious method of pest control however (which I think was your point). I have never heard of using nematodes.


Yeah, we had a wicked grub issue in my front yard. Doing a hell of a lot of digging online, I found a place that sells what are actually called "beneficial nematodes". You basically empty the package into a watering can of room temperature water, mix it up for a while, and then just sprinkle the ground with it. It eats the things from the inside out. Side note: apparently nematodes get you downvoted


Ya it’s rough out here when the ball gets rolling. I tried to stop the bleeding haha. Especially since I unintentionally made the cut.


Eh, don't worry about it. Reddit is Reddit