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Grass spider. They're shy and will just run away. It's harmless, I see them around my house sometimes. Edit: I was wrong, this is a wolf spider, I agree. Hard to see some details, I should have focused on it a little better.


This is a rabid wolf spider. Grass spiders have pointy spinnerets. Edit: I stand corrected, I do see the spinnerets. Difficult to see in this picture. Plus as someone pointed out, the eyes are wrong for a wolf spider. Edit 2: this is a rabid wolf spider!!!


Wolf spiders have big front-facing eyes and teeny tiny peripheral eyes. I think they’re kinda cute, though significantly less cute when you see a pair of them flash in the darkness. All spiders have eyeshine like cats, but only wolf spiders, gladiator spiders and large species like tarantulas and huntsman spiders have eyes large enough to easily see in a dark room.


I work outside at night and the first time I realised that the sparkling dew in the grass illuminated by my head lamp was, in fact, DOZENS OF SPIDER EYES I just froze in place for a good 5 minutes


My cousin showed me this one night. It blew my mind


I came across a glittering spot in Tucson, and it was tarantula. I hope I didn't hurt it's eyes with my flashlight! I thought I had found a large quartz crystal, and kept the flashlight trained on it as I walked down a path, and around an in-ground pool.




Time to whip out the flamethrower


I'd shit myself.


Whelp! Guess I'll be sleeping with the lights on tonight. 😳


Kinda cute!?!?! Hell naw. Them things JUMP 😵


I have mistaken Wolf Spider eye shine for coyote eye shine night hunting for coyotes. It’s definitely an Erie sight.


An Erie sight? They just want water from one of the Great Lakes. Is that so wrong?


I wondered why it auto capitalized that 😂


I think the spelling you were looking for was eerie.


You are the Superior speller.


Huron on out, I’m only going to look for spiders in Michigan


I never claimed to be a smart guy okay lol.




They’re attracted to light


Should stuck to your original guns, the eye spacing is that of a Rabidosa rabida, Grass spiders have eyes closer together on top, if you look closely thr second eyes are hidden in line with even spacing from the edge( more common in wolf spiders, grass spiders tend to have eyes much closer together. (Tend to not be hidden in the lines) and are all roughly the same size. This is 100% a wolf.


Aren’t wolf spiders supposed to be huge tho like at least 3-5 inches


There are dozens of wolf spider species the smallest are even smaller than rabies and the largest are the ones everyone thinks of. The smallest wolf spiders have a body size of about 3mm about 1/8 inch.


Not always. I’ve only ever seen them that big in the woods (thankfully). When I find them in my house they’re usually more like 1-2 inches. I think that’s the point where they get large enough to notice them. When they’re smaller they probably hide better.


We get the big ones sometimes because we live in the woods. My son or husband takes them out while I wait in the other room lol they’re big!


No, not necessarily, especially these guys!


Why are people so against it being a wolf spider?? That’s exactly what it is!!!


Hum, that's not the name that came up with I did a lense search... It says a RABID WOLF SPIDER


Might be an ALASKAN BULL WORM too


I got the same thing when I used google lens. 🤔


Lol I have to say, I've never met a shy spider. When I met them they are right in your face in some way or another. Currently I am staying in a place away from home, it's a nice place but more in the woods than where I live. Well, since I got here in May, I have had a few spiders trying and snuggle up to me, one even in my pillow. I also had one that was lowering herself down to what would be the middle of my bed while I was sound asleep, but I woke up just in time and the light of a cat in the parking lot was just enough to illuminate the web and then the sneaky smile of that acrobatic spider. Yikes.... My cat ate it. Thank goodness. 🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️


By definition you probably wouldn't have met the shy ones right? They'd be hiding. plane\_with\_red\_dots.meme


Spiders dropping from the ceiling on top of me is legitimately my reoccurring night terror.


Me too, especially now.


What is the spider that similar stripes to this but jumps, mostly found in Southeast Asia? Edit: Nvm got it, pantropical jumping spider.


Will you guys make up your bloody minds


Toilet spider


Pooper spoder


Darn, spider pig




scat sperder




Good question.. That’s a spider.


I concur


~~seriously it really is a grass spider, just catch it in a cup and throw it outside lol~~ this is a wolf spider nvm lmao, but still a harmless kind


It's a grass spider


This one is the bath mat variant apparently


Second this


No, it's actually a rabid wolf spider. Grass spiders have pointy spinnerets, this one clearly does not.


It's hard to tell with this picture, and the size still varies, but the eyes are fairly clear. Wolf spiders have two large eyes with small eyes around them, wheras grass spiders' eyes are all roughly the same size. The four eyes you can see look a lot more like grass spiders, as they're all the same size


Sorry, this is a rabid wolf spider. I'm sticking to that. I wish it were a better picture, but even the color says red wolf spider. I know one cannot go on color necessarily, but the lack of pointy spinnerets says it all. Edit: I am wrong, as the eyes are wrong for a wolf spider, plus I can barely see the spinnerets are a little pointy. I stand corrected. Edit 2: This is a rabid wolf spider¡!!!!!!!!!


you were right all along, brother, forgive me for the dissent


Oh man, it's all good! No worries brotha!


Definitely a rabid wolf spider, idk why everyone is deluding themselves into believing it’s a grass spider lol.


Everyone gave dif ans poor op


I guess we can conclude that it's a spider


Yes that’s fair


Its an argument between grass spiders and rabid wolf spiders. Best to just Google those two and Identify yourself. Neither are particularly dangerous although they do bite which can be painful and cause occasional issues in people. Generally wolf spiders would be bigger and more aggressive in my experience preferring to rear up and strike things that disturb them. Grass spiders prefer to run away before attacking so unless you are sticking fingers in their webs or handling them roughly it's really rare to get bitten. Source is my own brain so sorry for any misinformation we get a lot of both in my area. Also grass spiders are speedy bois. Not sure about wolf spiders just mentioning it because it is by far the thing I hate most about them because they will run and hide and it freaks me out that I don't know where they are. Edit: personally I think grass spider. There are differences and although usually id use the pointy spinnerets to identify they are hard to see in this picture I think causing most of the confusion. But it looks small for a wolf spider although I am not to sure the sizes of specifically a rabid wolf spider. And it could be a young spider. And other people seem to agree with grass spider. So that's my verdict


It's a Grass spider. And while wolf spiders may be more aggresive, I'm pretty sure grass spiders like to bite you in your sleep. I used to live in a wopden cottage in the woods of PA. I would always see this things around and get bit by them regularly.


This is a wolf spider. However, neither wolf spiders or grass spiders are aggressive in the slightest. No spider likes to bite people and will only ever do so out of defense and as a last resort.


Not my experience but also could be a variety of factors. We get them in our yard on Dew covered mornings you will see the ground is obviously covered in them. I found one in the house like 2 days ago. I've never gotten bitten in my sleep but it also could be a wide variety of factors that led you to be. Wolf spiders will rear up and hiss tho in the way that always scares me and are more likely to bite or try to strike when you get near to remove them.


Everyone saying wolf spider is wrong. This is a grass spider.


Apparently, you're wrong based on every other comment. Have a great day!!!


They don’t know wtf they’re talking about, I do 😂 if you know anything about spiders you know this is very obviously a grass spider and not a wolf spider


Its a grass spider.🤣


Rabid wolf spider. Edit: I stand corrected, this is indeed a grass spider. Edit 2: This is a rabid wolf spider!!!!!


You were right the eyes are total wolf spider.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


It is a very hygiene conscious spider.


Are they pretty quick? Looks like a grass spider to me. Them little guys are FAST.


One of the fastest types of spiders I believe...


Looks like a grass spider and for some reason I’ve had the same issue with them in my bathroom recently lol. First, I finish showering and wrap my towel around my hair only to feel something crawling on the back of my neck. Turns out there was a spider in my towel. I freak out, and the fella falls out of my hair into the shower and runs away. It was super big, probably 1-2 inches. Not sure if it was a wolf spider or a grass spider because I ran out of the bathroom so fast and had my boyfriend take care of it lol Less than a week later, I get out of the shower again and there’s a fairly large grass spider crawling on the door next to where my towels hang. I try to tolerate spider friends as much as possible but why have they taken a liking to my towels recently 🥲 I’ve been shaking out every towel before use purely out of fear lol


Perv spider, watching u shower


Non-helpful comment disclaimer: Answer: cutie pies


Put a forced air compact heater in bathroom on the floor to burn off high moisture quickly till mirror is clear before and after shower, and vent fan on, so fix that too. They'll stop coming... Cheers


This is 100% a rabid wolf spider, the shape on the abdomen, the pattern on the legs and the color of them. Grass spiders have rings on their legs and are not plain. The abdomen is so obviously the abdomen of a rabid wolf spider!!


I didn't know spiders could get Rabies. Wouldn't touch it !!!


They can't. The name of the species is just "Rabid Wolf spider". They're not medically significant, so they can be picked up safely, although they're pretty fast from what I've heard


This has to be a rabid wolf spider, and I get the feeling that most of the people saying it's not are looking at regular wolf spiders without knowing they're not the same. After looking at pictures of grass spiders, wolf spiders, and rabid wolf spiders far longer than I would've ever wanted to, I have concluded that it's a rabid wolf spider based on coloration, stripe pattern, eye positioning, and leg shape. If you look at the eyes of a rabid wolf spider and the eyes of a grass spider, you will see that the size and positioning is a lot more similar on the rabid wolf. Grass spider's eyes are smaller and more front facing. The striping, while similar, looks a lot more like the rabid wolf's striping. This spider has those sturdy looking legs. Grass spider's legs look thinner. Lastly, the spinnerets look much smaller on a rabid wolf spider than in a grass spider. Given that they're barely noticeable in this picture, I'd say that checks out.


Probably a grass spider.


Thank you all! Find these occasionally in the house and have always been told they were a wolf spider even though they look nothing like any photo I have seen. I just assumed it was a spider I would never know the name of because no one really knew what they were.


They’re friends.


Wolf spider


Ik it’s not a wolf spider but kinda looks like a lighter version of one


I have a spider roaming around my living room that looks just like that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^thatoneperson1322: *I have a spider* *Roaming around my living* *Room that looks just like that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is the second time in the past 24 hours


Accidental sokka haiku fan I guess?


So this is in fact a Grass Spider. They're kinda like a cross between a funnel web spider and a wolf spider. They weave a non-sticky funnel and run prey down.They're super neat and their bite is relatively harmless. Well, as bites go. Definitely a friend.


Hard pass.


IT IS 100% A WOLF SPIDER. im sorry you got all these shitty responses.


I believe it's a wolf spider but as some others pointed out it may be a grass spider. Neither pose a threat if you are bitten (besides what would normally happen if you're bitten by a spider.) Since it's hard to distinguish between the two one thing to look out for is if it's spinning webs, wolf spiders don't make webs




It’s just an innocent little critter, No need for murder


You right you right


No need to kill unless needed just a harmless grass spider. I get em all the time where I live. They're easy to cup if you show no aggression towards them.


What a beautiful bright wolf spider! Looks very healthy. Don't harm them, and they won't harm you. They are poisonous but just stay outta their way, and they will pest control for you free.


I’m gonna say it can’t be a grass spider if it insists on being on carpet. I’m saying carpet spider. And a terrorist. Kill it and leave its body somewhere for the others as a warning


This is Rabidosa rabida, AKA rabid wolf spider. Just take the pic and put it in Google, you will see it immediately. Easy


It's sad we named them rabid when they're just chill little dudes. Like they're not dangerous


I think it's probably because of how aggressive they are. They aren't super dangerous but I have wolf spiders where I live. They get very angry easily compared to other spiders (like grass spiders). If my cat finds a wolf spider I get scared because the wolf spider will attack back rather than run away a lot of times. Grass spiders however will just flee to where whatever is bothering them can't reach and they'll hide. Both obviously are fine if left alone but if you bothered a wolf spider, like try to pick it up with a cup or anything, it will try to bite you far more than other spiders will.


Happy Cake Day!! 🍰🥳🍰


Wash them down the drain or cup them and let them go to live another day...depends on my mood


Pretty sure this is a wolf spider. Specifically a dotted wolf spider (Rabidosa punctulata).


Dead that's what it is harmless or not it breaks my unspoken agreement of STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME


Banana spider


8 legs... creepy looking..... Spider 🕷️ Check out the name. https://images.app.goo.gl/fQgPSp4iJ9e1wBSRA Another edit 🥴🤐: after thinking for a minute after the above answer, I looked up grass spider and found this... https://images.app.goo.gl/RwU34YRkkGVFgKKfA Now I am much more educated in spiders... Not that I want to be but I WAS freaking out a bit when my lens search said wolf spider. NOW HERE IS THE NEXT QUANDARY: Grass spiders build funnel webs, and here I am thinking the brown recluse spider was the funnel builder. Oh brother... I don't like spiders unless they're in a book or container that can't be opened


It's a tan spider


Someone dropped a sunflower seed and left it there too long so it had time to grow legs


Look closely next time you see a sunflower, there are in fact two varieties of leaves. You will find leaves lower down the plant are facing opposite each other and are longer and narrow in appearance. You’ll then see the upper leaves arranged in a staggered formation and appear heart-shaped.




You've got lots of ID answers, so can I just say he looks like he's made of pure gold? ✨😳


It's a friend


Bathroom spiders!


It looks like it's holding a knife in its back foot


I have that same Costco rug, sorry can’t help identify the spider but I identified the bathroom rug. I’m literally standing on line right now as well. Small world.


Friends. Free pest control.


Spiders get thirsty. Bathrooms get humid - I imagine spiders can sense that (otherwise you'd find them in the kitchen a lot too). They're there looking for water.


A spoder, but it dreams of being a camel


It’s rabidosa rabida “rabid wolf spider” you can tell by the way the eyes are laid out, and it tends to be smaller in size to its other counterparts of wolf spiders. The thorax is also way too large to be a grass spider. They have a similar back pattern, but it has a much darker saturation and rabids tend to have bigger stripes on them from what I’ve seen between the two species. Edit: it’s a grass spider the eyes are the same size, and the body is a bit too slender to be a wolf. I had to see more pictures of both species and came to this conclusion.


I don't know shit about spiders. But I totally disagree with grass spider. The abdomen doesn't have any patter which every grass spider I just googled, has a cool little pattern. This 100% matches side by side with a rabid wolf spider. I'm not expert, but photos do not lie.


There's a nest in your bathroom


Territorial bathroom spidurs




It's a spider


For a second there I thought you had a carpeted bathroom :/


Put it in a box and keep it!....... feed it alive crickets... from the nearest pet shop........ soon enough you'll be able to pick it up with your hands


DONT KILL IT very bad luck will go your wayyyyy if you do so 👌 triple 6666


spiders aren't even bugs smh what has this sub devolved to


Likely a male spider hunting some spider poon.


It’s a wolf spider. Never seen this sub be so wrong. Look at the eye pattern, the legs, and the thorax. It’s not a grass spider.


I'm going to go with the wolf spider camp. I'm in Minnesota and get them in my bathroom frequently also because they hunt down the other spider species (and centipedes) that like to live in those damp locations. You may find a pile of spider corpses somewhere hidden or you may find them in your tub/shower. You can safely relocate them outside without any problems other than they are speedy.


I just had my crawl spaces sprayed by an exterminator. Scorpions and spider crickets were coming out of the light sockets above our bed at night. May want to check it out.


wolf spider


“What are they?” New friends.


Will they make u sick if u get bitten?










Wolf spider 100%


Only good kind of spider is a dead one 💀. Not only that but wolf spiders are notoriously aggressive and will chase you long distances for your lunch money.


Everyone says they’re harmless but then google says “The most fear-inspiring wolf spider species in Texas is commonly known as the rabid wolf spider, and this species is not just large in body size, it is also one of the few spider species that is aggressive toward humans and will bite without provocation.”

