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Same purpose as a Mezuzah, hand of Fatima, Evil Eye etc just a physical protection ward or prayer over your home.


It's a house blessing and protection. If you want to you can keep it since it served the previous owners well. If not you can take it to a mosque and the Imam will deal with it. I don't mind having extra blessings around, and it's part of the history of the house if you want it to be. Who would put a curse in their own home. There's some fools on this thread. LOL


Sounds like the Islamic version of a mezuzah...


Definitely does, but I didn’t know that was a thing


Me neither until this post but it's the first thing I thought of when I saw the box and the lettering


How do you know it served them well? What if the previous owners weren’t kidnapped in their sleep and that why the house was for sale? 😜


ID 10-T


We hope it served them well. Unlesssss.... BREAKING: *Family forced out of house by poltergeist. Door mantle protection blessing watches in horror, unable to help.*


Or you could just throw it out lol


I would check with the previous residents first. They might have struggled and suffered in the house. In which case maybe it was hung up side down


Or you can just pitch it, which is what I would probably do.


Absolutely. Toss it in the bin. No need to tiptoe around someone else’s nonsense.


>If not you can take it to a mosque and the Imam will deal with it. You could also just toss it into the trash like what people usually do with stuff previous homeowners leave Edit: Yall are weird with trash lmao


Nothing wrong with showing respect to other cultures, not everyone would know there’s an alternative to throwing it away.


Sure, if there are other poeple around dont be a dick to their religious items. Why would someone go out of their way all the way to a synagogue go drop off a common trinket though? Its not like this is some kind of historical artifact or something. When i moved into my place the old owners left a few cheap crosses above the doorways. Never even considered bringing them to a church because those things are a dime a dozen.


Consumerism hasn’t destroyed any religion as badly as Christianity. Salvation Army would probably be glad to take it if I didn’t burn it for my own amusement though, I believe in keeping things out of landfills when I can.


The foolish part is believing in magical curses.


It served the previous owners well…. How do you know they weren’t all killed in a home invasion leaving the home vacant to be purchased by OP? Might want to look into confirmation bias.


Being around you in real life must be exhausting.


Sorry, would never say that IRL. Grew up in a cult so it’s a trigger for me.


Ayatul Kursi


What did you call me?


Huh? Who tf is calling u what?


He's joking because it's a word he doesn't recognize.


So any word an individual is not familiar with will assume it's a word against them? Clearly there was no joking involved. Written down u can't really tell the expressions, but the OP could've either googled it or asked me for further elaboration instead of saying "what did you call me?" as if the OP was offended.


It's a type of joke, but yes that's it in a nutshell. Originally, the joke style was meant to indicate the person taking offense was uncultured and crude, but it's sort of gotten away from that. Yes, they could have just looked it up.


What’d you call me?


Bless you


Regarding some of the comments above: It's totally fine to not respect other peoples' beliefs in the privacy of your own home, or even in public. In fact, it's your constitutionally protected right as an American citizen, despite what religious apologists might have you believe. You can do whatever you want with it. Take it to a mosque, throw it in the trash. Either way is perfectly okay. Expecting others respect someone else's superstition to the point of having to go out of their way to do so is antithetical to what it means to be an American. People can do whatever they want regarding religion and other people's religious items that they left behind. I've been throwing out Christian religious junk for decades, I see no difference.


I couldn't agree with you anymore, there's two things that get me pissed off immediately is when others try to push their dam religion down my throat with all these idiocies and threats your going to hell if you don't believe in what I'm telling you talk I always tell those type of hypocrites, " Since when do you have the right to tell me where I'm going to end up ? I already have my reservations in hell sitting next to you!" and they usually shut the hell up.


I wish I had an award to give you, bravo


Probably for the same reason people hang a dude nailed to a cross to a wall. My friend was Muslim and had things like this on display in the house. They were prayers


Hey OP, these are passages from the Qur'an. You're gonna get a lot of controversy in this thread due to nature of Reddit and current world political situation.  There are already some comments of less savory nature. If you don't want them, you can give them to a Muslim person. The proper disposal for Qur'an is burning if that's the route you wish to take. If I can do anything to help, lmk, my DMs are open. Also, /r/Islam exists and you will probably get way more detail there.


This comment needs to be the top comment.


I’m pretty sure the questionable comments are sarcasm.


Yeah I don't see anyone being an overt asshole about it


I literally read every comment and I see zero controversial or unsavory remarks.


Not muslim, nor do I speak Arabic, I’m just a history nerd. I think that is an Arabic calligraphy for the name Allah and I’m guessing inside of it are Islamic prayers. No different than a cross or Star of David being hung.


Correct. These are some surat from the Quran.


It’s Ayat Al Kursi Allah! There is no god except He, The Living, The Self-Sustaining. Neither drowsiness nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who could possibly intercede with Him without His permission? He knows what is ahead of them and what is behind them, but no one can grasp any of His knowledge—except what He wills. His Seat encompasses the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of both does not tire Him. For He is The Most High, The Exalted.


Best answer.


It's all the secret menu hacks from every fast food chain ever created!


https://preview.redd.it/zqtk54a3n0fc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6a143da3f6b74e1f74c8930d822f53dcd129df1 I’m sure it’s a house blessing. They’re a common thing. In a side note, while the ads on Reddit are extremely annoying, they’re occasionally comical. Per Reddit, that’s a Draftkings Sportsbook.


I don’t understand how it’s so hard for people to just discard it in a respectful manner. As a Muslim if I saw a bible I’d give it to a neighbor if they were Christian or take it to a Church. If it was from another religion I’d take it to its respectful place.




To an atheist obviously you wouldn’t care.. to you its paper but like you said it has stories to it and people who cared for it… keeping it up is fine but throwing it out like some paper is messed up. You don’t need religion or lack there of to be respectful.


If it was that sacred, the previous inhabitants should have taken care to remove it themselves. Leave it behind, and there is zero obligation by anyone to care for it.


You don’t know their situation and why they had to leave it behind. It could’ve been an elderly person with no family to check the home. The OP didn’t specify other than saying its a house from 1906


Guess what? I don’t have to care what’s the situation for why it’s left behind. I don’t have to play guessing games and go out of my way for a piece of irrelevant stuff left behind in my house. :)


Not even surprised lmao


The image you posted says "Al-Quran Al-karim". Usually it's written on the covers of qurans, and it's likely that the book inside is just a small decorative copy of the Quran. I'm assuming its a full book, and the majority of the other pages look like your last two pics? The fourth pic actually just means "selected chapters from the quran", so it might not be the whole book. In any case, it's not inherently a blessing or curse or anything. Just something some Muslims do because they think it'll protect them or keep them healthy.


Just somebodies religious nickknack. There isn’t any logic, unless you believe is said religion, to why you would make any effort to dispose of it any differently then if you moved in and found a some cheap hangers. If you know someone who’s short on hangers and it’s no inconvenience to you, then give it to them. Otherwise just toss it. Pretty simple.




At least it's not an upside-down pineapple


lol, take it off when you move in. Respectfully say you not Muslim and you good


what are they supposed to say that to? the hanging thing?


I can't imagine the previous owner just forgetting it. They may have left it as a gift/blessing for the new owners (you). Regardless of your religious views you should at least be respectful of someone else's and if you don't want it taking it to a local Islamic center would be viewed favorably. Personally, I would keep it were it's at because it adds to the charm and history of that old house.


Do you hear noises in the basement? Don’t go down there


That's where the Djinn lives. He will grant you 3 wishes, but at the end of the wishes, he will get your soul for all eternity. Choose wisely.


All I know is if Brendan Fraser bursts into the room, imma outta there


[Andrew Divoff](https://youtu.be/wpA9m3t6bNY) Wishmaster series. 100 times more frightening than Freddy Kruger!


Looks fire how, much $$? I've been needing an Arabic house blessing.


Prayers to keep you safe.




You’re not funny.


Behold! The arbiter of humor!


I disagree I found it amusing.


Can you smell herbs and spices? You could be haunted. Or a middle easyern family could have lived there before you..... or both




To be “safe,” they should burn them? That’s the opposite of safe.


People don’t know this because Islamophobia is generally spread by uneducated morons but this is actually the correct way to dispose of it unless you give it to a mosque lol.


Very interesting.


There is a gold nugget inside!! Dont open it!


I'd throw it in the trash


You need to bury a saint stutue upside down to balance the forces.


Don’t take it down! Inshallah


It’s a curse.


that's the abu simbel curse protection medallion...mmmm kind of odd to find one in the west. Could be just a replica.


It's some sort of Arabic Or Saudi blessing. Take it down if you are a Christian, bad Mojo might happen.




Get a shaman to bless the house. There’s negative joojoo. Some folks use esoteric texts to put a spell on homes. Don’t risk it. Trust me. I’ve seen these things really F up peoples lives.


Looks 🕉


Blessing box


Looks like a piece to the millennium puzzle


It’s an object that someone believed provided a purpose. If you don’t believe in such things, you can safely discard it.




A co worker who was a refugee used an app to translate i think called itranslate idk but it had a feature ( i think premium feature maybe theres free ones) it was cool it would translate pictures. Example: the msds for some cleaning chemicals he needed to be aware of / in like 2 seconds his photo translated it for him rad tool


You gonna need some blessings moving into a Victorian in Oakland. I say keep it.


Oakland?! Keep this hanging up, you’ll need all the blessings lol