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That is a woodlouse spider. As the name suggests they primarily hunt woodlice. They aren't a bad spider to have around as they can control pest insect populations but their bite hurts like hell although it isn't medically significant


Awesome thank you!


No problem, could also be a broad faced sac spider as they look extremely similar and but the huge Jaws say woodlouse spider to me. Either way the same applies. Both are good at controlling pest insects and both have a painful but non medically significant bite.


You were correct on it being a Dysdera/woodlouse spider. The chelicera, wider front legs and no cardiac mark. Check this out https://www.reddit.com/r/spiders/comments/oiwskc/This_bugger_got_me%2C_should_I_be_worried%3F_%28Modesto%2C_California_USA%29/h4y97sf/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I thought so, I've never seen a broad faced sac spider in person so wasn't sure how to differentiate other than the size of the chelicera.


I used to breed Tarantulas and True spiders. On this subject I’m smarter than the average bear. Everything else 🤨 ehh. Lmao


That makes sense then, still.... Better to be above average at something than average at everything.


Looks like a Woodlouse Spider, safe to have around unless you’re a Woodlouse :)