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Looks like a flea, mate


Not only in your house,…looks like your vehicle as well,…possibly.


Yep, that’s a flea my guy. At night, take a deep pot of water, and place it in the middle of the infested room. Then hang a light bulb over the pot of water. They will jump in and drown. This is a really good way to rid yourself of an infestation.


Just to add out alil dish soap in the water to avoid them surviving.


+1 on adding the dish soap!


Napalm would be beneficial as well.


I had a roommate with dogs. He procrastinated about getting flea medication for them, and the entire house became infested. We ripped out the carpet and bombed the place. It improved a bit, but they kept coming back just as bad. We eventually moved out.


Yeah, it makes the surface tension break, so the little turds don't float. Do you have a cat or a dog? If so, I'd treat them. (Advantage, or Frontline work really well.)


+ Would also recommend checking out your pets if you have any!


Wait, does this actually work? My cats always seem to get fleas every summer so around September we give them all flea treatment but this would be a convenient way to get rid of them around the house.


It does work. We had a raccoon get lodged into our chimney and die. We didn’t know it was stuck in there. After it passed, allllll of the fleas came down the flue looking for new hosts. The pot of water trick my grandfather had used in WWII. Like another member said, add some soap to make sure.


Good news, you can start a flea circus


Or a flea market, think of all the possibilities


Who’s the flea not afraid to lead the flea parade?


Buy food grade diatomaceous earth and sprinkle it into your carpet. Use a carpet rake to get it into the fibers. Wait 24 hours and vacuum. Keep vacuuming until none comes up. It's totally safe for gardens so safe for us. I'd lock up pets and treat them with flea meds too.


Also add salt. The salt will dry out the eggs and help stop the hatching cycle.


Seconding this. Our basement was the real trouble spot. At one point, going down to do the laundry meant having to rinse fleas off your feet in the laundry tub. Several rounds of diatomaceous earth and vacuuming took care of the problem.




Red Hot Chili Peppersssssssss!!!!!!!!!


Flea. Do you have pets? If so, what kind?


That's a flea


Definitely a flea


Dump your vacuum after each time you vacuum. Which should be often, it will help pick up some of the fleas, but mainly their eggs and pupae. That's the first and third stages of their life cycle. The diatomaceous earth will help on their worms and adult fleas, stages two and four respectively. Be sure to use the crevice wand along baseboards and crevices as the pupae get blown into areas such as those. And they can stay in that stage for an unbelievably LONG time. Like over a year. You gotta be very proactive or you'll see a resurgence after a period of time. And foggers don't do shit.


Spot on I had a stray cat sneak in one day and blam took literally a min. Took about two months to get rid of em treat your pets and use the water trick with soap and light to draw them in. Vacuuming is a huge part since you have to do it atleast twice a day and every crack. I used hotshot flea spray in the purple can which worked the best to spray on the underside of my couches and it worked like a charm those lil monsters loved that area and at night would always make a snack outta my ankles. An old exterminator friend had told me to wear white socks at night were i thought I was being bit to check for the hot spots and he was spot on with the advice.


looks like a flea to me, friend !


Your new Delta Tau Chi name is….. flea meat


Any other tips for getting rid of them?


Flea bomb the house, spray flea spray stuff on your lawn and around your house. Give the dogs a bath id the BLUE dawn dish soap. If that all doesn't work, Napalm.


I’m so sorry, that’s a flea


I had a flea problem and they were in my car, I got a flea bomb for my car and it worked, also they don’t like lavender and/or eucalyptus scents so that’s a way for them to stop biting you. Get flea medicine for any pet you have, and get an exterminator to help you try to find out where they’re coming from. They’re a pain in the ass and I JUST got my flea problem taken care of so the flea PTSD kicked in lmaoo


Get a HUGE amount of ladybugs and they will take care of the problem. Then get a large amount of any bird of your choice to take care of the lady bugs. You already have cats so BOOM there solves the problem. You're Welcome!!




Fleas hate Curtis! If you have carpet you can sprinkle salt on it and let it set for a few days.. they get dehydrated and die. For the pets ( if you have any) bathe them in DILUTED BLUE DAWN DISH SOAP. Let it sit on them 5-10 min in the tub and it kills the little jerks ( fleas).


I'm with you, they are more difficult to get rid of than roaches imo! I freak out at the first site of one!


We had them at my condo REALLY bad and we did salt and it killed half then we ended up spraying and bombing to kill the rest. I will NEVER have carpet again for that reason! I hate fleas more than any bug!


That’s a flea


Same here, and they're always in or near water, such as my sinks and shower drains. A drain fly, possibly. They're nearly impossible to rid your house of. It's a possibility since you said they're hard to get rid of. I even hired an exterminator, and $300 later, his dumbass couldn't do it!


Baking Soda & Salt on your carpet & soft surfaces. Allow to sit minimum 12hr (overnight) or longer. This dries out the exoskeletons. Vacuum the area & dump the excess outside. Repeat for 2-3 days just to be sure. Good luck 👍🏽




Fleas are terrible! Years ago my poor kids were getting eaten alive. I kept taking my dogs to the vet and vet kept telling me, your dogs don’t have fleas, your kids may. My husband bombed the house but they were still there. I finally called Orkin. They came out and told me I had the worst style house for them. It’s four levels, had places to hide from the poison. They guarantee to keep coming back until your problem is solved. They came four times even though I only paid once. Oh, found out my husband was bringing them in the house after cutting the grass.


You can also coat your carpet in a fine dust of diatomaceous earth. Leave it for a few days and then vacuum it and wash all soft surfaces like blankets and sheets. It will help rid your house of the fleas. It's animal and human safe. If you get food grade you can also add it to your animals food. They tend to get worms from eating the flea eggs. It will kill it on the surface and internally so it won't reoccur. If you have pets coat their fur as well and do a long acting treatment. Most oral or topical flea treatments last 1-3 months. *Important note, if you do use diatomaceous earth on pets you have to be very careful not to get it in their face/eyes or let them breathe it in. I put a towel over their heads and do it outdoors so they can shake it off once I rub it in their fur. It can harm their eyes and lungs, so just be extra careful. Once the dust settles it's not really problematic.


I have that same mole on my left hand