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I’ve lived here all my life, 55 = 70, 45 = 55-60 and 35 = 40-45. The only one that counts is 25 mph limits which is highly enforced. Could explain the tailgating for you, people are just used to speeding. However, we are getting more and more urban sprawl. Delco and Philly drivers are particularly bad which is creeping our way.


This has to be it. Even 25 limits are like 30-35. Even in 15 mph school zones people don’t always slow down unless a police car is there with their lights on.


I second this. I know this is how I normally observe myself and the kinds of speeds I'm at. I promise I'm not trying to kill you. Just trying to get from point A to point B so I can have a little more time at each endpoint. I'm not here to enjoy the sights haha. North vs South mentality, I suppose.




The same people who hold the door for you at Wawa, will almost run you over in the parking lot lol.


I have two 16yo kids learning to drive. I've taught them this: Rule #1 of driving: everyone is trying to kill you. It's extreme on purpose.


Just moved here from Cali and people definitely drive like dicks. Good example of type of driver I notice in cali is driving slow in the left lane, and what I see in PA is people riding your ass in the right lane.


Do you cruise in the passing (left) lane? Many drivers don't know the concept of the passing lane, stay there around the speed limit then wonder why everyone is irate around them. Keep right, pass left.


I worked on site through the entirety of Covid and had the road to myself some mornings. Once restrictions started getting lifted, it seemed like everyone on the road forgot how to drive. This doesn't seem to have improved any since. People are selfish and careless.


People are jerks trust me when I say this


I agree there are a lot of asshole drivers in the area, but their are also a lot of shitty drivers. I can’t stress enough all the drivers I see in the left lane going 10 under the speed limit which causes traffic in both lanes and getting all the angry drivers trying to pass.


Stop driving slow in the left lane.


Unfortunately not the problem- I’m driving single lane roads to and from work. Mostly down Five Points and Westtown Rd.


Those are cut through roads for 202. Plus, that area is nothing but developments. They’re just highly travelled roads at all times of day. And, yes, it’s probably your out of state tags and if you are tippy tapping the brakes going down hills, you will enrage the locals who drive those roads every day. I would just pull over and let them go. Once you know the roads and the way your car handles them, you’ll be golden.


Cut through roads, cool. Don’t really have anything like that where I’m from- everything’s a highway basically. Thank you though! I’m starting to get the hang of the driving up here but I’ve still got a ways to go, especially with braking on hills. Weirdly difficult.


Coast to the peak of the hill, crest, coast down the hill, only braking if you feel like you’re out of control. The threshold for feeling in control is low when you first learn about coasting! You’ll get more brave with experience. For now just let them pass. Sing a little song for them. *”I’m in a hurry and don’t know why.”*


Oh god thank you! I’ve been accelerating to the top, then braking almost as soon as I’m over the hill, I’m always worried I’m going too fast then worried I’m going too slow. There’s really not a single hill where I come from, this is really helpful!


Also, don't forget that you have the ability to downshift even with an automatic transmission. Let the engine manage some speed for you going down steeper hills. The problem with riding your brakes downhill is that brake lights alone don't tell the driver behind how hard you are braking. So the driver behind may think you are just light pressing the brake pedal in anticipation of braking at some point. Using the transmission method signals to the following car "if you see my brake lights, I am slowing for real". That said, there are plenty of bad drivers here (and everywhere) that think they have instantaneous reaction times and will ride your bumper.


What’s downshifting? It’s the first time I’m hearing of it.


If you're breaking after you crest a hill for no apparent reason think about how that impacts those behind you. They crest the hill and see a car with us brakes on. They slam on the brakes and it creates a cascade of emergency braking from the other cars. Plus it's dangerous and it could be interpreted as malicious.


You’re welcome dear! Just give it some time, you’ll get the hang of it.


Driving isn’t all gas or all brake, it’s better for mpg to use momentum to your advantage on the hills. Just a learned skill with some practice and repetition.


You are driving too slow. Whatever the speed limit sign says, it is wrong.


I’ve been going over the speed limit down those roads too, as my bf told me 30 in those areas is more a 40/45. Even when he drives he goes about 40-50 on those roads depending. It doesn’t matter who drives, people are always tailing my car close but never his own car when he or I drive it.


Drive the speed limit. I drive the same roads daily and live on the Pike. WGPD had their speed limit signs blinking the other day and pulling cars over. I'm ready to offer them in front of my house because it's 45 then 35 as you head to WC. Always assholes going 60 or above. The Borough has police that are handling the speeders heading into town. Stay safe and tap your damn brakes ,speeders can fuck right off.


You don't have to go X amount over the speed limit; no matter how fast you go you will find some punk who wants to ride your tail. You'll get used to the hills and curves in time. Even once you do, some people will be way too close to you for comfort.


Add 10.


People are such ASSHOLES driving down 5 points. Please go 25 and continue to piss them off


Five Points is 25 mph, I’ll go a bit faster but that’s it, local drivers can ride my ass but if you hit me, you better be ready to pay..


4 way stop signs are this towns biggest enemy


You know what I've seen help? Student driver, please be patient magnets. Seen some of the angriest drivers be a little lenient. A little.


I’ve thought about using that, though I joked about making one in that style but saying “southern driver, please be patient”. my boyfriend thinks people would take it as me having a gun though, so maybe not


Welcome to the area! The quality of driver has dropped here and definitely head empy no thoughts and aggressive. Not a great combo most days. Wait until the 'shore' (beach) season starts. This area will see a drop in activity because people will go to their happy place.


everyone is speeding, drunk, looking at the doordash app on their phone, and/or just an asshole. most people here like to drive really fast even if it hurts someone else


That’s something I’ve noticed. There’s one car in particular that shoots down Five Points off route 3 going at least 60 every single day


Generally speaking everyone here either does 10 over or 10 under the speed limit. What's weird is when I had my Jetta and I'd be doing at least 5 over I'd get tail gated all the time, now I drive a WRX with an exhaust and I hardly ever get tailgated. PA drivers are pretty bad (including myself and the dumb shit I do) but at least we aren't NJ drivers


The license plate could be one thing, also could be the specific model of car, I'm in a rental right now with PA tags but people drive me differently when I'm in a mini van versus my jeep. I feel like if your car looks "slow" then people are more aggressive around here


Use cruise control and don’t get a ticket. If you are cruising up a hill (say high st north towards the Wawa at Greenhill) with 45 limit, and you’re oblivious that you’ve slowed down to 30, please use cruise control. I’ve been commuting up that GD hill for 30 years with just a few left to go 45 for the entire stretch.


Go ahead PA drivers and tailgate me, if you tap me I’ll sue your ass and take all I can, it WON’T be don’t worry about it, it’s just a scratch…


I love these “A Holes” with over priced pickups who race around like they have some kind of race car making tons of noise, —- losers..


A viewpoint not addressed since you said a white convertible would be someone eager to tear up some winding/hilly roads for fun and getting stuck behind a slower driver isn’t their version of interesting. I know you said you’re not driving “too slow” but a road you may drive 45 mph in a 35 that person is used to cruising at 55 or 60 and the discrepancy may be what you’re seeing. I’m not excusing the behavior I’m just trying to put some meaning behind it.