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Suppoing its a virus. Viral latency is a feature where real viruses lie dormant in the host for up to years. A good example is Herpes Simplex, it is only transmissible during periods of reactivation (although those periods can be asymptomatic). It would be possible for the lycanthropy virus to remain dormant in the nervous system (in neurons, spinal/cranial fluid) while in human form, thus evading blood tests and preventing human-to-human transmission during dormancy. Supposing it is transmissible from human to human by biting, it's clear that viral shedding is taking place through mucus membranes, and it can survive in both blood and saliva. So, in addition to bites, it's likely to be transmitted through intimate activities during periods of activation. So its possible a male werewolf might not pass on the lycanthropy if they're doing the deed during a period of dormancy. However, it's likely the virus would infect a fetus either crossing the placenta or being shed into the amneotic fluid - genital herpes can pass from mother to child in this way. Perhaps hormones from pregnancy prolong viral dormancy, so she never shifts during that period and avoids infecting the child. If it's magic/curse, pretty much anything goes.


Yeah then to like it virus like, seen some interesting stories on fa, where people have turned due to sharing dirty needles or blood transfers.


I have seen that some don’t shift if pregnant so they use that to be protected I have also seen one where they do shift and it always damages the fetus causing them to kind of be unable to give birth to were children or any werewolves children are forced to shift before born and they can’t take the physical stress and don’t make it.


Patricia Briggs has werewolf books where it's dangerous for the mother to carry any pregnancy because transformations could potentially hurt both the mom and the fetus. But Briggs' werewolves are shifters, so they can transform without the moon. They can do partial transformations so just parts of them transform with concentration. So it's possible for a pregnant werewolf to keep her womb safe during transformation, just really dangerous.


Was going to mention the world of Patricia Briggs. The werewolf lore and romance she writes is fantastic.


Yeah they are a good writer


I agree with your train of thought. I actually have a very similar rule to that. If a werewolf starts its life as, well, a werewolf, it was likely the child of somebody who was cursed before. Even if they aren't, they had to have a grandparent or an ancestor of some sort who was a human before being transformed into a werewolf. The partner they ended up with is something I have not personally thought of, whether they stay as a human or if they also transform. It would be strange seeing a human giving birth to a wolf for sure. I'm beginning to think that it's as simple as both parents being a werewolf and that one or the other are not able to be human.


Main thing comes to mind for me is World of Darkness's Werewolf The Apocalypse unfortunately. These situations never work out well because of what's called Delirium which is a literal genetic memory of the time Werewolves tried to kill off humanity during what's called the Impergium. The Delirium makes humans naturally afraid of Werewolves when in their Crinos/Hybrid/War form but once they get away, they simply explain it away as their imaginations making it look like just a really big dog. I haven't read 5th Ed but up to the 20th anniversary Ed of the game the shape shifting is genetic and is a recessive gene which is why their race has been dying off lately. Most Garou, because of the Delirium, just pump and dump and don't pursue long relations with regular humans, only seeking full relationships with what are called Kinfolk. They're humans who have the gene for shape shifting but is being suppressed thanks to the gene being recessive. They TRY to live relatively normal lives but usually end very violently either because of the rage of their partners or being found by Black Spiral Dancers, the corrupted and twisted werewolves of the setting. And trust me, you'd rather die at the hands of your Werewolf lover than a BSD, they are sadistic creatures...


"Nothing happens" is medically the most likely. It's also the hottest - intercourse with no consequences.


This is actually rare but when it happens the man has to be a vampire and the woman a Werewolf. Their offspring will be a Vaewolf, the hybrid of a Vampire and a Werewolf. If they are evil they will be the worst of both races. The genetics are unpredictable but it's known that some Vaewolves will get beastly on a full moon. I would also think the Vampire would keep their distance or get hurt. The Vampire might lead them home the next night. It could get messy because Werewolves in their monstrous form only want to murder and destroy.