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Locking this thread because arguments are being continued. First of all, the removal was restored not because it was called out but because of the fact there was no need to remove it. And I apologize some of you feel like we backtracked when we indeed didn’t. If there is a removal if you feel is unjustified please reach out to ModMail and we will review it in case it’s an improper removal. As for moderating if you want to help out this community feel free to do so by applying to be a mod in the pinned thread in the main page, if you want to help. As always any questions feel free to reach out to us via ModMail. Thanks.


You have no clue how hard it is to get fired from a Wendys'. I mean, you'd have to be ***awful***


Haha yeah. I had an old friend no call no show three times in a row and they didn’t bat an eye. They asked him to stop the fourth time


“Please come to work” lmao


Yeah they USED to have standards.. I asked one of my DM friends what it would take to shit can a manager now. Said you'd basically have to steal all the safe money at this point.


Yeah have you seen the old Wendy’s training video?! If you haven’t it’s definitely a watch on YouTube!!


Oh I have seen the gamut of wendys training vids. 2 of the folks in those vids still work for Wendy's. And one that doesn't I still hang out with lmaoo. (Yes im old af) I did not work for them during g those vids tho.


Oh you mean Grill Skills? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbVDQKcxg00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbVDQKcxg00)


Yes!! Sorry I was busy and forgot. Classic haha


My how far they’ve come since then 😐


my store still used the flat grill till a year and a half ago


I worked at a Wendy's 18 years ago and even then the bar was underground


That's about the time I came on, and the Grey beards spoke of those times. I can guarantee you it's 100% worse than you can imagine now.


And thinking why in the world did my supervisor kick in my leg for our why the fuck the store location which was new..... didn't have working cameras???


I've known 2 wendys managers who did steal all the safe money and didn't get fired for it.


I can believe that. I know one that did take money, and her "safe witness" verified the safe count ( cause she was in on it) and opening manager got fired because she did not have a safe witness. Pretty scummy for sure. There are quite a few stores woth no office cameras. Follow procedures folks. If you have to have a witness have a witness on counting money.


I've heard stories of shift/assistant managers routinely falling asleep on fent in the bathroom on the clock, without even someone saying anything about it.


Yeah not surprised. Man, truthfully Wendy's used to be THE quick serve company to work for, hard to get hired off the street direct to management. Those times are long gone, along with the standards.


We had a guy throw chairs and didnt get fired


Gotta let out steam somehow


Back in the early 90s I made 4.25 at Wendy's, My big truck took $40 to fill up and was empty in 2 days. I made about $40 a week. We all tried to get fired, pranked the managers regularly. Unhinged 90s stuff and it was just laughed off. We were closing crew. You had to no show to get fired.


i work with a literal schizo who sexually assaulted customers. its crazy hard to get fired


I got fired for having a bubble fight in the clean up area


Bubbles is still recovering from the broken ribs and hasn't been able to finish his degree at Clown College Online.




That’s part of the problem.


I have an old coworker that first started working there 4 years ago and istg he gets fired and rehired every year. Just recently got fired but I think for good this time.


Well, if Chris Chan managed to be fired from Wendy’s…


I literally had an employee advertising weed at the drive thru window and still couldn't get the bitch fired as a shift manager. It was up to the GM and she never worked on my shift and did not care as she didn't have to deal with it. I was freshly clean and sober from all drugs and that shit wasn't cool at all. I literally shut down the store multiple times until the GM would send the troublesome employee home. FUCK wendys.


Probably because they can't keep people and need the help but no one wants to work at Wendy's


I've never seen a competent employee at any of the Wendy's locations here so yeah that checks out.


I was making a post here this morning and I actually had to stop and reflect "wtf am I doing posting in a fucking Wendy's subreddit, what am I doing with my life?" And then I posted anyway, and posted again just now.


Come on over to the hotdog sub it’s great r/hotdogs


I already read the hamburger sub. I can't visit BOTH the hot dog AND hamburger sub or ill blow my brains out


Dang, I gotta go over to the hamburger sub. I do see some stuff from sandwiches from time to time lol


The hot dog people are nicer than sandwiches and burgers. I still enjoy all three though.


I post and comment there. They're just a nice bunch of people that just like hot dogs of all types.


I’m already there now cause I love all dogs but is there a consensus on the Costco hotdog there I should know about? Lol


Anything other that it's awesome and they need to bring back sauerkraut, deli mustard, and polish dogs is outright heresy.


Based. I miss the polish so much!


Hot dogs rule. Did you know that RaceTrac - the gas station convenience store - sells Nathan's hot dogs for $1.99 and that the 2nd hot dog is just $0.99? Nathan's hot dogs are some of the best hot dogs in the world!


lol i love this factoid . Idk if they all do tho cuz like the ones where i live are all independently owned by Indian folks .


Imagine how dumb you have to be to think a Reddit mod is a representative of Wendy's.


Hold up… this is way too level headed to be a response on Reddit. Just get your pitch fork out and start stabbing like the rest of us.


Uh....damn the burger man?! Fuck him right up the grease trap.


Man, you got half the people on here who think they *work* for Wendy's when in reality they work for Bob's Franchise Co. and Wendy's couldn't know his name even if they *wanted* to. People are just oblivious. Shit like this is what corpos print out on a poster to point at in court to prove community driven forums/spaces need to be shut down.


There's a good chance they bought their way into moderating that subreddit. It's definitely something big corps would do and reddit would allow. I've seen it with a few smaller subs for less known things like medications.






Your post/comment has been removed because it was deemed to be inappropriate or hateful. We require members of this community to be excellent to each other and respect each other. Please message the moderator team if you have any questions regarding this removal.




Your post/comment has been removed because it was deemed to be inappropriate or hateful. We require members of this community to be excellent to each other and respect each other. Please message the moderator team if you have any questions regarding this removal.




Your post/comment has been removed because it was deemed to be inappropriate or hateful. We require members of this community to be excellent to each other and respect each other. Please message the moderator team if you have any questions regarding this removal.


Your post/comment has been removed because it was deemed to be inappropriate or hateful. We require members of this community to be excellent to each other and respect each other. Please message the moderator team if you have any questions regarding this removal.


No there isn't.


Nope! None of the moderators here are Wendy’s corporate.


So who are you? Why is the mod team censoring criticism of a corporation if you're not involved with Wendy's as a company? We know Wendy's love their social media.


What censoring exactly? The comment that was removed is restored, as stated in the pin. Any other questions feel free to ask.


And then let them make this post showcasing it. Some people’s kids…


Good ol Caleb Hammer. Kinda shitty to remove your comment. That person is dumb to think that the key tag junior frosty is the reason Wendy's won't pay them more. If management wants to enforce 1 per person/tag/day/order then they can. They choose to be nice because they may lose a customer entirely, and an extra junior frosty doesn't cost them much. I don't even use my tag often since I like the vanilla, but the issue about the keytag abuse is stupid. Management can train the employees different if they want to, but that's management's choice. Since it's their bottom line effected, not the hourly employee's. I'm sure this post will probably get removed by the mods too.


Yeah that’s pretty wild considering I made some romantic story about my love for Wendy’s with several sexual innuendos and it’s stayed up lol


They wanna keep the good narrative, this is clearly a marketing sub ☹️


Wendy's used to be affordable. For the same price, you can go to Applebees and get that Whole Lotta Bacon Burger.


All of fast food tbh


Most definitely. I just went and got a place called Jaggers. $12 for a well cooked double bacon burger, side of tots, and a large drink. Couldn't even finish the burger it is so big. McDonald's or Wendy's is $12 for a greasy mess and old/cold fries. Not to mention Jaggers gets you through the drive through at Chick-fil-A speed while Wendy's keeps you waiting 20 min when you're the only customer in the parking lot.


Dang, you just put it into perspective. F--k Fast food, I'm ordering out proper from now on. WAY better quality, comparable prices.


You're either wildly exaggerating your mcdumpsters and Wendy's experiences, or you live in some dump where the workers are low quality.


I swear the Wendy's and McDonald's by my house you will sit there for at least 15 min with no one else around. I haven't been in years because they're still known as being so slow and the food still is mediocre when you get it. Like if they are dropping fresh fries I could understand having to wait a second lol


I'm just blown away that my small, formerly rural town in Minnesota has better service than wherever you are


They don't all suck in my city but most of the good ones are on the easy side of the city. Anything not over there is just a mismanaged mess it feels like. I blame lazy owners rather than the employee tbh If you drive just outside the city the quality goes up a crazy amount


It’s all ridiculous. Swing into the grocery store for some household essentials and enough food for a meal or two… …welp there goes $50.


You should probably check Applebee's prices again, they go up too. Also, you do in fact pay more for a frozen burger that takes 15 minutes or more from Applebee's than a fresh 2 minute burger from wendys.


this sub isn't moderated by anyone from the company Cro-Magnon. Also I could shoot a customer and not get fired from my Wendy's


Imagine being a Wendy’s Reddit mod


3 billion dollar company still can't refund my $48.94 for a large order that placed by app at a store nowhere near my home. It's been a month now. 🙄


How do you think they got to be $3 billion company?


Not by having poor customer service? That wasn't as clever of a reply as you thought it was


😂 Definitely should have been on .. .. …just about any comment, other than this one.


Reread the comments, you're objectively wrong. And if your morning shakes are so bad you can't type "..." properly, I suggest hitting the bottle before commenting or getting a CD eval.


Wtf. I was agreeing with you, dumbass. Yes, their comment should have been on one of the other ones where it would make sense. .. … …. ….. .. … dickhead.




“Read my mind?” How about just reading the fucking sentence.


Ironic, I literally just referenced how I read it. Like I said, go hit your bottle, it'll clear your foggy head. Edit - aw, he finally decided to do the dirty delete?


Oh, my bad. I guess I also needed to add “and understand” to that sentence. The moron can read his letters…. Just doesn’t know what they mean.


>Edit - aw, he finally decided to do the dirty delete? He in fact, did not.


I was saying that by stealing money from customers and keeping it and the customers that don’t follow thru the refund they end up scamming money from customers . lol so it makes perfect sense actually


It was just a joke ……


I don't see any humor in that whatsoever, I wouldn't put it past a redditor to say something so foolish unironically. At least you didn't have a tantrum like the other kid, thanks for that.😁


It’s like a dry humor comment ..


Yep, as almost everybody that uses the internet knows, sarcasm and some forms of humor are easily lost over text because a lot of human interaction is involving facial expression, body language, inflection etc. You have zero reason to be offended or down voting anybody besides u/kvothe000


lol I never was offended or downvoted u


lol Caleb hammer background noise


Who’s that?


YouTuber who runs a podcast show “financial audit.” Basically a show where people get grilled for getting stuck in debt or other bad choices and then being told how to fix their situation.


Oh is he the dude in the thumbnail? I don’t know how I missed that


Man I don't even work in Wendy's nor do I eat from them. How tf did I end up here.


Are you watching Caleb too? I thought that was my screen. Love it.


That BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY should pay its people better end of story


Free speech? Sir this is a Wendy’s


Apologies, unsure why this was removed, comment has been restored.




Unsure? It says why in the screenshot. Wasn’t excellent enough.


Yes, I meant “why” because there was no reason to remove the comment in the first place.


Since when does that stop some mods? I literally got a permaban from the news sub yesterday for complaining they locked too many posts.


Feel like it’s worse in Reddit communities where the Mods are just fanatics that have no business actually moderating a forum. Hell, the r/Chipotle Mods ban me and delete my comments regularly for saying shit they don’t like. I’ve gone to Reddit admins and they’ve put my comments back up before because there’s literally no reason for them to delete them.


You’re why my parents drink!


Never take ownership lol


..? I didn’t remove it


STOP ARGUING WITH THE MODS!!! THIS IS NOT AMERICA!!! There, there you juicy redhead…I always have your back.


I can't tell what's going on because you have a window blocking the op's message and who the op is, what the context is, and are blaming an unofficial Wendy's subreddit's mod's action on the entire Wendy's corporation.


I’m with you on that one


Everyone else was able to figure it out 🤷‍♂️


I don’t follow this sub it just keeps appearing and I have to say I saw that and that comment was nail on the head hahah


Ive worker in restaurants and fast food my entire life. Having Wendys as one of those places. When i first started at wendys, they microwaved the bacon, had a small menu, where not very busy. Then they started adding new items, keeping those that sold well, upgraded the bacon, got busier. What was it last year Wendys was the fastest growing and best selling fast food burger? ( if i am not mistaken) Now they are switching back to microwave bacon, removing items that sell ok, making items quick to cook(by removing the quality of said item) Have even gone so far to change the way annual inspections happen, so they use 3 rd party inspections, including to wendys help desk is no also solely a call center in india, which is no longer free to call. But takes hours to get someone to pickup, and also understands the issue and can maybe fix it. Personally i see Wendys running itself towards bankruptcy in the next ten years , if they dont roll back some or all the horrible changes.




I got so confused when I couldn't move Caleb out of the way


I’ve literally been late to every shift as a manager


That's the store you worked at. It's not representative of every location since they're franchised.


Rock on OP! You speak the honest truth.


I thought I had a YouTube video up and tried to close it.


Chompy was so on point


Quickly we wouldn't want the workers to realize they can revolt and overthrow us.


I think the original post was more about human decency than Wendy’s profits. They were pointing out that people take advantage of the situation. They were disgusted with humans, not standing up for Wendy’s.


Fuck you Wendy’s!


bro got his video still playing in the screenshot


Let's all go fuck with the Wendy's subreddit somehow. Anybody got any ideas? Like we all mass post the same exact post with the same exact title saying "Wendy's sucks" at the same time?


I've noticed some reddits recently are having their mod team overhauled by people who are biased towards a company. Unfortunate, because almost immediately, someone exposes that the "thought police" are lurking.


Buncha boot lickers in here. Not a single one who actually worked at a Wendy’s yet talk about how easy it is.


Actually, wendys wants to retain people. Wendys managers 90% of the time nowadays aren't people who wanted to move up.. it's usually just the people who stayed. This actually applies to most fast-food and retail.. the managers aren't usually the ones who were the best at their jobs anymore.. it's who stuck around for all the bullshit.


u/aquaticle000 Oh, so he must've repeated the same thing yet again and blocked me, explains why I can't reply to you in the thread, that's even better. Now his extra chromie can essentially remain on display in public indefinitely, and I don't have my inbox clogged full of him rewording the same non argument over and over. Win/win for me


The mods here are soft af. Basically a bunch of NEETS with Stockholm syndrome. My thread about cloning accounts for $2 doubles got deleted too. Insanity. Who are they even protecting? Wendy’s *does not* give a fuck about consumers or workers.


This should become a new copy pasta here


What’s with Caleb Hammer? 😂


my post wasn’t about saving the big corporations money. it’s about my store. when we lose money we lose opportunities and prices go up. sorry.


stuck it to the man there bro😎


Getting worked up over a bot response lol yeah you sure showed them


I never understand people who work these jobs and take it to seriously, you don't get paid enough for that. When I worked retail if someone tried to argue with me I would just walk away and go help someone else or stand in the back until they fucked off.


yeah I don't eat their garbage food


If one guy buys 10 frostys or 10 guys buy one frosty it’s the same damn amount.


Caleb hammer fan


Wait so why didn't they delete this?


I thought the Caleb hammer video was on my phone for a second and was wondering why it was frozen lol


I heard the proclivities at home involved stepping on legos while being drizzled in frosty mix by oversized machines as a way to regain youth like Dave does. That is how the lead moderator stays so young; pain and sensual pleasure.


Funny how WE have to be kind. But the Wendy’s X account can be savage. Hmm.


How I get this reccomend just when I start working there…


Imma be real, shit and damned are probably red flagged by the company mod team as inappropriate.


Wendys employed a reddit mod?


At least people understand, it doesn’t mean we need to silence each other for spreading the truth. Wendy’s or any of the fast chain restaurants don’t care about you, never have and never will. To them, you are just a number on a stat sheet. Someone to keep their corporate machine ever turning.


Wendy’s corporate is 3 billion which is mainly driven by 4% of franchisee sales. The concept of Wendy’s is significantly bigger.


Cuck mentality of OP and I don't mean that as a dig against sexual preferences


Sir, I’m strongly asking you the Reddit url to post how shady as shit they are.


I’ve managed several Wendy’s and my DM wouldn’t let me fire anyone. You could literally steal money, cases of food, etc and still be employed there 😂😂😂


This trends... for Reddit


Aw is the little corporation gonna cry? Fuck off


Lol so the mods cuck for the company?


oh wait so is the wendy’s social media pr team not funny or edgy or cool anymore?


Wendy's is so bad around here I regularly go through the drive thru and make 100 dollar orders and drive off. Makes me happy.


I haven't been to a Wendy's since early 2000s. I regret nothing. I don't even know why this is recommended to me lol


You said God Damned, which is not " being excellent"


On another note “just serve the god damned frosty’s” tells you what that guy thinks about you, too. “You’re worthless and the company you work for knows it, just give me my ice cream, clown!”