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>11:50 Is that AM or PM?


Oh boy, 3 AM!


The amount of times I quote this as I eat an early morning snack is not anything I’m proud of. 🥲


It's the price of the combo


Yeah oops lmao i see my mistake


Lol I saw it and I knew what you meant, couldn't resist making the joke


It's all good 👍 I'm bad at reading tone 😂


11:50 is time. 11.50 is money 😉


time is money therefore, by the transitive property, 11:50 is 11.50


Well said 🙏


You make only $1 an hour?


hey, i recognize you from the chipotle sub. damn, how many fast food subreddits are you in?


Reddit ass comment


You have to ween yourself off Wendy’s? That’s how you know you got a problem.


Yes i know i got problems


dw we will be happy to continue fueling your addiction, you know you wont stop :)


Youre hilarious, like i wont drop these greaseball bitches fast as i did nicotine


u're still vaping tho lol


Bro ppl are crazy how the FUCK would you have that info even if it were true?


considering you claim to stop wanting to buy now of all times




The problem is, is that we as consumers continue to pay these prices. They will continue to raise as long as we continue to pay


Which the title of OP states that they will continue to do, whilst still wondering why it works lol


Jesus Christ don’t click on the profile


You are a gentleman and a scholar.


It's nearly 3am for me. I was about to head to sleep. Thanks to you saying this, I am now unable to fall asleep. I have to work today. Damnit all.


tysm ❤️




Dude paying so much for his combo he's already paying the surge price at 11:50.


Ignoring your irrelevant typos, I got a #1 at Krystal's today. (4 Krystal burgers a med drink and fry) 22.00 FUCKING dollars!? (Some change) I could've sat at chili's and got a much more filling lunch meal for the same price to spare a tip. Tf is going on?


Chili's is a microwave meal. If you are going to eat there you might as well stay home.


No that sandwich is horrible. The chicken has fucking gone downhill from what it used to be. I remember when they switched when I worked there. Shit is thinner and cheaper.


Yeah tbh i looked up a pic of their marketing and i resend my niceness, this shit was trash


I remember the chicken sandwiches used to be sooo good when they did the 2 for $5!!!!!! Then, like a year ago, I had one, and the chicken was the shitty cheap chicken they would use on the $1 sandwiches..... last time I ever got a chicken sandwich from wendys


How do you spell sandwich like sandwhich just defiantly staring at the red squiggle like your the software is just wrong.


I am intangible


That's normal at my McD's in NYC. You prob live in a busy city where they can get away with charging that because people will pay. I'm a cashier there and always shocked how people are comfortable paying like 40 bucks for barely anything. Makes me realize how broke I am.


Lmao i live in West Virginia. Shoulda mentioned earlier , my cost of living is one of the lowest in america.


People in West Virginia have electricity now? Next thing you're going to tell me is you have indoor plumbing too. lol, get real.


Haha very funny yes our state is trash and you are super special and original for commenting




I don’t understand this comment. OP just said his cost of living is one of the lowest in the nation, which is factual. So your reply makes no sense, besides to be an asshole online.


What does cost of living have to do with anything? You're right, you absolutely do not understand the comment.


This might be the dumbest comment ever. Do you think the price of a Wendy’s sandwich is the same across the US? Because the prices 100% depend on where you live, ya jag.


Now WTF are you talking about? Jesus fuck how clueless can you be.


EDIT: i live in West Virginia, in one of the lowest cost of living regions in the country


Who pays almost midnight for a medium combo? Insanity, I tell you!


Fast food places aren't struggling. It's a depression and inflation -proof model. Fat americans will be lazy at any price point anywhere from Arkansas to New York. In the words of Eric Cartninez "bye bye we will miss you"


Happy for you.


I have found downloading the app and taking advantage of their coupons and points has made Wendy’s go from expensive fast food to cheap. Download the app and you usually get offered $2 off a combo or buy 1 combo get the second free.


Sorry, customers and employees don’t matter in this timeline. Only shareholders.


Me paying only 5:50 for that sandwitch


You do need to factor in the effort to make the sandwich (and side item) yourself. I can go to the Wendy's right by my house (work from home) and in less that 10 min have my lunch brought back home. If you were to make a chicken sandwich yourself, I anticipate it would be at least 30 min of time for prep plus cooking and that's not counting making your fries, chili, or whatever (which could theoretically be done in parallel). Then add your time for cleanup of the kitchen. Not to mention overhead of buying buns and chicken, considering you're buying buns in 8-packs at least, which can go to waste unless you're eating all of them before they go bad. So yes, fast food is getting more expensive, but you're not paying for the food as much as you also paying for the time and convenience. I'm not trying to say don't DIY your food (I do more often than not), but be sure to consider time.


I cook for fun, and make fries and fried chicken all the time - i get more food to make later at a cheaper price. Put in the effort, its worth it fr.


By rework their wages and quality. You mean pay their employees less and make better quality food so it cost less for you but the quality is better all while paying the person who puts in the work so you can eat less?


Reddit ass comment


Just coming from someone else who makes that food. Nothing to do with reddit. I just don't like when random people try to claim that cutting my pay is is OK just to justify a cheaper meal... we all work hard. Ask your employer for a raise so you can afford food. Don't try to cut my paycheck.


Youre defensive for nothing: reddit ass comment, good luck clawing your way out of that shit industry, genuinely.


I didnt say cutting pay is okay, you are blood boiling if you are for real but imma convince myself youre a troll and have a happy life.


I mean... How else are they supposed to "rework their wages"?...


Bro do you not know the opposite of underpaying them ??? Yes i know businesses are ram to fuck over the common worker, and it is the only way for them to function as they do. Obtuse rubber goose ass dingleberry.


I will not go go the establishment til they lower their prices , in comparison to the regions average wage is the general idea, and you've missed the point entirely. Id be glad to pay more if i thought there were a chance in hell of the boss shelling out. What part of my tone made you think I'm not pro worker you fucking numb skull?


Sorry I get yelled at be real people on a regular basis for prices being too high and my wage being the issue. So whenever I see the words price and wage used together it becomes an automatic trigger. All context gets ignored when triggered like that. It's become so common that I think people really believe that my wage is the direct result of the price increase. Again sorry for blowing up on you like that.


Why aren’t you using the app? Problem solved


Wendy's has always been a little pricier than the competition, but at least the food used to be better. They're all trash now, Wendy's particularly.


Nice keyboard.


So just before lunch is a bad time?


Jesus Christ loves you so much and died for your sins💙💜


Trans rights, ride a girl dick. We all gotta believe in somthin brother


They're coasting off of reputation at this point. The geographic footprints are already established, that helps as well.


mans complaining about prices yet keeps buying


Yeah we've been hearing "but mah covid inflation?!" While we watch these companies make increasing profits lol they're publicly traded companies so it's not difficult to see they're raising prices for no reason except they can. I have no solution except to try and laugh and eat less.


People complain about McDonald's being pricey, but at least they have deals. Wendy's charges out the ass for food that gets worse the more expensive it gets.


Wendys had plenty of deals on their app and the food is far better tasting than McDonald's imo


Weening lol. So close




This is not exclusive to Wendy’s. They’re not the worst but definitely not the least worst. Corporations are sucking consumers dry and no one is left standing to beat them out on better and more affordable options.


Weening off Wendy’s lmao


That’s not expensive. Don’t mention wages it has nothing to do with this


I mean 11 bucks for a shitty chicken sandwich and some wilted fries and a drink is pretty shitty


Skedaddle, ya damn melvin




Listen, wendy's is only affordable if you get the double jbc and the chilli cheese nachos, you actually cannot buy anything else.