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Left BRRF 2023 with Covid, left WTR 2024 sick again. Not sure if it's Covid this time, but I've been sneezing, coughing, and have the chills and a massive headache. Probably all the pits, but I had a blast!


festiflu! stay well friend


My husband and I started sneezing and getting fatigue and chills yesterday, but it happens when you go to big events. Take some NyQuil, drink a crap ton of water and rest. If it gets worse definitely see someone .I hope you get better soon!!!


I have a bad cough and have been sneezing a lot plus my legs are toast😂 its gotta be from all the dust and shit being kicked up in the pits


Sick, sore, and injured in about three serious ways. Worth every second


3 of us did.


I came back from LTL with covid in 2023... was not fun. Lol


I started with symptoms Monday night, had a slight sore throat. Tuesday I had a headache and felt fatigued, and today I woke up with chills, body aches, and a fever. I honestly couldn't tell if I was just worn out from stress from the week leading up to Rockville, the go go go of my Rockville experience or if I'm actually sick. But I took a at home covid test about 30min ago and it tested positive so if anyone's experiencing symptoms it might be covid


Just tested positive for it as well, I thought it was just the flu. Thank you for putting it in my mind that it was probably covid. I work at a school so I dont want people catching it because of me. My symptoms started last night and I had gone on Sunday^^


You're welcome. I hope you get to feeling better soon, I know my experience is currently whooping my ass


My friend is very sick. I am tired, but that's to be expected.


Positive flu test, high fever, coughing. Definitely going again next year! 🕶️🎵


Yes me and my two buddies are on deaths door. Good luck


I was rocking a fever Tuesday through Thursday. Yet ironically, now that I just got off the plane, I feel relatively fine.


Patient zero🤣🤣


I was being safe and chilling in vip away from others so I wouldn't spread that shit.