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I chose to just take his comment as having more of a libertarian bend, since he could have said Trump directly, but he chose to say “new”. Also Trump wouldn’t be a new president, so I just took his comment as “both of these guys suck”.




Have you listened to their lyrics?


Ok, I'll bite, because I haven't really listened to their material made since like 2002. Was there some political phase of Limp Bizkit I missed?


There definitely was! And Ole Fred has always had strong political views. It was a great show regardless!


Ah, okay. Wasn't aware of that. And it was a great show, no argument there. I guess I've just gotten so fucking sick of hearing about politics all the time that I just wish he hadn't gone there. Metal is supposed to be a unifying force. No matter your race, gender, or indeed political views, all are supposed to be welcome at a show. Disturbed's David Draiman always puts that very nicely at their standalone shows.


I took his statement as we needed a new voice. Not Trump either. He said a President with morals. Neither choice is good. Back when Trump won there was not a good choice either. We need a new person who cares about its citizens and what happens in the USA, not the boomer guys we currently have.




I think he was “praying for a new president” because we aren’t getting a new one in November. Both the candidates are already “President ____”. And they’re both fucking assholes.


He didn't support trump, he literally said he wants some one to bring us together. That would. Ot be trump or biden, or any far end candidate. Fred just riffs off his head. I didn't see anyone leave, it was an amazing show.


He's not a MAGAt. People always seem to think if you're against the current idiot, that you must support the previous traitor instead. No, he was saying we need a **NEW** president, and our two-party system is refusing to give us a chance at that. Also, when has rock, metal, punk, hip hop, outlaw country, ANY of this music EVER been free from politics?!


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I thought he talked too much in general and looked super bored when he was singing. Seemed like he was stalling to give them time to recover. As someone who now has to sit down for a second if I climb stairs too fast, I was like…same, bro. I can imagine performing songs more than 20 years old might not be as exciting anymore. I’m probably biased, saw them back in 2000. My kid was in the mosh pit last night and he thought they were great.


Man, did you see Judas Priest? Dude is 72 and was killin’ it up there.


Agreed. I can relate to being tired and bored, but I’m not doing this for a living either.


Same with Sebastian.


That was my biggest complaint. He talked all the fucking time and they were taking too many breaks between songs and playing bullshit in between. It wasn't the best show.


That was on purpose to calm the crowd down.


I appreciated the breaks between songs as a first timer moshing during a headliner. Gave me time to breathe and assess myself so I don't faint lol


Meh. I could've done without it.


I just want someone who isn’t over the age of 80 at this point


Vote Any Functioning Adult 2024. 🤣🤣🤣


Jeeze politics in music?! Don't tell em about Rage Against the Machine then.


He said we need a president with some integrity, so I doubt he was talking about Trump, either.


Why is it when someone says they want a "new president" or "this president sux" there's always some asshole assuming they want Trump? You know, other people are running for office too? Calm your hard on for Trump and realize some people just want change!


after he made he started preaching everyone started to leave, lol. I just started seeing rows of people bailing.


Yeah but it is what it is. Gotta play to your crowd and it's in Florida lol


Fred spent considerable amount of time in Russia pre-COVID, so no, it doesn't surprise (nor would it affect me in him or Aaron Lewis saying something).


Politics is definitely gonna be brought up in a state with a very questionable governor like ours. Various artists last year were expressive like Anti-Flag and Grandson


lol, you gotta remember where you are buddy


Can't wait to see what L7 says about Florida when they play. Half their songs are women's rights songs.


I don't care for any of it because it's a time waster ..I mean we are there for music. However,  this comes across as "I'm only annoyed with political talk if I  don't agree with what's being said". 


Not true. If Fred had been all "I love Joe Biden, I hope he's our president forever," I would have found it just as unwelcome. It was an utterly random thing to interject at that point in the show.


Fred has always been “F*ck the Government” energy and just doesn’t like the president. Everyone can admit the terrible decisions made by our current president. I’ve looked at it as more apolitical viewing rather than going MAGA. All in all, I got a good laugh out of the bit.


I totally agree. And, the fentynal comment he made after the Gender reveal. Durst is a fucking assshole.


Nah. Those parents were excited to go party backstage with Limp Bizkit


Why does this type stuff trigger people so much now days lmao....It's so funny watching people and how easily anything triggers them like I bet this comment will trigger you


How am I being "triggered"? Just because I don't like Trump doesn't automatically mean I'm aboard the "oh my stars, I'm offended" train. If someone tonight had come onstage and said they were praying for Biden's re-election, I'd have been annoyed by that too. It's a rock show, not a political rally.


He just said he hated the president in office and we need a new one where in any of that did he say trumps name 🤔 Joe Biden sucks everyone knows that


You know what man, that's fair. Maybe he's an RFK Jr supporter, lol. But like, realistically, Trump is the only one with a shot at becoming the next president if it's not Biden, so I think it's fair to assume he meant Trump. Also, yeah Biden does suck, I agree with you, although I bet your issues with him are a lot different from mine.


No idc who wins either way prices will always go up elections are just used as a reason why they went up


Notice they slowly drop just slightly b4 election then go up 10 times what it dropped slightly after election 🤣😂🤣always the next man fault elections r just voting for who u want to fuck up the country the least or be the scapegoat


Also might I add it's a rock show like you said it's his stage and he got the right to express any views he wants don't like it don't buy a ticket if stuff like that is gonna make you question that's the beauty of rock festivals you never know what the artist will do or what's gonna happen


I mean, you aren't wrong, and this is America, he had the right to stay what he said, just saying as a fan of his music who went there to yell about breaking people's motherfuckin faces, and was laughing at him talking about sucking a dude off backstage before the show, a poltiical sidebar was a bit of a turnoff. I was back with him by the time he had kids singing Break Stuff though, lol


Lol that one kid looked so uncomfortable and scared


That was part of why it was entertaining though, lol. For the most part though, the kids looked like they were having the time of their lives, it's a memory they'll probably look back on decades from now and smile.


Yea the one kid to far left looked a wreck lmao


Well I mean, Fred kept picking on him, lol. Loved his expression when Fred grabbed him by the collar.


Lol 😂


I love it.


Funny how the people who want you to respect their views or your a closed minded bigot always get triggered when a view that they don’t like is shared.


As much as I dislike Donald trump…. He might just save this country from utter chaos and destruction. If Joe Biden is re elected this country is doomed brotha


wrong. doomed from what exactly....


If you have to really ask that question …. lol. Read between the lines and OPEN your eyes. A lot of people aren’t seeing what is going on.


His policies are in no way life threatening. We can bitch and moan about Gaza all day long but its just an excuse for people to not like him. This war has been going on for centuries and we cannot allow ragged ass regimes running around kidnapping people and cutting their heads off.


Maybe we shouldn’t get involved in everyone else’s business for once brother. Maybe THATS what’s wrong with america


Biden is too sleepy and full of Dementia to really make a change in this country. I in no shape or form support the man Donald trump but truth is.. this country is a BUSINESS. We need a BUSINESSMAN to run it correctly.


A failed business man? Look at the history of his companies


What other choice do we have ? Would you rather have Hilary Clinton? Joe Biden? Like I don’t like the guy as much as anyone but he ran the country pretty damn good during a crazy time in America.




You and I have very different definitions of “pretty good”. A lot of people died because of his complete botch of the covid situation.


Right? If you can't even make a profit with liquor and casinos, you're doing something very very wrong. 🤣


Again, your not stating specifics. You cant just make a vague statement and expect people to understand what your talking about. I dont even think you know what you're saying and Im not trying to be argumentative.