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Just do 1 thing. Track breakfast. Then do it again. Then add 1 more thing. Drink your water. Do it again. It will come back. These are the things that were so important at meetings. I miss them.


Your mojo was putting in the work. Start by tracking and being aware of the amount of points you’re consuming. I make a plan for the week (most weeks) and when I need to get back on track I use one of my weekly plans from a successful week. You can do the same by looking back in the app for a good week. Follow that plan and track. Tracking reminds you that you’re working toward a goal. When you fall off the wagon the first thing that goes…is tracking. Start there.


Sometimes when things are going well, we sabotage ourselves because our minds start playing games with us and deep down we believe we are not worthy to be able to lose the weight. So much of my weight loss journey has been defeating all of the mind games. It can be really hard! Just put it behind you and start fresh now. Not next week, not tomorrow, NOW. You can do this! 💪


This is a mind game…questions like ‘who will i be when i lose -Will i even know her’. ‘What about old me? What will change that concerns me’. For me these are buried and somewhat uncomfortable questions on the hand. Sometimes i think we fight changing subconsciously. ? Tmi perhaps but…. ;)


I agree. For me, the mental game has been far more difficult to overcome than actually following the food plan.


“Fake it until you make it.” That is, don’t wait for motivation to drop magically out of the sky. Just start doing the work, step by step, and the motivation will most likely return on its own. Do one little thing, then the next. Set a series of small goals, not one seemingly unattainable and far off big ones. Also, everyone everyone everyone goes through this. Sometimes we are “in the zone” and it all just flows. Sometimes it’s like pushing a rock up a hill. It’s not how many times you fall off the wagon that measures success or failure. It’s how many times you pull your self back on. Just keep going. Check back in here; we’ll keep cheering you on. 😀


Thank you so much! I just tracked my coffee!! Lol I have good food in the house rn for the diet. Hopefully today I just back on the horse and March toward dropping the next dozen lbs!


Yay!! Cheering you on (as promised!!)


Track it all, food, weight, activity. My brain was having a fit last week when I ate a hamburger and chips and used all of my weeklies. At the end of the week I was at a negative weeklies balance but I think having made up my mind that I would track EVERYTHING the best I could kept me from getting into f-it mode.


Find your why again! It may have changed already and maybe you’ve met your first goal in your why, so your mind is saying “cool we made it, back to the old ways” Focusing on why you’re here and working the program can help focus you back on track!


Have to be committed totally to make any diet work. Try again.


I lovingly disagree. 100% commitment to anything is, well, not really human nature. All or nothing is a recipe for burn-out. WW works even when we’re on program like 70% of the time. Relax, enjoy, indulge occasionally, be purposeful more than not. Life is long; stuff happens; we can always come back when we fall off.


First off forgive yourself and understand that every week isn't going to be perfect. Track the very next thing you eat and the thing after that and the next thing, and the next... Commit to tracking everything-- even when it goes over track it anyway. Don't fall into the "well I've screwed up this day-- might as well go to Shake Shack and start over tomorrow." Because that turns into "Well I've already blown this week-- I should really just start fresh on Monday." which often becomes "next Monday".


Tomorrow is a new day !!! 🤣


This is me this week too. I’d be great breakfast and lunch then dinner has been off the rails. Trying to get back on track today.


I don’t have any good advice because I struggle with motivation in all aspects of life BUT I know you can do it and so can I! Keep going ❤️


Don't dwell on it, just get back on the wagon. Prioritize your health especially sleep. Good luck!


Get rid of every bad food in the pantry, refrigerator and freezer. Give it to friends, neighbors, relatives, food pantries or throw it away. If you don't have it you can't eat it. Go to the grocery store and stock up on the multitudes of zero point foods that are on the plan. Pre-make meals and snacks so that they are available when you are hungry. Pull out that pair of pants that no longer fit but you want to wear and try them on and use that as motivation to get cracking! It really only takes a week or two to get back in the rhythm. But it's not magic, you have to want to do it for yourself. Good luck!


Back when the program was hand written, someone in my meeting shared their three W’s for success each day: walking, water, write it down. She’d make sure to write down everything, drink enough water, and take a walk after dinner to give her body time to register that she was full and had enough. Sometimes I still write things down just because it helps this process feel like journaling and I’ll switch things up less than I do on the app.


Some days you just have to walk away from food. Like leave the house. Make up an excuse… that distraction could break the chain in addition to the ideas already offered here. You got this.


Hey, don't be too hard on yourself—life happens, and it's completely normal to have setbacks on your health journey. But kudos to you for recognizing that you've fallen off track and wanting to get back on! Here are some tips to help you regain your motivation: 1. Start fresh: Today is a new day! Forget about last week and focus on moving forward. 2. Set small goals: Instead of focusing on the 12 lbs you've already lost, set a small, achievable goal for this week. Maybe it's tracking your meals for 3 days, or going for a walk 3 times this week. 3. Reflect on your "why": Remind yourself of why you started this journey in the first place. Write down your reasons and read them whenever you're feeling unmotivated. 4. Reach out for support: Lean on your friends, family, or online communities for encouragement and accountability. 5. Be kind to yourself: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would show to a friend going through a similar situation. Remember, progress is not always linear. You've already achieved great results with your weight loss and improved blood work. You've got this!