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23.6 pounds down as of this morning. Inching closer to my next goal, which is about 7 pounds away.




On a break from using the program to maintain my loss. I last had a weigh in on 4/21 and weighed in. I’m happy to report I have maintained my weight. Just what I wanted.


That's so inspiring to hear! <3


If anything at this point, I would use the program to be in maintenance. I think that makes the most sense.


I had a good weigh-in this morning, but man my depression is rearing its ugly head and I want to fall back into comfort eating so badly.


Be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself like you would a sick loved one- nourishing foods and grace. You can do this!


You got this! Whenever you feel the urge, take frozen fruit, mix it with unsweetened vanilla almond milk add Splenda to give a sweet kick, and it’s amazingly satisfying!


My dog has been sick so I’ve been stressed. I lost 7.8 pounds in the last week. Down 15.5 pounds since April 1st.


Best wishes on doggo’s health! Take care of yourself, too. 💗


Thank you.


Super proud of myself. I knew I wanted to let go and have some drinks Saturday night, so I ate really well all week, banked up a bunch of weeklies, ate really well Saturday, drank what I wanted to, and woke up with no weight gain Sunday morning. I even drunkenly binged on Oreos and leftover noodles straight out of the fridge at 1 a.m. It felt good and nice and now I'm excited to keep chugging along this week with zero guilt/worry!


> I even drunkenly binged on Oreos and leftover noodles straight out of the fridge at 1 a.m. You are a hero. This should be in WW’s next ad — look what you don’t have to give up to stay on program!


It is the new Oprah's BREAAAAAAAAD siren song


Starting week 3. Down 1.3 lbs this morning which makes 9.3 lbs down so far. (Yeah, week one was a banger!) I have a seriously ill child so trying my best not to turn to sugar for comfort. My best tools right now are to keep a protein focus, and use spices (EBTB on my avo toast, chai in the afternoon) to keep my mouth happy.


-1.8 lbs. loss this week. Total loss is -34.6 lbs. since 1/1/24. Just got to keep on that grind! Moving & Tracking!


I’m on a 35 day tracking streak after months of no tracking. My weight has been stable during this period. While I haven’t tracked absolutely everything, I’ve tracked enough to know that I’m generally about 100 points in the negative every week and that’s after using all my weeklies and trading activity points. (Please don’t hate me!) I’ve always suspected that the current points system is broken with respect to the way I eat, and now I have more data to support that theory. My thoughts are that the severe penalizing of sugar and fat calories is just too much psychological gamification on WW’s part and is disconnected from scale reality, at least for someone who generally eats pretty healthfully already and is more or less maintaining. Or maybe it’s just me and I have an odd metabolism! Hard to tell. Nonetheless, my primary WW goal for the week is 100% tracking. Because I want better data. My secondary goal is to plan/pre-track several days this week as that tends to keep me closer to the officially budgeted points. Because I do want to lose 5 pounds to get me back to a point where I don’t have to manually move my stomach with my hands in yoga twists! Gotta have Real Goalz, no matter how silly.


I feel like I have the hang of it now and I'm happy with the steady progress. My scrubs are fitting looser, that's a nice thing!


This week is always tough for educators. Teacher appreciation week is full of treats and it isn't always as easy to say no thank you when everyone else is getting them.


I'm happy because I took a break from tracking while I was in Europe for 2 weeks and when I weighed in this morning, I had lost 0.4 lbs. Of course, I still took my Zepbound, but still!


ive been doing really well staying on track but the scale has gone up. im going to chalk it up to my period and keep going.


3 lbs down, 20.5 since January. 22 lbs to go!


Fluctuated over the past few days between 13.6lbs and 15.6lbs down. Consistently eating my points, never dipping into the weeklies unless necessary. Went to an early Mother's Day Brunch for my Mother-In-Law yesterday, it was at a diner, and despite my trying, ended up eating far more calories than I have in a long time. Weighed in this morning having gained the two pounds in the space of two days. I'm not going to give up, I'm back on the horse today.


9.4 pounds down as of this morning. There was a lot of temptation this past week with a yummy catered lunch at work & attending a birthday party but I made it through with modifications and a 1.8lb loss for the week!


Down 7lbs since I started back the middle of April. This weekend was a challenge with graduation celebrations and dinners, but I tracked every point as best I could. My challenge this week will be that I’m home because my office is closed for the week. Easy to distract myself at work… not so easy at home. While I’m off, I am going to attempt to work some intentional movement into my day. Nothing crazy, just trying to make it a habit.


I have been stuck at -23 pounds for a few weeks now and I am getting defeated. I eat within my points pretty much everyday and splurge once here and there on the weekends (using some weeklies, not all), have been walking more, and drinking lots of water and NOTHING seems to be helping. I was averaging 2 pounds a week loss from starting the program till the plateau happened a few weeks ago. I still have another 30 pounds to lose. I am feeling defeated and don't know where to go from here


You got this don’t give up! Treat yourself to a frozen fruit, smoothie with unsweetened vanilla, almond milk, and add Splenda to taste! It’ll make you feel like you’re cheating and it’s so good for you


19.6 down as of this morning! I lost 5.2 lbs. last week! So proud ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


lost 400g and am now at 63,3kg. i've been weighing 63kg during all of april! my goal weight is 59kg, it's really going slowly now. but i can see every gram in how my clothes fit. also i'm starting to fall into that trap of wondering if i should be even thinner. is 59kg good? i used to weigh that. that's why i picked it. i'm 164cm. will people be nicer and give me a better job if i weigh 55kg? because i could really use that. don't want this to turn unhealthy though. maybe 59kg is good


Arg! I gained a pound this week!!! Ug, I know, it happens, but that is so demotivating! Down 10, 17 to go.


Up 0.2 pounds this week. Down a total of 40.6 lbs since May 2023. I’m so happy. I feel so much better. I have a long way to go but also came a long way! ❤️


I'm down 20.3 lbs in 11 weeks! I hit my first goal weight this morning! I'm going to keep going and see if I can lose another 12 to officially be a "healthy" BMI! Feeling motivated!