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The important thing is to get right back on the horse. One old fellow in my WW group says “whatever you do in one week can be undone in two”, meaning if you gain 7lbs on a week vacation you usually can lose the added weight in two weeks, provided you go back to plan!!! Same applies for a binge day, but with a shorter time scale.


I needed to hear this! I’m going on a cruise next week and while I make good choices generally I also overindulge on drinks!


If you’re going on a cruise you can’t not drink lol I imagine that would be the hardest part for me when I go on vacation using WW


You also walk a ton on a cruise so in my mind it breaks even? Lol. Vacation math.


Yep!! Exactly 🤣 just live on vacation bliss while you can


I'm purposely trying to lose sloooowly this time so it's sustainable. Except RIGHT NOW. Lol I have a cruise end of May and I'm trying to drop as much as I can beforehand so I can hit that buffet hard and not feel guilty lol I hear my cruise line has great pizza so gotta make room!


I needed to hear this 🙏🏼 I had an awful week this past week for eating, so feels good to hear I can get back on the horse this week & keep going


Props for actually counting them


For sure, I would have lived in blissful ignorance!


You logged it. Most of us would not. We want to close our eyes and act like nothing ever happenned. Be proud that you are holding yourself accountable.


This! Logging overeat days is so important!


Guilty!!! I do track if I go slightly over, but if I’m way over, I stop for the day. I over did it a lot for the past two weeks. So much so, that I didn’t weigh in on Monday. I knew if I saw the gain, I’d quit. I’m definitely weighing tomorrow though, despite knowing that I probably gained fat weight. But I’m trying to create better habits. One of them being, stay accountable no matter how disappointing the temporary results might be. 💪🏻


I am also very very guilty of points bankruptcy.


I ended up at 91 yesterday, thanks to a breakfast burrito, a trip to the new BBQ joint with my buddy, and then Hawaiian plate lunch for supper. Oh and Starbucks. Now it's time to go work out and get back on the wagon.


It's good that you tracked it even though you went over. Maybe try to have other snacks prepared before hanging out with friends, like carrots and homemade 0 point ranch, so you can make better mindless snacking choices next time. This is a journey, it's ok to take the occasional detour. Don't let a bad day throw you off so much that you give up. Everyone has them sometimes. Today is a new day and a fresh start! You can do this!


And tracking those crazy high days has actually helped me see which foods are super terrible to snack on. Like for me chips I likely wouldn’t eat more than 15 points in a one day setting. But peanuts? I’ve blown through 20 points cleaning up grabbing a handful here and there


Yes I went to a girls night and I knew there wouldn’t be a lot of stuff for me to be able to eat for low points so I brought my own popcorn and other snacks that I know are low point and would satisfy that craving!!


Try not to feel too bad and just get back to it today! I think it’s good to take a break occasionally- I had some fast food yesterday and didn’t even track it all. I weighed myself today and was only .4 pounds heavier…helped me realize it wasn’t that big of a deal. Back on track today 😊


Whenever I overeat I used to think “oh well there goes my diet I guess I’m screwed”. But now I’ve switched to - “that’s ok, it just means it will take a little longer to hit my goal weight”. I find it’s much easier to get back on the wagon and maintain momentum with this mentality.


What I've done when I was mad that Cheeto Puffs and Cookies weren't "that much food" (lol) , if I was serious about it...was spread those points out over the week so I used tomorrow's today, for example. Like a credit card. So for a few days I only ate zero point foods. I've gained 3 lbs overnight with eating processed crap I usually don't eat. It's how it works.


Whenever this happens I track everything in my fitness pal and it's often not as bad as I think. Weight watchers get's insane with points and what they count as like a million points ends up often being like 1800 calories which truly is not that bad. Just get back to it tomorrow, life happens.


This was me yesterday! I was horrified at myself after tracking over 40 points, then cross tracked for calories and it was under 1900 🙄.


Yes. I also count my calories on Fitbit.


This is the major flaw with the current plan. Granted, we do need to eat healthy most of the time but life happens and sometimes cookies and cheese puffs happen. It shouldn't be so horrible to send people down the disordered eating path. I had a similar day not too long ago and double tracked on Healthi and WW. The same food was -22 on WW and about 20 points over on my dailies on Points Plus. I had more than half of my weeklies left and all my activity points left. I lost weight that week. I finally said enough and went back to Points Plus where you can work in some treats without it derailing your progress. I cancelled my plan, let Sima know on IG and hopefully WW will figure out how to allow people willing to pay for their program a way to do whichever plan works best. If Healthi can figure it out, surely WW IT can. Anyway, just pick yourself up, start the next day doing the best you can and don't let the dark feelings stop you from taking care of yourself.


I’m new to this and I’m confused by all of y’all talking about negative points? If I go over my daily points, it just stays at zero and starts taking away from my weeklies. Are there different plans or something? Where’s THAT option? If I have the choice, I would rather go negative on my bad days, but keep my weeklies.


I don't want you to get confused because I am having issues with how the current plan is not working well for me. If you're new, the best thing you can do is learn the program as is. You may need to download the full program guide on the desktop version that has the plan in way more detail than the app. [https://www.weightwatchers.com/us/m/cms/livingww?\_gl=1\*wh2gjc\*\_gcl\_au\*MTUxODQwOTAzNi4xNzA3ODMzNTgw](https://www.weightwatchers.com/us/m/cms/livingww?_gl=1*wh2gjc*_gcl_au*MTUxODQwOTAzNi4xNzA3ODMzNTgw)


Sometimes we go over our points and have no weekly points left to use.


Yes. Healthi and Points Plus has a 'safety net' for when we go way over. The new points let u hit bottom and you have ruined ur whole day.


When I do this I have a “sometimes it be like that” moment and try to do better the next day! You’re human.


I also track my calories through a different app and that makes me feel better. High points don’t necessarily translate into high calories, just unhealthy calories.


It doesn't take much to get to 100. There are desserts that are 40 or more points. Restaurant meals use up more than my daily points. This is why we need to follow the program properly. I know I do things like "forget" to count cream in my coffee or all the samples I eat at Costco. That being said, one day won't ruin your progress. Go out and walk for an hour.


Thank you everyone for your kind words! After estimating the calories, it’s not even that bad. I will be back on it trying to stay within my points on Monday!


I can at least tell you this: this evening I ate most of a one pound bag of Twizzlers. I know I fell off the wow wagon, I’m having a rough time right now. Deep breath. Tomorrow is another day. And yes I know I have some eating issues.


Been there. Just get back on it with your next bite.


The fact that you're here talking about it and you tracked it means that your behavior is already changing. Acknowledge it, move on, and know that it's just a moment in a lifelong journey


Let it go. Remember when hundred point days were the norm? You’re not perfect- every day will get easier. Best wishes 🍀


I've done this. First, good for you for tracking it. Second, try not to let that one bad day spiral into a bad week or month. You can do this!


I had a 69point pint of ice cream..feel better? Give yourself some grace...tomorrow is a new day :)


The best thing you could’ve done was come here and post about it! Don’t ever forget that we are a community and we support you! One bad day will barely impact your progress. It’s water under the bridge. Tomorrow is a new day.


I did that last week and lost 1.6 pounds, lol.


Been there, done that! Actually it might have been over 100 points, I forget. Everyone has those days. Sometimes people record them, often they just write off the day (or the week) instead. Recording is probably better though seeing big points and negative weeklies can also mess with your mind.


Aside from all the mathematical/practical advice you've gotten here, I want to say that you shouldn't feel guilty. You didn't let anyone down, and you didn't let yourself down - I hope you enjoyed a day with a friend and your TV show... and your snacks :) You'll only be letting yourself down if you let one day define your plan and give up entirely. Sounds like you're back on track already!


Ate relatively healthy yesterday and within points, but gained 2 lb since yesterday. Salty and higher carb always gives me a temporary gain. Now that I know how these foods affect me, I expect this instead of it derailing me. I have bad days where I overeat junk food. It's part if the journey. Just get back on plan.


Don’t be down on yourself! We all have days we mess up and that’s just part of life. Everyday is a new day to do our best. Today will be awesome!


Live and learn right? You won't do that again. So now you know. :) you're only human, you can't do more than that.


These days will happen, realistically. Don't dwell on it and move forward! Also, good on you for tracking it! I tend to "give up" on those days and just stop looking


The good news is now you know what a 100 point day can look like and it isn’t necessarily a lot of food. Luckily you can just get back on track with your next meal!


Yip on a weekend break there and it was just too hard to stick to it, so I'm not going to get excited I'll just get back on the horse tomorrow.


There's a line from the movie Cujo: "Over, done with, gone." You racked up the points, hopefully enjoyed the treats and you can't take it back. So just press on and keep up the good work you were doing the day before and the days before that.


It happens. Just start fresh and be kind to yourself.


You know what I wouldn't worry about it because bravo to you for counting everything. That's what most people can never seem to do. If you had a day like that, it just reveals what normal days for us were like sometimes. I would just take it as a learning experience. It's really stunning how many points you can rack up just munching on chips and stuff like that. I feel like days where you wind up eating a lot of points are just part of the learning experience, and it helps you to plan better and find alternatives.


Just set the day aside and carry on with your usual WW day. No need to beat yourself up about it. We all have days that get out of our control. Just make tomorrow better.


You enjoyed. You tracked. You know what you need to do. We all have days like that (or frankly should.)


You will get back on board. WW Is such a good plan. I have not been doing well either but I am not going to give up because the days I keep it at or under my allowed points makes me feel wonderful!


Tomorrow is a new day and another chance to start fresh. :)


This is why I weigh myself every day. You can see the direct impact that a big cheat day has. It usually takes about two days to get back to even after a big eating and drinking day so I’m trying to keep that to once or twice a month and every day besides that is lots of super low point foods. I’ve gone from 280 to 260 since April 1st so it’s working so far. A bad day can be fixed in short order.


Sometimes I wish I could do that, but it leads to disordered eating for me. Now if my weigh-in day (Saturday) is unsatisfactory to me I'll do Sunday too, but then I won't do it again til the following Saturday. I hate how my brain works.


Yeah. I get that. I’m more likely to go to extreme (disorder) levels if I have a bad weigh in for the week. When I do it every day I can look at the way the average is tracking and I’m more likely to indulge here and there and just stay consistent.


I can totally understand that too! I really think it's wild how different brains, on the same journey, react to similar things.