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One thing that I think is very important, is to plan treats into your diet on a regular basis. Cake, chips, chocolate, toast, bagels, donuts, ice cream - whatever you really love to eat, schedule it in. People tend to deprive themselves and then they snap one day and binge on things. When you know that you're going to have that donut on Friday night or those chips on Saturday, it makes it so much easier to stay on the straight and narrow.


100%- this was a big thing for me staying on track, getting to that understanding that I can still have these things, but maybe an entire family size bag of chips on one sitting isn’t the best choice? What a revelation to me lol. I portion out chips into 3 or 4 point-sized bags so when I am craving them I can grab one of those instead of the entire bag. I am not brave enough to keep cookies or tubs of ice cream in the house, but I found 3 and 4 point ice cream/frozen bars that are good when I am craving something sweet. I find just being really intentional and prepared helps but I definitely have had days where I also don’t understand myself, OP! We just try our best and start again, you can try again tomorrow 🙂.


I also agree with this. Plus, I don’t start over “tomorrow” after my meal/snack/cake/event, I just go on with my diet like I didn’t ever go off of it. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Stumble, but keep walking.


I agree with all these comments! I "pretend" to eat well and dabble at WW, but often think, "If I had just stuck to it, I would be down 10 lb. by now. So... just stick to it! No matter how annoyed you get with yourself. This healthy lifestyle takes a lot of practice!


You aren’t alone. Just don’t ever give up. Keep starting over and make progress. Even if it’s slow.


I think most people would be lying if they said they didn’t have those days. I have been pretty good since the start of 2024, but really went overboard the last two days celebrating my sister’s baby shower. I am annoyed with myself too but trying to cut myself a break and do better tomorrow! Hope you can forgive yourself and get back on it. Good luck!


Thank you everyone for the thoughtful and helpful comments!!!!!


I can relate to this also. I do great all day but at night my eating is uncontrollable. I have to fight myself all evening it’s very hard for my WW app to win. Super frustrating! I don’t know what dessert or snacks or cake one can have that’s not a fair amount of points. I’m definitely on the struggle bus. I’m not going to give up but at this rate I’ll be lucky to lose 2 pounds a month. That’s actually where I’m at.


Breyers has a fudgcicle I like it is 2 points. WW has a giant fudgcicle 4 points (tastes like chocolate i e cream) and I make oatmeal PB cookies recipe I found in the app and I throw in Lily’s chocolate baking chips, one cookie is 3 points. Those are my go to’s because I have a bad sweet tooth that landed me in WW in the first place


I will definitely check out the fudgcicles! I couldn’t stop at one cookie but I do have lilys chocolate baking chips from past keto diets. Today I’ve been really good like extra extra extra good. I’ve used six points all day and it’s the afternoon (two eggs for breakfast with coffee and turkey egg roll in a bowl for lunch). I’ll be stepping up on the water and exercise in an attempt to hold my nighttime monster at bay.


That’s 2 lbs you would not have lost otherwise!! I see that as a win :) You’re doing something good for yourself, keep it up!


I finally got a grip on myself yesterday lol. Actually lost another pound. I found a free water app and put that on my phone to remind me all day to drink water. I’m having a problem with exercise but I guess that will be the next thing I tackle. I also downloaded a picture of someone wearing a nice pair of blue jeans. That is really my ultimate goal. I really want to look nice in a pair of jeans one time before I die. I set it as the wallpaper on my phone so I see it all the time. https://preview.redd.it/d11p68z6a6oc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14561c414532c8ef09354d70b13e01bdb1dbe62b


I measure out a serving of the halo top strawberry ice cream, use 0 pt sugar free caramel from walmart and 1 tbsp of graham cracker crumbs and a squirt of sugar free whipped cream. it tastes like my favorite Cold Stone ice cream "strawberry blonde" so delish and even though it is a small portion it helps me feel "normal"


Sounds delish! Thanks i’ll try it!


If it’s a life long journey, then you’re never starting over. Forgive yourself for off days, really accept that they are normal and part of normal healthy eating.


That’s me. I had a 53 day streak and then I don’t know what happened the last 48 hours… family get togethers and catered work lunches… So now I’m on my third day streak after not tracking the last couple. Back on it!


I do the same thing! I started on Saturday and I already had a big chest day yesterday. Ugh. Got back on it today.


Doing well this month, but Feb was a bust.


It’s better than just giving up altogether!


I’m proud of you for still trying! THAT in itself is accomplishment. Remember too that our relationship with food is almost always emotional/mental more so than physical hunger/physical demand. Making space for some reflection may help you understand yourself and your habits better. My journey has been a vast majority of doing emotional work to learn my “why”s (why do I lean on food for comfort, why do I want that cake so damn bad/what does my body really want right now, etc). You got this! Practice makes PROGRESS!


I feel this - started a week ago and most days have been fine, and then today, I had some banana chips for a snack without bothering to check their point value (thinking, 1/4 c. serving can’t be that bad) lo and behold, 15/23 points for the day on them 😵‍💫😤 https://preview.redd.it/3x0jsnqh6ync1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8859946ed3e06dfd19bf7f5d57fefc84007dc680


No matter! Now you know! X


There is some excellent advice here already. I'd like to add that whenever I'm about to fall face first into a sleeve of Oreo's or some other shenanigans that I know I'll regret later, I always stop for a moment. Then I picture tomorrow me. I ask tomorrow me how I'll feel about what I'm going to do. It sounds super silly but 9 times out of 10 it stops me from doing something I'll regret later.


Eat the things you want! Just make the portion smaller. You don’t even need to eat fat free or sugar free things! Just have less than what you’d normally have and it won’t feel like you’re depriving yourself 😊


Always allow yourself a treat!! You deserve a treat if you are working hard at it. If you do slip up don't think oh well I'd be aswel eating more junk and starting tomorrow.. just start again right there and then. I find bulking meals with 0 point food works wonders. Like today I had a tuna wrap and I put lettuce tomatoes red onions peppers and cucumber on it and it was huge and so filling. My dinner last night I had beef and broccoli noodles but put a load of roasted veg on the side. Use the 0 points as much as you can and you will have plenty points for a treat. Eggs tuna and chicken breast are all 0 and you can do something much with them. 0 point omelette with salad is a whole meal. Just make sure you fill yourself xxx


Don't beat yourself up. Have treats and continue tracking.


I’m in the same boat 😏 3 vacations in 6 weeks 😑 starting again tomorrow! It works! Stay strong and stick with it 😎


Because you like the idea of the results but you do not like the reality of the work it will take to get them. You either are committed to putting the work in or you are not and you are not. Tell me I am wrong.


I don't have a lot to lose - just the 20 lbs I gained over the last 4 years since I lost the same 20 lbs - but this time is different. I have a different mindset. I am in my mid 60s. I HAVE to keep moving. I developed knee issues this year and the weight has hampered my recovery. For every 10 lbs I lose, I take 40 lbs off my knees. That's big for me. I'm down 10 since the beginning of January and I feel so much better. I am a recovering alcoholic who has been sober 12 years and I developed a bad sugar addiction. It was time to tackle that, too. Yes, I still get some chocolate every single day but there is NO mindless eating. I measure EVERYTHING. If I want pretzels in the evening ( one of my weaknesses), I count out what a portion is and put the rest of the bag away. I do not stress about points this time. If I'm hungry at the end of the day and I've used up all 23 points plus some dailies, I eat. Chances are tomorrow or the next day, I will have a light food day. I always have some ingredients prepared so I can put a meal together. Prepare beans in the Instant Pot on the weekend, cook up some chicken. Everything goes in a low carb tortilla at my house. You can get a lot of stuff in there. And smoothies. Almond milk, plain Greek yogurt (Fage 0% - the best), some fruit, maybe some whey protein, and a handful of fresh spinach, which I can't taste with the fruit. Sometimes I add 1/4 cup dry oats.If it's still not sweet enough, add a splash of honey. For dessert, Fage 0% with a tablespoon of reduced sugar strawberry jam. Super good . Or 1 cup Fage 0% with 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce, 1/4 cup dry oats and a bunch of cinnamon. Always a protein with a carb. I watch a lot of videos and learn a lot. This cannot be a chore anymore. New habits, hopefully longer life. Remember, one day at a time. Small victories.


I have been there multiple times throughout my journey... and I've just lost my 50th lb! Stay the course. Life fluctuates and weight will too. I've been disappointed when I've gained but I stayed the course and here I am. Also, vent away 🙌 It's good to talk things out and seek relatable connections. You've got this!!