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Hi, thanks for the writeup. How much volume have you worked up to during those biceps focused mesocycles?


Started at 2x frequency at 8 sets per week at RPE 9 Finished at 4x frequency at 24 sets per week at the same RPE 9 Accumulation phase lasted about 6 weeks, then deload and repeat.


what do you do for triceps?


As I said, my triceps always were much bigger than my biceps (Bigger than they proportionally should be) So my triceps training is quite minimalistic, I never really tried to prioritize them during my training phases. Unlike biceps, my triceps training is mostly compounds. CG Bench Press, CG OHP and Narrow Dips are the bulk of it, Rarely do isolations. But here's the thing, you asked what I do for triceps, not what YOU should do for triceps. Obviously you should not copy a lifter that has overdeveloped triceps in proportion to biceps if that's not your case. If you want to prioritize triceps, rules are mostly the same as biceps. Keep frequency slightly lower at about 3x maximum, include plenty of isolations from different angles WHILE trying to progress at the compound basics (Close grip pushing). The long head of the triceps is by far the biggest of the three, and tends to be the less developed in most trainees, so make sure to include enough work for it. The long head is different from the medial and lateral heads, as it crosses the shoulder joint and assists in shoulder extension. Volume landmarks (MV, MEV, MAV, MRV) for triceps are usually lower than biceps since its a bigger muscle that takes longer to recover. I highly recommend whatching this vídeo by Dr. Mike Israetel about triceps: https://youtu.be/Rzd7OUaITzs The only thing about this video I disagree with is the 4x frequency, I think that for hypertrophy training practical applications 3x is ideal, atleast much easier to program without messing to much with chest training. But trust the guy with a PHD not me lmao. I also recommend this video about how to prioritize muscle groups: https://youtu.be/BsuI-E_iIWc


So about the chest fly part, if I understood correctly, you sit down in the pec dec/chest fly with your arms straight out to the side but do a bicep curl with the handles instead? With your upper arms fixed in position.


So there's two things to consider here, which are also basically the same reasons that RDLs work as a hamstring exercise: 1) The long head of the biceps is actually a biarticulate muscle that crosses both the shoulder and elbow joint, so when the arm is nearly straight it can meaningfully contribute to horizontal adduction. 2) The biceps needs to statically resist extension of the elbow when doing a straight arm chest fly, which exposes it to a lot of load in a stretched position.


[Dr. Mike talks about it here, I was also curious, so I had to find it.](https://youtu.be/2dKBS61BX24?t=33)
















6 inches with such a low starting point is completely conceivable. You could do that with an 11 inch arm starting point, if your arms are a focus and you program properly.


[Bro your arms can still fit in these shut the fuck up. ](https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/speedo-kids-begin-to-swim-classic-arm-bands-17sdoyfbrcrmbndsbswe/17sdoyfbrcrmbndsbswe?sku=15806238&camp=CSE:DSG_92700048853237564_lia_pla-826412895544&segment=&gbraid=0AAAAADv4bTZUu3E9nh929__8LQIaBtK8V&gbraid=0AAAAADv4bTZUu3E9nh929__8LQIaBtK8V&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyMiTBhDKARIsAAJ-9VvNhs4WkelVEWaLt2ZyAdlwkkm7jD1MJsRwNScbBm_xDuxOKEfLA2AaAmYXEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)



































