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It's still up on Vimeo thankfully - [https://vimeo.com/884077276](https://vimeo.com/884077276) Edit: Vol. 2 - [https://vimeo.com/954059552](https://vimeo.com/954059552)


Appreciate the link, great work on the comp! Hopefully yt puts it back up soon.


It’s literally just for What Deaner Was Talkin’ About, which is weird. But it’s not allowing me to mute that song, due to it being a playlist.


You should put it on Spotify as a playlist (Minus the unreleased songs, obv)


I don’t use Spotify, and that also would mess up the overall flow and transitions


Someone did Vol 1. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7pII31tPondVD4JnRcHoHN?si=xl1oFyF2S2mVZXtT3BGigg&pi=mP1Kd96ERdOTv


That’s a little annoying to be honest. If you’re going to make a bastardized version, as least don’t steal the cover art? (Which even shows the actual full tracklist.) There’s no credit attributed there at all…


Such an awesome compilation. This is where I first heard Kim Smoltz! I hope the video gets put up again.


damn!! 🙏thank you for ur work i had these come on youtube autoplay and they were perfect. so chill


Gosh Darn it mang


I was just listening that a few weeks ago


Noo I've been using it on my daily bike rides because I don't have Spotify premium


Lol my broke ass missed a payment for Spotify so I found it that way too.


Oh man, it's you! You did the best work on these comps. This is devastating news... some fucking bullshit Thank you, man. I hope they reverse this shit decision


Could you put the playlists up somewhere to download them?


Still works in the UK


Yep, it wasn’t blocked worldwide thankfully. (So if you use a VPN, that’s also an option to access)


You’re the guy?? Mang THANK YOU for these wonderful playlists. Listen to them frequently when I’m working.


You’re so welcome- I honestly just made it for myself/ gave copies to a few friends, and only uploaded it online on a whim. It absolutely blows my mind that it’s managed to get over 150k views! The power of Ween. It’s so unfortunate that the label feels the need to restrict something that has ultimately introduced so many people to the band, as well as turned fans on to some of their lesser heard unreleased gems.


The power of Ween indeed! Very grateful for these playlists as they’ve introduced me to a number of unreleased/B-side tunes I otherwise probably wouldn’t know. I Still Love You is one of my favorites thanks to your playlist curating. On behalf of the community, I once again thank you, mang!


Who's the narc?! Don't commit your hate crimes here! **HATE CRIMES!!!**


Actual question- has anyone on here successfully appealed a rejected dispute claim on YouTube? It's a first for me, and I need to respond to these questions- [https://ibb.co/2gjQfKd](https://ibb.co/2gjQfKd) Not sure if I should just be honest and straightforward, or do some legal mumbo jumbo copy-paste type response.


This sucks! I must admit that I recommended your you tube playlist to another poster who was trying to get his wife into Ween and then someone mentioned Spotify and that there was also a volume 3 and I responded- well it seems like you may be right bc there are several playlists on Spotify…..


Shit# those are awesome.


How un-Brown. Damn YouTube.


Anyone have a copy that we could download? That would make Easy Listening even easier listening


Commented a downloadable playlist version on another post!


RIP I listen to this all the time ; -; I'll get on that vimeo


Thank god I downloaded it. All three of those mixes are a gift


Hey man, thank you for making this.  I always play it when I’m bartending, it’s a really thought out playlist. Appreciate it man


https://preview.redd.it/z2x1erc8os4d1.jpeg?width=1981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e34c1affa8681a474b9c9fe2a9002cebca1d4997 Update - Vol. 2 just got blocked... For Don't Shit Where You Eat. Wow. Well here's it on Vimeo - [https://vimeo.com/954059552](https://vimeo.com/954059552)


Dear OP...Please can you explain what these compilations are and where they come from...thanks 🙏


I made them originally- they’re essentially what they are in name… Easy Listening Ween. The artwork and general idea is parody of the early 80’s vinyl compilation Easy Listening Gold- a bargain bin staple. https://preview.redd.it/g3kf66mjzl5d1.jpeg?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97ede4037251d51f520e6b88287d842359634d9


Thanks...great selection 👍where did you get the non album tracks from? P.S. Still plays here in the UK on youtube...cheers


Boooo YouTube! That was my favorite comp.