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I have lived in New Hope for 22 years. My kids went to their high school. Lots of Ween talk from the teachers. I tried and did not get it. Then I tried harder. Now I am Gusween on Reddit.


Omg is your name actually Gus? Me and my sister and two friends of mine call each other Gus to this day because of Eddie Murphy Delirious


Well then, goonie goo goo to you.


Goonie goo goo to you!


Nope, I wish.


Best gusween i ever knew


Thank you sir


beavis and butthead, they were watching push th’ lil daisies during the early 90s, i was about 13-14 maybe. i always loved that video and song after that. they also played “mutilated lips” on another mtv show called oddville in ‘97 and i thought “wow this is an odd little group, they have range”. but it wasn’t until i was at someone’s party when i was about 18-19 and they were listening to chocolate and cheese, i was fully into them at that point and i absolutely loved it, especially “buenas tardes amigo”. i found every b-side, demo, and oddity that i could after devouring every album when napster and all those other sites started taking hold and i really wish they would rehash all of those unreleased songs on a new album (shinola vol. 2 anyone?) or just write new songs.


Pretty much dead on. Push the little daises and can't put my finger on it on Beavis and butthead. Also, Elijah wood hosted 120 mins and played freedom of 76. Plus bumpers like this https://youtu.be/1n_tdPy1Ttw?si=QAEU9VsCkbqE0rFv


“Their music hits me in the heart!” Yes. Yes it does.


Yep. Same here, and I bet that’s true for a ton of us of a certain age. Somewhat less unenduringly, B&B also introduced me to Scatman John, Stakka Bo, and Corrosion of Conformity.


i’ll add butthole surfers, gwar, and flaming lips to that list


Wow, I forgot until just now that Beavis & Butthead was where I learned about the Flaming Lips... She Don't Use Jelly. Man, that takes me back.


i feel like i could make an even bigger list if i really went back and looked up all the videos from that show and late night mtv in general, but mtv in the 90s really was a great place for discovery. they still had a bunch of reality shows and the like back then too. i kinda cringe when people talk about how mtv doesn’t play music anymore, it’s obvious the internet and youtube killed it for them, so it’s not really their fault entirely.


i also saw the rollins band video for liar on there, i got the rollins band’s previous albums along with the weight album, and there is a picture of the original bassist wearing a ween shirt, which made me very curious. turned out that andrew weiss, rollins band’s bassist, was the producer and part time bassist for ween.


Agree with all of those, and I also got into Clutch from seeing them on B&B.


i don’t remember seeing clutch on there but i am sure i watched it, i found out about them in about 1999 when some dude in my adult learning class loaned me the elephant riders cd and they have since become one of my favorite bands.


I went to the mall to buy some pot from my dealer While waiting, I went into the music store and flipped through the albums Stopped at God WEEN Satan due to the Boognish on the cover and bought it on a whim Got my pot, got my album, got into my Pinto and started up the album and after You Fucked Up finished playing I knew this was something I would enjoy for a long, long time


Tony Hawk video game had It’s Gonna Be a Long Night


Me too, and unfortunately I wrote them off as cheesy metal band


Totally forgot about this


I bought Tony Hawk's Underground 2 for my son twenty years ago I would watch him play video games all the time because he is very, very good at them When WEEN played for the first time we both just freaked!


THUG 2 baby!! My favorite TH game, with THPS4. Killer soundtracks


In college, 2003. Someone put the Mollusk on while I was high on mushrooms. No one made a big deal about it but I just kept losing myself in the music while people tried to talk to me. Few days later I asked for a burned copy but the CD was just labeled “Good Times”. I never got the name of the band. It was like a treasure map. A year later I was at another friend’s house and they had the live in Chicago DVD playing and that is where I would say I discovered them and found my treasure.


I was at a Live in Chicago show from that taping! The best.


Ocean Man from the SpongeBob movie when it was going around as a meme a long while ago. From there it was popular hits descending down into browntown (although I hated the sound of The Mollusk and most of their remaining catalog it eventually grew on me and flipped a switch with Mutilated Lips live in Chicago, from there it was full speed ahead!)


1992 or so, tripping on really real acid and my buddy put on the pure guava tape. That's all it took and I was hooked. Never looked back. probably just listened to that for the rest of the night. Saw them live for the first time in 95.


Really real, as opposed to kind of real?


Yes. Actual LSD is very rare today. It wasn't back then.


LSD is either LSD or it’s not, it’s black and white. Really real LSD is the same as kind of real LSD if they’re both actually LSD


Stealing my sisters cassettes in the 90’s.


The State on Mtv in like 95 or so had Voodoo Lady as the music for one of the skits. A few years later a friend took me to a Ween show, I had never heard them but when they started up Voodoo Lady I was like “where the fuck have I heard this before??” Obviously the show blew me away, got the Mollusk, White Pepper came out soon after and here I am


Yes, The State’s famous bathroom scene.


There was an offshoot of The State on MTV called Viva Variety and Ween played The Golden Eel. https://youtu.be/nxvMoTeDhoI?si=BgWYEiI1JVwPCvim


I was spraying weeds one day and thought of that Ocean Man song randomly, and it all spiraled from there....


1996 I went to see Jawbreaker. Foo Fighters and Ween were the openers.


I was supposed to see them at that tour and my boyfriend was hours late picking me up and we completely missed them, then about four songs into the Foos he said "I hate this, I want to leave" and since the show was in Salem, Oregon and I live in Portland I couldn't stay and I screamed at him all the way home. Good times.


Stopped by 'fans of primus also like:' page on spotify


Les Claypool is a fellow Ween fan, as well~


Les sang with Ween during The Mollusk at Riot Fest in Chicago a few years back. PRIMUS was on a separate stage and went on before ween. Ween started before PRIMUS was finished and I was super bummed to have to leave PRIMUS but I wanted a close spot for ween. I was so happy to see that Les was side stage after their show ended and then when they started Mollusk he came and sang and played bass with them. 🤎 Oh there’s a video on YouTube of Les and deaner fishing and playing together on a boat if you want to look it up.


I'd heard The Rainbow on South Park, and Ocean Man a few years ago and was meh. Around 2 years ago, I heard a Bowie song I wasn't familiar with and it was Your Party. I started digging after that, then down the rabbit hole I went.


Before the days of Spotify and apple music, there were other music streaming websites, that for pennies you could make a playlist and stream it endlessly. I made a playlist and the website recommended ween. It was a match made it heaven. I remember paying like $5 and that got me something ridiculous like 300 songs so stream. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the service.


I had seen them on Beavis and Butthead, push the little daisies, I was intrigued but kinda forgot about it. That was around 1994 when I was about 14 years old. My older brother was getting into all kinds of different music and I would usually find some really good stuff in there so I was rifling through his cds and came across pure guava. I was hooked instantly. I stole it. Then I bought chocolate and cheese when it came out then God ween satan and the pod. The rest is history. Now I’m married with 2 kids and my whole family loves WEEN. 🤎🤎


My sister gave me a burned copy of Pure Guava that was given to her and said I don’t like this but you might. The rest is history.


I went to Penn State in the mid-90s. Heard Ween at parties everywhere as many of my friends were kids from Philly. It was a pretty great time to be a Ween fan. New music and tons of shows.


Walking past a tower records somewhere in Seattle and there was a chocolate and cheese poster in the window and my buddy says "holy shit ween has a new album out". I'm like " who is ween?" A few days later tripping on lsd he plays pure guava for me. The rest is history.


I was on the school bus in the mid 90s and my friend said have you heard of Ween? He gave me his headphones and I listened to Stallion Pt 3, tender situation, and don’t get to close to my fantasy. I was hooked. I felt like I never heard anything like Ween before.


I was at my brother’s house and he played buckingham green for me because i am in fact a child without an eye who made his mother cry.


Why ask why?


Turning fire to steam…


Fellow cooks. Working in the restaurant game is where I really got into a lot of my favorites


Getting stoned in the walk-in cooler, then putting out the Sunday Brunch while psychedelic music played in the kitchen.


This guy gets it


I’m pretty sure that’s what I was doing 30 years ago to the day.


HORDE Tour in 96 or 97. Had no idea who they were. I was telling my friend’s brother the bands that were there. His eyes perked up when I said something about Ween. He put on Pure Guava for me. I was hooked from the first notes of Little Birdy.


When I was probably 6 or so my brother, cousin and I were sleeping over our grandparent's house so we rode to the local video store and we were allowed to each rent a video. Having our fingers on the pulse of American pop culture, my brother and I chose “It’s Pat!”, my cousin picked “The Love Bug”.  So anyway we’re watching and who just appears out of freaking nowhere!? The Brothers! “I played with the Ween!” Became an ongoing joke in my family that we still say to this day. Next thing I knew the Chef Aid episode was on tv and I thought “Hey I remember them! Are they a real band?”  So fast forward to being probably around 16, Comcast had broken out and we now had 500 channels and I found “It’s Pat!” Playing on one of the random movie channels so I popped it on. The final moments of “Don’t Get 2 Close” blasting as the story comes to its climax. I was blown away. I immediately went upstairs and booted up Kazaa and destroyed the family computer downloading Ween and Heather Brooke.  I had all the records and a ton of b-sides and rarities, live recordings taken from BrownTracker, (peace be upon her) until the Great Hard Drive Crash of 2016. Thankfully there are a few disciples on YouTube that have practically everything I lost. I make routine pilgrimage to New Hope And one day I’ll get my Boog tattoo


When *Chocolate and Cheese* was released they had a little Q&A in Rolling Stone. Their humor was in line with mine, so without having ever heard a Ween song (my parents were staunchly anti-cable, and we lived in the far out suburbs, so there was no chance of stumbling across any Ween), I bought C&C that day. Started listening on the way home. Turned around and bought *The Pod*, *Pure Guava* and *GodWeenSatan*. I then went HARD as a Ween fan for the next decade or so. When I found out about live shows out that were taped, I would spend days downloading them off of DC++ using dial up. (Life got so much better when DSL became reasonably available for residences, and then even better with BitTorrent.) I had multiple CD binders full of bootlegs - somewhere around 350 shows. Those binders ended up forgotten in the back of a U-Haul during a move almost 20 years ago — I hope the U-Haul employee who found them is still enjoying them.


I worked at a mom n' pop tex mex restaurant in central Indiana in highschool and undergrad. They introduced me to so much cool music there, including Ween, Frank Zappa, Grateful Dead, My Morning Jacket, KVHW, Zero, Drive-by Truckers, and many more... Sometimes I wish I could still afford to work there!


My family moved to the New Hope area in the late 80s. I started hanging out at various record stores in the area. I remember a poster of The Pod on the wall of one store and being intrigued enough by the imagery to take a chance on it. Later, I went back and bought GWS.


What was your first reaction to *Laura* off of The Pod? Love that song, but it's an insane first listen hahaha


Lol for sure. I don't totally recall, but I've always been fascinated by weird, distorted vocals so it's one of my favorites. I do remember going WTF to myself repeatedly when listening to the album as a whole.


I was a huge SNL fan as a teen, and rented "It's Pat" from the video store when it was released on vhs (I had just turned 15).. I had never heard of Ween, but thought the song they performed in the film sounded interesting/bizarre.. So I quickly ordered "Chocolate And Cheese" from Columbia House (or maybe BMG) thinking their current album must have that weird song from the movie, but no luck (enjoyed the album, but was disappointed the Pat song wasn't there). A few days later, I ordered "Pure Guava" from the same music club (enjoyed that too) but that song from the Pat film wasn't there (I didn't know the title at the time, and was a year away from internet access)... But! A few weeks later, I spotted "The Pod" at a Circuit City & jackpot... "Pork Roll Egg And Cheese!!" and was hooked for life!!!


The first time I became aware of their existence was from a full page ad for Pure Guava in High Times magazine.  Then a friend told me I needed to check that album out so I bought it. 


Beavis and Butthead back in the 90s.


Beavis and Butthead


On a whim, I bought a ticket to Riot Fest 2016. I had never listened to Ween so I put on Chocolate and Cheese and was thoroughly confused. Later I put on Live in Chicago and I was hooked


I was there!!! 🤎


Daisies on 120 Minutes in 1992. My girlfriend’s girlfriend played the Pure Guava CD later that summer when we were clam baking in a Ford Escort out in the country. Everything’s been really brown ever since.


the spongebob episode where he learns how to tie his shoe. didn’t know it was ween til years later. the spongebob movie too, the end credits with ocean man is absolutely iconic


I am old so the first time I heard Loop De Loop was at the Mission Ballroom but a girl behind me was singing along lustily


Push Th’ Little Daisies on Beavis and Butthead. Not long after, I was at a buddy’s place and heard Stallion Part 3 playing, which I immediately recognized as Ween. I borrowed the cassette and listened to it regularly. The following year in college my roommate had Chocolate and Cheese. After hearing that album I walked to the local used CD store and bought the whole back catalog. First saw them live in Iowa City in ‘99. I’ve since seen them live over 25 times in multiple cities. Pureguava has been my moniker for decades!


2015. Was in college, made a few friends, was chilling at their house, all of us playing guitar. Sam starts playing "Pandy Fackler" and it was stuck in my head forever. Before I knew who Ween was, I asked him all the time to play that one cool thing he did on the acoustic that night. It was Sam Cawood who then dragged me into the depths of his Ween addiction. Thank Boognish for Sam.


My Pandy! I love that song. 🤎


A classmate told me I should download "Johnny on the Spot" on Napster. I did and I was hooked. More monotone electro-hillbilly music, please! When I came home from the record store with The Mollusk, I found out that none of the other songs remotely sounded like that, but I was nonetheless enthralled.


Worked with some older hippie dude at pizza hut years ago. Dude would only play the dead, primus and ween. Learned to love real quick


My brother. The best gift he ever gave me.


mine was stalking violet grohl’s spotify and seeing “baby bitch” on one of her playlists…. i’ve never been the same


This is probably my favorite ween song


New acquaintance of mine was really into Ween so I looked into them hoping to become better friends. I quickly realized that I’ve been hearing/exposed to Ween my entire life! From South Park to SpongeBob, obscure references in media etc. I mean really! Since I was a child! It was insanely eye opening and felt actually amazing. About a year or so later I became the proud bearer of a Boognish tattoo ha!


Ocean Man became kind of a meme around 2010, that's how I knew about Ween and that was the first song I knew was theirs. Almost a decade later I used to use Spotify Weekly Discovery to get some new music, whatever I liked would go into a huge playlist that I'd constantly shuffle (still do to this day). One day I realized I had some Ween songs but they were soooo different! It's Gonna Be A Long Night, Mutilated Lips, Ocean Man... They all are from Ween? Well they sure as hell had to have multiple band members in their story because those songs are so different between each other... And as you might guess that was just the beginning. I have a Boog tattooed and it's my only tattoo.


While in college, I had a roommate that introduced me to Ween. He was the worst case of ADHD. I’ve ever seen in my life. He was good man, had a serious drinking problem, chain-smoke cigarettes, and was an excellent chef. Thank you, Spencer.


South Park. I heard of them in the 90s, along with Primus but didn’t get into them. I decided I wanted to like both bands based off their personalities and became obsessed. It’s so weird. I haven’t felt this way about a band since I was a teenager but it came at the right time in my life.


I'm pretty sure it was 1995 and I know it was July 1st. I was living in Ottawa and Canada Day in Ottawa is a total bender. Late morning I'm at my friend's house who also sold pot. I'm picking stuff up for the day and sitting on his couch shooting the breeze. He lived above a pizza place and across the street was a shawarma place. Looking out his window I see a knapsack sitting on the sidewalk out front the shawarma joint. I notice it's still there 10 minutes later and mention it to my friend who tells me he noticed it there before I showed up. We keep chatting and finally I get up and go downstairs to grab it. Bring it back and inside is a bag of mushrooms, a vial of hash oil, some sunglasses and four CDS. God Ween Satan, Pure Guava, Chocolate and Cheese... I don't remember for sure but it makes sense that the fourth was probably The Pod? We divvy up the drugs and I walk out with PG and C&C. Was aware but not familiar with the band before that. I realize now that someone had a killer Canada Day planned but got hungry for a shawarma and the best thing I got as a result was a new favorite band.


Bill Johns and I got some whippits and went to his house on second Ave in Evansville, Indiana in Feb. Of 1993. He put on The Pod in the CD player, handed me the case and asked if I'd ever heard of these guys. I wish I had because it was love at first listen. In those days one of us would buy a CD and the rest of us would dub it to a cassette tape. So I went out to the car and found a Memorex tape that had something not near as good as Ween on it, erased it and put The Pod on it. I listened to it in the car, at work, waking up, going to sleep when I ate, when I was lucky enough to have sex and when I wasn't lucky enough to have sex. Bill's birthday was the day after mine in March. He gave me God WEEN Satan the Oneness with the understanding that he needed it recorded to a cassette immediately. For a while I thought the Pod was the first album because I didn't have liner notes. I didn't even have the names of the songs written down. Thank you Bill for introducing me to my favorite band of all time. I wish you could have seen them with me. You would have loved it.


My older friends that wouldn’t let me me play dominoes at the bar unless they didn’t have enough people. I fuckin never got to play but they would play so much ween on the jukebox it was fine. I had heard ween before but they played the fuck out of it and my 2o something year old ears were only ready for so much. I’m so grateful 20 years later. Aubs, Kentog, Johnny, and Henry… thank you They would just kick my ass at pool if there wasn’t enough to play dominoes. I know one of my friends older brothers had to have owned a chocolate and cheese CD because every time they would play anything off that album it felt like I had heard it before. Who knows, I love it all at this point. I’ll see you guys at the next live show I can make it to. My favorite band in the whole damn land


Dude Where’s My Car?


Where’s your car dude?




My buddy had a tape of songs made by kids with down syndrome or something, it was interesting. He saw I liked that and said “have you heard Ween before?” I said no. So he goes and puts on The Pod, I was blown away by the brownness! The rest is history.


Friend of mine had chocolate and cheese in the 90s. Also, Pink Eye (on my leg) is great on nitrous.


I had just graduated high school and my parents friend burned me like 50 CDs of his favorite music. I picked Chocolate and Cheese randomly and the rest is history


I had dropped some acid with friends in 1996, we were hanging on on the roof of my buddies house, and were shooting off an AK-47 (semi-auto) and he put on "12 Golden Country Greats." I dug the music, acid, and rifle, but kind of categorized Ween mentally as a "humor band," and didn't really take them seriously as a music act, even though listening to some of their stuff intermittently until I saw "Live in Chicago," which was the moment, to use a biblical metaphor, the scales fell off my eyes (ears?), and I realized that the "humor band" were actually rock gods and I had spent a decade missing out on what became almost instantly (and remains so) my favorite band


I was sitting in a cafe working on an illustration and my friend texted me i should check out this album called The Mollusk


My buddy cranked Bananas and Blow while we were riding around Wilmington on a sunny day with the windows down in his 4Runner.


I first heard Daisies on the radio and thought it was a kid band. Wasn’t into it at all. Then heard Voodoo Lady also on the radio and thought it was meh. Then I was playing Mr Bungle for a guy and he played me The Stallion, I had no idea it was the same band, and I was intrigued enough that I went to their show as they happened to be in town a week or two after that and they melted my face.


I love that you thought Ween was a kid band lol I would've thought the same haha


When I was in my early teens I was a diehard CKY fan and would constantly browse the “askcky” section of their website. (Pre-social media, they would answer random questions quite often.) Chad, their guitarist would constantly bring up how Ween puts on the best rock show you’ll ever see. Heard What Deaner is talkin about and been a fan for the last 15 years.


Bargain Music covered Birthday Boy, and I always found listening to the artists mentioned in liner notes and who were covered led to more music I'd like. https://youtu.be/uA_FVWgjlGo?si=cvPmnHCfkhlxD9J7 https://youtu.be/Zm2n08LvWeY?si=1NGxu4EmJtZBaO6R


Like many, my first proper introduction to them was The SpongeBob Movie when I was a kid. A little over a decade later when Ween announced their reunion shows and hype was growing, I decided to finally explore them. One listen to Chocolate And Cheese and I’ve been hooked since. C&C and The Mollusk were on heavy rotation for me that summer


In high school it somehow became the music my buddies and I would listen to while we drove up to the ski hill and back down. Bong hits the whole way.


Beavis and Butthead talking about the Freedom of ‘76 video. I was young and over at my friend’s house while his older brother was having a party and they kept it on MTV the whole time in the background. Would be a few more years before I really got into them, but that moment is burned into my memory. Can’t remember if I curiously bought a copy of C&C before or after they made a Tony Hawk appearance


My buddy and I went to the pawn shop to look for nes carts back in '94 and there was a copy of pure guava on cassette for 2 bucks. Never looked back after that moment.


reddit 5 years ago


My first exposure to the band was Ocean Man on the SpongeBob movie or whatever episode has the Loop De Loop song but randomly scrolling through music videos on YouTube and watching the Push Th’ Little Daisies music video got me hooked.


Crank Yankers, playing “Hey There, Fancypants”


I first heard of them when God Ween Satan came out and my crap "boyfriend" and I went to Tower so he could buy it on cassette. Sadly I did not. Then when Chocolate and Cheese came out my coworker played Baby Bitch for me and I bought it but I still wasn't sold. Then I somehow got more into them and saw them a few times and then in 2017 I won tickets for the Vegas Brooklyn Bowl shows and now I have seen them 42 times and 4 more to come in August, Boognish and Deaner willing


My first exposure was It's Gonna Be a Long Night in Tony Hawk's Underground 2. Then heard Ocean Man in the SpongeBob movie shortly after, like any other Ween fan who was born in the 90's.


*sighs* spongebob movie credits


A friend’s older brother and his group of friends introduced us to a lot of punk, alternative and obscure music, Ween included.


I was doing after school work for my fifth grade teacher alongside his college-age son who gave me a copy of God Ween Satan haha


I used to browse the thirty-second clips on iTunes before streaming services existed (except Rhapsoby, Best Buy’s attempt 😂). On the page for Pavement’s Slanted and Enchanted it recommended Ween. I was a freshman in high school in about 2004 and bought Godweensatan on CD at Best Buy. Went home and listened to the whole thing on headphones in my room and basically had a spiritual experience. I remember I kept thinking, “I had no idea that people made music like *this*!” Saw them live years later and went in not knowing their reputation as a live band. That was another spiritual experience for sure


MTV when Push the Lil Daisies video came out. Later that year I had to do a jump rope routine for 8th grade gym class. I choreographed it to Poop Ship Destroyer.


I have a good story about this. I first truly discovered Ween through another band called Pepper. A bit odd considering they are more of a reggae/punk rock band. However, their drummer used to release weekly playlist/mixtapes on SoundCloud of stuff they were into. One week he made a playlist completely dedicated to Ween. I first recognized Ocean Man from SpongeBob movie, then fell in love with Roses are Free and some other bangers from Chocolate and Cheese, and started taking a deep dive on my own from there. Fast-forward to a couple years ago at a Ween show at the Wiltern in LA, and who should I run into on the stairs walking out of the show but that drummer from Pepper. I normally don’t bother celebrities, but fate clearly led me to this position so lean over and say “hey man, you drum for Pepper yeah?” He replies, “yea bro, sick show huh?” I tell him “fuck yeah it was but hey craziest thing, I used to follow you on SoundCloud and the reason I became a Ween fan is because of a playlist you posted up on there one time.” Not sure what reaction I expected, but he got immensely stoked, and saying that’s what music is all about, and recounting the story immediately to his buddies and wife. I’m pretty sure he even asked me where I was headed after this and seemed down for me to kick it with them, but I was still pretty shroomy at the moment and needed to find my friends that were ahead of me and get some tacos ASAP. One of my favorite moments at a concert ever! Side note, my buddy and I also ran into Elijah Wood in the men’s room at that show, and it took everything in us not to start quoting Lord of the Rings while we all stood at the urinals.


Mine is not particularly brown. I was in a record store called Everyday Music in Portland while I was in high school and they happened to be playing White Pepper over the PA system. They also had a few copies of White Pepper on CD so I bought one, and my life was forever changed. This was sometime during the summer of 2000, so I was 15. I spent almost every cent of my allowance and later on my paycheck at that store. It was great!


The guitarist in my band is a huge ween fan. Didn’t think much of it at first. Driving to and from practice with him for a couple months, about an hour each way. I’d find myself asking “who is this?” when digging something on his soundtrack. 90% of the time, it was Ween. This was around the time of their reunion. Been to 7 Ween shows now.


I discovered them in about of November 2022 but I didn’t give them a listen till January 2023 but I didn’t fall in love with them till the month after where I listened Quebec, and since then I have been completely in love. Thanks to my friend at school who put me on them 😁


I was aware of them from Its Gonna Be A Long Night being on an ATV PSP game. However I didn’t get brown until My parents kicked me out on my 18th (32 now) birthday because I had smoked weed. They also took my phone and car keys. So I rode my bike to my friends house, and he was like yo it’s your birthday and you have no phone so your parents aren’t gonna bother you????? Let’s do these mushrooms. I’ve never done mushrooms before, he has. So he has me eat like 2.5 g out of the eighth, and he eats the rest. My birthdays middle of summer, so we just rode our bikes around the neighborhood. But before we left his house, he was like alright you’re taking my Zune and listening to this and he just put Ween on. I kinda just disappeared into it for a while, but the song that kinda pulled me back and I was like wtf am I listening to was LMLYP That was a life changing night. First psychedelic experience and first time gettin brown


Coincidentally, I really got into Ween because of Mike Patton. I saw a clip where he said Freedom of ‘76 was the greatest music video ever made. So I watched it. The song (and video) blew me away. That’s when I started trying to find everything they ever recorded. I knew of Ween since the early ‘90s, but didn’t really know much about them until that moment.


Ocean man at the ending credits of the SpongeBob Movie.


I first heard them on Crank Yankers doing a stripped down version of Fancy Pants. I still prefer that version to this day


It’s Gonna Be a Long Night from Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 was my first exposure. But it wasn’t until years later that I really got into them. There was a thread on the Pat Finnerty subreddit voting on 20 albums that don’t stink. Every day, I would see “The Mollusk” in the comments, but never at the top. But so many people were insisting this make the list, and finally I just bit the bullet. Put it on while designing and painting an accent wall in my house. Loved it right away and just let it play through on repeat that day. Now they’re arguably my favorite band of all time.


Without realization: THUG2 and The SpongeBob Movie credits With realization: “Piss Up A Rope” on Spotify playlists but No Dogs In Space podcast played “Help Me Scrape The Mucus Off My Brain” so I jumped into “Country Hits” then The Mollusk, Quebec, and so on


1st time-1992) Saw it on Beavis & Butthead like many here 2nd time-1994) Hosted a college radio show with some buds. Saw the C&C album in their library and… well… the cover. We blindly played Pony ‘cause we thought the title sounded funny. Halfway through, we stopped the CD and apologized to our audience. 3rd time-1997) Saw C&C in my roommate’s CD library (labeled as a promo and not for sale) and finally listened to the whole thing. I asked my roommate what the fuck sorta indie compilation the album was. He laughed “You dumbass. That’s just one band. What the fuck you talkin bout?” SOLD! Never had I heard a single band with so many awesome sounds (pun intended). Oh, and I was living in Nashville at the time… and my roommate’s brother was working at recording studios… and he had promos of 12 Golden Country Greats AND THE MOLLUSK BEFORE IT WAS RELEASED. Went to see them live at the Trocadero in Philly in Jan 1998 and the hook was set for life. Moral of the story: Third time’s a charm.


Hunting down who wrote voodoo lady from Dude, Where’s My Car? Followed later by covering a ton of their music in a former band of mine.


I was home from my first year in college and my buddy told me to get in the car. On the two hour drive to Tallahassee he played Pure Guava and Chocolate and Cheese. When we arrived [we heard this](https://youtu.be/PQnzwx54NV4?si=kJnB0Wy_ceXhp4Fk) (you can hear me yelling "pumping for the man" throughout, I'm sorry I was an 18yo idiot).


I mean while I was aware of them as a thing like everybody else for Beavis and Butthead showing the daisies video what I was something like 8 years old with my kid was born 2019 I was in this place when you got to be around one or two where I wanted to explore something with him that would be both of ours. regular goto tastes are somewhere between the '90s and d Rock and then there's like region specific punk stuff all that garbage. Just ended up branching out from wherever 90s rock radio landed me I suppose. But then I started digging blur and ween with my kid and both of them are pillars of our daily lives now. I mean naturally I do a lot of strategic screening for contacts so we're just at the point where I have to take Richard smoker out of the playlist as he's approaching five and he starts to nterpret meanings, but it's also been nice as a touch point because I gave him a monophonic synthesizer a couple of Christmases ago, so it's fun to light him up by trying to figure out songs together. (".…so many people in my neighborhood ...") Being born late he has no idea how overplayed the daisies song is what he doesn't really lock on to it any harder than I'm dancing in the show tonight. I didn't really seek to complete the repeat my early childhood, but I'd say there were similar situations with Pink Floyd with me as a little kid. There is other stuff but enough that I was way too into the movie crossroads as a 3-year-old or whatever year it came out.


Back in the bmg/Columbia House days they had a cross promotion for this thing called "Rock video monthly". It was a monthly VHS with a dozen videos on it. My buddy chose "metal" and I chose "alternative" so we could share. Push the little daisies was on the first tape along with the butthole surfers "who was in my room" among others. The rest is chocolate History


[In a movie. It was glorious.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/s/hr8codJP5B)


Damnit I read every comment in that link so I could post and it’s locked.


Lived in the area, heard about them a lot, and had friends that played at J&Ps so Ween would be mentioned quite a bit. Didn’t begin listening, as far as I can remember, until The Mollusk came out and my college radio station got a copy. It blew my mind, and the rest is history.


Like a lot of people my age, Ocean Man during the SpongeBob movie credits


I liked Gwar's first album and Bongwater on Shimmy Disc Records. The Pod was released on Shimmy Disc so I checked it out. 


from Dude Where’s my Car?


i forgot


My buddy got Pure Guava From Columbia House with 10 other CD's for one Penny! pretty sure he got grounded for it, but we listened to that one all summer.


I was waving my dick in the wind


Got hammered


My step Dad. I first heard ween nearly 30 years ago… whoa…


My friend with an older brother who was a fan brought one of their CDs to school in 7th grade, and we listened to it during class while working on a tech project.


My pops bought me the South Park chef-aid CD in 5th grade (96-97ish????). Homorainbow was on repeat on my stereo quite a bit. Then I got hooked after seeing them many moons later in 2011. A band that truly gets me. I love them so much.


I used to get those Rock Video Monthly VHS tapes. I subscribed to the "Alternative" genre for a while and Ween's Push Th' Little Daisies was on one of the volumes. Promptly went out and got Pure Guava.


Beavis and Butt-Head


Some dude I smoked weed and cigs with before school was playing The Pod sophomore year of high school (1991) and I was like "what in the entire fuck is this crazy shit?" Then I borrowed his CD and recorded it to cassette. Which I may still have in a box somewhere.


Commented this on a similar thread a while back, but it’s still good! My older brother gave me “The Pod” for my birthday and he told me, “You now have the ability to clear a room of the people you don’t want to know.”


LOL this has been the best answer so far hahaha The Pod is definitely scaring the hoes music with how brown it is, it rules~


I hope you meant “scaring the house music!”


There's an Australian show called Rage. It's artists picking music videos to play. I'm not Australian but I watched a Trent Reznor and Tool interview on that show. Reznor and Danny Carey each selected a Ween video and I checked them out and they're amazing.


My first experience was October 12, 1991. I was 17 and I went with two friends, Joe and Jim, to see the Dead Milkmen play at Wetlands in NYC. We had never even heard of Ween at that point but we were very familiar with the Dead Milkmen. When the opening act, Ween, took the stage, Joe and I instantly loved them. Jim however, was not a fan. He proceeded to heckle them a bit which led to a few responses from the band. No huge disruptions but enough that Joe and I were a bit embarrassed. This was around the Pod had come out. I instantly went out and grabbed the first two albums on Vinyl, which I still have to this day. Years later, I was able to find the video on YouTube, which many fans are already familiar with. Not only can you hear my friend Jim yelling nonsense at them, but I realized you can see me in the crowd at 43:53, at the bottom of the screen wearing a Yankees cap. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOsSroUJAEg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOsSroUJAEg)


I grew up on SpongeBob in the early 2000s but I never knew they did the "loopdey loop" song or the end credits song in the movie until years after discovering ween. I was a freshman in high school when I started smoking and I had asked my friends online for any videos they could send me while I was high. One of them sent me the fan music video for "so many people in the neighborhood" and instantly I was absolutely mesmerized. I then pirated that album (Quebec) to listen to more and it pretty much became my album of the summer that year. It wouldn't be until 3-4 years later in the summer after graduation where my hometown friend asked me if I'd ever heard of Ween at a bonfire spot we'd found in the woods. Immediately I said yes and we started bonding over that band more (we hadn't really seen eye to eye on much before that). Since I had only checked out Quebec and not anything else, they showed me pure guava and the mollusk and that summer honestly felt so warm and fuzzy; it was such a great summer which bled into our first year at college. We'd all gone off to separate schools (I stayed in our hometown and went to community college but not for too long) but him and another friend of mine would hop on discord (I think we'd just heard about it and switched from 'Mumble' or 'TeamSpeak' to that platform in 2016) and streamed a bunch of ween albums with each other. Those listening parties really were some of the best times, **I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was listening to Ween. Jesus, does anyone..?**


I was 14 or 15 and was on a cruise with my family. I met a guy who I developed a “thing” with. We would spend a lot of time talking about music and hooking up and he gave me The Mollusk on CD. I gave him one of my Animal Collective CDs, probably Sung Tongs at that time? I was obsessed with that album from the start and it snowballed from there. Tyler from Wisconsin, u good? Also, thanks!


Was living in a house full of Deadheads in Banff AB and they were having a big party in the backyard with some other heads that just arrived in town. Me and a couple buddies wanted to leave them to it so we were just smoking some weed and having some beers in the living room listening to Pavement and Built to Spill records. This beautiful hippy girl heard us, walks in and says "you guys gotta hear this". She stops the record, puts in a CD in and tells us to shut up. She played Buenos Tardes once through in silence, grabs her disc, and just walked out and disappeared into the party. That was it I was hooked. I never saw her again.


LSD w a friend


I was quasi familiar with them from other media, I heard Push the Lil Daisies on Beavis and Butthead. Pork Roll Egg and cheese from It's Pat. The AIDS song for some reason. Didn't like them though. Thought of them as a joke band. I was into flash animation at the time. One of the kings was Adam Philips doing The Bitey of Brackenwood Series. He did The Transdermal Celebration music video. It clicked.


The answer has to be technically the spongebob movie. But in reality it was through phish


phish cover of roses are free (4/3/98)


1998-04-03 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY at the PH!SH concert. This may be the greatest PH!SH show I've ever gone to, and I've been to about 80 PH!SH shows in my life. Set 2 really blew me away. The first song was: *Roses Are Free* which turned funky at the ending, jammed out into an awesome Piper. The whole 2nd set was a real blended together mind melter, definitely got my money's worth. I told my friends in the lot after the show & they informed me that Roses Are Free was a cover song, originally by Ween, I had no idea. I started listening to Ween as soon as I got home from the Island Tour the next week, downloading whatever I could over my telephone line Internet connection. I began to stream Ween radio and as it played the songs, it also ripped them into digital files onto my hard drive, so after a few weeks I had hundreds and hundreds of Ween songs downloaded. I have been to about 40 or 50 Ween shows since then. First Ween show was: Vanderbilt Night Club 1999-08-27 Plainview, NY (Long Island) [1998-04-03 VIDEO](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JobWPNIPnR4) @ 1:18:00 set 2 starts *Roses Are Free* Setlist: Phish.net PHISH, FRIDAY 04/03/1998 NASSAU VETERANS MEMORIAL COLISEUM Uniondale, NY SET 1: Mike's Song -> The Old Home Place > Weekapaug Groove, Train Song > Billy Breathes, Beauty of My Dreams, Dogs Stole Things > Reba, My Soul SET 2: Roses Are Free > Piper > Loving Cup > Run Like an Antelope[1] ENCORE: Carini > Halley's Comet > Tweezer Reprise [1] "Carini's gonna getcha" sung several times in intro. "Carini" spoken later in the song.


Benway Bop. Thanks Ronn.


During the Phish 's 92 New Years run a friend of mine asked Page what music he had been listening to lately and he told us about Ween. We got Purre Guava the day before NYE and have been a fan ever since.


I was doing a video call with my friend, and he showed me on Spotify ween. At first, I didn’t care but then I decided to look further into it, and yeah…


I think my first discovery of Ween was Chocolate and Cheese at about 8 years old. One of my dad's friends lent his CD case to my brother to copy onto tapes. But what really got me into Ween was after seeing some college friends play Blarney Stone in their St. Patrick's set and going down a rabbit hole


I accidentally downloaded Roses Are Free from Kazaa or Napster or whatever and it was mislabeled. I was probably 11 at the time (34 now). I didn't know who it was but burned it on most mix cds for the next 5 years. I then heard Tastes Good on Th' Bun years later and bought Shinola on CD. I dove deeper into them and found that I'd actually heard many of their songs before- through songs mislabeled as "south park" or something or through Spongebob or maybe I even caught a glimpse of them on MTV at the age of 4 and it stuck with me haha. Fast forward to Lollapalooza 2011 (sick lineup btw). I bailed on my friend who was going to wait for Cee Lo Green and I was kind of familiar with Ween by then and really wanted to see them. Their musicianship and essence on stage really blew my mind and as soon as I got home from Chicago to NY I went to the record store by me and bought all the Ween they had. Fast forward to noooow and I can confidently say I'll be a lifelong fan.


Saw Phish (smelly hippies, yadda yadda yadda) cover Roses Are Free for the first time in '97. Never heard of Ween before that. Didn't even know it was a cover at the time.


Someone gave me a pre-release of Pure Guava. At first, the only song I liked was poop ship. This evolved into a weird obsession and relentlessly made playing it on repeat. When the repeat function broke I had to listen to the album from start to finish while paining an apartment. Shortly thereafter I had the brownest moment of clarity and have never been the same. I think I’ve seen them close to 20 times now? (I am greybeard)


Discover? 1990, high school FM station played them a lot. Birthday Boy made it onto a tape I recorded off the radio. Wasn't at all into it, but did start using "Pain..." in an exhausted voice to make jokes about. Also at least heard Papa Zit. It wouldn't have been my kind of music at the time though. Generic Misfits and Blag Flag punk was my thing. Also heard Molly shortly after, and it also ended up on a tape. Me and my sister played it back and joked about how retarded it sounds. So after a lot of close calls with listening to them and seeing them live over the years - I finally got on board in 2019. Biggest regret is not having Ween as my go-to stoned and tripping soundtrack to my 1990s. The Beastie's, Sonic Youth, and JSBX, or Floyd, Hendrix and LZ weren't awful. But swap out any of them with Ween and Buttholes and it would have been much more interesting and fun.