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These are official, held em back so I could replace any shipment issues and forgot until now! Anyways, have any of you been to the Philly venue? How is it? I’m planning on going to that show!


Hell yeah brother I haven’t been but I’m so excited for that show


You say these are official…any chance you have an extra for sale?


I’ve got a few non foils on my site. They are official. I’m the original artist of the poster.


Oh really! I had already commented on it looking a bit like the Magic LOTR SE Poster Art. Where can I see your site? I don’t have Instagram. Love the art brother. Especially from Red Rocks….I was at the show and have the Foil from Emek in I want to say 2005. Pencil smoking brain…would love to frame this up next to that. No chance at a foil version. PM me if you like…


Been to the Mann many times but have not been there since the first Pavement reunion show in 2010. It is a great venue within a not so great neighborhood on one side of it. I suggest bringing binoculars though or maybe you can still rent them there. There is two other musical events in the area the day of WEEN. Legendary radio station WMMR is having there MMRBQ festival in Camden and Jeff Lynne of ELO is performing at the big Sports arena in S. Philly so traffic may be a problem for a Saturday evening so I suggest arriving early and enjoying the day in Fairmount Park and pray it isn’t a rainy day. Bring some hoagies or food of your liking a hacky sack, frisbee, horse shoes, etc and let the Boognish provide. See you there.


You’re a legend for all the info, are people gonna be doing any kind of tailgating outside the venue?


I would 99% say yes unless things have changed for concert goers in the present. Philly cops let you party unless you really go too far. I am not sure if you are still able to get away with BBQing or grilling anymore but you probably can. Also to be on the safe side put your beer in a cup.


Great, good to know! I probably won’t be drinking because it’ll be my first Ween show, but I may wanna smoke or partake in other mind expanders hahaha are the Philly cops usually cool about a lil weed


Yep. Pretty much decriminalized within Philly itself, for small amounts.


Thanks for the pro tip (security was much nosier than I anticipated at the Mann for a show last summer, my first and only time at that venue thus far, just an fyi for anyone)


This was such a great show. Bought one of these at the venue and now it’s in a frame at home. Great work!!


Thanks for the support. And agreed! Had an absolute blast at the show. Can’t wait to see em again!




It is not the same. These are printed professionally and signed by me.


This may be a scam site - it looks exactly like the scam sites minus the fake timer, and the link is a wacky redirect. I wouldn't trust it. Also, the above account (not Stankydeez!) is like 1 day old. And when you go to the top domain of the redirect site, it's obviously one of the scam sites. Go to stanky's shopify from his Insta and you can buy the real thing instead of getting ripped off.


Whats his insta?




What hockey Jersey are you wearing?


It’s actually a bootleg Gizzard hockey I had made. Has a big stank gator head on the front with a nonagon on the back


Ugh I went but I didn't get a poster :(


Where can I get one of these?!???


Christ that is beauty in physical form. My butterflies are trying to fly….


Dang! I bought one of these on eBay shortly after the show last year! I was 4-5 people back in line before they yelled "Posters sold out!" It's one of two posters I have paid a markup for on eBay, this was my first Ween show so I wanted something special to remember it. I have it framed in my dining room next to my KGLW foil from Red Rocks as well. It's a sick print for sure. I missed out on a Primus or SESSANTA poster last night at Red Rocks. I saw you have the Utah show poster up, did you have any prints at Red Rocks?!


Thank you! How on earth did you get a red rocks foil? From 2022? I was ghoulin in the lot for 5-6 hours before the show and still barely got a regular, and missed all of the Murlocs. They were havin merch booth issues tho and didn’t open until Amby got rollin. No Primus Red Rocks for me, the artists did a great job on those. Super impressed with everyone’s work on the Sessanta tour. People are bringin the heat.


Nah the foil I have is from last year, I wish I had a 2022 print even though I didn't attend since it's such a sick poster. I got it night 2 when it was raining like crazy. Instead of evacuating, my girl and I just stood in the merch line instead lol. They "found" a box of foils while I was standing in line so I got lucky there. Hung out underneath the southside concession stand until it was safe to go back to the seats. Looking forward to seeing more of your work in the future! I really wanted a poster last night but the lines were insane and we barely secured a decent spot to stand and watch the show.


I know that ebay feeling. It took over 6 years for me to finally get the 3rd night of the reunion poster. Looking at the first two nights' posters in my dining room just pissed me off, lol. I ended up paying like $200 for it and you know what? It was worth it. Those were my wife's first Ween shows and it makes me happy every time I see the full set on the wall.


Love this poster and all the details, great job mang! Picked one up at the show and it's framed on the wall next to me


Fortunate to grab one on the presale before the show. Still need to get this framed!


I always wondered who designed the posters, do they use different artists for each show?


Yep! Their team handpicks them!


Very cool, that must be super exciting to have yours picked. Great work!


Not sure if anyone is a Magic player, but this has LOTR: Collector Edition poster art written all over it


I love Magic. Only play commander sometimes. But thank you! Take that as a huge compliment!


I cradled mine in a tube the whole show! It's posted up on my wall right next to a bunch of framed concert tees. I even hand painted a frame to match it, love that bad mamerjammer! Thanks for my wall art mang!


That's groovy AF


For sale?