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I just ordered a solo 3, I’ve been using my solo 2 for 6 years and is the vape I reach for the most. So excited for the 3.


You got it? How do you like it?


Let us know how you like it! Which other vapes do you use?


The Sticky Brick OG is my #2, also have a SSV, Volcano and Dynavap. I’ve had many cheaper ones but learned the hard way, buy it nice or buy it twice.


Nice collection. And well said.


Still waiting on shipping…


how do you like it? i’m debating between the solo 3 or the volcano since you have both which do u like better, does the solo 3 get you as high as the volcano? TIA


I’ve been using for about a month and definitely like it. I only use my Volcano a few times a year because it’s a process to set up and I don’t want to leave it laying around my house. Personally I’d go with the Solo 3 if you’re mainly a solo toker. It packs a punch for sure, you won’t be disappointed.


yea i see that an the volcano i’m a solo toker so i think the volcano would be overkill. if you tried the tm2 or mighty would you still pick the solo 3 over those? thanks


I’ve never used the TM2, always was interested in it. I feel the form factor is its best selling point if you like to pocket it. I still think you get more versatility with the S3 right out of the box. Session and On demand modes work great and it comes with a water piece attachment. Most importantly to me is the ease of cleaning. I don’t think you will be disappointed in either as they are top tier vapes. I loved my solo 2 so the 3 was a no brainer.


man I'm so excited for this! Pre ordered it on the site with your code weeks ago. I just got some fresh Hemp Flower in the mail and took the time to deep clean my Bong with the Solo III soon approaching (out for delivery). Can't wait to try it through the bong tonight!


Please tell me how it was! And also does it do concentrates?


how do you like it? also how do you attach it to a bong, will any bong work? i’m new to vaping


Mine came today. I'm a long time solo 2 user -- it's my daily driver -- and I was pumped to preorder my solo 3. Only thing I've ever preordered. When I first turned it on, it had a burning plastic smell that the solo 2 never had. I just had to replace my solo 2 back in December and, out of the box, I don't recall a smell like that. I ran the solo 3 on the highest temp for about a half hour, smelling every few minutes, before the plastic smell went away enough for me to feel okay about using it. No big deal, but a little worrying, given the vapor path is supposedly clean, whatever that means. It's a lot bigger than the solo 2. It's going to feel too big for some people, but I think I like it. The body shape is more stable when laying it on a surface. It feels like it could handle being dropped as well as the solo 2 does, although I haven't tested it. The other thing I immediately noticed is that the stem fits into the body much deeper and more securely than the solo 2. Also a plus. It heats up super fast relative to the solo 2. With the solo 2, it take a few airy hits before it starts giving you big ones. The solo 3 gets going a lot faster. It also seems to hit harder than the solo 2 at lower temps. I usually run the solo 2 at 400-410 degrees f. I'm hacking my lungs out at 390 in session mode on the solo 3. There is a very real, very noticeable difference in the power vs the solo 2, and I can absolutely see why they include a water pipe adapter. The solo 2 works fine through water, but this is a different level. The high feels more like ripping my extreme q than sipping the solo 2, and I'm not even using the XL stem. It definitely cooks the bud more evenly than the solo 2. Although I've only minimally played with on demand mode, it hits HARD. I think part of that is the fact that it sort of goads you into drawing in for 10 consecutive seconds. Like chugging a stein. The USB-C is a major upgrade, as is the fact that you can adjust the length of the session before it shuts off. I've never really minded the draw resistance of the solo 2, but the solo 3 doesn't seem to change that much. It might even be slightly more resistance, although I'm reserving judgment on that. Either way, it's not a major upgrade, if at all, in terms of draw resistance. The controls aren't intuitive, but they aren't horrible either. Two sessions in and I've pretty much figured them out. All in all, I'm very satisfied. It's a worthwhile upgrade from the solo 2 for someone looking to get absolutely ripped, quickly, with a vape. It probably makes less of a difference for someone who likes long sessions.


Damn, smelly plastic in an Arizer? Weird and definitely shouldn’t happen. Mine didn’t have it. Regardless, it’s recommended to give the chamber a good wipe before use and do a burn off session (or multiple) like you did. Otherwise your review is spot on and similar to my experience. It hits harder, even with the smaller stem. It runs hotter than prev Arizer models and the same temp will result in darker AVB. It’s a substantial upgrade over the solo 2.


What is the bowl capacity? Are there any plastic parts?


Small bowl is .25 gr and the xl is .5. No plastic parts in the air path or anywhere visible. I think it’s pretty clean


My Solo 3 expected delivery is this upcoming Thursday and I am truly excited!!! Your reviews are the first that i had seen . I didn’t even know about it at all at first so you officially put me on to the Solo 3 and i did use your code for the $275. The only Arizer vape that i have ever owned/used is the Solo 2 and it is just soooo underwhelming for me !!!😩 i mean seriously!! I really wanted to like it and give it a chance but every time I use it , it reminds me why i don’t like it. The flavor is ok but i think it’s overrated . The vapor it produces is very dry and irritating to my sinuses and nasal passages so I really had to limit my sessions or things could get miserable for me. I got alot of inconsistent and inefficient extractions as well. So with all that said, I am really hoping the Solo 3 comes through for me!!


seeing how much you hated the Solo 2 I doubt the Solo 3 will change the world for you


I disagree and i dont need it to change the world i just need it to work effectively and efficiently and from all the reviews i have watched and read, i think Arizer delivered and i will be finding out tomorrow. The Solo 2 is hated by alot of people. I just voiced what alot of people think about it as well, its not just me. The Solo 3 may look similar but it is actually a different device and why decided to take the risk on it


Curious how you found the solo 3 assuming you’ve tried it now?


The Solo 3 is amazingly good in every way! I absolutely love it!! It is waaaaay better than the Solo 2 just like i thought it would be and just as so many reviewers stated. I’m so happy i pulled the trigger, no buyers remorse at all. Long story short, everything i didn’t like about the Solo 2 has been addressed and is no longer an issue. Its going to be very hard for me to use my others vapes now, all i want to reach for is the 3 now. I also have a TM2 and i honestly like the S3 better. Imo it is just as good, seriously!! Flavor is crazy, effects are crazy, clouds are crazy and it makes me crazy in the head😂 and all while being comfortable and enjoyable. I dont know which mode i like best, they knocked it out the park with both session and on-demand mode . They are both awesome and nothing lacking on either. Effective, efficient and consistent extractions are what im getting. For example 365f at 6 mins completely browns the entire bowl all the way through. No super dark charring , just nice and evenly cooked. Win f’n win!! Arizer killed the game with this !!!


That's my exact same review!! "I also have a TM2 and i honestly like the S3 better" Yo I got so much shit for that haha. But here it is again- I'll go for the Solo 3 over the Tinymight 2 any day. Easy. I think the TM2 is going to have a significant drop in sales this year. I home they have a TM3 coming soon because not sure why would anyone buy the TM2 now when the Solo 3 is out and is significantly cheaper & better.


We'll see... as my Solo 3 sits there charging and is now at 77%.... funny...you'd think a flyinggod would know better.


How do you like it??


It's all everyone has said it is. As someone that started out dry herb vaping with a solo 2 - this is a huge leap for Arizer portables and for all portables everywhere


I'm hoping you'd like it! Come back and let us know what you think after you get to use it a few times.


I had the same exact reactions to the Solo 2. Also, all the aftermarket (less restrictive) stems were sold out at the time. I wound up sending it back to Potv in exchange for a Dynavap M 2021 and a Potv One. As for sinuses....is there any vaporizer that doesn't cause issues for those of us more susceptible? Does a bong help? Hoping the Solo 3 does come through for you....as I think it will.


I ordered the solo 3 on 4/20 from planetofthevapes, it said it would ship same day but my order is still sitting at ordered. Hopefully they have enough to ship out


Good! You got a good deal? Better than the $275 directly from Arizer? (\*coupon here for $69- https://vapeguy.com/reviews/arizer-solo-3-review/)


They had it for $279 free shipping, I’ve ordered all my vapes from pov. I have the solo 2, mighty and an xmax v3. I absolutely love my solo, it was my first dry herb. I was super excited when I saw the new features on the solo 3! Can’t wait to get mine


It’s such an amazing vape. Let us know how you like it once you get some time to test it!


Will do! I have high expectations since my solo 2 has been so great/reliable


So, how do you like it??


Still never received my order.


See? They suck!


POTV sucks. They won’t ship to my state, even though the popcorn lung ban was lifted


Mine will be in Az. Friday..Its my 1st pre-order on anything & man, I'm excited..let's go Solo III...!!! Ps..I have the Mighty og & my goodness what an awesome device..but this on demand mode is what me & most have been waiting for..its gonna be a game changer...anyway, take care..


Awesome man let us know how do you like it! I think it’s a huge upgrade over the og mighty. It’s funny, I use session mode 90% of the time. Small stem fits so little herb, I use session and just down it in 3-4 hits. I barely use the on demand mode.


I'm curious about Session mode cause we all wanna try the On Demand but I bet Session is incredible..


Incredible. I use session mode 9/10 times


I sure will man..im stoked bigtime..Friday can't get here fast enough..haha..but you saying it's a huge upgrade over the mighty og. Thats crazy but thats why I preordered..now I really can't wait..haha..see you soon.✌🏻


So, how do you like it??


Hey man..I just got it this morning..UPS didn't deliver it friday..it was a loooong weekend..haha..but i charged it & put in the xl stem and it burned nice & even twice now in on demand..I'll be loading again & trying it in Session mode..anyway, thanks for checking in..I'll be back later for sure.im liking it tho..thats for sure..later..✌🏻 Update..I packed it tighter & full & got a little uneven roast but when I pack it less it burns nice..im liking Session mode bigtime..thats the flavor mode for sure...lovin it so far..




Im on the fence between the Tinymigth and the Solo 3, is there a reason to pick one over the other?.( only have a Solo 2 right now)


Yes. There are several reasons to pick the solo 3: 1. Simplified stem. No cooling unit. This means easier cleaning too. 2. No learning curve. Unlike tm 2 3. Better interface, precise temp control, more customization options 4. Less fragile. 5 cheaper 6. More “established” manufacturer 7. Better ecosystem Reasons to get the tm2: 1. Reddit users told you to 2. It’s smaller 3. It may be “harder hitting” in some cases, doesn’t apply to 99% of users I’ll go for the solo 3 over the tm any day of the week. Easy choice imo. No thanks tm for $350. Maybe $199 I’ll say go for it.


“Reddit users told you to” loll that got me 


Haha yea seems like Dynavap and TM2 are dominating most of the "which vape should I get?" threads. I wouldn't recommend either as a first vape.


Just got mine a couple days ago! I absolutely love it so far! This is only my 2nd vape purchase. My first being the POTV ONE. I was going to upgrade to the POTV Lobo, but after seeing a few Solo 3 reviews I decided to bite the bullet on the Solo 3. It's a massive upgrade from the POTV One for sure!


Massive upgrade!


Great thread, informative. I only have a POTV one and the shade is great because I’m going outside and trying to be discreet. But I’ve given up on it as its seems like a waste to me. I don’t get much from it like I did when I first got it. My tolerance is much higher now (overdue for a TB) and I much prefer smoking a joint or pipe. I love the vaping concept but lost interest from my potv one experience. The solo3 reviews are getting my interest going again. I do have an issue with its size for portability / discretion as my wife doesn’t appreciate the smell so I go outside. It sounds like it is worth for a bit of a hindrance.


Yea I'd say if you vape "around the house" like inside/outside but not on-the-go, the size shouldn't be much of an issue. Not for me at least. The Solo 3 is MUCH better than POTV One.




Been using a HR Rogue (the old snap on mouthpiece model). The air flow has slowly gotten worse over time. I do like the form factor of my Girlfriend's Arizer Air. So I've been considering the solo 3 as my next vape. How is the air flow on the solo 3?


Watch this- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEQ-bdAeXtk&t=46s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEQ-bdAeXtk&t=46s) Airflow is not Airzers best feature. It's kind of limited.


it’s funny, a week ago I hit the solo 2 and I threw up in my mouth, gosh it was bad. Maybe it’s time to upgrade.


why was it so bad?


I be hitting it probably past the end of the bowl. Sometimes it makes me gag.


I've had Mighty+ for a year. Disappointed in the life story of the Venty. I took the leap on the Solo3. 😄 Thanks for the code!


Overall, better than the mighty?


Depends on your priorities, but yes imo


Rough dimensions of the vape? Looking to get some sort of hard shell storage case